View Full Version : Monster In The Dark.

Tommi Atkins
2007-06-10, 07:02 PM
How awesome is she?

I know we shall never see her, even in the last panel of the last strip she will be asking if she can come out, but she will remain denied to our eyes.

Balrog or Bunneh...Sign up here for MITD loving.

2007-06-10, 08:14 PM
How awesome is she?

I know we shall never see her, even in the last panel of the last strip she will be asking if she can come out, but she will remain denied to our eyes.

Balrog or Bunneh...Sign up here for MITD loving.

pure affection of love... I hope there's enough space for both me and MitD under her hot umbrella..

2007-06-10, 08:19 PM
why she??? She may be he... well my perverted mind always though about MitD that he is he...

2007-06-10, 08:30 PM
So.. now we're questioning the MITDs gender?

what's next? Redcloak?

Tommi Atkins
2007-06-10, 08:36 PM
So.. now we're questioning the MITDs gender?

what's next? Redcloak?

Theres no question!
She's having a tea party, she's sulky, her "Hello Demonic-kitty" umbrella is held proudly aloft.
She talks like a girl and cant pull punches.

She's about 5 years old and into "My Little Skeletal-Pony"

2007-06-10, 08:39 PM
Theres no question!
She's having a tea party, she's sulky, her "Hello Demonic-kitty" umbrella is held proudly aloft.
She talks like a girl and cant pull punches.

She's about 5 years old and into "My Little Skeletal-Pony"

if it really were that easy do you think we would still be debating V's gender. And its Giant's comic. And its of an unknown race. And an unknown type. And an unknown society. And an unknown upbringing. You probably get the idea, make less assumptions.

2007-06-10, 08:40 PM
I had tea parties and played with barbies when I was little...

Tommi Atkins
2007-06-10, 08:49 PM
if it really were that easy do you think we would still be debating V's gender. And its Giant's comic. And its of an unknown race. And an unknown type. And an unknown society. And an unknown upbringing. You probably get the idea, make less assumptions.

Ahh ye see, im a long time lurker, short time poster here so I know about the vast waste of time people spend on gender discussion of toons. :smallsmile: Varsuvius is a Bloke cos he , frankly has no boobies.
MITD is a Girl because till proved otherwise, in my head, thats what she is.:smalltongue:

2007-06-10, 08:52 PM
Ahh ye see, im a long time lurker, short time poster here so I know about the vast waste of time people spend on gender discussion of toons. :smallsmile: Varsuvius is a Bloke cos he , frankly has no boobies.
MITD is a Girl because till proved otherwise, in my head, thats what she is.:smalltongue:

*shakes head* you really did not read past the first line of my post did you?

2007-06-10, 08:53 PM
Does this mean we're startin an MitD fan club? Cuz' if we are, I'm totally in.

Hungry Kobold
2007-06-10, 09:13 PM
Pfft, I consider it a "he." That's only way the tea-parties and umbrella are funny, and I'm in it for the funny.

2007-06-10, 09:33 PM
Y'know, it's interesting... I've seen the MitD referred to as "he" plenty of times on this board, and nobody ever complained then about making assumptions about es gender. But when someone refers to em as "she", suddenly, it's an issue. I wonder why that is? We have no definitive evidence either way, and as Tommi Atkins points out, what circumstantial evidence we have does seem to point more towards female than male.

But back more-or-less on topic, of whether we'll ever find out what the Monster is, there are several possibilities I can think of (some of which I got from elsewhere on this board):

1: The Monster is never revealed.
2: The Monster is revealed to the characters in the strip, but the Giant contrives things such that we, the readers, still don't see. One of these two, I think, holds the most humor value.
3: The Monster is revealed, and turns out to be Richard Berlew himself.
4: The Monster is revealed, and turns out to look exactly the same out of the shadows as in them :mitd: .
5: The Monster is revealed to be the Vorpal Bunny of Caerbanog.
6: The Monster is revealed to be Pun-Pun.
7: The Monster is revealed to be the Tarrasque, and how it fits underneath that umbrella is never explained.
8: The Monster is revealed to be a fragment of the Snarl. Dramatically, I think this makes the most sense, but I also think that drama should and does take a back seat to humor in this comic.

