View Full Version : The Future of The Order of the Stick

2007-06-11, 08:36 AM
This being my first post ever on this forum, I better make it memorable or just make it. :smalltongue:

I actually just came across TOotS only a month ago and have just finally kept up to date with 463. Then I started reading the forums about TOotS.

The most interesting ones were about Miko, the ex-Paladin.

I agree with most of them and hate her too. I also agree with the few who defend her. Miko is one of those villian in stories that people just love to hate. And judging from all those hate mails to her, I'd say, BRAVO, Rich. You succeeded.

As for the future of the comic, I'd really like to see her change for the better. . . though only after pissing many more readers. I'd also like to see her and Roy develop something. No. That'd be predictable and boring. How about her and Belkar becoming close? That'd be hilarious!!

I like Belkar. He's one of my favorite characters. We all know he's not a nice character but yet its still funny when he does something mean. Does that make us mean?

:smalleek: OMG! I can't believe I'm posting about a comic!

Lòkki Gallansbayne
2007-06-11, 08:46 AM
How about her and Belkar becoming close? That'd be hilarious!! Tell me, in your lurking did you happen across a thread called something along the lines of Belkar's Romantic Interest? If not, seek it out. You may be... entertained. :smallwink:

As for what I want to see happen to Miko, I'm quite happy watching her go slowly more and more delusional. Sure, it wouldn't add much to her as a character, but if she had a change of heart/ways, I dunno, it just wouldn't be the Miko I've come to know and love hate love hate love hate love hate love hate love ... you get the picture. Whatever happens, based on available evidence it's a reasonably safe conclusion that Rich'll make it entertaining for us.

Hell, if she died in the explosion, at least we can say she made a great anti-villain while she lasted. Somehow, though, I doubt we've seen the last of her yet.

2007-06-11, 08:47 AM
All i can say is welcome to the insanity that is the OOTS forum.

2007-06-11, 08:55 AM
Tell me, in your lurking did you happen across a thread called something along the lines of Belkar's Romantic Interest? If not, seek it out. You may be... entertained. :smallwink:

Its not nice to kill peoples sanity without at least a fair warning, If you go to the romance threads you will want to dip your brain in acid:smallsmile:

2007-06-11, 08:56 AM
Tell me, in your lurking did you happen across a thread called something along the lines of Belkar's Romantic Interest? If not, seek it out.
"Take a close look at the pretty bouncy ball...."

2007-06-11, 11:01 AM
:smalleek: OMG! I can't believe I'm posting about a comic!

You wait until you're FIGHTING over a comic, arguing some minor semantic point with every ounce of energy and passion you possess.

Welcome to the OoTS Forums. I hope your therapist is cheap.


2007-06-12, 02:26 AM
Well my opinion is Elan and Haley will get married..and Belkar Will killing more monster and Roy will kill Xykon and vaarsuvius will become a good Magician serve for her country and Durkon the Cute little dwarf will get to go home..

Its like the end i know.