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View Full Version : Homebrewing some classes- need advice

2007-06-10, 04:47 PM
I recently had an idea for a homebrewed campaign setting, and with it came ideas for some new classes to better suit it. However, I have no experience with creating classes before, so I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help me? The classes (And the crude "fluff"/flavour text I've devised for them) are detailed below. I'll list just the first for now, and if there's interest I'll detail the others.

When the spirits were defeated, chained away forevermore, magic was sealed away with them, and all knowledge of the arts arcana were lost in the Golden Age of Steam. However, now the darkness has returned, and with it has returned magic. The Hellbound is despised as most as a traitor to mortality, for the Hellbound has -in the desire to master this "new" power- made a pact with darkness; they willing allow the darkness into their soul, in order that they may command its power. Despite their reputation, not all are evil, for some believe that the only way to fight darkness is to turn it upon itself...
*This is the replacement arcane spellcaster for my setting, not to mention the only spellcaster. In terms of conduct, it's something like a Warlock that uses Intelligence as its spellcasting stat rather than Charisma, representing that their invocations are devised from deliberate insight and acquired through cunningly wrought spiritual contracts. The Hellbound thus uses Invocations, though I'm unsure whether to "borrow" those of the Warlock or, perhaps more fittingly, devise unique ones of my own.
*I'm thinking maybe an Alignment Restriction, but I'm not sure.
*In addition to its spells, the Hellbound slowly becomes "tainted" by darkness, manifesting this unnaturalness in various ways. I'm thinking that at certain levels the Hellbound can choose a "boon" from a specified list, but each boon comes with an attendant drawback. Alternatively, they simply have to choose a drawback at certain levels.
For an example of the first option... the Hellbound emits a befuddling, pleasure-inducing vapor when they exhale. This gives a straight bonus of +2 to Social skill checks (bar Intimidate) and/or allows them to cast Charm Person as a Touch-ranged spell once per week. However, they become befuddled and distracted by a constant inhalation of their own miasma; they lose 2 points of Wisdom.

There was a vague idea for a class that went further in the "binding" than the Hellbound, eventually becoming a fusion of mortal and demon. I'm not sure whether to abandon it or if it has potential as a Hellbound PrC- what's your opinion?

2007-06-15, 04:28 PM
Hmmn. It sounds a bit like you are describing a Binder here. I could imagine it working with a few tweaks, but I'm not sure exactly what.