View Full Version : X.e.n.o.s.

2007-06-09, 03:47 PM
Upon a mountain peak outside of town a castle materialized seemingly out of nowhere a few days a go. Close examination will reveal that the castle is of entirely human design and construction. Even the gargoyles on the battlements are not the usual demonic beasts but great human wizards and warriors of the past. Next to the gargoyles on the battlements lie surprisingly advanced energy weapons, automated to open fire on any non-human who dares stray to close. This fortress is the Town Branch of The Xenophobic Ending of the Non-human Oppression of Society Regime. The X.E.N.O.S. Regime is as its name states dedicated to the eradication of all non-humans that are active members of society, despite the fact that most D&D based societies would fall to ruin without their elves, dwarfs, demons, etc.


There is no actual uniform for X.E.N.O.S. but it is required that every member wear the X.E.N.O.S. crest (A skull and cross bones with elf ears and a dwarf beard in black) somewhere on there possession.

Except for the lowest of NPCs, X.E.N.O.S. members more or less infinite freedom as long as they are not seen associating with non-humans. Although the organization's goal is to eliminate non-humans, most party member couldn’t really care less what you do on your own time.

To join, simply approach and you should be met eventually. After a suitable amount of RP, you will be sent to the tailor department who will help you decide where on your clothing you wish to place the crest. If you wait for too long and a recruiter is not available, feel free to NPC-RP the situation (to an extent) before noting the location of your crest and the department you will be joining.

Acting General
Hamilton (Darkblade)-A blaster swinging youning from out west do not mess with her.

A.I. Protocols Adam and Eve (NPC)-A pair of A.I. programs designed to handle regime while Hamilton is not present, they handle all the paperwork, legalization and most of the recruitment business.

The fighting forces of X.E.N.O.S.
Gage Starkread (Nightwing)
Kyle Marshale (Manal)

The magical artillary and support of X.E.N.O.S. includes Arcane, Divine and Psionics
None as of yet

X.E.N.O.S.'s knifes in the dark.
Shadowbow (Bookboy) Deceased
Peter Ian Staker (Xaspian)

Pretty much anyone who doesn't fit into an above role.
The Broken Automation (thehothead)

2007-06-09, 06:05 PM
*A dressed like a cowboy waks up*

I want to join.

2007-06-09, 06:06 PM
Kyle walks in to xenos
nice place you got here. mined if I join?
(( Xenos should be XEONS))

2007-06-09, 06:09 PM
Who are you? asks the cowboy

2007-06-09, 06:37 PM
Kyle turns around to face the cowboy
who me?

2007-06-09, 06:38 PM
yeah you. Is there any one other than you here?

2007-06-09, 06:41 PM
well there is this person in deadtime, and me I'm kyle and you are?
he gives the cowboy a very stangre look

2007-06-09, 06:43 PM
Gage Starkread.

2007-06-09, 06:45 PM
Kyle walks up to Gage Starkread.
nice to meet you
They shack hands.
So why do you want to join XENOS?

2007-06-09, 06:46 PM
Because we humans are the only ones that deserve to live.

2007-06-09, 06:51 PM
well I have a bigger purpuse to join XENOS, My family was killed by a drow almost three years ago. And I figer you know what I will say next.

2007-06-09, 06:58 PM
I think I do. So, what are you good at.

2007-06-09, 07:05 PM
well I'm a Ex-Paladin/Blackgaurd and I'm good at snipering mainly snipering I not bad at close combate but I still can fight up close. what are you good at.?

2007-06-09, 07:07 PM
Do you have a gun?

2007-06-09, 07:09 PM
No I just have 100 throwing daggers
he moves aside his jacket to revile the dagers. Neatly tucked away in a leather poch.

2007-06-09, 07:13 PM
Throw one into the air.

2007-06-09, 07:18 PM
he reaches into his poch and draws out a shinny silver dager wipps into the air and skimming the hat then into the wall behind him.
what do you think?!

