View Full Version : Fourth Empire Moon City

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2007-06-10, 06:33 PM
((Bare-bones description. Will add to this later.))

The Fourth Empire Moon Base, referred to by them as Mondheim, is located on the rim of a large crater in the southern hemisphere of the moon of Planet Town.

The original rockets that started this colony are buried under a mass of new growth, as the rapidly expanding FE swelled and built outwards, until their capital became a massive lunar installation of both underground catacombs and aboveground constructions.

The city is divided into four sections. The upper left section, home to the FE government, is the smallest, and the tip of the original rocket--the only one to successfully land upright--can still be seen poking out of the building. The upper right section serves as the home of the FE scientists and headquarters for their research division. While it appears small aboveground, a sprawling research complex is hidden underground, where the FE carries out all manner of research, from grenades to genetics. The lower right section is the residential and agricultural section, and the largest--the massive aboveground building is home to most of the city's residents. Massive enclosed greenhouses grow food and raise livestock to feed the city's inhabitants. The lower left section is the headquarters of the FE military, serving as a combination barracks for FE troops and dock for FE spacecraft.

2007-06-10, 06:34 PM
The automatons rented by the FE are currently in Laboratory 17, in the research district, undergoing study. Some are in various states of disassembly as the FE attempts to learn their inner workings so as to make more of them.

2007-06-10, 06:37 PM
The ones they have disected so far seem to be solid clay, though with a lead layer on the outside.

The ones that HAVEN'T been disected grab attempt to anything nearby, and quietly kill any scientists nearby, hiding their bodies. If successful, They start looking around for weapons.

2007-06-10, 06:49 PM
((Er, godmodding. Also, the ones they aren't dissecting are deactivated. And the entire lab is underneath a whole lot of solid rock.))

The FE scientists continue to take apart the automatons and record observations about them, attempting to find out what makes them tick.

2007-06-10, 06:52 PM
((Yeah I'll change that. Also, They CAN'T be deactivated. If the FE tells them to deactivate, they'll act like it, but their under specific orders from me to only pretend to be deactivated. Theres no way to deactivate them other then to cut them open and THEN antimagic field. They're spicificly designed to be able to resist anti magic feilds.))

2007-06-10, 06:59 PM
((You mean the Town still has a moon? :smalltongue: ))

2007-06-10, 07:01 PM
A large group of massive spaceships suddenly appears insystem. Far away from the FE Moon Base, and out of range, but visible. They are very strangely made, and reminiscent of a cathedral. They vector towards the Town planet.
((these are Guard re-enforcement warships that just arrived insystem. They won't be able to contribut to the fight at the ZoC for several days, though))

2007-06-10, 07:02 PM
One of the house size rocks I launched is probably within sight right now.

2007-06-10, 07:07 PM
((Yes. Because the plot dictates it so.))

The storage room the FE placed the automata they aren't dissecting is bare, unfortunately, but one of the automata was on the way to dissection at the time they received the signal to attack. The FE scientist is caught by surprise and easily dispatched, but within a few seconds a nearby technician sounds the alarm.

An FE defense system targets the large rock and fires a missile at it.

2007-06-10, 07:10 PM
In that case the automatons examine the door, looking at hinges, or any other sort of opening.

Also, there are now TWO house sized rocks (almost said rock sized houses, heh) Within sight, and they're coming in fast.

2007-06-10, 07:12 PM
The FE defense systems fire more missiles at the incoming rocks.

The automaton is in a hallway. The storage room with the rest is one way, the dissection room the other, and various other rooms are down other hallways.

The door is solid and appears to slide back into the wall to open. There are no visible controls on their side of the door.

2007-06-10, 07:16 PM
I don't really feel like saying everytime a rock is coming, so for the sake of not being bored let's just say that the same thing keeps happening until one of us runs out of ammo. (That will probably be you, seeing as the moon IS my ammo.)

It goes back the way it came, and the automata on both sides of the door, attempt to open it. Failing that, they will just hit it until it falls down.

2007-06-10, 07:25 PM
The FE defense systems continue to fire. Two FE ships launch from the spaceport, headed towards the castle where the rocks are being fired from.

The automaton on the hallway side is quickly able to open the door. However, an FE security team arrives, and begin firing at the automata with armor-piercing ammunition.

2007-06-10, 07:28 PM
The shots do very little to most of them, though a few simply stop working once hit. The automata attempt to rush the soldiers and steal their guns.

2007-06-10, 07:30 PM
The soldiers backpedal, continuing to fire, as the automata draw nearer. More soldiers arrive to help, adding their fire.

2007-06-10, 07:33 PM
The automatons, which are running at full speed, are probably moving faster then the FE soldiers. They have a few more losses, but nothing serious.

2007-06-10, 07:38 PM
Some FE soldiers lose their weapons to the automata. More soldiers arrive, bearing with them heavy machine guns. They open fire on the automata.

2007-06-10, 07:41 PM
The automata retreat back to the room they had been in dragging the 10 that had already died. They shut the door, barricading it with the bodies of their fellows. They begin to attempt to dismantle the walls. ABout 5 are destroyed in this action.

2007-06-10, 07:43 PM

The walls are metal plating, and as such are rather resistant to attempts to dismantle them.

2007-06-10, 07:44 PM
A cheese wheel the size of Asia appears out of nowhere and hurtles straight toward the moon.

2007-06-10, 07:45 PM
The FE ignore the cheese wheel.

2007-06-10, 07:46 PM
They look for any weakness in the walls that may allow dismantling ((This includes, but is not limited too: where the walls are bolted/welded together, anything rusted, or any grates.))

2007-06-10, 07:48 PM
(OK, but it'll hit in about an hour.)

2007-06-10, 08:01 PM
There are small gaps in between the panels of the wall.

((Deadtime, sorry.))

2007-06-10, 08:03 PM
The automata shoot at the gaps, pull at them, and attempt anything and everything to get it loose, even dismantling their own dead comrades for use as crowbars.

2007-06-10, 10:36 PM
(I warned you.)
The giant cheese wheel crashes into the moon, right on top of the base.

2007-06-10, 11:36 PM
Right before the giant cheese whell hit's the Moon base it crosses paths with the Anihilation Spheres there where shoot at the giant rock that is heading to Town.

(:smallsmile: )

2007-06-11, 06:15 AM
(Don't you know that Spheres of annhiliation don't work on cheese!)

2007-06-11, 07:46 AM
A mile-long cruiser can be seen in the distance, vectoring towards Castle Luna(or wherever the rocks are coming from).

2007-06-11, 12:36 PM
And Ba'al appears, out in space...without a spacesuit, not that destruction lets something as minor as that stop him. He waits and watches. There will be a battle here, or he'll damn well make one. "I can wait for a week at least." So he waits.

2007-06-11, 01:55 PM
The cruiser, now in range of whatever FE ships are attacking Castle Luna, opens fire on them.

2007-06-11, 01:56 PM
Somewhere, across the system, a half-dozen probe drones are launched by the BR Base-Ship. The drones scatter, scouting the system for the location of the supposed FE base...and they see it, on the moon, and take lots of pictures and triangulate the coordinates.

2007-06-11, 02:22 PM
((The battle is probably going to happen at castle luna you know, so Ba'al might want to hang out there.))

2007-06-11, 02:24 PM
The cruiser attempts to contact Castle Luna, or whoever is in charge there, via the equivalent of radio transmissions.

2007-06-11, 02:25 PM
((You may want to post that radio message there then, I'll dig up a link if you want.))

2007-06-11, 02:28 PM
((I'll check the Directory and get back to you if I can't find it))

2007-06-11, 02:29 PM
((It's on the first page, so it shouldn't be to hard to find.))

2007-06-11, 05:57 PM
The cheese wheel fails to impact the base because, spontaneously, it turns into a bowl of petunias.

The automata will discover that behind the paneling is solid rock.

2007-06-11, 06:08 PM
A half-dozen Phantoms, cloaked, land near the moon base, and open their bay doors to deploy 22 men each, each man with a plasma-jetpack and a suit of sealed armor, functioning as a battlesuit and a spacesuit The Phantoms each drop a vehicle heavily based on the Tau Devilfish, only with no turrets and better engines, permitting them to move faster. These hover-APCs, designated Mantises, are quickly loaded with the Zero-G soldiers, and cloak themselves. The Zero-G Commandos are in position and deployed. The Phantoms, still cloaked, lift off.

No one saw a thing.

2007-06-11, 06:16 PM
The FE base, as it always does, scans the area with a bundled sensor package looking for emissions from light sources, heat sources, ion sources, microwave sources, and, heck, the government's paying for it, why not throw in electron sources while we're at it.

2007-06-11, 06:19 PM
They pick up very small traces of each, nothing truly out of the ordinary, or so it seems.

The Mantis hover-APCs roll-er...hover out and head for the moon base, cloaked and prepared for a sneak attack.

Zulu-2: Zulu-3, this is Zulu-2! Take the lead!

Zulu-3: Copy!

The one at the rear takes the lead.

2007-06-11, 06:23 PM
((In all directions? That's just plain paranoia...)) The automatons ready all weapons, remove the barricade and make a charge, shooting and shooting continuously.

2007-06-11, 06:28 PM
((Well, yes, but they've got extremely efficient burrowing technology, and it's not too much trouble for them to space things out a bit.))

By this time more FE troops have responded to the alarm. They open fire on the automata with assault rifles and machine guns.

2007-06-11, 06:29 PM
About ten go down, but they keep going, they've covered about 20 yards now.

(How many had already been disected?)

2007-06-11, 06:33 PM
Thankful for the distraction provided by the automata, the APCs are in position next to the moon base entrance. The men pile out and cloak their suits, and begin placing demolition charges on the doors.

2007-06-11, 06:34 PM
((About a dozen are in various stages of dissection.))

The FE stubbornly hold their ground. They are determined to stop the automata before they can pose a threat to the city.

((EDIT: Blackout, are the charges cloaked?))

2007-06-11, 06:34 PM
((I doubt the automata were that much of a distraction. It only take a few to hold a hallway.))

So that would put their current numbers at around 175...

They keep charging.

2007-06-11, 06:36 PM
((No, the charges aren't, but everything else used by the BR commandos are.))

The commandos step back, and blow the charges, moving in quickly. The APCs drive off to avoid detection.

2007-06-11, 06:39 PM
The area around the door shakes as the doors explode. However, the BR troops are then confronted with the second set of doors, the room they are in right now being an airlock.

The FE troops continue to fight the automata, engaging in hand-to-hand combat if necessary.

2007-06-11, 06:39 PM
They proceed to blow these doors as well, and then sit back and wait for explosive decompression to effect the FE soldiers.

2007-06-11, 06:40 PM
(( The moon base has a huge amount of defenders, right?))
In the distance, a fast-moving bomber wing approaches. They will strafe any visible parts of the base.

2007-06-11, 06:41 PM
After several hours of having to blow up rocks every 5 minutes, how are the missile supplies doing?

2007-06-11, 06:41 PM
This is their main base, I think it's much bigger than you and Blackout realize.

2007-06-11, 06:44 PM
I realize it's big, I still want to know how they're doing.

2007-06-11, 07:00 PM
The plot-replenished missile batteries continue to shoot down the missiles.

Other batteries also target the bomber wing.

The BR soldiers find, however, that the section was sealed off when the outer door blew, and as a result the only FE soldiers in the area are inside the pressurized control room.

2007-06-11, 07:01 PM
Commander: Sweep the area, kill everything.

The soldiers sweep the area, blowing every door they find.

2007-06-11, 07:05 PM
Behind the next door, they will find a squad of FE soldiers in combat suits. The soldiers fire on the BR troops.

Inside the control room, however, some of the men have not yet been able to put on their environment suits, and as a result pass out due to the pressure loss. Some of them have, and manage to fire on the BR troops when they blow the door. They knock over the metal table to use as cover.

2007-06-11, 07:06 PM
The bombers begin evading, and firing at the incoming missiles. Several bombers are destroyed. The rest begin strafing the exposed rocket tip.

2007-06-11, 07:07 PM
One soldier throws something glowing blue over the table. The thrown object lands directly behind the table.


2007-06-11, 07:10 PM
The grenade goes off, killing the soldiers behind the table.

As the bombers near the city ((since before they were only at the first line of defense a few miles out)) they encounter more SAM launchers, as well as another threat. The space-fighters scrambled by the FE when they picked up the bombers on their radar fire on the bombers.

2007-06-11, 07:12 PM
The BR commandos sweep the room, killing anyone who wasn't vaporized or killed in any other way by the grenade.

2007-06-11, 07:13 PM
These are no ordinary, vulnerable bombers. These are Marauders, giant beasts with multiple lascannons, heavy bolters, missile mounts, and heavy armor plating. Several more die to SAM's and fighters. They form a defensive formation, and pour devastating firepower onto any fighters while charging the rocket tip, randomly firing two missiles each at the city as they go.

2007-06-11, 07:16 PM
A portal opens up within the bombers, and one of Haydns talking automata walks through.

Please focus on the source of the missiles that are being fired at those large rocks.

2007-06-11, 07:17 PM
Are you kidding?!? We're a bit busy right now! We're taking out missile launchers as we go, but we're a bit preoccupied!

2007-06-11, 07:19 PM
The battle will be finished much quicker if you do, seeing as those rocks will do 100 times as much damage as anything a ship this size should be able to deal out.

2007-06-11, 07:20 PM
You're not familiar with these ships, are you?:smalltongue:
Where are they coming from?
Several more are destroyed by AA fire.

2007-06-11, 07:21 PM
Some of the fighters go down, but the FE are determined to stop the bombers before they can damage the city. Despite their efforts, the missiles the bombers fired shoot towards the city. Antimissile defenses on the top of the city engage and destroy some of them, but a few impact the city, damaging it only slightly due to its size.

The control room is now empty. The soldiers in the room past the airlock area, however, continue to fire at the BR troops.

2007-06-11, 07:22 PM
A few more bombers are destroyed, kamakazing into the city. The remainder suddenly fire off the last of their missiles and attempt to pull away.

2007-06-11, 07:24 PM
I'm firing them from a large cannon at my OWN moon base, Castle Luna. They slingshot around the earth, which increases their speed. Seeing as how they are the size of HOUSES and a trashcan at that speed could demolish an area of about a miles radius, then if you can dish out more then that, you would be having no problem.

2007-06-11, 07:26 PM
The commandos throw grenades like crazy, firing assault rifles and if a bright blue-green glow covers them as they are shot at. It becomes clear that they are shielded, due to the lack of jamming of the base-ship's signal.

2007-06-11, 07:27 PM
Again, you'd be suprised at how much of a payload these things can carry. I'll give it to you, but we're pulling away anyways.

2007-06-11, 08:17 PM
Due to the fallback plan when the Cheese Wheel of Doom fails, the moon implodes.

2007-06-11, 08:25 PM
due to the magic anti-implosion spell Haydn cast on it when he got there, no, it doesn't.

2007-06-11, 08:26 PM
Then it explodes. Or does something to destroy it.

2007-06-11, 08:26 PM
((Thank you thehothead.))

The BR forces easily dispatch the few FE forces nearby. However, their further progress into the city is impeded by a set of large, thick blast doors.

2007-06-11, 08:27 PM
... No it doesn't, he also cast an anti spontaneousness spell. (Cause otherwise Castle Luna is destroyed too, and I don't want that.)

2007-06-11, 08:29 PM
Commando: Hey, boss, they set up a pair of blast doors. We can't get through.

Commando Leader: ...Finish that sentence for me.

Commando: ...blast doors...can't get through...without blasting?

Commando Leader: :smallamused: And that's why they call it a blast door.

2007-06-11, 08:43 PM
The commandos proceed to blow the blast door, using their biggest charges.

2007-06-11, 08:44 PM
The area around the base, excluding Castle Luna, disintegrates.

2007-06-11, 08:46 PM
Much as I would like this, it still fails, due to the aforementioned anti sponatiousness spell. You could, however, INDERECTLY do something like this.

Also, deadtime.

2007-06-11, 08:47 PM
A cheese wheel that was planned to go off in the event of an anti-spontaniety spell is fired, bigger then the last one, but with a hole right where Castle Luna will be when it hits in 10 minutes.

2007-06-11, 08:49 PM
(a whole?:smallconfused: don't you mean a hole?)

2007-06-11, 08:54 PM
The FE fires an anti-annoying-randomness missile at the cheese wheel, destroying it utterly.

The blast door is heavily damaged, part of it blown through. Through that breach, however, pours a large volume of bullets and lascannon fire.

2007-06-11, 08:56 PM
The commando shielding, powered by the base-ship, does not falter. The commandos proceed to throw grenades through the breach, followed by running through and shooting at people with assault rifles.

2007-06-11, 08:58 PM
The FE fires an anti-annoying-randomness missile at the cheese wheel, destroying it utterly.

The blast door is heavily damaged, part of it blown through. Through that breach, however, pours a large volume of bullets and lascannon fire.

As I said, this was PLANNED, meaning NOT-RANDOM.

2007-06-11, 08:58 PM
The fire continues, though the commandos do kill several FE soldiers on the other side.

In the northeast sector, Hans suddenly appears with the Spear, along with his lieutenants and about a dozen other surviving FE troops.

((Deadtime, sorry.))


The writing on the anti-annoying-randomness missile suddenly changes to read "anti-annoying-I don't really care." It then explodes and destroys the cheese.

2007-06-11, 09:02 PM
(Check my edit, and you'll see that those guys actually probably aren't there.)

Artemis appears with them. He sends a telepathic cry out to every guild member and associate possible.

2007-06-11, 10:41 PM
All involved appear inside a lavish circular room, with red walls, gold carpeting, and ornate red furniture. An FE flag decorates one part of the wall, while the rest displays various works of art, prizes looted by the FE when they fled the surface. A wide wooden staircase near the flag leads up to the next floor and down to the previous.

Hans and the lieutenants all appear, grasping the Spear along with Artemis. Around a dozen other FE appear nearby, seemingly disoriented by the sudden change of scenery.

There is a moment of silence as the involved parties contemplate the presence of the other.

2007-06-11, 10:43 PM
Artemis goes etheral, enters deadtime (which doesn't count against his etheral limit!), and waits for his backup.

2007-06-11, 10:53 PM
Due to the fact that Haydn knows what his Automata know, he now has enough knowledge to open a portal to inside the storage room. He does this. Through this come another group of automata, carrying two chainguns. The automata in the hallway move to the side, and two large bursts of bullets are unleashed.

2007-06-11, 10:55 PM
Unfortunately, the portal does not open because the base is protected against such things. Only because Hans and the lieutenants were wielding the Spear were they able to successfully teleport in.

2007-06-11, 10:58 PM
Ok then, that DOESN'T happen.

2007-06-12, 11:23 AM
A fleet of cloaked troopships and Phantoms launches from the surface of the Town, from the location of the Police Station, and approach the moon at a slow pace. At least 40 aerospace fighters approach the moon, not cloaked, but jamming enemy communications and radar all around them. The Predators focus on destroying communications sattelites and radar stations, while the Firefalcons focus on comms jams and long-range scanning. After the last communications sattelite is destroyed, the fleet becomes a massive hive of activity.

Predator Pilot: That's the last com-sat, moving to escort position!

Troopship Pilot: Roger that, thanks for the assist!

Troopship Operator: All ships, prepare for immediate landing! Soldiers, seal your suits and vehicles! Prepare for hard vacuum upon landing!

The Phantoms move in first, decloaking and then landing and dropping infantry and one vehicle per Phantom, mostly Imp Tanks and Spider Anti-Air Walkers. Troopships land after the Phantoms, dropping Collosi Artillery Walkers, Defender Fast-Attack Hoverbikes, and Patriot Battlearmor. The soldiers immediately establish a perimeter and prepare to engage, while the escort fighters begin flying around the area, protecting the landing zone from air attacks.

2007-06-12, 11:31 AM
Artemis awakens from dead time and reappears. In the same instant, Osnagard, Draken, Shadowbow, Silver, Katriana, Rishtak, Xan, Crend, Silver, Venom, Robert, Waddle Dee, and about 500 various thieves' guild NPC's appear around him.
Shadowbow conjures his bow, Rishtak charges to finish Hans, Crend, currently in the form of a giant tiger, pounces at the spear. Xan starts causing a vast number of small explosions. Katriana opens up on the lieutenants with acid. Artemis grins, and charges at Hans, seeking to flank him with Rishtak.

Nukular hears Shadowbow's voice again
We're in, and we have them badly outnumbered.

(Oh, and Draken is now an ECL 19, as is everyone else. This is because of the spear.)

2007-06-12, 11:34 AM
Osnagard takes out his wand, Val morphs his hands into axes and Nitzy just stands there burning. The is also a host of various undead creatures to add to the 500 theives guild NPCs ((I havn't worked out an exact number.. but it's reasonably small))

2007-06-12, 11:38 AM
Understood. Battlegroups Alpha through Epsilon, move in!

Five battlegroups of capital ships jump in from out of the system. The first two groups consist of seven Frigates each, the third and fourth group consisting of four Cruisers each, and the fifth group consisting of three Battleships. The BR's Base-Ship heads up the entire attack.

2007-06-12, 11:40 AM
(That means get ready, not move in! "We're getting out" is move in! This is get ready to move in!)

2007-06-12, 11:41 AM
((I know! Sheesh. You don't manage to win seven RTS team-game tournaments without learning to read signals. Their moving into position.))

2007-06-12, 11:43 AM
(Sorry, I just don't play RTS games. They take longer than I have the patience to wait for.)

2007-06-12, 11:44 AM
((Just saying, I know my signals.))

2007-06-12, 11:47 AM
(Damn can't use epic feats but can still cast my spells and use normal feats)

Six of Draken's heads beggin muterring spells, casting Disintegrate at doors and walls. Whyle the other six heads breath his cold breath at any avaiable targets.

Sliver protudes several barbed tentacles and beggin stabbing FE soldiers.

Draken's cloak falls to the side of his body, it's inner face shows as a Gate, and golems beggind to crawl out of it.

2007-06-12, 11:53 AM
Waddle Dee puts together a cybernetic battle armor with some parts he had spare, he jumps inside it

2007-06-12, 11:53 AM
((Wow, we kinda pulled together an army... cool))

2007-06-12, 12:01 PM
((Now we just need a name for it.))

2007-06-12, 12:05 PM
(The Army of the Thieves seems quite appropriate, since everyone here is at least an associate to the guild.)
Seeing that everyone else has been supplying backup, Xan, Crend, and Shadowbow each cast three various summning spells, bringing in around 50 total creatures.

2007-06-12, 12:07 PM

((Or how about VUWDTATFEFSR - Various Units Who Decided To Attack The Fourth Empire For Some Reason.))

2007-06-12, 12:08 PM
((I was thinking First Alliance, or maybe the Coalition of the Town.))

This is General Nukular, my forces are hanging back, waiting for your signal.

2007-06-12, 12:12 PM
(They know, but we're all dead timed until J muller can post. I like the Coalition of the Town idea, but i don't think you were included, making it the Coalition of the Guild, because, as I said before, you're the only one that isn't at least an associate to the guild.)

2007-06-12, 12:12 PM
((Ack. :smallfrown: Well, I don't want to be excluded...First Alliance?))

2007-06-12, 12:19 PM
(I'm OK with that.)

2007-06-12, 12:20 PM
((It'll do... :P I'm more of an acronym kinda-guy myself... the ones that don't look like words are the best :D ))

2007-06-12, 12:24 PM
And Ba'al walks in through the path of destruction left by the BR soldiers. He then proceeds to ignore the BR troops who seem ridiculously overpowered and looks around the base.

2007-06-12, 12:27 PM
((Fear the Base-Ship shielding. :P If it's any consolation, the Base-ship is completely shieldless itself.))

2007-06-12, 12:33 PM
((Yes...But...Base Ship...That's not exactly going to be some tiny ship that can be taken down easily is it? Meh.))

2007-06-12, 12:42 PM
((That's why it's called a Base-Ship. :smallsmile: Anyways, yeah. Meh.))

The troops, ships, and Nukular all go into dead-time.

Nukular's forces finish establishing a perimeter and prepare to move out.

2007-06-12, 01:28 PM
Waddle dee flips a switch and the mech morphs into a dual blade wielding form

2007-06-12, 02:14 PM
A small flotilla can be seen in the distance, moving towards the base. It consists of two Emperor-class battleships, and three Luna-class cruisers, accompanied by several massive troop transports.
This is the Imperial Guard 76th Battlegroup, moving to assist.

2007-06-12, 02:22 PM
Negative, hang back and protect our flank.

2007-06-12, 02:26 PM
A large horde of automata approach the moon base.

2007-06-12, 02:27 PM
I don't see any enemy spaceship activity. What is there to protect against?

2007-06-12, 02:30 PM
The Fourth Empire, while easily beaten with the proper tactics, might have a trap set. Our ships are shielded enough to avoid all sorts of damage except for our base-ship. They might have a trap for the base-ship set. The base-ship goes down, the rest of the army becomes vulnerable. Your ships can cover our flank in the event of an attack.

2007-06-12, 02:31 PM
*Venom wakes from dead time, as does Robert*

what do you guys want me to do? asks Venom

am I a cyborg yet? asks Robert

2007-06-12, 02:33 PM
Artemis speaks into the comm-set that was given to him by the Valenians.
Raneus, this is Artemis. The FE might attempt to escape certain death here and hit Nukular from behind. I have almost the entire guild and it's associates in hear, along with an army of golems, undead, summoned creatures, and lower ranking guild members. We also have Shadowbow, his nephews, Rishtak, Katriana, and a criohydra named Draken in here. Draken is supplying the golems, and he rents them out. This might be expensive if he chooses to charge us for their use.
Turning to Venom, Artemis tells him
Go for the spear. As soon as you have it, get it to me. We have to get it out of here.

2007-06-12, 02:37 PM
*venom heads for the spear*

((what defenses are around it?))

2007-06-12, 02:38 PM
((J Muller isn't here yet.))

2007-06-12, 02:39 PM
(There's a man getting the crap beat out of him with a spiked chain holding it and a tiger already trying to grab it. The tiger is on your side. And i just remembered while looking at Artemis' character page that he's a drow. Awfully hard to tell though, being completely covered.)

2007-06-12, 02:40 PM
Haydn portals into a Valenian ship, and waits for someone to notice the fact that he's out of place.

2007-06-12, 02:42 PM
Attack! screams venom

*an army of over 100 black widow spiders try to bite the man with the chain.*

2007-06-12, 02:44 PM
(Your attacking your own team! The man with the chain is attacking the man with the spear because we don't want the man with the spear to have the spear!)

2007-06-12, 02:46 PM
((I thought you said only the tiger was on are team! sorry.))

*the spiders attack the man attacking the ma with the spiked chain*

2007-06-12, 02:48 PM
(It's OK, but next time, consider my sigatars. That's one of my characters. how many Town characters use a chain? That's actually a good question.)

2007-06-12, 02:51 PM
((But the real question is how many people use a glowy spiked chain?))

2007-06-12, 02:54 PM
(Glowy means magic, and I don't think anyone in the Town uses unenchanted weapons.)

2007-06-12, 02:57 PM
((I dont..... I use super over the top powerful armor!))

2007-06-12, 02:58 PM
Why are you risking the base ship, Nukular?
Indeed. It hardly seems prudent/
((You also ignore the fact that your characters are getting shot, when they have the armor off. Jarus can penetrate that armor anyway.))

2007-06-12, 03:00 PM
((if robert was stood where waddle dee told him then yes, he's merged with the cybernetic body and ha sassumed control over it))

2007-06-12, 03:01 PM
(How do you know the cybernetic body wouldn't take control of him?)

2007-06-12, 03:02 PM
It just seems like the right thing to do. It's tradition. The final battle against a major enemy, you always send in the flagship to head up the attack.

2007-06-12, 03:03 PM
Be advised they are in possession of nuclear warheads small enough to fit in missiles.

2007-06-12, 03:03 PM
Yes! I am a cyborg! Now I will have my revenge on the man that brought me all this sorrow!

*He runs at Artemis and swings a punch at him*

2007-06-12, 03:05 PM
((because it isn't programmed to))

2007-06-12, 03:05 PM
Artemis dodges, and half the NPC guild members do a pile up on Robert, whom Artemis hits over the head with his kukri, again, but this time with the blade.

2007-06-12, 03:06 PM
...AAAAAAAND my ship has armor thick enough to block those. Granted, there's gonna be some necessary repairs, but I think I can handle it.

2007-06-12, 03:08 PM
Sorry boss..wha do you need me to do?

2007-06-12, 03:08 PM
Also, be advised that they are likely to have a ****-load of them, since they had them on a pair of ships that weren't necessarily even going to enter combat.

2007-06-12, 03:09 PM

2007-06-12, 03:09 PM
Waddle Dee throws a remote over to Artemis

if he tries that again press this and it'll give him a shock, should stop him

2007-06-12, 03:10 PM
I'm suprised at the lack of security INSIDE this ship...

2007-06-12, 03:11 PM
Not trying to kill me would be a good start. Go get one of the guys not holding the spear.
The men get off of him.

2007-06-12, 03:11 PM
*a ship lands out side and a man runs in side, and up to Artemis*

2007-06-12, 03:14 PM
Turning to the newcomer
Whoever you are, I'm sure we DON'T have to discuss this in the middle of this battle. Meet me at Trog's when it's over, and we can talk.
If the man makes any hostile actions, Artemis will do to him what Belkar would do to a kobold if they were locked in a room together.

2007-06-12, 03:16 PM
I am here to help you Artemis. Me and my crew are at your serves.

*20 men with huge guns run in*

2007-06-12, 03:17 PM
Two questions. Who are you, and how do you know my name?

2007-06-12, 03:19 PM
((don't question it, it's never a good thing ^^))

Waddle Dee flips a few switches to get his mech moving and it starts smoking

aw... i hate that...

He pulls out a screwdriver and other tools and starts fixxing it

2007-06-12, 03:19 PM
*He laughs*

I am Jericho starkiller, famous Bounty Hunter. How could I not have know your name? you are one of the best assassins in the universe.

2007-06-12, 03:24 PM
Afraid I've never heard of you. I don't keep track of bounty hunters. We tend to compete when we have the same mark. Still, now isn't a time for talking, but fighting. I'll show you to the guild once I have that spear.
With that, Artemis resumes fighting.

2007-06-12, 03:27 PM
*Jericho and his men starts blasting away and forth empire solders they can see*

2007-06-12, 03:29 PM
Waddle dee fixes his mech and starts hacking at any soldiers who approach him

2007-06-12, 04:06 PM
A Dreadnought Class ship hurtles towards the moon base, with its uranium core. If hit, it would create a large nuclear explosion, and send shrapnel flying.

2007-06-12, 04:07 PM
Unidentified Dreadnought, this is the Base-Ship Blackout Raider. Alter course at once.

2007-06-12, 04:10 PM
Blackout Raider, this is Viceroy. We are unable to change course. A malfunction has occured. We are unable to fire thrusters. We are in a crash course with the base.

2007-06-12, 04:12 PM
Eject escape pods, we'll commence pick-up.

2007-06-12, 04:12 PM
There's a slight popping sound and Raril appears inside the base. Seeing all the combat around him, he draws his shortswords and helps his fellow guildmembers. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire! Isn't that what you humans say?"

2007-06-12, 04:14 PM
In the fighting, Artemis' mask has come off, revealing him to be a drow. He hasn't noticed yet.
So, who brought you here?

2007-06-12, 04:14 PM
I wouldn't know. I have only ever lived in fire! says Jericho.

2007-06-12, 04:16 PM
(He was talking to Raril, a fellow guild member that was a little late to the party.)

2007-06-12, 04:17 PM
Raril laughs when he sees Atemis' identity. "A very lucky series of events, kinsmen. Some poor fool had a teleport scroll on him, I borrowed it."

2007-06-12, 04:18 PM
Roger that. ten escape pods fire from the hull, each with 20 people. Xerillum turns off the core, and opens a portal to the fighting.
He pops in, and starts firing an ak-47 at the FE soldiers.

2007-06-12, 04:20 PM
The Base-Ship picks up the escape pods and proceeds to destroy the Dreadnought with it's main guns, a pair of highly-powerful Ion Cannons.

2007-06-12, 04:20 PM
Ah. Wait, kinsmen? Oh ****.

2007-06-12, 04:23 PM
Raril laughs louder and continues fighting. "Well, now that I'm here, I'd like to know our plan to get back. We do have one don't we?"

2007-06-12, 04:25 PM
The same way the rest of us got here.

2007-06-12, 04:25 PM
The frozen hydrogen ignites, destroying the ship. Yes, we do have a way of getting back. Xerillum pulls a few teleport scrolls out of his pocket, and gets back to shootin'

2007-06-12, 04:27 PM
who are you? Jericho asks Xerillum

2007-06-12, 04:30 PM
((I hate to ask..but who's where? I know the thieves' guild is inside, but I'm not sure about everyone else. Thanks for any info.))

Inside the moon base

"Well, so long as we have some sort of plan. I'm just glad to be out of that tavern."

2007-06-12, 04:30 PM
(All six for me are in.)

2007-06-12, 04:35 PM
The Imperial ships begin to launch small craft, and troop dropships are readied as well.
((Note: I will only be deploying stormtroopers, who will be wearing vacuum suits))

2007-06-12, 04:39 PM
Operator: IG Units, cleared for Sectors Able through Dog, sub-sectors 1 through 8. Commence drop.

2007-06-12, 04:39 PM
((ok Bookboy's inside, and I'm assuming from the special suits LordVader's guys are outside, anyone else I should know about? and is this battle kind of deadtimed like the last one?))

2007-06-12, 04:40 PM
((My men are in the dropships))
The 20 dropships fire engines and plummet towards the base.
Acknowledged, where do you need us?

2007-06-12, 04:40 PM
((Yeah, the BRs are already outside. They've been outside for awhile, establishing a perimeter. Oh, and there's a bunch of BR commandos inside the moon base blowing stuff up. And yes on the deadtime.))

2007-06-12, 04:41 PM
(Nightwing, Metakirb, Osnagard, J Muller, and apparently Xerillum are in. And yes, it's dead timed while we wait for J Muller.)

2007-06-12, 04:43 PM
((Raril cannot teleport in according to an earlier post by J Muller. If he needs a ride to the battle, I'll give him one. I'm also bringing Sereytheneous up.))

2007-06-12, 04:45 PM
(If, Raril can't teleport in, then neither could anyone in my arrival post. Two pages ago. J Muller hasn't posted since then.)

2007-06-12, 04:46 PM
((Thank you for all the locations, I appreciate it.))

"So, guildmaster, What's the plan? Seal ourselves in and wait for help or fight our way out?"

((I'm not here?))

2007-06-12, 04:47 PM
Actually, it's grab that spear, then get out.

2007-06-12, 04:48 PM
Unfortunately, the portal does not open because the base is protected against such things. Only because Hans and the lieutenants were wielding the Spear were they able to successfully teleport in.
((J Muller needs to make a ruling on whether they're there or not.))

2007-06-12, 04:52 PM
(Well, Artemis can be teleported to by any guild member or associate, regardless of other affects in the area.)

2007-06-12, 04:53 PM
((Okay, got it. Can Raneus and Jarus teleport to him?))

2007-06-12, 04:54 PM
(Raneus, yes, Jarus, no idea who that is.)

2007-06-12, 04:54 PM
Xerillum pops back from a short unconciousness. I'm Xerillum. I have no allegiances.

2007-06-12, 04:55 PM
((The way I've been reading this Artemis ported in with the spear. The rest of us came later, and, as you said, we need J. Muller to tell us if we made it or not.))

2007-06-12, 04:57 PM
(We've been here for about half of this thread. If he disagrees, then they actually just all went etheral as a result of the spell and entered through the etheral plane. That's not teleporting.)

2007-06-12, 04:57 PM
((Jarus is a massively powerful "spellcaster" that is allied with Raneus, and my second PC. He'll stay, actually, cause of the ZoC. Raneus is teleporting now.))
With a loud "Crack", Raneus appears next to Artemis. He is carrying a power sword (like a lightsaber) and a bolt pistol. He looks at Artemis. So... How're we doin'?
((Right now, cause of ZoC, he is a 10 Fighter/9 Field Officer.))

2007-06-12, 04:59 PM
If one more person shows up, then we'll be suffocating.

2007-06-12, 05:00 PM
Good thing I have a helmet with an oxygen hookup, then.

2007-06-12, 05:00 PM
((that's true...alright I guess my question is whether I should be here or not...and I think I have a solution: Raril got ported to somebody's ship instead of the base, any volunteers for where he ends up?))

2007-06-12, 05:01 PM
((He's on Jarus's dropship headed to back up the BR))

2007-06-12, 05:02 PM
{Hoity-toity english accent}I fell in through the roof!

2007-06-12, 05:05 PM

Raril appears on the drop ship, next to Jarus. He looks about. "I'm glad I got out of there, but now where am I?" The drow stares wide-eyed out a window.

2007-06-12, 05:07 PM
Jarus looks over, looking faintly amused.
You're just in time to help us storm another fortress. Lucky you.
((Does the ZoC cover where the Raiders are attacking? Jarus is a psyker, but he's about the equivalent of an epic sorcerer))

2007-06-12, 05:07 PM
(Ok, I'm back. Just to clarify to Raril, I got Draken, Sliver [nor silver, please, SLIVER], about 30 various kinds of golems so far, the number is increasing. And If the room has the necessary space i will bring Maxinus in.

Maxinus is my second in command, a Colossal Anaxim.

I don't really get how the spear works, I have beem believing that it just nagates anything that could only be achieved at level 21+, also negating divine rank effects.)

Should it be necessary, I can fire the cannons in the castle against this base... But we should take that as last resource. Big holes in the moon aren't a good thing at the long way.

2007-06-12, 05:10 PM
Confirmed. Lunar damage can cause dangerous weather effects on the planet's surface. The moon controls the ocean's tides, y'know.

2007-06-12, 05:11 PM
Copernicus travels into moon orbit. If it is necessary, my ship can provide firepower.

2007-06-12, 05:11 PM
(Actually, the negation is 20+. And it affects class levels.)

2007-06-12, 05:14 PM
((it creates a sphere 2 miles in diameter(1 mile in every direction) that drops everyone inside to ECL 19))

Raril laughs nervously, "Heh, yeah real lucky. What can I do to help?"

2007-06-12, 05:14 PM
((Does it cover the whole base?))
I think we have firepower covered, unknown vessel. Please identify yourself.
@ Raril
Kill anything that's not ours. It's going to be bloody.

2007-06-12, 05:14 PM
((But epic starts at 21.))

This is the Copernicus

2007-06-12, 05:15 PM
(I know, J Muller need to get his facts straight. but he made the item, so his rules go.)

2007-06-12, 05:15 PM
((Nevertheless, that's what it does))
And the Copernicus is?

2007-06-12, 05:17 PM
A 3500 gun dreadnought with planetary landing capabilities. It's the Viceroy's sister ship.

2007-06-12, 05:20 PM
The drow looks around at the weapons and armor everyone's carrying. "I don't think I'm going to be much use in a fight, unless there's a weakpoint I can exploit. But I think I can help in other ways." A guitar appears in his hands and he begins to play, the soldiers around him should feel braver and more sure of themselves as they listen to the music.

2007-06-12, 05:20 PM
((Or maybe Muller just decided ELC 19 was better than ECL 20. Is there anything wrong with that?))

2007-06-12, 05:22 PM
We'll give you a weapon.
A hellgun flies across the room and lands in his hand.
Here you go. Show us that bards actually can fight.

2007-06-12, 05:25 PM
The guitar disappears and he catches the hellgun. "I'd love to, just as soon as you tell me how to work this thing." The drow grins.

((what's a hellgun? is it that chainsaw thing?))

2007-06-12, 05:27 PM
Quite simple, point the hole and pull the trigger.
((It's a powerful laser gun))

2007-06-12, 05:30 PM
(Hey blackout, remember how we decided to call this army the First Alliance? that means this is thw FA vs the FE!)

2007-06-12, 05:31 PM
"Ah! It's a cross between a crossbow and a wand, very nice! This should work wonderfully. Is it possible for me to wield two of them?"

2007-06-12, 05:31 PM
((Nice...I guess...))

2007-06-12, 05:32 PM
((...What the heck is going on here?

Everyone needs to get on the same page as far as who's where doing what, so let me give a quick summary.

BR commandos entered the city through one of the airlocks at the base of the military section. They got through some doors, and were met with heavy resistance, which is the point at which we deadtimed. There are also BR bombers attacking the city.

Near Castle Luna, the First Coalition (or whatever they're calling themselves) spaceships destroyed two FE light cruisers.

Hans, the lieutenants, some other FE, and Artemis teleported in from the Station. Because they had the spear, they were able to get past the base's teleportation protection. They are in this room, inside the rocket in the upper left area:

All involved appear inside a lavish circular room, with red walls, gold carpeting, and ornate red furniture. An FE flag decorates one part of the wall, while the rest displays various works of art, prizes looted by the FE when they fled the surface. A wide wooden staircase near the flag leads up to the next floor and down to the previous.

Nobody else should be in this room.

There are various spaceships or landing parties also attacking the city. They should be outside the city, and the FE defense forces will respond in due time.

However, I have a chem final tomorrow that I need to get an A on... so I have to go study. I might get back on tonight, but I still won't have the time to do a full post. Sorry about this--I promise I'll deal with all this tomorrow afternoon, since I won't have an important final Thursday.))

2007-06-12, 05:35 PM
((Ok, yeah, so everyone just cease with the postage here for awhile. Deadtime. :) ))

2007-06-12, 05:35 PM
(I changed it. Xan cast a spell so that everyone that showed up in my original backup arrival post actually went etheral and entered like that. And yes, that's possible because Artemis went etheral in here and there were no etheral walls.)

2007-06-12, 05:39 PM
((Thanks for the clarification))

Raril's pleasantly surprised to find some more teleportation scrolls. "Well, since we've stopped. I think I'll pop off to the tavern." With a few words he dissappears.

2007-06-12, 05:43 PM
((I predict the power of plot being deployed in the near future...))

Ba'al reads through the posts in his players place and considers congratulating Bookboy's sheer determination as he tries to get all his characters into the base. Then he changes his mind and thinks that Bookboy is going too far. "I don't understand why he is so desperate to get all his characters here. Oh well. Not my place to judge."

Ba'al then returns to his place and continues to watch the fight, another bag of popcorn spawning next to him thanks to another freak series of events.

2007-06-12, 05:46 PM
A BR soldier takes his popcorn and tries to eat it, but thanks to the fact that if he opened his suit he would die, and therefore he can't eat the popcorn, he simply gives it back.

