View Full Version : Looking for good advice to create/convert factions to Greyhawk setting

2015-12-09, 09:30 AM
Hi, I'm trying to gather as much documentation and advices to convert and create factions for Greayhawk.
In addition to the info on factions/organizations in the DMG and the conversion tips in PotA, I'm looking as well for what others have done as a source of inspiration.


2015-12-09, 06:29 PM
Focus on existing gh factions.

Circle of 8
Horned Society
Iuz cultists
Knights of the Watch

Rowan Wolf
2015-12-09, 06:56 PM
I think Princes of the Apocalypse had some equivalents for the Realms factions. I think they linked the Harpers with agents of the Circle of eight and the Zhentarim with the Thieves' Guild of Greyhawk, the others I do not recall and I do not have a copy of the book handy.

2015-12-09, 10:12 PM
Your best resource would probably be the Greyhawk Wiki, (http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=Greyhawk) along with the forums (http://www.canonfire.com/cf/modules.php?name=Forums) that go along with them. The forums in particular have a wealth of knowledge provided by the grognards of old, who could undoubtedly help you in their 5e section.

That said, the fact that the Flaeness doesn't have as many continent-spanning factions should be taken into consideration. I think the only organization that visibly works throughout the continent is the Seekers of the Arcane. Everyone else is confined to a certain area, or they work in secrecy or in the shadows (Circle of Eight, Old Faith and Scarlet Brotherhood falling into the latter).

In short: I'm not sure they translate all that well from Forgotten Realms. Despite being similar in regards to it being a generic high fantasy setting, Greyhawk is actually quite different.