2007-06-09, 07:21 PM
*He fires a shot into the air just be for it hits his hat. When he pulls the dagger out of the wall the blade is separated from the hilt.*

2007-06-09, 07:25 PM
nice shot but not good enough
Kyle walks up to Gage Starkread and takes his hat off, there is a 1 1/2 inch slit all the way through his hat. Kyle just stand s there holding his hat and smerking.
Oh yah can I have my brocken dagger back?

2007-06-09, 07:30 PM
Check you hair. if he does he will find a bullet in it. Gage shot right through the dagger, had the bullet ricochet of the ceiling, and land harmlessly in Kyle's hair.

2007-06-09, 07:35 PM
nice! can I keep the bullet? And can I have my Dagger back now?

2007-06-09, 07:36 PM
Yep you can keep it. *He throws him the hilt and then the blade*

2007-06-09, 07:45 PM
Kyle catches the pieces of the dagger and sliddes the balde back into the hilt and Gage hears a small cking sound and the dagger looks as good as new except a small dent in the blade. He sides it back into the poch and slides back his jacket.

2007-06-09, 07:49 PM
What do you do for a living?

2007-06-09, 07:53 PM
Bounty hunt you?

2007-06-09, 07:54 PM
I'm a barber.

2007-06-09, 08:00 PM
hemhem..I see and If you come close to my hair and will not even have enough time to regret it.

2007-06-09, 08:09 PM
Ha Ha Ha! *He takes out scissors* Just a trim?

2007-06-09, 08:13 PM
Suddenly a hologram of a medium built man wearing only a fig leaf over a certain area appears before the two men.

"I am protocol Adam recruiter for XENOS branch 2047 'Town' you have both registered as members of speceis 00001 'human' please state your business."

2007-06-09, 08:15 PM
I want to join. say Gage.

2007-06-09, 08:21 PM
As do I. Kyle adds

2007-06-09, 08:24 PM
"Very well." Protocol Adam says as two identical forms slide out of a slot in the wall. "Fill these out."

2007-06-09, 08:26 PM
*Gage starts to fills his out and slides it back through the wall*

2007-06-09, 08:30 PM
Kyle fills his out and slide his back through the wall.
Why did we have to fill those out?
Kyle tells gage that adam is a holagram and he is not really here.
My hair is my pride.

2007-06-09, 08:33 PM
yeah, why?

2007-06-09, 08:44 PM
Ask adam when he is not a halagram
what do you do one your free time?

2007-06-09, 08:53 PM
A man approaches.
I'd like to join.

2007-06-09, 08:54 PM
Hi there. who are you?

2007-06-09, 08:56 PM
My name is Shadowbow.

(Note: Shadowbow is currently using his Specialized traits to be human. Correlon Larethian, god of elves, couldn't tell he's a half-elf. And neither could any fancy technology.)

2007-06-09, 08:58 PM
Bow? I prefer guns.

2007-06-09, 08:59 PM
Well, that's your preference.

(Also note that there is no sign of a bow on him.)

2007-06-09, 09:01 PM
(( It was just the name that gave it away for him.))

Good to see there are people like me that have Elves and dwarfs and such!

2007-06-09, 09:01 PM
Hi shadowbow I'm Kyle and this is......oh yah gage. How are you?

2007-06-09, 09:03 PM
I'm fine. And you.

(I again stress: The guy that has said his favorite weapon is a bow has no bow!)

2007-06-09, 09:11 PM
been better. What do you do for a living? why do you want to join XENOS

2007-06-09, 09:18 PM
I hunt. I want to join because sometimes it's nice to have some backup on crusades against the drow.

2007-06-09, 09:20 PM
My family was killed by a drow almost three years ago. So now I want revenge and It never hurts to have back up.

2007-06-09, 09:26 PM
Hello again and hello to you new commer
A form sides out of the wall for Shadowbow
Fill this out and please state what you want to be in XENOS. Gage Starkread and Kyle Marshle state what you want to be.

2007-06-09, 09:28 PM
Somewhere between an agent and a soldier. I'm a hunter.

2007-06-09, 09:29 PM
I will be a Soldier and never say my last name. Hey gage what will it be?
(( darkblade is my brother and we share computers so that is why When he comes on I logout))

2007-06-09, 09:32 PM
(So that's why he got off so fast...)