2007-06-12, 05:47 PM
(Actually, they aren't all mine, and I'm sick of this spear making wimps out of my characters. And of this Hans guy, who was still standing after about an hour of fighting two people that were stronger than him individually.)

2007-06-12, 05:49 PM
((The spear does what it does for a reason, that reason being Muller doesn't want ridicuulously overpowered character involved in this plot. If you don't like it then remove your characters. And you can't provve your characters are stronger, that's just your opinion. It's not up to you to say when someone else's character dies.))

2007-06-12, 05:52 PM
(Actually, they aren't all mine, and I'm sick of this spear making wimps out of my characters. And of this Hans guy, who was still standing after about an hour of fighting two people that were stronger than him individually.)

((Oh no, an area in which your characters can't beat everyone else. How horrible.

Also, Hans is half-dead already. The fact that he's still standing at this point is no small feat.))

2007-06-12, 05:58 PM
((Oh no, an area in which your characters can't beat everyone else. How horrible.

Also, Hans is half-dead already. The fact that he's still standing at this point is no small feat.))

(He should be all dead!)

2007-06-12, 05:59 PM
((Oh no, an area in which your characters can't beat everyone else. How horrible.

Also, Hans is half-dead already. The fact that he's still standing at this point is no small feat.))

(I don't know about book, but my prime character is severely underpowered in the area.

Btw, if he is half dead, can I just bite his head off? I mean, literally.:smallbiggrin: )

If allowed, Draken will try bite Hans and tear him to pieces with his mouths.

If not he will just keep using frost breaths arround.

(Deadtime, I will be back in 1:30 hours)

2007-06-12, 05:59 PM
Raneus reappears on the dropship with Jarus, then.
Yes, you can wield two, but they'll be the equivalent of hand crossbows-less range.
((I'm doing this because it has no effect on the battle, it's just them talking, and therefore doesn't need to be deadtimed. And I sympathize with J Muller, it's much harder for sci-fi characters to survive then fantasy ones due to the ridiculous power of some epic-level spells.(am not criticizing characters here, just spells.))

2007-06-12, 06:00 PM
(Raril left for Trog's... And he used most of the magic! The most powerful spell I used was one shocking grasp spell! And it didn't work!)

2007-06-12, 06:03 PM
((No Hans shouldn't be all dead because Muller decided he is not all dead yet. And you have 6 characters here Bookboy, you've deliberately brought all of them here just because you want to win...Stop complaining and enjoy the plot.))

2007-06-12, 06:03 PM
((I'll just pretend he heard that before he ported out. You all are welcome to join him in the Tavern if you like. I plan to have him return when this all un-deadtimes))

2007-06-12, 06:04 PM
((Hey, you didn't find me complaining about my character's loss of any epic-level powers while in the ZoC. =P ))

2007-06-12, 06:04 PM
((You're a cop, right? Are you in touch with the others?))

2007-06-12, 06:05 PM
(Yeah, well, from what I read, your character mostly sat and got healed.)

2007-06-12, 06:08 PM
Xerillum decides he needs some rum.

2007-06-12, 06:12 PM
((He got healed from the minor injuries he recieved. He managed to avoid any major injuries by negotiating. But that's kinda the point I'm making, maybe.))

2007-06-12, 06:37 PM
Osnagard snaps out of deadtime in to begin wondering what is going on.

((Soo, I think I need caught up... are we in or not?))

2007-06-12, 07:38 PM
((I don't think so. Teleport on board one of my Guard ships, or contact my people at the ZoC. I'll give you and any other Guild members who need to get up here a lift.))

2007-06-12, 07:39 PM
((I teleported onto one of your ships but you didn't notice...))

2007-06-12, 07:40 PM
((Here's what J. Muller says:

((...What the heck is going on here?

Everyone needs to get on the same page as far as who's where doing what, so let me give a quick summary.

BR commandos entered the city through one of the airlocks at the base of the military section. They got through some doors, and were met with heavy resistance, which is the point at which we deadtimed. There are also BR bombers attacking the city.

Near Castle Luna, the First Coalition (or whatever they're calling themselves) spaceships destroyed two FE light cruisers.

Hans, the lieutenants, some other FE, and Artemis teleported in from the Station. Because they had the spear, they were able to get past the base's teleportation protection. They are in this room, inside the rocket in the upper left area:

Nobody else should be in this room.

There are various spaceships or landing parties also attacking the city. They should be outside the city, and the FE defense forces will respond in due time.

However, I have a chem final tomorrow that I need to get an A on... so I have to go study. I might get back on tonight, but I still won't have the time to do a full post. Sorry about this--I promise I'll deal with all this tomorrow afternoon, since I won't have an important final Thursday.))

Aside from that. I figure we're stuck outside the base, since you can't teleport in. and because it's all deadtimed, I've magically teleported to Trogs until everything starts moving again))

2007-06-12, 07:42 PM
Raneus and Jarus teleport to Trog's as well, until such time as the battle resumes.

2007-06-12, 07:48 PM
((Well, as far as I can tell we're not really needed anyway... wasn't the goal to get Aretims out with the spear anyway. The Guild wasn't going to try and elimenate the FE. If he can go eitheral why not just grab the spear and go eithrel? Anywho... we're all here now so I guess I'll await J's decision on if we made it sucessfully or not.))

Osnagard teleports to Trog's pending J's decision. He'll be back if needed when that decision is reach and if it is favorable.

2007-06-12, 07:51 PM
(Well, if all this proves worthless, I have an idea that can take us to the moon, but inside the base is another story.)

Draken teleports to his castle to discuss some random thing with his liunerants, waiting for things tomove on.

After discussing some gibberish, he teleports to Trog's.

2007-06-12, 07:52 PM
((So do I. It's called getting a ride on one of my spaceships.:smalltongue:))

2007-06-12, 07:57 PM
((I can get to the moon as well, seeing as how I live there.))

2007-06-12, 07:59 PM
((well if it really comes down to it the undead don't exactly need oxygen so they're cool to just teleport straght there.. otherwise thanks for the offer of the ride everyone))

2007-06-12, 08:03 PM
(I'm pretty sure a necromancer is not [always] an undead. Osnagard is undead?)