View Full Version : [5E] Rise of the Runelords - Burnt Offerings

Deus Mechanicus
2015-12-02, 05:29 PM
The town of Sandpoint needs you.

Welcome to DM's 5e remix of Pathfinder's iconic Rise of the Runelords adventure path. It is my goal and job to present you with quests that will bring you from 1st to 20th level.

My running style is pragmatic. You will be placed into a situation and from then on you have complete control of the choices you make, unless you get ensorcelled or flabberjanxed in some form or another. The choices you make WILL affect your future. Be prepared to deal with the consequences that come of decisions that you make.

As this adventure will be following the 5th Edition core ruleset, you will be required to have a copy of the fifth edition Player's Handbook (PHB). I will often refer to rules here in the OOC thread, and they will be referenced either with a page number for the PHB or a link to a website with the pertinent information on it.

Character creation will be dealt with as normal using the rules in the PHB, however there is some added content that I will be introducing over the coming weeks that pertains to the creation and background of your characters.

As it is now the holiday season, I do not entertain the belief that this module will be on the go before Christmas 2015. We are all busy people, and if you have stumbled into this thread early, before the campaign is underway, I apologize; this thread is still under construction. I invite you to message me with a PC proposal while you wait, I'm hoping to welcome 2 - 4 additional cast to the digital table...

Your proposal should consist of no more than three paragraphs introducing your PC concept. Please, use the following campaign information posts in the development of your backgrounds. I do love good storytellers, and I have a PGGP badge that I flash with entitlement. Be warned.

It stands for PlayGround Grammar Police.

After your proposal is sent, I WILL reply letting you know if you've been accepted or not. No hard feelings. There are plenty of reasons that you may not be accepted, and these situations are always tough for DMs. This will be accomanied with a request to complete an attached character sheet that can be modified and sent right back once it is finished.

As the Forgotten Realms have newly become the official campaign setting for 5e, I have decided to take the countries of Varisia, the Land of the Linnorm Kings, and Beltzen from Pathfinder's Golarion and plop them smack dab in the middle of Halruaa and Dambrath for ease of use. It works. Especially since this is a relatively virgin corner of Faerun that not many know about. The rather bland and boring faiths of the Forgotten Realms are getting overhauled too, essentially becoming an amalgamation of Faerun's current gods and Golarion's much more enjoyable and fleshed out deities. There are three more subraces of human to choose from. I have also converted a number of items, feats, and spells that will be available for you to use and experience.

The coming weeks will see many administrative updates here on this thread to help you the players understand the concepts of the stage that your adventures will take place on. I welcome you once more to Deus Mechanicus' Rise of the Runelords 5E, where above all else...

...the town of Sandpoint needs you.