View Full Version : I just had a scary thought...

2007-06-09, 05:12 PM
IF Miko's dead (she may not be, she survived one explosion before after all) and IF she's still LG (you never know....) we may well see her arguing with Roy in the afterlife. I wonder how that would go;

:miko: So the god's have finally punished you for your sins!
:roy: I was killed by Xykon after I decapitated his dragon
:miko: So you paid the price for failing your evil master!
:roy: If I was evil how would I have got into an LG afterlife?
:miko: GUARDS! Our paradise has been infiltrated!

2007-06-09, 05:20 PM
I hope that guards will say " Looks like you are here by accident miss Miyazaki"
and throw her away....

Roy doesn't deserve that.

2007-06-09, 05:24 PM
In before various comments on how Miko wouldn't go to the LG afterlife because she's a big dumb meanyhead.

2007-06-09, 05:27 PM
Assuming that Eugene was there as well, Miko wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise.

2007-06-09, 05:27 PM
Well, THAT was definitely a BIG BANG...

Hope we'll see Miko again, hopefully still not back blue again...

I wonder what Xykon will do now... Retreat? Destroy the city? We'll see...

2007-06-09, 05:41 PM
Assuming that Eugene was there as well, Miko wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise.

Heck, Roy wouldn't be able to get a wod in edgewise!
When he's got people to save, Roy has the advantage. But whenever Roy fails, Eugene's got free reign.

2007-06-09, 05:49 PM
Well that was scary... hold me

2007-06-09, 05:57 PM
A lot of afterlives have a sorting area, they could both wind up there together.

Totally Guy
2007-06-09, 05:57 PM
If that's LG heaven I'd hate to see that place where the bad people go.

2007-06-09, 05:58 PM
I hope that guards will say " Looks like you are here by accident miss Miyazaki"
and throw her away....

Roy doesn't deserve that.

Won´t happen. Her beef is not with Royy being Evil, it´s with everybody bending over backwards for clearly evil Belkar(whom I don´t have a problem with btw. ). Besides, Miko didn´t deserve a lot the OoTS have said to her....

2007-06-09, 06:23 PM
If that ever happens I see Roy turning chaotic evil.
:roy: «If lawful good means sharing the heavens with Miko and my father I'll go somewhere else.»
But then:
:belkar: «Hello Roy! I knew you had it in you!»

Her beef is not with Royy being Evil, it´s with everybody bending over backwards for clearly evil Belkar(whom I don´t have a problem with btw. ).
Maybe Roy can explain that staying with Belkar was the only lawful good thing he could do. He could not kill him out of loyalty (he helped him in many battles) and he can't abandon him. As he said when they attempted to break from jail:

:roy: «And I'm not going to take the chance that he's released into the world without my supervision. I owe that to everyone else everywhere».

But I don't think she'll grasp the concept. Her notion of Lawful Good is killing anything vaguely evil or which associates with evil (poor Shojo can atest to that).

2007-06-09, 06:54 PM
I don't think that Miko is Lawful Good anymore, she lost her paladin powers.

2007-06-09, 07:52 PM
I don't think that Miko is Lawful Good anymore, she lost her paladin powers.

That just means she commited an evil or chaotic act, not that she herself is evil, neutral or chaotic.

2007-06-09, 08:09 PM
I think she's downgraded her alignment to Chaotic Deranged.

Her afterlife? Partying with the Snarl.

2007-06-09, 09:21 PM
That just means she commited an evil or chaotic act, not that she herself is evil, neutral or chaotic.Chaotic acts do not a fallen Paladin make.

2007-06-09, 09:23 PM
Imagine if her and Eugene got in an arguement... pure comedic gold...

2007-06-09, 09:47 PM
Well, THAT was definitely a BIG BANG...

Hope we'll see Miko again, hopefully still not back blue again...

I wonder what Xykon will do now... Retreat? Destroy the city? We'll see...

As I recall, it was really more like a KABOOOOOM

2007-06-09, 09:55 PM
how does it work, changing alignment cuts you off from taking more levels but you keep what you've earned. and if you do an evil act then you get cut off totally.

2007-06-09, 10:06 PM
Her afterlife? Partying with the Snarl.

Unlikely. Until all five gates are destroyed, I'm fairly certainly it's implied that the Snarl can't have any actual interaction with the prime material plane, or any plane of existence for that matter.

