View Full Version : Player Help Eldritch Knight help

2015-12-01, 05:57 AM
So I'm looking for a little advice. In my current group I'm playing a level 6 warforged eldritich knight stats of which are below. Other party memebers are Elements Monk, Tempest Cleric, Red Dragon Sorcerer and Arcane Trickster Rogue.

Str: 16 Dex:12 Con: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 9 Cha: 9

AC: 20 Hp: 45
Fighting Style: Defense
Feats: Keen Mind, Warcaster
Cantrips: Mold Earth, Shocking Grasp
Spells: Shield, Absorb Elements, Grease, Burning Hands

Gear: Chainmail, Shield, Adamantium Longsword

So my problem is that I'm finding it hard to be effective and contribute anything to the party bar being very hard to hit. Part of the problem I belive is that I have been trying to focus on the magic side due to fluff reasons and I'm starting to wish I had built the character as a Battle Master or just went a Wizard. I had orginally wanted to make him a wizard but another member wanted to play sorcerer so I changed to switched. I would just make a new character but damn it I'm enjoying this character fluff wise and RPing him is great fun so my DM has given me the choice of retraining since he knows I'm getting frustrated in combat.

So I'm torn on what to do, swap into Battle Master, drop 2 Fighter levels for Wizard or go full Wizard?

Also before someone advises I pick up Great Weapon Master that feat and Sharpshooter are banned. The DM thinks there too powerful. Also he isn't allowing anything from the Sword Coast Adventures Guide.

2015-12-01, 06:05 AM
Go full wizard. It is what you want to play from the sound of things.

You can also play the wizard quite differently to a sorcerer - they tend to do blasty spells, wizards can do controling spells better. With high int vs high charisma you should have a really different feel to the characters.

2015-12-01, 07:21 AM
Perhaps talk your DM into allowing a warforged to take the Bladesinger subclass for wizards? It's an eldritch knight, but with the focus on spellcasting rather than on fighting.

2015-12-01, 08:05 AM
Maybe just switch out your cantrips? Lightning Lure and Booming Blade would work extremely well, letting you pull out some magic while still laying the damage on thick.

I mean, next level you'll be able to grab War Magic, which is the point where the Eldritch Knight really shines.

2015-12-01, 08:08 AM
Go full wizard. It is what you want to play from the sound of things.

You can also play the wizard quite differently to a sorcerer - they tend to do blasty spells, wizards can do controling spells better. With high int vs high charisma you should have a really different feel to the characters.

Very true, I had thought about that. If I can persaude him to let me swap my stats about a little I could pull that off.

Perhaps talk your DM into allowing a warforged to take the Bladesinger subclass for wizards? It's an eldritch knight, but with the focus on spellcasting rather than on fighting.

Forgot to mention this, he isn't allowing anything from the SCAG I'll edit that in. It would have been a pretty good fit as well.