View Full Version : Roy father

2007-06-10, 09:45 AM
Did eugene blow up as well? will he met his son in after life? i think not, he look like Chaotic Good to me

2007-06-10, 09:52 AM
Don't think it's possible for a ghost to blow up...

2007-06-10, 09:55 AM
Roy's father was already, really, totally... dead? (Not as those martyrs) He probably wasn't even there anymore for a long time (we did not see him for ages, even when people were in the thron room, so I assume he was long gone (haha, cheap play with words)).

Tussy the Druid
2007-06-10, 10:01 AM
Well, there's many different options. Roy's dad is still in Ac, they're both in different planes, or somehow his dad managed to sneak into the Lawful Good plane.

2007-06-10, 10:35 AM
Spiryt, if manifested, like Soon, the destruction of the Gate has a 50% chance of destroying the ghost,but most ghosts will reform at some point later, depending on whether the ghost's purpose has been completed. A DM is welcome to make a ghost die with it's first destruction, but they are also free to make them restless spirits that can only be surpressed until whatever unresolved business is dealt with.

Since Eugene was not manifested, he was probably immune from the destruction caused by the gate by being on the ethereal plane, unless he had retreated all the way to the upper planes, where he would not be aware of current events.

2007-06-10, 10:39 AM
Spiryt, if manifested, like Soon, the destruction of the Gate has a 50% chance of destroying the ghost,but most ghosts will reform at some point later, depending on whether the ghost's purpose has been completed. A DM is welcome to make a ghost die with it's first destruction, but they are also free to make them restless spirits that can only be surpressed until whatever unresolved business is dealt with.

Since Eugene was not manifested, he was probably immune from the destruction caused by the gate by being on the ethereal plane, unless he had retreated all the way to the upper planes, where he would not be aware of current events.

Anyway, He is anyway bound to family sword, so will probably return even if destroyed.

2007-06-10, 10:42 AM
Given that Shojo's clerics were attempting to summon somebody from the Upper Planes to act as an arbiter in this dispute, and Eugene Greenhilt intercepted this and went in the place of the summon, he must presumably come from the same place. In strip 283, the "summoned being" (e.g. Eugene Greenhilt with an illusory disguise!) said "On behalf of the Upper Planes and the cosmic forces of Law and Good...", which implies the summoned being was supposed to be Lawful Good--therefore Eugene Greenhilt is also Lawful Good.

OK, he isn't averse to acting outside the law when needs be, but that just means he isn't Lawful Stupid... :smallsmile:

2007-06-10, 03:01 PM
D&D afterlife is divided by Lawfull, Chaotic and Neutral or it is just the comic?
Good goes to heaven Bad to hell, where Neutral ppl go ???

2007-06-10, 03:25 PM
D&D afterlife is a lot more complicated than just Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic. If I remember right, there are actually 24 Outer Planes covering the various alignments, plus a vast Outland which is the area you find more neutral beings...

2007-06-10, 03:27 PM
Nah, the basic D&D cosmology is even more divided than that. For Lawful Good folks, there's the Celestia (which is an infinitely huge city divided into seven infinutely huge layers on an infinitely huge island in the middle of an infinitely huge lake), or Arcadia (an infinite, civilized, pastoral plane that used to be divided into three layers, until one of them became too focused on Law and forgot about Good, and got absorbed by one of the Lawful Neutral heavens). And I'm not sure, but I think the dwarves have a Lawful Good heaven of their own, and the elves have like five Chaotic Good ones :smalltongue:

If I had to guess, I'd say the OotS-world's outer planes are divided by both alignment and religion. So, say, pre-psycho Miko would have gone to the Lawful Good plane of the Twelve Gods, but Roy would probably have gone somewhere else (maybe to the Northern Gods? He's never really shown a preference. I guess that means at least he and Durkon could hang out).

2007-06-10, 03:38 PM
In D&D, you usually go either to the plane of your deity or the plane of your alignment, depending on the campaign setting.

Based from the little we know from OotS's afterlife (at least according to what the characters say after Shojo's death), it seems there are only 9 possible destinations for dead souls, one for each D&D alignment.

2007-06-11, 01:14 PM
And who is in charge of the afterlife's ? the gods ? if so whatch out twelve gods, i bet they could let Miko live so she just don't bother then anymore

2007-06-11, 01:20 PM
I sincerely hoped he lived (which I believe he did) so we can all see him chewing out Roy for getting himself killed by Xylkon. I have been looking forward to that since he went splat, should be hillarious

2007-06-11, 01:28 PM
[QUOTE=TheNovak;2722176]Nah, the basic D&D cosmology is even more divided than that. For Lawful Good folks, there's the Celestia (which is an infinitely huge city divided into seven infinutely huge layers on an infinitely huge island in the middle of an infinitely huge lake), or Arcadia (an infinite, civilized, pastoral plane that used to be divided into three layers, until one of them became too focused on Law and forgot about Good, and got absorbed by one of the Lawful Neutral heavens). And I'm not sure, but I think the dwarves have a Lawful Good heaven of their own, and the elves have like five Chaotic Good ones :smalltongue:

Hmmm... I think there are like.... 13 outer planes in all. Plus we got the four elemental planes, the two energy planes, the ethereal plane, the astral plane, the plane of shadow, and the material plane. Outer planes in standard D&D cosmology:

Limbo: Plane of PURE CHAOS. Home of the slaads.
Pandemonium: Chaotic evil, more chaotic than evil, plane. Has canyons
Abyss: Demonwordl! 666+ layered plane of pure Chaotic Evil
Carceri: Chaotic evil, more evil than chaotic, plane. Contained in layered shells
Hades: Plane of PURE EVIL. In standard D&D cosmology, no god claims this plane as his own
Gehenna: Lawful Evil, more evil than lawful, plane. Four layers, subtle evil
Baator: Also known as the Nine Hells, home of the devils. Pure Lawful Evil
Acheron: Warworld, home of eternal combat. Lawful Evil, more lawful than evil
Mechanus: Clockwork plane of PURE LAW
Arcadia: Lawful Good, more Lawful than good, paradise plane
Celestia: Heavanly home of the archons. Pure lawful good
Bytopia: Twin plane of lawful good, more good than lawful
Elysium: Home of Pelor. Plane of PURE GOOD

mmmm... gotta run... someone can fill in the rest.

2007-06-11, 01:30 PM
I sincerely hoped he lived (which I believe he did) so we can all see him chewing out Roy for getting himself killed by Xylkon. I have been looking forward to that since he went splat, should be hillarious

I was kind of hoping he would MET :xykon: he may at least have saw him