View Full Version : Why did the Gate Explode? [SPOILERS!]

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-06-09, 07:14 AM
Durokon's gate didn't explode because Xykon was thrown into it, it exploded because Elan hit the self-destruct rune. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0118.html

There is a reasonable argument that Xykon might have hit either the gate/rift (looks like it to me), or hit the rune above the gate, but Durokon's gate seemed to destroy anything or anyone who wasn't pure of heart and good. That's why Xykon needed to trick a hero into touching the gate.

Now Soon's gate is wired to a massive explosion, far greater than the one Elan set off. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0119.html

So, did Miko ever take acting classes, go see a No play, or even a puppet show as a child? Thing she might know the safest way of running from an explosion?

(Oh, how do you do the trick of having a link tied to a single word or phrase?)

2007-06-09, 07:17 AM
You do the link thing like this

normally links are [ url ]google.com[ /url]

but if you do [ url=google.com ] Lol Google :) [ /url ]

YOu can write a message

2007-06-09, 07:36 AM
Durokon's gate <snip>

Dorukan's, not Durokon's.

2007-06-09, 07:40 AM
Durokan's. U. O. A.

2007-06-09, 07:47 AM
Crap, his name is >Here< (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0196.html)

Anyway, maybe i missed something, but had somebody mentioned, that destruction of gate ends exactly like that?

I bet it is another way to make sure that guy who wanted to use gate won't be able to search for other gates. However Xykon escaped anyway.

2007-06-09, 07:51 AM
TO the original theory as to why the gate went boom... they are a reallly powerful magical device/artifact and likely all that magical energy being released made the boom... similar to the retributive strike ability of some staffs...

2007-06-09, 07:56 AM
Aye. Who is to say that the self-destruct button triggered explosives? It could have just been a hammer aimed at the gate.

2007-06-09, 07:59 AM
The gate exploded as though a thousand posters had cried out, "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and were suddenly silenced.

I think that answers your question. :smallwink:

Lord Zentei
2007-06-09, 08:05 AM
Durokon's gate didn't explode because Xykon was thrown into it, it exploded because Elan hit the self-destruct rune. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0118.html

There is a reasonable argument that Xykon might have hit either the gate/rift (looks like it to me), or hit the rune above the gate, but Durokon's gate seemed to destroy anything or anyone who wasn't pure of heart and good. That's why Xykon needed to trick a hero into touching the gate.

Now Soon's gate is wired to a massive explosion, far greater than the one Elan set off. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0119.html

Is it? Take a look at the next page of the comic: linka (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0120.html). Both explosions are powerful enough to destroy an entire castle.

2007-06-09, 08:15 AM
TO the original theory as to why the gate went boom... they are a reallly powerful magical device/artifact and likely all that magical energy being released made the boom... similar to the retributive strike ability of some staffs...

True Story.

When a powerful magical item is destroyed it releases an energy powerful enough to destroy the entire world. It's called Drama. Once this power is released, anything can happen. Gates can explode for no good reason, people can be flung from the explosion and land on their heads on the ground, apparently alive. Fallen Paladins can survive the blast and be revealed later.

Seriously. Anything can happen.

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-06-09, 08:31 AM
Maybe... In fact, I'll say yes, the two were about the same.

But for whatever reason, I thought Dorukan's entire castle was wired to explode. Maybe Dorukan had someway of directly destroying the gate tied into the rune.


I was just thinking that if Xykon sending his minions through the gate wasn't enough to set it off http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0096.html why would Miko's katana do the job?

Wait, never mind. O-Chul's katana was probably good aligned, while goblins tend to be evil. The goblins get zapped, but Xykon was counting on Roy or even Elan's natural "goodness" to protect them from the hazard of the gate.

Soon probably knew that no Evil creature would get into the Throne room, but if they did, in a final act of despairation, a good aligned samurai or weapon would set off the explosion. So an evil creature would be zapped by the gate, while a good aligned could blow everything up in one go.

2007-06-09, 08:34 AM
Maybe... In fact, I'll say yes, the two were about the same.