2007-06-09, 09:40 PM
(( yah that is why.))
Do you want to go to The Queens bar and grill? I will pay.

2007-06-09, 09:43 PM
Not now.

I want to see what category he puts me under, so let him on.)

2007-06-09, 09:47 PM
"Very well. Shadowbow we have a few soliders so we shall put you into agent."

2007-06-09, 09:50 PM
Now let's go.

(I'm still amazed no one is curious about where his bow is!)

2007-06-09, 09:53 PM
Kyle follows Shadobow out of XENOS

2007-06-09, 10:12 PM
A broken automaton walks up...
It begins to write on the ground.

Brain base human, is good enough?

2007-06-10, 06:57 AM
Kyle walks in to the XENOS and sees everyone in deadtime.
Isn't anyone up at this hour? Oh hello there. It might be you have to wait for adam to be surtion.

2007-06-10, 08:17 AM
So what is are first mission?

2007-06-10, 08:27 AM
Kyle turns around to talk to gage
We don't know yet halogram Adam has appered yet.

2007-06-10, 08:36 AM
Want to go down to my barber shop? I will give you the nicest hair cut you ever got, and it will be free because you are a member of this organization.

2007-06-10, 12:29 PM
No thanks I like my hair just the way it is.
Kyle turns around and walks out to the streets.

2007-06-11, 06:32 AM
A broken automaton walks up...
It begins to write on the ground.

Brain base human, is good enough?

The hologram turns to the automaton "Yes that shall be fine." it says in response to the message written on the ground. It then turns to Gage "Hamilton and myself are a bit busy with administraive duties. You may go off and kill non-humans on your own."

2007-06-11, 06:37 AM
*Gage leaves*

2007-06-11, 04:23 PM
Kyle walks in the door of the castle and finds an chair to sit in. He waits for someone to talk to. He starts to write some random stuff on the floor with a small piece of chack he had in his pocket.

2007-06-11, 05:07 PM
*a man in a black cowboy suit walks in*

I'm looking for A man named Gage starkred. Tell me were he is or you will be killed.

2007-06-12, 05:13 PM
20 heavy blasters cannons aim towards the man. A hologram of a woman dressed in figleaves appears. "He isn't here you might try his barber shop."

2007-06-12, 06:04 PM
Thanks, I will go there.

2007-06-12, 07:28 PM
The blasters go back to the default state and the hologram disapears.

2007-06-13, 05:38 AM
A 13 year old human walks in, wearing fake-looking plastic ears, and with some fur sticky-taped to his bare feet. A keen listener might be able to hear his 'friends' outside snickering, incredulous that he actually agreed with the dare.

'oo's in charge, then?

2007-06-13, 06:44 AM
"We have advanced scanners with all know races on record. Did you really think that those Gen-Con leftovers would fool us? If you have no other business here I suggest you leave." Protocol Adam says as he manifests in front of the Castle.

2007-06-13, 06:47 AM
The Laughter outside becomes louder, and the boy steps timidly forwards.

Nah, nah, nah! I wan'ed to join!

2007-06-13, 06:51 AM
"Very well, fill this out." a printout of a form asking for the boy's name and department he desires to join comes out of the slot in the wall.

2007-06-13, 06:51 AM
*Gage walks up to the boys out side. he points his gun at them.*

Leave before I blow your brains out.

2007-06-13, 06:53 AM
"Leave him be, Gage."

2007-06-13, 06:56 AM
Most of the teenagers scream and run away, but one's left cowering.
It was just a joke, mista'. We ain't hurtin' nobody!

The boy inside fills in the form.

Name - Peter Ian Staker
Department - Aristans

Is...is that alright? I'm a good shot with a stone, and I can get in places other folk can't. Plus, I got this disguise, ain't I? Tha's gotta be 'andy.

2007-06-13, 07:00 AM
"Yeah, lose that disguise. It's embarrasing."
((I got to go to school now so deadtime.))

2007-06-13, 07:01 AM
Look kid, if our guns work on looks instead of gens then your friend wold been blown to pieces! Get going!

2007-06-13, 07:08 AM
The youth outside scrambles to his feet, yelling back at the dare-taker.
Catch'ya' later, Dave!

