View Full Version : A day that will live in infamy

2015-12-07, 09:09 PM
So today is the 7th of December. That means its Pearl Harbor day. Back in 1941 The Japanese navy conducted an attack on the US naval station in Honolulu Hawaii without warning or a declaration of war; effectively conducting a sneak attack. This day marks a tragedy that directly lead to the USA’s entrance into WWII. The Japanese sunk two battleships and damaged several other warships. They caused a lot of casualties; both civilian and military in what many perceive to be a cowardly attack.

I try to honor this tragedy every year by having a moment of silence for those that still remain dead at their posts at the bottom of the bay. Considering the recent terror activity both in the States and abroad; I thought I’d post something up about today and ask that we take a moment out of our busy day and remember those poor souls that gave all they had for their country. We should never, ever forget those that we call upon to fight and die for us.

So I politely ask that you take a moment out of your busy day and remember these fallen heroes.