2007-06-10, 09:46 PM
One more comment on gender (actually sex, as gender refers to behavior rather than biology): it's much funnier to have a male character with a pink umbrella talking about nutmeg and tea parties.

Anyways, the MITD is fantastic, and an important part of OOTS. Without him, the villains wouldn't be as funny. I mean Redcloak and Xykon are awesome, but MITD is the third wheel on the villain tricycle.

2007-06-10, 10:24 PM
Theres no question!
She's having a tea party, she's sulky, her "Hello Demonic-kitty" umbrella is held proudly aloft.
She talks like a girl and cant pull punches.

She's about 5 years old and into "My Little Skeletal-Pony"

My Little Pony, Apocalypse Pony! Punishment for our sins!

basilisk 89
2007-06-10, 10:28 PM
:mitd: is a baby and a coward. He's a house broken monster. I think that :mitd: is a he, and need more substantial proof then "only girls have tea parties" to believe otherwise.

2007-06-10, 10:50 PM
*shakes head* you really did not read past the first line of my post did you?

Stop trolling for an argument.

2007-06-10, 10:52 PM
:mitd: likes dwarf porn. Male.

2007-06-10, 11:08 PM
V's sex and the MiTD's sex are inextricably linked. They are the Great Uni-Mystery. Why? Because the MiTD is, in fact, V's oft spoken of but never seen spouse. As such, we will never know which is which until they are BOTH revealed. And once we know one, in the absence of alternative lifestyle choices, we will know the other.

Don't believe me? Consider the following 7 Reasons why this, in fact, MUST (not MAY...MUST) be the case:

1. V is the most powerful character in the OoTS. As such, any final super-weapon needs to address the V Dilemma first and foremost. What would possibly vex V enough to cause a crack in his legendary composre? Her mate.

2. There are only TWO characters in the ENTIRE strip with significant speaking roles who have poorly and/or non-defined sexual identities. Using a combination of the Law of Economy of Characters and Occam's Razor, that means they must be invloved in the same dangling sub-plot. Ergo, married.

3. Opposites attract. V/MiTD are about as opposite as two characters can be. They probably bpth got married to annoy their parents.

4. If YOU were the MiTD, and married to V, wouldn't YOU run away and join Team Evil?

5. If YOU were V, abd married to the MiTD, wouldn't YOU run away and join the OoTS?

6. Miko will become a Blackguard. This doesn't follow logically, I know, but I think it's a board by-law that every thread needs to reference this at some point.

7. My avatar is cool (seriously, check it out).

2007-06-10, 11:15 PM
I think he's an epic monster- http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/umbralBlot.htm


( Before anyone says anything, I know this can't be the case. I think its funny. )

2007-06-10, 11:18 PM
I had tea parties and played with barbies when I was little...

......Yeah......*backs away slowly*

I think it's a guy, personally.

2007-06-10, 11:46 PM
Stop trolling for an argument.
Calling Jindra a Troll is like calling me a Dragon-Hater.

It's silly, and doesn't really make sense.

......Yeah......*backs away slowly*

I think it's a guy, personally.
I can't wait to see your reaction to my bisexuality. And pretending to be female in online games :smalltongue:

2007-06-10, 11:48 PM
I think he's an epic monster- http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/umbralBlot.htm


( Before anyone says anything, I know this can't be the case. I think its funny. )

It could be the case, except that Umbral Blots have 30 Wisdom.

2007-06-11, 12:08 AM
I imagine that the Monster In The Dark is really a spoof of some PBS children's show character. We have already seen a tele-illusion in comic 397 http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0397.html. It may be a muppet, an animated dinosaur costume, Miss Piggy, ....

There, I hope I've ruined it for you. :smallamused:

2007-06-11, 12:34 AM
Calling Jindra a Troll is like calling me a Dragon-Hater.

So what do you have against dragons, anyway?

2007-06-11, 01:20 AM
So what do you have against dragons, anyway?
I don't hate dragons. That's kind of the point.

I love them a bit too much. However the last time I started talking about them like this I grossed people out.