Personally, I think it would be entertaining if she and Roy ended up meeting in the afterlife (if she didn't survive the destruction of the gate). There are several ways I can see the conversation going, so I'll keep my near endless theories to myself.

2007-06-09, 10:16 PM
I think she's downgraded her alignment to Chaotic Deranged.

Her afterlife? Partying with the Snarl.

The Snarl, AKA Mr. Scruffy's hairball.

2007-06-09, 10:39 PM
Chaotic acts do not a fallen Paladin make.

Willful chaotic acts that "grossly violate the Code of Conduct" do. Like striking down the rightful master of your order without ascertaining just cause, based simply on a delusion.

how does it work, changing alignment cuts you off from taking more levels but you keep what you've earned. and if you do an evil act then you get cut off totally.

Changing alignment, willfully commiting an evil act, blatantly ignoring your code of conduct gets your paladin powers and spells taken away. pending completing an Atonement at the discretion of your friendly neighborhood cleric and the gods.

Multiclassing into any class from Paladin/Ex-Paladin means you can never take levels in paladin ever again.

2007-06-09, 10:43 PM
how does it work, changing alignment cuts you off from taking more levels but you keep what you've earned. and if you do an evil act then you get cut off totally.

If I remeber correctly, the rules say you are cut off your paladin abilities if you loose your alignment, leaving you as an unter pa fighter without bonus feats. Have to look up the pages, though. Will edit when found.

2007-06-09, 11:12 PM
A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who grossly violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and abilities (including the service of the paladin’s mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any farther in levels as a paladin. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see the atonement spell description), as appropriate.

Here's the info you were looking for.

2007-06-10, 01:00 AM
Personally, I don't think Miko is ever going to be Lawful Good again. She's Lawful Stupid. BIG time.

Then, of course, there are the other Stupid alignments, which could very well apply to other cast members:

Chaotic Stupid(basically busts things up for the hell of it)- :belkar: While he is classified in canon as CE, he really is more Chaotic than Evil IMHO.

Stupid Evil- well, this one's obvious. :xykon:

Stupid Good- also obvious. :elan:

I've yet to find an example of True Stupid, though the :mitd: might be a candidate.

David Argall
2007-06-10, 02:06 AM
Until all five gates are destroyed, I'm fairly certainly it's implied that the Snarl can't have any actual interaction with the prime material plane, or any plane of existence for that matter.

Apparently incorrect. By the [not necessarily reliable] information given us, there were 5 holes in reality, any and/or all of which the Snarl can enter and cause trouble by. The earlier band of heros managed to seal all 5 holes. Thereafter, to keep them sealed, they constructed various gates. These gates make it much harder to reopen the holes, but technically are not necessary.
However, a flaw? in the gates allows a talented mage [the lich] to use them to draw out some portion of the Snarl's power. Exactly how much is uncertain, but quite enough to make a real mess of things. Essentially it is a "choice" between total destruction and eternal slavery.
The lich needs control of only one gate to achieve this, and so the remaining two gates must be defended from him or destroyed.

Assuming all 5 gates [or the 3 already destroyed, or 4 of them] are destroyed, the seals on the holes will keep the Snarl in its prison, for now. Just how long now is is very unclear, however, and so it will likely be necessary to arrange some new gates, hopefully without the danger of being misused. The seals on the holes are definitely vulnerable to certain forces that exist and might be insane enough to open the holes.

But if the seal on any of the holes is broken, the Snarl can start interacting with the world, no matter what the condition of the other gates or seals. It appears that none of these holes are big enough now for the Snarl to do anything serious, but there is every reason to assume it can enlarge the holes, tho apparently not exceedingly rapidly. [None of the holes exceeded the size of a small building despite the several years the heros spent in sealing them.] So the current heros appear to have a substantial period of time to safeguard the holes.

As far as is known, the Snarl has shown no interest in anything but destruction. It seems to have no knowledge or interest in any current events, so any idea of Miko or others becoming its agent is out in left field.

Personally, I think it would be entertaining if she and Roy ended up meeting in the afterlife (if she didn't survive the destruction of the gate). There are several ways I can see the conversation going, so I'll keep my near endless theories to myself.
Since Roy is about a cinch to be raised, and Miko is likely alive, it may take a little work to get the conversation going, but it could be quite interesting. However, there is a good chance they can have it when both are alive after roy is raised.

2007-06-10, 02:21 AM
Miko is Lawful Psycho "Good". No, I do not know what that means either.