The lad inside shrugs, and peels off the obviously fake ears, and stuffs them into a pocket. He also puts on a pair of shoes, to cover his feet. He looks at the hologram and Gage.

So, wha'dwi do nah, mista'?

((If you need me to tone down the language, just say. It's my first time typing out an accent, so I might go a bit over the top.))

2007-06-13, 01:26 PM
"That depends. How familiar are you with technology?"

2007-06-13, 02:34 PM
*Gage walks inside. He fires a shot at the at Peter, and it passes about 1/2 inch past his ear probably singeing the hair near is ear* (he missed on purpose. He just wanted to scare you)

2007-06-13, 04:48 PM
((Wait, which boy? I'll assume the running one, not 'Peter'.))

Inside, Peter grins at the hologram.

I'm alright. I know my way around a screen, and can improvise a swiss army knife in twelve seconds, if nee-

He ducks, shouting a word that a boy of his age shouldn't know.

What'ja do that for, idiot?

2007-06-13, 04:55 PM
((I edited my post. It was peter.))

2007-06-13, 05:12 PM
"How about a camera? We need some propaganda filimed." Adam replies "And Gage Stop Shooting at members!"

2007-06-13, 05:13 PM
You are just a kid. you sneak around right? well you will get caught eventually, and they will kill you if you dont know how to fight. that us why I'm going to teach you how to fight.

2007-06-13, 05:19 PM
To the hologram, the boy shrugs.

Yah, close enuff. What d'yah wan' filmin'?

He turns and grins at Gage.

What makes you think I can't fight? I took down the biggest kid in the year above, last week. And he had a stick. And two mates to back him up. And besides, I won't get caught.

2007-06-13, 05:23 PM
If you can fight than attack me with your knife.

2007-06-13, 05:29 PM
"Any signs of non-human oppression." Adam explains as a camera comes out of the wall slot "If you two must fight, take it outside. There is valuable harware in here."

2007-06-13, 05:29 PM
Heh. You just don't get it, do you?

As quick as a blur, he flicks his hand releasing a stone which bounces off the ceiling, the trajectory perfectly aimed to clip Gage's ear. It even accounts for any dodging that Gage might attempt to dodge the stone, hitting him in his moved position. The child smirks.

EDIT: The stone, miraculously, also manages to avoid any valuable or useful technology.

2007-06-13, 05:32 PM
*Quick as light he draws his gun and shoots the rock out of the air*

((He is that god with a gun. He is probably the best shot in the town. He is almost certainly the best gun slinger.))

Is that the best you can do kid?

2007-06-13, 05:35 PM
It's just a shame that he only shot the one stone, instead of the other three, currently heading toward him from different directions around the room. When Gage turns back to where Peter was, he isn't there any more.

2007-06-13, 05:40 PM
*Quick as light he shoots down the other three even though they are in deferent directions.*

Throwing rocks wont help you against and army of men in armor that will to stab you with there swords.

2007-06-13, 05:44 PM
Peter taps him on the shoulder, from behind. Assuming Gage turns to face him, he's met with a camera lens in the face.


He presses the button, lighting up the flash in the 'gun god's' face. He pulls the camera away, and grins.

Well, let's hope that they're a bit faster than you, then, eh?

2007-06-13, 05:46 PM
((Moving Peter to Agents his stealth fits there better that artistan.))

2007-06-13, 05:56 PM
Great show kid! I now a guy that will sell all kinds of exotic weapons. I think he has just the thing for you! come on let go.

2007-06-13, 06:00 PM
Why would I follow a boring loser like you? I don' need your rubbish help.

He smirks, and dashes out of the door, clutching the camera.

Smell ya' la'er, losers.
((When you say 'non-human oppression', is that non-humans oppressing humans, or the other way round?))

2007-06-13, 06:05 PM
*Gage grabs a walkie talkie from his pocket*

OK, give him the orb.

*a robot jumps out in front of the boy.*

I'm am sent by a man that is very interested in your talents. I have some thing for you.

*The Robot holds out a circular object*

2007-06-13, 06:05 PM
((Non-humans oppressing humans. Even something as small as high prices at Trog's will do.)

