View Full Version : Warlock Shadow Armor Question

2015-12-06, 01:21 AM
In the Warlock guide it says one can wear armor with the invocation Shadow Armor, but reading the book entry confuses me. It says I can cast mage armor at will, and the spell mage armor says it is cast on a creature not wearing armor. I have medium armor prof from Favored Soul Sorcerer, would Armor of Shadows work with me wearing armor?

I may have misread the guide post now that I think of it. It says you can wear armor-but now I see it as you can wear armor so why bother with this. Sorry

2015-12-06, 01:32 AM
In the Warlock guide it says one can wear armor with the invocation Shadow Armor, but reading the book entry confuses me. It says I can cast mage armor at will, and the spell mage armor says it is cast on a creature not wearing armor. I have medium armor prof from Favored Soul Sorcerer, would Armor of Shadows work with me wearing armor?

Even if you could, why would you?

They don't stack.

2015-12-06, 09:26 AM
In the Warlock guide it says one can wear armor with the invocation Shadow Armor, but reading the book entry confuses me. It says I can cast mage armor at will, and the spell mage armor says it is cast on a creature not wearing armor. I have medium armor prof from Favored Soul Sorcerer, would Armor of Shadows work with me wearing armor?

I may have misread the guide post now that I think of it. It says you can wear armor-but now I see it as you can wear armor so why bother with this. Sorry

You can run around as a dex based warlock with AC18, 13+5 which is better than light or medium armor, plus way ahead on style points.

2015-12-06, 09:50 AM
Yeah I misread the guide and feel sheepish...I am a dex sorclock, with a 17 dex. I just found some scale mail which gives me an 18 with my shield. I think I eventually want light armor because I am stealthy and scale is not...lol. plus then i can take advantage of a high dex.

I have a flametongue dagger which does great damage and I like to mix it up with eldritch blast. We just got a flying carpet too, a mixed green shag we named Shadynasty (sha-dine-ass-tee), so we've been talking about be being a Terran gunship and just blasting down from above. Off topic there sorry...