But for whatever reason, I thought Dorukan's entire castle was wired to explode. Maybe Dorukan had someway of directly destroying the gate tied into the rune.


I was just thinking that if Xykon sending his minions through the gate wasn't enough to set it off http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0096.html why would Miko's katana do the job?

Wait, never mind. O-Chul's katana was probably good aligned, while goblins tend to be evil. The goblins get zapped, but Xykon was counting on Roy or even Elan's natural "goodness" to protect them from the hazard of the gate.

Soon probably knew that no Evil creature would get into the Throne room, but if they did, in a final act of despairation, a good aligned samurai or weapon would set off the explosion. So an evil creature would be zapped by the gate, while a good aligned could blow everything up in one go.
NOTE DIFFERENT GATES, different rules, lots of flawed assumptions... aka none of the rules on being pure of heart (never said good) applies to any gate other than Dorukan's Gate...

2007-06-09, 08:51 AM
The first gate was much larger then the one in Azure city. The first one was was only destroyed when Durokon's dungeon exploded, the second one was small enough that Miko's attack was sufficient.

This might just be me trying to justify this, but aren't there two explosion in 119 and 120? 119 being the dungeon blowing up, while 120, which looks kind of like 463's, would be the gate.

2007-06-09, 08:59 AM
Shojo said they did not have a self-destruction rune like Dorukan had
I believe John Locked exploded it because he want to stay in the island :smalltongue:

2007-06-09, 09:39 AM
The answer is that the Dorukan's gate wasn't destroyed by explosion, the explosion was the result of the gate being destroyed.

The gates aren't wired to explosives, the gates are explosive by nature.

2007-06-09, 01:31 PM
That's actually a very good question, I think. Why should a destroyed gate explode? There's nothing explosive about sapphires in general, the explosion at Durokon's gate was because Elan had hit the self-destruct button...

The gates are seals put over the Snarl, right? Is it possible this was actually some kind of implosion as the area around the seal was pulled into the same space as the Snarl occupies? If so, could that be where Miko is now?

2007-06-09, 03:06 PM
I don't think there's any real mystery to it; it was a failsafe.

Soon: "Okay, should all else fail, someone must destroy the gate to keep it from falling into evil hands."
Paladin Bob: "Hey, boss, what if we rigged it up to 'splode? Then it'd blow up the gate AND the bad guys!"
Paladin Joe: "But then it'd kill us, too."
Paladin Bob: "Yeah, but we'll be pretty screwed anyway by that point. This way, we at least go out with a bang."
Paladin Joe: "Oh, yeah."
Soon: "Good idea. Make it so."

2007-06-09, 03:45 PM
A failsafe that's activated by someone slamming a sword into the gate itself? What kind of sense would that make? If the Gate did fall into evil hands it doesn't seem the sort of thing they'd be likely to do some examining of it before they decided to try and destroy it ("Hey, Evil Ted! Did you notice there's a really tiny yet extremely big bomb tucked in here?")

It did occur to me a moment after posting that that O-Chu getting knocked away'd probably be a mark against the idea but even still, Miko was physically touching the inside of the gate for a moment; she might've gotten drawn into it. Plus having O-Chu survive means that he can relate what happened to everyone else.

2007-06-09, 03:47 PM
Is it? Take a look at the next page of the comic: linka (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0120.html). Both explosions are powerful enough to destroy an entire castle.

Actually ya, those two are extremely similiar down too the sound effect:

(C / K) R A K A K O O M !!!

My theory is that the 120 and 463 explosions are not true explosions like the 119 one, they are the result of reality being torn right through, all 17 (2) dimensions scrunched up and then released around an epicentre which leads into pure chaos... reality has to adjust itself to a darker, more doomed version of itself...

Which leads to shattered castles :smalltongue:

Edit: I call it an epicentre 'cause it's, like, a realityquake.

2007-06-09, 04:28 PM
Personaly, I belive that it is just because of dramatics. I mean is it just supposed to fizzile out. No, it has to explode.

