View Full Version : Pathfinder Wilder - piercing immunity to mind affecting

2015-12-07, 09:42 PM
Are there any tricks for a level 16 wilder that would allow getting around a flat type-based immunity to mind affecting? Pathfinder only, Paizo published and DSP psionics. Thanks.

2015-12-08, 11:07 PM
AFAIK, none accessible to a wilder unless you're focusing on fear effects. Besides, the only reliable ways I know of in the entire game (Paizo + DSP) are limited to circumventing immunity to fear. And unless DSP's Path of War is allowed, none of those allow fear effects to bypass immunity to mind-affecting (if PoW:E is allowed, Black Seraph Annihilation (combat style feat) removes immunity to fear of enemies within 30 ft., even if they're immune to mind-affecting). Outside of that, the mesmerist gains a rather shaky way to have his spells bypass immunity via Bold Stare with Psychic Inception (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/mesmerist#TOC-Bold-Stare-Su-).

2015-12-09, 08:25 AM
About what I expected. Thanks.

2015-12-09, 10:46 AM
I don't think this was the general consensus on the old DSP boards, but my view on the Wildblood Mage feat is that it enables telepathy powers to benefit from immunity-piercing Sorcerer bloodlines.

Wildblood Mage feat
"your bloodline arcana is applied to applicable powers."

Psionics rules text
"For the purpose of psionics–magic transparency, telepathy powers are equivalent to powers of the enchantment school (thus, creatures resistant to enchantment spells are equally resistant to telepathy powers)."

Your arcana is extended to powers.
Telepathy is treated as equivalent to enchantment by default, and it doesn't say only for the purposes of defensive abilities.

Unfortunately, you still end up running against a couple walls:
Powers with typing-restrictions (such as Mind Control!) simply don't have Undead, Constructs, Vermin or Oozes as eligible targets. You'd need an effect that enables you to treat them as an eligible type, like the Undead bloodline's treatment of formerly humanoid corporeal undead as humanoid for determining spell effectiveness.
These types have many immunities independent of mind-affecting immunity. Slumber still won't put constructs to sleep, and Compelling Voice still has its language-dependence.

No type is immune to Dazed by default, so you should be able to use type-indiscriminate powers like Mental Disruption on any creature whose mind-affecting immunity you can pierce.