In any case, I do not think Jindra is in any way a troll, that was my point.

2007-06-11, 01:30 AM
I don't hate dragons. That's kind of the point.

I love them a bit too much. However the last time I started talking about them like this I grossed people out.

In any case, I do not think Jindra is in any way a troll, that was my point.

He's sure acting like a troll in this thread. I figured I'd use a polite word like "troll" instead of others that sprung to mind.

However, that's just my own personal view.

2007-06-11, 01:31 AM
He's sure acting like a troll in this thread.
All he's saying is "Make less assumptions", ironically something you are doing towards him, are you not?

By definition, a Troll is someone who makes incredibly insulting statements. I have yet to see him post something insulting in this thread. At worst, he comes off as a bit annoyed.

I've made worse statements.

2007-06-11, 01:37 AM
All he's saying is "Make less assumptions", ironically something you are doing towards him, are you not?

By definition, a Troll is someone who makes inredibly insulting statements. I have yet to see him post something insulting in this thread. At worst, he comes off as a bit annoyed.

I've made worse statements.

True. I guess my definition of troll is a bit broader.

2007-06-11, 01:52 AM
Why don't we put up a list of possible candidates?

WARNING: IMAGES AHEAD (Spoilerized for your convenience)

Candidate 1: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Hollywood/1782/takkong.jpg

Candidate 2: http://www.takun-toys.com/kin/snigator_1.jpg

Candidate 3: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/zombiekobun.gif

Candidate 4: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/emoticons/gegege-mountainspirit5.gif

Candidate 5: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/emoticons/devious.png

Candidate 6: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/emoticons/raven-ani.gif

Candidate 7: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/Guilty%20Gear/leopaldonani.gif

I think this should narrow it down a bit.

2007-06-11, 01:54 AM
Candidate 8:

2007-06-11, 01:59 AM
You mean Gamera?

2007-06-11, 08:14 AM
Candidate 9:


2007-06-11, 12:46 PM
Candidate 9:Thog scared.

2007-06-11, 01:27 PM
Theres no question!
She's having a tea party, she's sulky, her "Hello Demonic-kitty" umbrella is held proudly aloft.
She talks like a girl and cant pull punches.

She's about 5 years old and into "My Little Skeletal-Pony"

He may be like some lizards, with 2 gender's
Oh my the possibylities :smalleek: :smalleek: :smalleek:

2007-06-11, 02:55 PM
I posted this in an old thread and it also includes major spoilers, but this is my theory about the MitD:

Posted 11-07-06:

I believe the MitD to be none other than the snarl! A weakened or incomplete form of the snarl, but the snarl none the less. I believe Xykon was able to extract a part of the snarl when Redcloak burned down Lirian's gate in the forest. Xykon is trying to unseal the other gates so as to bring him to full power.

It's all slickly hinted at in the 'crayon recollection' of comics 273-277.

For one, in Comic 23 the first showing of the MitD's eyes match the snarl's eyes in Comic 273.
We all love the running joke about how the MitD never sees the gates 'Gate? What gate?'. I believe it's more than just a gag... The gates are meant to keep the snarl imprisoned, to hide the rifts from the snarl that it might free itself through. That's why he can't see the gates. It was stated that the snarl can't perceive its own prison!

In fact, I believe that the entire ending of the comic is secretly revealed in the crayon segment.

Look at comic 276. Note the 6 original adventurers that created the gates. Does the party look familiar? It matches the OOTS! It seems as though the Order of the Stick is following the same path that the original adventurers took. They will ultimately repeat the fates of the old party in order to save the universe.

In 276, Kraagor is killed while sealing one of the rifts. Kraagor is the dwarf of the party, the counterpart to Durkon. Durkon will die heroically while sealing a rift just as his counterpart did in the past, bringing the Oracles prediction of him returning to his homeland posthumously to fruition.

In 277, Dorukan creates his gate using powerful magic. Dorukan is Vaarsuvius' counterpart, Vaarsuvius will do the same.

Girard Draketooth creates his gate using powerful illusions. Girard is Elan's counterpart, and Elan is a master of illusions.

Serini, the halfling of the original party, creates a giant castle filled to the brim with terrible monsters to guard her gate. Exactly something Belkar would do.