2007-06-13, 06:08 PM
Huh. Can' be on'a my teachers, then.

He grabs the orb, and runs out the door.

2007-06-13, 06:12 PM
*a note is stuck to the orb.* It says: This is called the orb. if you press the button on the top and then throw it at one of your opponents it will explode ten seconds later and hundreds off needles (like a sowing needle) filled with poisons that will knock some one out on contact will shoot out at your enemy. I hope you enjoy it*

2007-06-13, 06:17 PM
Peter Ian Staker shrugs, and throws the orb off a cliff. He heads into Town.

2007-06-13, 06:20 PM
*The robot picks up his walkie talkie*

He past the first test.

Good says gage.

2007-06-19, 09:36 PM
Hamilton returns to her little army's headquarters.

2007-06-20, 07:09 AM
*Gage nodes to Hamilton as she passes by. Then he leaves*

2007-06-20, 01:30 PM
Skrall walks in and leaves a leaflet, it reads:

"Join the mighty space pirate army, unlock the secrets of the mighty chemical phazon, to apply come to the underground base and ask for Skrall at the entrance"

He then leaves

2007-06-20, 07:05 PM
Kyle breaks free from deadtime walks around and leaves. Before he leaves he writes a note with the chalk on the ground and leaves it on the chair he had been siting on. ( Left to get some air be back soon. From: Kyle)

2007-06-20, 10:41 PM
Skrall walks in and leaves a leaflet, it reads:

"Join the mighty space pirate army, unlock the secrets of the mighty chemical phazon, to apply come to the underground base and ask for Skrall at the entrance"

He then leaves

The leaflet is imediately incinerated.

2007-06-20, 10:44 PM
The rogue automaton walks in.

2007-06-21, 11:23 AM
Hamilton goes over to the Automation "You never chose a department. Would you care to do so?" ((See first post for departments.))

2007-06-21, 12:17 PM
(Shadowbow is dead, you can remove him fom your list.)

2007-06-21, 12:20 PM

2007-06-21, 06:42 PM
WRITTEN: Artisans

2007-06-22, 11:09 AM
A droid and Gage are transported into the infirmary.

2007-06-22, 11:11 AM
How long will this take? *he says as he lies down on a bed.*

2007-06-22, 11:23 AM
"A few moments. Now this may sting a bit try not to move." A large invisiglass dome appears over the bed and fills with various sharp needles and syringes which begin automatically proding Gage. Provided he doesn't move in a few moments the dome wil be removed and his wounds should be healed.

2007-06-22, 11:26 AM
I feel much beter.


2007-07-09, 08:33 PM
(( due to some confusions with Darkblade and my family I'm left in charge of Xenos. If you didn't know this already Darkblade is my brother, in really life. Hamilton will not be posting here for a really long time.))

Kyle walks in to Xenos and looks around, he starts to muder something.
I sure fells nice to be somewhere I'm welcome and away from all those dicusting other non-human people,the wastes of good oxagen.

2007-07-10, 10:58 PM
The rouge automata writes on the ground "or wastes of space, as the case may be"

2007-07-23, 01:02 PM
Kyle wakes up from deadtime and walks down stairs to the front hall of the headquaters. I wish I never was given this job.

2007-07-23, 01:03 PM
Shadowbow walks in.
Where's Kyle? I need to speak with him in private.

(It should be noted that his colors are now very different. See my avatar for new colors.)

2007-07-23, 01:04 PM
Ahhhhh! A drug addict! says Gage, firing three shots a Shadow Bow

2007-07-23, 01:05 PM
Hello shadow you wanted me,here I am. What do you want? I've heared that you died.

2007-07-23, 01:06 PM
Shadowbow avoids the shots.
I need to speak with you in private. And Gage seems as trigger happy as ever.

2007-07-23, 01:08 PM
Fallow me up stairs to my room. Gage stay here to make sure no one goes up stairs.
Kyle walks up the stairs and around the corner and in the door n the right.

2007-07-23, 01:11 PM
Shadowbow follows, and when he enters, uses his new powers to make them immune to eavedropping.
Is what Amy said true? About you betraying X.E.N.O.S.?
As he speaks, he begins to look less human to Kyle. Gage would still see him as human, should he enter.