If she were to see Roy in the afterlife... I'd love to see him smack her.

It'd be funny :smallcool:

2007-06-10, 03:02 AM
Hey, they're both martyrs who died to protect the gate from Xykon. I mean, they have so much in common! And the best part is that Roy wouldn't have to worry about being slashed to death when they run out of milk, because a) It's heaven. They have sufficient quantities of milk in heaven. and b) Even Miko can't kill someone who's actually in heaven.

2007-06-10, 03:35 AM
Roy decides to become Neutral Good just to escape from Miko.
Would that count as her killing him? She DID push him out of (a) heaven, after all.

2007-06-10, 04:37 AM
Willful chaotic acts that "grossly violate the Code of Conduct" do.There, your own foot you shot. Said as you did, the Coc it grossly violates.

Once again, chaotic acts do not a fallen Paladin make. Evil acts, alignment change, and gross violation of the CoC, Law-Chaos alignment unreguarded, do a fallen Paladin make.

(Rearranging sentence structure fun and confusing is.)

2007-06-10, 04:58 AM
Hey, they're both martyrs who died to protect the gate from Xykon. I mean, they have so much in common! And the best part is that Roy wouldn't have to worry about being slashed to death when they run out of milk, because a) It's heaven. They have sufficient quantities of milk in heaven. and b) Even Miko can't kill someone who's actually in heaven.

Also, they both have to spend the hereafter getting nagged by respective LG old geezers who will never let them live it down for screwing up and letting Xykon get away.:smallbiggrin:

Emperor Ing
2007-06-10, 05:23 AM
IF Miko's dead (she may not be, she survived one explosion before after all) and IF she's still LG (you never know....) we may well see her arguing with Roy in the afterlife. I wonder how that would go;

:miko: So the god's have finally punished you for your sins!
:roy: I was killed by Xykon after I decapitated his dragon
:miko: So you paid the price for failing your evil master!
:roy: If I was evil how would I have got into an LG afterlife?
:miko: GUARDS! Our paradise has been infiltrated!
...And then the guards would come and take Miko away. All our problems were solved

2007-06-10, 05:55 AM
There, your own foot you shot. Said as you did, the Coc it grossly violates.

Once again, chaotic acts do not a fallen Paladin make. Evil acts, alignment change, and gross violation of the CoC, Law-Chaos alignment unreguarded, do a fallen Paladin make.

(Rearranging sentence structure fun and confusing is.)


*charges at NoDot with a flamethrower*

2007-06-10, 06:02 AM
IFI just had a scary thought... I'll top you scary thought with a scary image....

Miko just had the biggest climax of her life...

Wait for it....

Wait for it...

There we go, we have mental image.

2007-06-10, 09:34 AM
[QUOTE=Bisected8;2718771...(she may not be, she survived one explosion before after all)... QUOTE]

Huh? What previous explosion ws that?

2007-06-10, 10:07 AM
before[/B] after all)...

Huh? What previous explosion ws that?

The inn (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0246.html) that the OotS stayed in.

2007-06-10, 10:10 AM
I'll top you scary thought with a scary image....

Miko just had the biggest climax of her life...

Wait for it....

Wait for it...

There we go, we have mental image.

Treasure type P.

2007-06-10, 10:13 AM

*charges at NoDot with a flamethrower*

I will defend the literary technique known as inversion...
*Drives a tank in*

2007-06-10, 10:40 AM
To be lawful, one must follow some kind of predictable code or behavior. Miko has become so unpredictable and erratic, there is no way she has retained her Lawful status. Following a "higher order" that only justifies the actions the character wants to perform is no different from Belkar, who willfully performs actions he wants to perform. Miko has become chaotic. She violates her word (her oaths) and does not obey the orders of rightful authority (Hinjo ordered into prison, she broke out). She is not even close to Lawful anymore.

A code that justifies chaotic behavior is not a lawful code.

2007-06-10, 10:45 AM
To be lawful, one must follow some kind of predictable code or behavior.

Or just want things to be in order, and act in way which makes everything more
I agree that, surprisingly will all her fanatism and devotion remaining, she become at least neutral now.

2007-06-10, 11:35 AM
Performing chaotic acts taht cause society to become more orderly does not make the person lawful. Your alignment is based on your choice of actions (and your mental justification for those actions), not the result of those actions. An peron that commits evil acts in defense of a good society is evil not good.