Roy/Soon Kim, and Haley/Lirian are a little harder to figure out...

Soon Kim created the Sapphire Guard to protect his gate, a group of Paladins dedicated to its protection. Perhaps Roy will create a group of warriors to do the same? Perhaps he will blend in his family's magic to do so, acquiring paladin-like traits, to make up for, storyline-wise, for the upcoming fall/death of Miko (we all know it's coming)? <-- EDIT: I called it way back then!

Lirian creates her gate using the trees and the forest to protect it. While not exactly matching with Haley's personality, I believe the unrevealed storyline regarding her imprisoned father will make the tie-in for a forest gate make sense for Haley.

So there you have it. The OotS follows the path of the original party and saves the universe. Only I think they won't collapse and break apart in hatred like the old party did. Durkon's death will weigh heavily on everyone, bringing the party to the brink. But instead of collapsing as the old party did, Elan will be able to save the day, and bring about his 'Happy ending' that the oracle predicted for him.

Ok, so a simple question of 'What do you think the MitD is?' became 'My prediction of the entire storyline for the Order of the Stick'. So what! :)

basilisk 89
2007-06-11, 03:25 PM
Thog scared.


2007-06-11, 03:44 PM
Ahh ye see, im a long time lurker, short time poster here so I know about the vast waste of time people spend on gender discussion of toons. :smallsmile: Varsuvius is a Bloke cos he , frankly has no boobies.
MITD is a Girl because till proved otherwise, in my head, thats what she is.:smalltongue:

I've known plenty of *ahem* women who are featureless in that area. And not pre-pubescent, you sickos. Of course, I've know plenty of the other side of the spectrum as well. One looked like she had two midgets in a headlock...

2007-06-11, 03:59 PM
One looked like she had two midgets in a headlock...

I'm going to have to use that line now.

2007-06-11, 04:24 PM
I always saw MitD as a boy simply because it makes it all the funnier that he likes Hello Kitty, tea parties and Rainbow Brite. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0415.html) But a very young boy, or at least he has the mentality of one.

2007-06-11, 04:28 PM
These kinda of misteries (V gender, umbrella monster) after a while get annoying.

I am at the point I just don't care, kinda like the current Lost season.

2007-06-14, 02:59 AM
Why don't we put up a list of possible candidates?

WARNING: IMAGES AHEAD (Spoilerized for your convenience)

Candidate 1: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Hollywood/1782/takkong.jpg

Candidate 2: http://www.takun-toys.com/kin/snigator_1.jpg

Candidate 3: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/zombiekobun.gif

Candidate 4: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/emoticons/gegege-mountainspirit5.gif

Candidate 5: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/emoticons/devious.png

Candidate 6: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/emoticons/raven-ani.gif

Candidate 7: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y185/Ridureyu/Guilty%20Gear/leopaldonani.gif

I think this should narrow it down a bit.
#5 was genious.

2007-06-14, 04:42 AM
Candidate #10:
http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/8155/9orkoandviviobm2.jpg He DEFINITELY has to be FF3's Black mage :smallamused:

2007-06-14, 05:25 AM
I definitly agree that the OotS part is similar to the Order of the Scribble, and hey, the MitD could be the snarl, but I doubt that the party will follow in the footsteps of the OotScribble. a few gates have alreadyu been destroyed, no way to get them back.

2007-06-14, 06:11 AM
Seriously, the strip gives a BIG hint regarding his identity.
The roaches. They hang out around him, and go wherever he goes. That's no coincidence. They are fiendish roaches, so the MITD must be somewhat connected with the lower planes.

2007-06-14, 06:46 AM
Oh come on. He's insanely powerful and lives in the dark, therefore he must be a.....


2007-06-14, 06:53 AM
where were you the last 20 years of game development?

2007-06-14, 06:56 AM
where were you the last 20 years of game development?

Trying to learn how to use the toilet and program a computer (both separately and at once).

2007-06-14, 07:56 AM
I know! It's actually Xykon's little sister which transformation ritual to becoming a lich went wrong, because a purple triangle interfered. Now it's Candidate #9!