View Full Version : Playing as Deities

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Cade Shadow
2007-06-10, 08:12 PM
My bad then, sorry

2007-06-10, 08:16 PM
I vote no on the dicefreaks, and yes on familiar by blood or marriage relationships.

And now to stat up Sir Michael the Warrior!

Call Me Siggy
2007-06-10, 08:17 PM
I vote no on the dicefreaks, and yes on familiar by blood or marriage relationships.

And now to stat up Sir Michael the Warrior!


Also, is it possible to go along without statting your deity up fully?

Yuki Akuma
2007-06-10, 08:17 PM
My bad then, sorry

You can make it up to us by posting an OOC thread.

2007-06-10, 08:20 PM
Anyone up for being the sister or mother of a fairy queen-like goddess of the sea? Or even estranged husband, I guess...

Also, it ought to be possible to get by without fully statting things. Roll the ability scores, pick class levels, maybe pick out the feats you know you want and any skills you know you want. Pick divine abilities. That's probably good; it's unlikely we need to know how powerful the god's artifact sword is or what their AC is.

2007-06-10, 08:21 PM
Cool. All we need is a world and stuff. Here's a pretty finished Kashardaler. Note that I changed his pronunciation :smallbiggrin:

Kashardaler (Kuh-SHARD-dah-lehr), Rank 6 Lesser Deity
Lord of Dreams, The Sandman
Symbol: Hourglass against a background of purple clouds
Home Plane: Dreamscape
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Sleep, trances, dreams, nightmares, dream interpretation
Worshippers: Philosophers, mystics, elves (more reverence than worship), narcoleptics*, free spirits
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE, TN (druids only)
Domains**: Chaos, Magic, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: "Dreamcatcher" (whip)

Fluff for clerics:

*Narcoleptics either blame or praise Kashardaler for their condition. Most clergy believe them to be favored by the deity.

**Upon taking their first level, clerics of Kashardaler may choose to sacrifice one of their domain powers to receive Kashardaler's Blessing

Kashardaler's Blessing (Su)
(Wisdom Modifier)/day, a cleric of Kashardaler may make a Wisdom check (DC = 10 + target's Wisdom Modifier) to interpret the exact meaning of a creature's dream. Failing this check yields no result. If a dream interpretation fails, the cleric loses this ability for 24 hours. This ability may also make a single, willing creature of up to their HD fall into a state of rest most fitting the creature for as long as a normal resting cycle would be for the creature (i.e. humans fall asleep for 8 hours, Elves trance for 4). A cleric may also use this ability on themselves.

Clerics of Kashardaler pray for their spells before falling asleep in the evening. Dreamfest is the only celebration of the deity and takes place on the first day of winter, when nights become their longest. This holiday is generally celebrated by a small feast with turkey, wine, and other foods that induce sleep followed by sleeping for a lengthy amount of time to view as many dreams as possible. The main form of worship is a simple prayer before sleep asking for good dreams. Clerics of Kashardaler may multiclass freely as any class that gains spontaneous arcane spells, or wizards specializing in Illusion or Enchantment.

Clergy and Temples: The clergy of Kashardaler never put too much emphasis on hierarchy and order. A cleric with either the most levels or most uses of Kashardaler's Blessing per day is usually the head of a center of worship and gains the title of Dream Master. The Dream Master is usually only consulted when a significant portion of the clergy has failed to interpret a dream. Clergy of Kashardaler generally dress in purple robes with silver and gold adornments.
Kashardalerian centers of worship are common in most large towns. Most temples are dimly lit inside with pools of sand in the center of the temple. Bedrooms make up a majority of the rest of the temple.

Appearance & Plane:

Kashardaler appears as a large-built elf made of sand. He wears elaborate dark purple robes that cover his entire body except his head. His eyes are slanted and glow with silver light. The sand that composes his body is ever-flowing and constantly pours from the robe's sleeves and bottom. Upon touching ground not made of sand, the sand simply disappears. His home of Dreamscape is a flat, cool desert bathed in eternal twilight. The sky is adorned with countless stars and occasional purple clouds. Dreamcastle, Kashardaler's "residence" is a castle made of clouds floating over a large, round pit in the center of the plane.

Dogma: Dreams are powerful beyond measure. They grant insight into all that is, was, and ever will be. Heed the messages your dreams bring you. Assist others in interpreting their dreams so that the true meaning is not misconstrued. Always remember the duality of dreams: a good dream is a blessing and sign of good things to come, while a nightmare is a punishment and an omen for dark days. Sleep is a divine state; never disrupt someone's state of rest unless it is of the utmost import.

Awakened White Tiger with no animal HD, high wisdom, permanencied Tongues, and 20 cleric levels with the domains Magic and Knowledge. He has sacrificed his Magic domain power for the Kashardaler's Blessing ability. He travels from temple to temple aiding the clergy in interpreting dreams.

Important Info:
Sorceror 4/Druid 5/Mystic Theurge 10/Archmage 4/Cleric 17
Salient Divine Abilities:
Alter Reality, Arcane Mastery,Clear Sight, Divine Spellcasting, Extra Sense Enhancement (sight can see dreams), Instant Counterspell, See Magic, Wave of Chaos
Str 22, Dex 28, Con 26, Wis 32, Int 28, Cha 32

Oh, and I take back what I said about no familial relationships for Kashardaler...all these kids need a father, right? I mean, he wouldn't be one of those fathers that actually cares or anything, though...

2007-06-10, 08:23 PM
Hmm. Where do we want rolling for stats done, idly? On the boards, on invisible castle, honor system?

Cade Shadow
2007-06-10, 08:25 PM
You can make it up to us by posting an OOC thread.

All we need is a cool title....

Call Me Siggy
2007-06-10, 08:27 PM
All we need is a cool title....

...I've got it.

Ye Gods!

2007-06-10, 08:28 PM
Shards of Reality

As the Gods Themselves

Forging of a New World


2007-06-10, 08:28 PM
Reality, Revised Edition if you want a humourus title.

Perhaps 'The Hands of the Gods'.

but eh.

2007-06-10, 08:31 PM
Heh, if we go for humorous...

Universe Version 2.64 Beta

Cade Shadow
2007-06-10, 08:34 PM
that was mostly rhetorical but.... here it is (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47101)

2007-06-10, 08:34 PM
Updated Ayna:

Ayna the Star-Eyed, Inspiration Incarnate, Lady Love
Rank 6 Lesser Deity
Worshipers: Lovers, bards, artists, poets, writers, hopeless romantics
Holy Symbol: A crescent moon designed as a painter's pallet.
Portfolio: Affection, emotion, inspiration, art, Moonlight

The patron of artists, young lovers, and emotion before reason, Ayna is the incarnation of affection and inspiration. Her most common form is that of a young human artist, beautiful but disheveled, usually accompanied by her herald: a masculine lillend bedecked with all manner of instruments.

Though many worship Ayna, her clergy is a truly diverse lot with more Favored Souls than Clerics and a number granted natural eldritch energies from the goddess herself, though these select few are often reviled by the world at large as "Warlocks." Initiation into Ayna's Order requires only an honest declaration of devotion to lofty ideals: truth, beauty, love; and the submission of one new work of art.

Ayna herself is nothing more than a 40th level "Warlock," though she calls herself a Divine Artist, and she bestows this title upon her favored as well. Her favored weapon is a longspear, used to direct her energies during spellwork like a bladed brush.

Perhaps in response to her mother's title as The Great Mother, Ayna has cultivated a title of her own: the Mother of Artifacts. She gifts her most devout followers with wondrous items of power, and all her temples are kept well-stocked with Marvellous Pigments.

Ayna's Dogma: A thing of beauty is to be protected. A soul is a thing of beauty, and so it must be protected from taints: evil thoughts and deeds. Emotion free of taint will guide you without fail.

Ayna's Domains: Creation, Charm, Rune, Moon

Ayna's Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality, Craft Artifact, Irresistible Performance, Increased Spell Resistance, Automatic Metamagic (Quicken SLA), Automatic Metamagic (Twin SLA), Create Object, Extra Domain.

Ayna's Feats: ...Many and numerous. Suffice to say, they're written down.

2007-06-10, 08:35 PM
Snark, I could see my character as a mother or sister for Elaiya--since they're both nature-goddesses, after a fashion, I'm getting more of a "sister" vibe, but what do you think?

For a thread title, there's always, "The Creation of the World, and Other Business" (but that might be a tad long).

2007-06-10, 09:04 PM
For title, I was thinking Hard to be a God, but hey, whichever.

Snark, I could see my character as a mother or sister for Elaiya--since they're both nature-goddesses, after a fashion, I'm getting more of a "sister" vibe, but what do you think?

For a thread title, there's always, "The Creation of the World, and Other Business" (but that might be a tad long).

Sure, sister sounds good. I don't imagine Zoe would much care for Elaiya, who is rather fickle and sometimes destructive.

The Glyphstone
2007-06-11, 04:32 AM
I vote Yes for Dicefreaks.

I'm also putting forth a petition and Yes vote to just ban Alter Reality outright. It's not an SDA so much as a Win Button, since it can literally do anything. With Alter Reality, stats become superfluous, and it's just a "I shoot you-I have a shield-my bullets break shields-my shield is bulletproof" little kid cops+robbers game with text...

2007-06-11, 04:36 AM
Yep, I've put forth a motion in our OOC thread to use at least the Dicefreaks version of Alter Reality, which is still powerful but limited to your portfolio.

2007-06-11, 08:03 AM
I tried to keep up with this thread. I really did. It just grew 3 pages every time I left the house.

If you're willing to squeeze in one more player, I wouldn't mind being a LG god.

Dicefreaks is fine for me and I'd rather have Divine Rank 5 but can live with 6 if its too restrictive for some people.

LG Goddess of Self-confidence and Faith
Domains: Charm, Glory, Nobility
Portfolio: Self-belief, conviction, acting on your beliefs, Self-improvement, Personality
Symbol: An arrow with red fletching in front of a golden mirror
Favoured Weapon: Greatbow
Class Levels: Paladin 20/Exotic Weaponmaster 2/Ranger 8/Peerless Archer 10
Salient Abilities: Divine Archery, Divine Blessing (Charisma) Divine Paladin, Divine Skill Focus (Perform), Divine Weapon Focus (Greatbow), Divine Weapon Specialisation (Greatbow),

2007-06-13, 08:49 AM
I just wanted to say that if you DONT use dicefreaks whatever deity (With Alter Reality) that goes first could kill all the other gods NO SAVE.

#1: Use alter reality to cast Time Stop
#2: Use Alter Reality to cast Delayed blast Fireball
#3: Repeat
#4: Win!
#5: Get killed by DM.

*Cough* PunPun as herald *Cough*

Yuki Akuma
2007-06-13, 08:51 AM
I just wanted to say that if you DONT use dicefreaks whatever deity (With Alter Reality) that goes first could kill all the other gods NO SAVE.

#1: Use alter reality to cast Time Stop
#2: Use Alter Reality to cast Delayed blast Fireball
#3: Repeat
#4: Win!
#5: Get killed by DM.

It's lucky that this game isn't about combat between deities at all, then, isn't it?

Cade Shadow
2007-06-13, 02:38 PM
Its the thread that grows and grows, when it stops nobody knows!