View Full Version : Console PS2 Red Screen

2015-12-07, 01:27 PM
Remember the PS2

I have always been a Nintendo fan,but I remember when I was given a PS2 as a birthday present

It was all well and good until that one day

I saw the red screen, and I was kinda creeped out

can you tell me any of your red screen stories, if it has existed on other consoles (even if it wasn't a red screen), or even if there is a way to fix it besides "putting in a PS2 disk (thanks captain obvious)"?

2015-12-07, 01:56 PM
Ooooh PS2, eh? Well, I can say mine never messed up. Had one of the original fatties, never once messed up on me. The only thing that comes close is for some PS1 games it made awful, awful sounds when it read them.

2015-12-07, 02:38 PM
Ooooh PS2, eh? Well, I can say mine never messed up. Had one of the original fatties, never once messed up on me. The only thing that comes close is for some PS1 games it made awful, awful sounds when it read them.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, look it up on the internet

Anyway, it isn't a problem for me anymore, mine broke down a while ago, so I went back to Nintendo with the Wii

2015-12-08, 03:01 AM
What's there to tell? You get it when you put in the wrong type of game and occasionally when the right type of game came on a really light disc such as the red ones. That would cause the laser to index incorrectly. But aside from that?

2015-12-08, 10:11 AM
The DISC READ ERROR is inevitable with PS2s - over time the lens track will wear, eventually causing it to be unable to read discs (which usually fail in order of complexity). When this happens, changing the orientation of the console will often extend the life for quite awhile but not forever. Fortunately, lightly used PS2s are extremely cheap, and there are ways to get around the disc drive.

2015-12-08, 01:24 PM
The DISC READ ERROR is inevitable with PS2s - over time the lens track will wear, eventually causing it to be unable to read discs (which usually fail in order of complexity). When this happens, changing the orientation of the console will often extend the life for quite awhile but not forever. Fortunately, lightly used PS2s are extremely cheap, and there are ways to get around the disc drive.

I know that, mine broke down a while ago (about 5 years ago actually) and I have a Wii now, but I was in a conversation in real life recently where the PS2 red screen was brought up

It startled me the first time

2015-12-08, 01:46 PM
The DISC READ ERROR is inevitable with PS2s - over time the lens track will wear, eventually causing it to be unable to read discs (which usually fail in order of complexity). When this happens, changing the orientation of the console will often extend the life for quite awhile but not forever. Fortunately, lightly used PS2s are extremely cheap, and there are ways to get around the disc drive.
Huh. I always had mine up on its side, maybe that's why I never saw the red screen. I played it for at least 1000 hours. Maybe it just takes longer. Or maybe if I busted out the ol' PS2 and didn't have on its side, I'd see the red screen.

2015-12-08, 02:05 PM
Huh. I always had mine up on its side, maybe that's why I never saw the red screen. I played it for at least 1000 hours. Maybe it just takes longer. Or maybe if I busted out the ol' PS2 and didn't have on its side, I'd see the red screen.

It's not the orentation you use it that matters, it's that it gets excessive wear in that orientation - if you always use it sideways, you'll eventually have to run it horizontal instead and vice-versa. Much of it seems to be length of play rather than total hours, and different games can cause different wear.