2007-07-23, 01:15 PM
*Gage runs in*

Kill the drug addict!

*He fires three more shots*

2007-07-23, 01:16 PM
Yes it is the only reason I'm running Xenos is because hamiton is in big **** at home. ((Darkblade is my brother in real life.))
Gage go down stairs.
Amy runs past gage and into the room. Kyle throw a dagger at gage amying to pin him to the wall.

2007-07-23, 01:17 PM
(I remember.)

Shadowbow uses his telepathic power to force Gage out of the room. Kyle should be surprised that he is now talking to a half-elf.

2007-07-23, 01:20 PM
*A man knocks on the Door*

2007-07-23, 01:21 PM
Hello Amy why are you here, and what the.....your an half elf?

2007-07-23, 01:22 PM
Yes. I joined to destroy XENOS from the inside. You would probably be dead by now, if Amy hadn't told me what was going on.

2007-07-23, 01:22 PM
*Gage leaves and answers the door. Then he walks out side*

2007-07-23, 01:28 PM
Amy told you about the chat we had at the bar?
Amy walks out of the room and pulls the dagger out of the wall and returns the dagger back to kyle
here you go Kyle.:smallredface:
Thank you Amy. Kyle puts the dagger away.
So what is going on with you wanting to distroy Xenos and I would be dead?

2007-07-23, 01:30 PM
Simple. You're a member, and if Amy hadn't told me about how you planned to betray them, I'd have killed you by now.

2007-07-23, 01:37 PM
Are you going to still bring down Xenos?
Amy starts firering arrows at Gage.

2007-07-23, 01:38 PM
Ready for that shoot out you promised me?

I was born ready.

*The man looks like he is going to sneeze, so he lifts up his handkerchief. Gage draws his gun and is about to fire, but a shot is fired and he is hit in the heart and killed. The man pulls a smoking derringer out of his handkerchief.*

2007-07-23, 01:38 PM
Of course.

2007-07-23, 01:41 PM
Ahhh! Gage is shot!
Kyle runs down the stairs to look at the dead body of gage.
Desurves him right, he was so annoying.

2007-07-23, 01:43 PM
*The man starts to walk away*

2007-07-23, 01:47 PM
Shadowbow follows and calls after the man.
Who are you?

2007-07-23, 01:48 PM
Gage Starkread.

*The man walks off*

2007-07-23, 01:49 PM
Amy tyes a rope around an arrow and shots it at the mans leg.
Kyle runs after shadowbow.
wait he might shot you shadow.

2007-07-23, 01:50 PM
Shadowbow draws his weapons and begins moving very fast, yet still walking.

2007-07-23, 01:53 PM
*The man, without looking behind him, draws his revolver and shoots the arrow out of the air.*

2007-07-23, 01:57 PM
If your gage who did you kill?

2007-07-23, 01:58 PM
A Rat. brthjtrfgu

2007-07-23, 01:58 PM
A rat what do you mean by a rat?

2007-07-23, 02:00 PM
((I meant a rat in the "You dirty Rat" , not the Rat like cats eat.

2007-07-23, 02:01 PM
By now, Shadowbow has passed Gage, and stands, blocking his path, weapons drawn.

2007-07-23, 02:01 PM
((I figered that. I mean what did he do.))

2007-07-23, 02:03 PM
He stole my name and my life. Get out of my way.

2007-07-23, 02:03 PM

2007-07-23, 02:05 PM
Its my life not yours. I'm not going to tell you, now get out of my way.

2007-07-23, 02:07 PM
What are you going to do if I don't move?

2007-07-23, 02:09 PM
make him.
Kyle runs and jumps and lands behind gage and trys to slash the back of his knees.

2007-07-23, 02:11 PM
*he jumps out of the way, roles between Shadow Bows legs and Keeps running*

2007-07-23, 02:15 PM
As Shadowbow had his legs together, that would be rather hard to do. Also, as Gage rolls through, he should feel three stabs and a very strange feeling of only being half there, as Shadowbow's sword came down right in front of him, probably slicing him in two.

2007-07-23, 02:21 PM
Oh. I assumed he had his legs apart. Because he has his legs together he tries something different. he jumps off the mountain. About half way down he grabs onto a ledge, riping some of his hand. He then jumps from ledge to ledge until his on the ground. Any objections?

2007-07-23, 02:25 PM
Shadowbow drops his weapons and fires seeking hover arrows. They will follow him wherever he goes, and move at about Mach 37.5. Once they hit, they will bring him back to Shadowbow.

2007-07-23, 02:29 PM
((..... tracker Arrows. *Adds to list of stupid stuff Bookboy made up on the spot to god mod people to death.* what is better to fight a god mod then a god mod?))

*The gods of stupid things come out of the ski and vaporise the arrows*

2007-07-23, 02:31 PM
(Shadowbow can make any form of arrow come out of his bow. The Mach 37.5 was a hyperbole, and they are powered by a diety. And they wont kill, just stick themselves into his arms and legs dealing non-lethal damage. I forgot to mention the merciful effect.)

2007-07-23, 02:35 PM
((Book boy forgetting to be merciful? nooooooo! that cant be possible!))

*They hit him in the arms. He pulls them out and keeps running. He is now at the bottom. Wounded, but at the bottom.*

((OK, leaving this thread now.))

2007-08-05, 12:58 PM
(( My Brother Darkblade has given me permition to take over Hamilton.))

2007-10-05, 02:55 PM
((Which I now take back))
Hamilton shakes her head at this. Has she no loyalty among her minions.

2007-10-05, 02:58 PM
*The man that killed Gage stands at the door*

2007-10-05, 03:00 PM
A sereis of weapons rise out from the walls and face the man. General Hamilton herself approaches "What do you want?"

2007-10-05, 03:25 PM
You dead mostly.

2007-10-05, 03:28 PM
"You first." Hundreds of blasters begins to fire at the man.

2007-10-06, 08:51 AM
(BOOYAH! Shadowbow is about to remember this place. He's gotten much, much stronger since the last time I used him in a fight.)

2007-10-06, 09:12 AM
*Because the lasers are dead timed, he leaves*

2007-10-07, 06:21 PM
Kyle wakes up.
When did Hamilton get back? I guess I'm not incontrole of xenos anymore. Oh well.
Walks past the dead timed people and onto the streets of the town.

2007-10-09, 03:17 PM
With "The man who killed Gage" gone. The guns receed.

2007-10-10, 08:14 PM
Jarus *pops* into existence in the "greeting hall" or equivalent of Xenos, and looks around.

"Hopefully my request for an audience has proceeded me?"

2007-10-10, 08:19 PM
General Hamilton steps forward "Indeed it has. What business do you have here?"

2007-10-10, 08:22 PM
"I wish to know what, exactly, your organization's goals are, and if you would have any interest in cooperating with the TDI to re-establish the Police. That is all."

2007-10-10, 08:25 PM
"My organization is interested in the extermination of all non-humans in the universe. We have several worlds under our banner already and a few Nations on this world. I am in charge of this branch. Now as to co-operating with you I'll need to know more about this TDI."

2007-10-10, 08:28 PM
"We are the Town Defense Initiative, committed to upholding Law and Justice and protecting the citizens of this Town. Ironically, back in our universe, we'd probably support you. But we've been forced to alter our stance on foul xenos races-sorry, xenos means alien in our tongue-after we came here."

2007-10-10, 08:31 PM
"I admit the acronym is a tad ironic, you seem much preferable than the leadership of this Town's other law enforcement group KNAVES I beleive they are called."

2007-10-10, 08:33 PM
"Ah, those bastards? They're KOS as far as we're concerned. So, just don't precipate any large-scale mass-murders, and we shouldn't have any problems. Thank you for your time."

He bows, and teleports away.

2007-10-13, 07:08 PM
"No large scale mass-murders? EVE! ADAM!"

"Yes General Hamilton?"

"Decomission the construction of the gas chambers and the TDI has mostly granted us imunity."

"But the Gnomes prisoners."

"Screw the Gnomes, I have the law...now."

General Hamilton decides its time to go look out into the Town.