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View Full Version : "Always lands on their feet" Giants of the Playground ruling

2015-12-03, 12:52 AM
So, I saw this ability in home brew. This is the only relevant part of the equation.

"They also gain immunity to falling damage as long as they’re conscious and always land on their feet."

Boots of the Cat (pathfinder) also has a ruling that they are always on their feet at the end of a fall. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/boots-of-the-cat)

I want to know how you guys would rule it if two people/creatures with this ability were [tied/stitched/sewed] together such that they could not both land on their feet.

A sillier suggestion would be for them to constantly spin in an infinitely loop until they a) one of them loses the ability, or b) the condition that caused this situation is revoked (ie. they are no longer tied together, or some such). But then they never technically land...then again, it's because they couldn't legally land.

I was thinking something like... They break loose of bonds that force them to try and force them to not land on their feet, taking damage equal to the constraint's HP, and destroying the constraints.

...Then again, that could again lead to some silly situations if your bad guys like to do certain wrestling maneuvers.

OK, corollary: if the bonds that force them to try and not land on their feet is from the result of a grapple check, they simply break the grapple, and are free of the constraints and land on their feet instead.

2015-12-03, 02:00 AM
1st, that sounds silly. An ability that lets you negate fall damage simply because you landed on your feet. PF's boots of the cat are a much better implementation in terms of mechanics.

2nd, as for your answer I'd say it would simply chose one of the two characters and that person would land on their feet, therefore negating damage to both of them regardless.

3rd, For the grapple scenario, it could be a grapple check to see who maintains control of the situation, and therefore lands on their feet, but has the control of the grapple. It would still negate the fall damage for both, but maybe the loser is now grappled prone, or pinned?

These aren't very funny or interesting, but they're much more reasonable than silly physics.

2015-12-03, 02:07 AM
1st, that sounds silly. An ability that lets you negate fall damage simply because you landed on your feet. PF's boots of the cat are a much better implementation in terms of mechanics.

2nd, as for your answer I'd say it would simply chose one of the two characters and that person would land on their feet, therefore negating damage to both of them regardless.

3rd, For the grapple scenario, it could be a grapple check to see who maintains control of the situation, and therefore lands on their feet, but has the control of the grapple. It would still negate the fall damage for both, but maybe the loser is now grappled prone, or pinned?

These aren't very funny or interesting, but they're much more reasonable than silly physics.

Fine. Be reasonable then. :)

But yes.

2015-12-03, 02:28 AM
The ability should properly say that they always land on their feet as long as they can move freely. A paralyzed cat might be conscious, but she likely won't be landing on her feet.

Platymus Pus
2015-12-03, 04:04 AM
The ability should properly say that they always land on their feet as long as they can move freely. A paralyzed cat might be conscious, but she likely won't be landing on her feet.

Unless you put buttered toast on the back of the cat. :smalltongue:

2015-12-03, 04:34 AM
It only would make sense if it was explained this way: Should a fall, jump or athletics test cause you to fall prone, you may ignore that (you always land on your feed)

Uncle Pine
2015-12-03, 06:04 AM
It's homebrew, so naturally it's prone to cause wacky situations. Not that 1st party material doesn't, but 1st party publishers usually employ several proofreaders whose job should be to prevent that.

That said, assuming that the two characters are tied like in the butter toast/cat experiment, I'd say that they both land prone on their side, with their feet touching the ground. If they're tied differently, different landing positions can be ruled on the spot.

EDIT: Should the above be impossible for any reason (for example, if one character is Colossal and the other Tiny), powerful magic obviously need to reallocate someone's feet so that the four feet of the two adventurers can touch the ground at the same time. :smallamused: