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View Full Version : Spheres of Power Character Ideas

2015-12-10, 03:11 PM
So I'm going to play next week in a small part it will be me and one other player. That playas an alchemist. We still use the vancian system for alchemy.

She has Beastmorph and Vivisectionist Archetypes. So I should play something that can flank with her or have something that flanks with her.

I will need some social skills because in the scenario we are infiltrating an organisation and spy on them or something like that.

I know that I want to play a character that uses the Spheres of power system.
We play with rolled stats and it's roll 4d6 remove the lowest. We do this 3 times and you can select the one you like the most.

My stats are 18 16 16 14 13 12 So there really good. So Mad classes should not be a problem.

Thanks for all the help

2015-12-10, 03:30 PM
I would recommend one of the following classes: Eliciter, Fey Adept, or Hedgewitch. While none of these are particularly combat heavy, each of them are great for infiltration and adaptable. The Hedgewitch in particular can be built according to your needs in a very modular fashion, whereas the eliciter and fey adept are masters of intrigue in their own ways.

2015-12-10, 05:11 PM
I will look at them again definitely look at the classes you suggested.

2015-12-10, 06:57 PM
Hedgewitch with Green Magic will give you an Animal Companion to do flanking and attacks with. I like Black Magic or Spritualist as well. Depending on what you want to do. Pick up a Familiar and the feat (?) That lets it do the Concentration for you so you dont have to spend a bunch of Spell Points.

Alteration to buff your Pet and or Time. Time can also be a good debuffer with the Slow or taking someone out of time for a few turns. Nature is good as well with Plant for control.

2015-12-11, 06:54 AM
I will look in to the animal companion.

I just noticed that you can have a summon out all the time. So I think i will have conjuration if i do't get the animal companion

2015-12-11, 08:11 AM
Do you have either the geomancer (http://shop.d20pfsrd.com/products/the-geomancers-handbook)'s or telekinetic (http://shop.d20pfsrd.com/products/the-telekinetics-handbook)'s handbooks? A geomancer elementalist focused on metal geomancing can be a nasty melee and is charisma based natively.

Regardless, making sure you don't take drawbacks that give away your casting is a good idea. Illusory disguise can help infiltration too.

Fey adept and eliciter are great infiltrators, not so much on the melee (though the fey adept using shadowstuff to make disposable flanking buddies works at 6+). As noted, hedgewitch can do about anything. Consider combat and spiritualism to boost your fighting prowess and give you the flexibility to grab that extra talent you need from mind or illusion when you need it.

2015-12-11, 11:38 AM
I'm going to play a eliciter with the conjuration sphere. For a flanking buddy. I'm wondering how Magical Companion works, Will the spell poll be just cha mod or cha mod+caster level and do you get spheres as normal for a for the caster levels?

2015-12-11, 11:51 AM
Charisma mod only and you only get talents if you take them with the companions feats, though I believe the +2 when you get casting may apply, I'd have to check the ask me anything thread.

2015-12-11, 05:51 PM
New question is there any more archetypes for Eliciter then Id and Hypnotist. I think I will take Hypnotist but if i can swap out hypnotism as well. I don't think that i will use it. But i might be mistaken.

2015-12-12, 10:30 AM
Those are the only two that have been released. There will be more in the various handbooks, but the two handbooks released so far do not have any. There is one planned in the life sphere and I'm sure there are others as well that I can't think of, though it isn't the most popular class to archetype since it is pretty much 'I do mind sphere' the class, making it not an obvious choice for most concepts.