View Full Version : Player Help What is the best module to play an Undying Warlock?

2015-12-02, 01:20 PM
Between the three modules that Wizards has released (Tyranny of Dragons, Elemental Evil, and Out of the Abyss), which one would allow me to best utilize and enjoy the features of the Undying Warlock pact choice?

Having only ever played the Elemental Evil adventure, I feel like there are not very many undead in a typical module. Am I correct, or are there more undead in the other adventures?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Undying Pact, it is from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide just released by Wizards of the Coast.

2015-12-02, 02:54 PM
I have some experience in all of them, though I've completed none of them. I've read through all of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and can safely say that there are no undead scheduled for the story. Part II (Tyranny of Dragons) might have some, but I doubt it. That said, the early levels of Hoard are pretty deadly, so having someone who can give themselves temp HP and who can stabilize dying could be useful.

In Elemental Evil, you'll catch a few undead early on, but not too many after that.

I have the least experience with Out of the Abyss, but from what I hear from others, there's not a lot of undead.

All that said, there's a few easy ways in each to have your DM add in undead.

Also, the (extremely well-written) 'beginner's adventure', Lost Mines of Phandelver, has a decent helping of undead, especially towards the end.