View Full Version : Build Advice: Rebel Princess

2015-12-08, 05:27 AM
So Forgotten Realms has the Year of the Warrior Princess set in 1489 DR and my group has agreed to let me play the prophetic princess. So we're letting me reclaim the throne to Impiltur after being deposed for a hundred years by the Lairn merchant's guild. La la la, not really relevant. Anywho! What's important is trying to figure out my build. The character started her life as a delinquent, running a Junior Thieves Guild because she was tired of getting bullied by other kids, so she formed a protection racket and petty theft brigade and wound up owning the bullies. Then she got grounded because that's SO unladylike! She studies martial combat in preparation for getting her Throne back, and she very much wants her throne back.

Right now, the build is Rogue 1/Swordsage 2/Monk 2/Shadow Sun Ninja 5. Str 12, Con 14, Dex 16, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17, and using Kung Fu Genius so I can get Dex and Wis to AC (since the DM doesn't allow getting Wis to AC twice). That gets me to level 10. It is noteworthy that we are using fractional BAB and Saves, so my BAB is 3/4ths all the way up, so far, and my saves are pretty darned good (+6/+7/+6 at level 10, before abilities).

What I can't decide is what to do with my last 10 levels. I was debating Shadow Thief of Amn, because it does a lot of Leadership/Rogue crossover, but I'm not Amnian, and while I could probably convince the DM to let me take it anyways (or just take Guild Thief), I was wondering if anyone had any better suggestions.

I want those last 10 levels to have a lot of PUNCH and POWER. I am technically the party healer (using SSN), so something that lets me do a better job of healing would not go amiss. What's important, though, is that I want the last 10 levels to emphasize the title: "Rebel Princess." I want to be Rogue and Leader.

Any suggestions?

2015-12-08, 05:47 AM
Depending on what feats & skills you have already, grabbing few levels in warblade or crusader and aiming for the Master of Nine prestige class might work. White raven/devoted spirit maneuvers = leader & healer.

2015-12-08, 02:52 PM
Assuming you're good aligned -- CG Paladin of Freedom dip? Would boost your saves considerably (+8 or so to saves)

Dip Crusader and or Warblade, each will give you great benefits from only a couple levels.

Get slippers of battledancing for lots of bonus damage.

Take a cloistered cleric dip for feats to power travel devotion. Even if you dont, take travel devotion. If you like the cleric dip, additionally dip crusader to go into ruby knight vindicator.

Since you're a monk, use a Sparring dummy of the master (Arms + equipment guide) to get 10 ft steps. Add on roller skates from a web enhancement (if you can find it after the online reorganization, I cant...) to get 15 ft steps.

If you want to keep everything you have now, that build can look like...

The Ultimate Warrior:
Rogue 1/Swordsage 2/Monk 2/Shadow Sun Ninja 5/Cloistered Cleric 1/Crusader 1/Ruby Knight Vindicator 7/Warblade 1

The Holy Leader:
Rogue 1/Swordsage 2/Monk 2/Shadow Sun Ninja 5/Cloistered Cleric 1/Fist of Raziel 9
You can work in paladin with the Sword of the Arcane order and Battle blessing feats, with mystic fire knight substitution levels or something similar, which could be fairly decent, if not overwhelming. Something like...
Rogue 1/Swordsage 2/Monk 2/Shadow Sun Ninja 5/Paladin of Freedom 6/Warblade 2/Crusader 2

Mistress of the Shadows: (Evil or non-good)
Rogue 1/Swordsage 2/Monk 2/Shadow Sun Ninja 5/Rogue 2 or Sneak Attack Fighter 1/Tefflemar Shadowlord 6/Assassin, Warblade, Crusader, choose something.

How would the build work?
Untouchable saves,

2015-12-08, 06:11 PM
Unfortunately I'm Lawful Neutral so Paladin is out (and half the party is Evil, so it's a good thing). Maybe I can get my DM to approve Paladin of Order as an optional.

Ruby Knight Vindicator doesn't really seem to benefit me much except that it's got good disciplines. I guess Cleric spells aren't horrible, though. Cleric 1/RKV 8 would grant 4th level spells, which isn't at all bad for a minor priest of Siamorphe.

Are there any ways to get Turn/Rebuke Undead that aren't Cleric or Paladin?

Edit: Just noticed the Fist of Raziel. Somehow I missed it on a first read. That's an interesting idea, and I could almost assuredly convince my DM to make it Law vs. Chaos instead of Good vs. Evil.