2007-06-09, 04:44 PM
The gates are just tons and tons of arcane energy compressed and woven in a way that will keep the snarl's rifts from getting bigger and sealing it in. When that energy is released through the destruction of a gate, it results in destruction. Cuz I can tell you right now that it isn't a series of safety pins keeping the snarl from getting out.

2007-06-09, 05:10 PM
By the way, shouldn't the shockwave from the explosion flatten the city?

2007-06-09, 05:13 PM
By the way, shouldn't the shockwave from the explosion flatten the city?

Why? It's not THAT powerful explosion. Castle is standing still, so why city should be destroyed?

2007-06-09, 05:25 PM
My opinion, no more no less, Is that the pent up magic of the rifts always explodes when the gates are removed. There's no reason to believe the explosions were of much different magnitude, one blue up a giant castle, another a small mountain. Also, it makes little sense to rig the gem to explode if you could possibly help it, since destroying the whole castle because of an accident or one suicidal attempt could end up making it more difficult to seal the rift and kill a lot of innocent people in the process.

The same applies the D's gate. It is just as likely that the "self-destruct" rune was for the gate itself, with the explosion being the natural result, rather than for the whole complex.

2007-06-09, 10:23 PM
Haven't you people ever played D&D before? Items of great magic, such as artifacts, go BOOM when they're destroyed. It's all the pent up magic being released in one mighty krakakoooooom!

2007-06-09, 10:54 PM
I was just thinking that if Xykon sending his minions through the gate wasn't enough to set it off http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0096.html why would Miko's katana do the job?

Wait, never mind. O-Chul's katana was probably good aligned, while goblins tend to be evil. The goblins get zapped, but Xykon was counting on Roy or even Elan's natural "goodness" to protect them from the hazard of the gate.

Soon probably knew that no Evil creature would get into the Throne room, but if they did, in a final act of despairation, a good aligned samurai or weapon would set off the explosion. So an evil creature would be zapped by the gate, while a good aligned could blow everything up in one go.

your mixing up a few things...
Dorukon's gate was the ONLY gate that had the "pure heart" kind of protection on it... Dorukon chose to protect his gate with magic and thus used to the pure heart seal as the final protective seal... Soon however, choose to use the paladins and thus did not have such a seal in place to protect it.

The reaosn why the Dorukon's gate wasn't destoryed was because no one tried to destory it (until the self destruction)... Goblins and such trying to pass through the gate, or Xykon being thrown into it, will not destory it; their just trying to go through, not destorying it... however, Miko was trying to destory it, the saphire itself WAS the gate.

2007-06-09, 11:27 PM
The reason this gate's explosion was bigger was because it was destroyed by Miko. She's the best at everything, especially messing up.

2007-06-10, 04:58 AM
Oh no. Oh no, you have it all wrong. That wasn't the gate exploding, that was just the sound of Miko becoming a blackguard causing massive Sonic Shock Waves.

[/poking fun at the "I love Miko"ers]

2007-06-10, 05:25 AM
Oh no. Oh no, you have it all wrong. That wasn't the gate exploding, that was just the sound of Miko becoming an agent of the snarl causing massive Sonic Shock Waves.

[/poking fun at the "I love Miko"ers]
Fixed it for you :smallcool:

Anyways, if Dorukan's gate HAD been attacked by someone who could destroy it in a single attack.. I bet it would have gone boom too.

2007-06-10, 06:09 AM
The gate exploded as though a thousand posters had cried out, "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and were suddenly silenced.

I think that answers your question. :smallwink:Not quite. If O-chul could survive it without even getting a Reflex save, then Miko could survive it.

Beyond that, Miko was at full health and higher level than O-chul, so her HP could take alot more than his.

2007-06-10, 06:40 AM
Crap. It is Dorukan.
Mea culpa.

2007-06-10, 07:33 AM
Durokan's. U. O. A.

You know, sometimes I wonder why the English language bothers with vowels given how they don't seem to have any importance.

2007-06-10, 09:41 AM
A wizard did it

David Argall
2007-06-10, 05:06 PM
Why did the gate explode?

It made a real cool picture.

Next question?