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2015-12-02, 04:18 PM
is it doable to turn a legacy weapon in to a item familiar and if so
what would be the best weapon and legacy weapon build for a factotum/duskblade gestalt

Red Fel
2015-12-02, 04:30 PM
is it doable to turn a legacy weapon in to a item familiar and if so
what would be the best weapon and legacy weapon build for a factotum/duskblade gestalt

Is it doable? You'd have to check. As I recall, Item Familiars have certain prerequisites, as do Legacy Weapons. I'm not sure if one renders the item in question unsuitable for the other. You can easily replicate the effect, however; many Legacy Weapon abilities are simply new versions of Item Familiar properties, and vice-versa.

The question is why you want either. Item Familiars are feat-based items that augment your abilities and give you a few neat powers. The big advantage of an Item Familiar is the ability to invest xp or skill points or spell slots in it, and get stuff for free. If you don't need that advantage, a few special powers are a bit of a waste of a feat.

Legacy Weapons are specialized magic items that grow in power with you. They are also badly-written, perform poorly, and cost too much to your character; you generally do better simply buying an ordinary magic item that does what you want.

So why are you interested in one? Taking a Legacy Weapon or Item Familiar simply because of the name is like buying a Maserati to drive to and from work; just get a Toyota like everyone else, because more than that is just a waste.

2015-12-03, 09:56 AM
So why are you interested in one? Taking a Legacy Weapon or Item Familiar simply because of the name is like buying a Maserati to drive to and from work; just get a Toyota like everyone else, because more than that is just a waste.

Hey, those Maseratis look quite sexy for the 1 hour you use them per day. That's not to say that Toyota doesn't have some stunners, like the 2000 GT or gen 2 and 3 Supras.

Red Fel is right, though. Legacy Weapons are the Jaguars of old. They've got a fancy name, but unless you have a second one for spare parts, the first one isn't going to do you much good. Have you looked at the rules for intelligent items in AaEG/ DMG? Those might accomplish what you want, as might an Ancestral Weapon. I also recently mentioned giving a weapon UMD race/ class/ etc requirements in order to give it scaling power in another recent (read: within the last two weeks) thread, though I don't recall if you were the OP of that.

Edit: This is also me nitpicking, but I'd be less faux-OCD if you could please use capitalisation and punctuation in your posts.