View Full Version : Player Help Twins and working together?

2015-12-10, 11:35 PM
I thought it would be fun to build two characters who are twins. More specifically they would be designed to work well as a team together in combat.

For example, let's say they both took the fighting style Protection or the Sentinel feat, and they always stood together in combat. Would this work to always get give disadvantage or a free attack whenever one or the other is attacked (or at least 1 per turn)?

What other cool combos could work if you had two players designed to work together? They don't have to be identical characters, but being twins might make for a good start.

Other examples that I could think of:
• What if they were both warlocks with Darkness and Devil's Sight?
• Two rogues on a single target would almost always get a sneak attack, right?
• Paladin's could stack different auras maybe?

What can you think of? And what do you think would be cool and badass?


2015-12-11, 01:31 AM
Well one campaign i DMed in my group featured two players who were friends playing twin drow rogues, one assassin and one trickster.
If given any chance at all to plan and prepare they would demolish any obstacle they faced.

2015-12-11, 04:25 AM
In college, I ran a Conan d20 game (YMMV). The party had a twin pair of Thieves (Rogues) that were identical, but one took all the social skills and a ridiculous Cha, while the other took all the thiefy skills and Dex. Their favorite tactic (it was an urban scenario) was to never let anyone see both of them at the same time, so they wouldn't know that there were two of them. They pretty much took the established thieves' guild apart playing each faction against the others in a glorious storm of confusion and distrust.

"He murdered ol' Bill, he did. Saw it wif me own eyes!"
"My arse he did! He was 'ere wif us all night!"
"Like 'ell 'e was! Wha' you tryin' ta pull?"
"You callin' me a liar?"
"And what if I am?"

However, roleplaying those arguments felt like doing a Jeff Dunham bit.

Joe the Rat
2015-12-11, 08:26 AM
I thought it would be fun to build two characters who are twins. More specifically they would be designed to work well as a team together in combat.

For example, let's say they both took the fighting style Protection or the Sentinel feat, and they always stood together in combat. Would this work to always get give disadvantage or a free attack whenever one or the other is attacked (or at least 1 per turn)?

What other cool combos could work if you had two players designed to work together? They don't have to be identical characters, but being twins might make for a good start.

Other examples that I could think of:
• What if they were both warlocks with Darkness and Devil's Sight?
• Two rogues on a single target would almost always get a sneak attack, right?
• Paladin's could stack different auras maybe?

What can you think of? And what do you think would be cool and badass?

I find that complimentary works better than identical in terms of abilities. Two front-liners with Protection can work (and can protect next-door rogues and right-behind wizards), but it's a little dull.

Two Sentinels doesn't work, because the reaction vs. ally does not apply to allies with Sentinel - they can't react attack for each other.

Now, if you have one of each - A with Protection to grant disadvantage to an attack on B, B with Sentinel to attack someone who targets A, you are in business. Build it out all the way. A has a ridiculously large Shield Protection, and the Shield Master feat. B Has a ridiculously large Hammer, Greatweapon fighting, and the Sentinel Feat. Hammer and Anvil. You could do this as a pair of Fighters, or Paladins.

Twin Rogues are murder. Twin rogues with different specialties (the grabby one, the clever one, the stabby one, the Eyes, the Hands, etc.) cover a lot of functions. Plus Thieves Cant - it's like they have their own language.

On a similar theme: Paired Warlocks. GOO means they literally have twin telepathy. Two doses of Hex is scary. (Wis+Cha: Win any social challenge. Str+Dex: You will not escape a grapple). This is one where I'd be tempted to mirror them quite a bit for the creepy factor. Gaze of Two Minds? Mask of Many Faces? Repelling Blast to knock something a hell of a long ways down the road?

Twin Casters in general: You don't have to specialize in a specific function, but being able to one-two combo spells (or one-two-three-four combo for sorcerers) can pack a heady punch. Lock down movement to set up your brother's AoE. Drop a Blessing and a Bane. Minor Illusion: one sight, one sound, no spell slots.

Barbarian Twins was an awful movie. But a pair of Totems (Wolf and Bear) function similarly to Hammer and Anvil - can take a beating, Wolf makes Bear's (and everyone else's) melee attacks at Advantage.

As an alternative, you can set them up truly identical in appearance - Same gear load-out - but have them be different classes. Depending on domains, Fighters, Paladins, and Clerics can be hard to tell apart. Dex Fighters, Rangers, Rogues, Bards, and sometimes Warlocks can blend together with light armor and finesse weapons. Two men in Robes, each with a simple staff. Wizard, Monk, or Druid?

To make this work, the players really need to work with each other to get the team tricks and the sibling banter down.

One more thing: Aid Another. Your twin is doing something, help them to some Advantage. (This is good for everyone, not just twins).

2015-12-11, 06:18 PM
Thanks, this is great feedback guys. Love the two drow, and the hammer and anvil idea. And two GOO warlocks with telepathy would be pretty fun indeed.

Hummm, tough choices. I guess I'm trying to find a concept that would be the most fun to play with a friends or partner. Where in some ways, the mechanics of the game personifies the relationship.

2015-12-11, 06:57 PM
Make one a moon druid the other can ride into battle.

2015-12-11, 07:12 PM
One is a necromancer, the other is an oathbreaker paladin. Have fun terrorizing the masses!!!

Edit: Add their cousin to the mix, who is a death cleric.

2015-12-11, 07:12 PM
I want to see a pair of GOO warlocks, one tomb and the other blade, in an urban intrigue setting. You know what? Screw it, make them triplets. Totally identical when they want to be, different combat styles, and one hell of a threat to fight against. They all would have insanely high charisma, the ability to talk to each other without speaking, and you never know which one you're trying to assassinate. Hey look, the tome one has a scar, he'll be useless in close combat. Oh s**t! Mask of many faces jerk!

2015-12-11, 08:17 PM
Interesting combos that come to mind: Moon druid + lance wielding meelle character. For added style, Bear barbarian riding a bear. Name him tzar Boris Bhoka for even more points.

Anyone that gets pass with out trace combos really well with a rogue. Ive got a shadow monk and an arcane trickster in a party I dm, and with pass without trace, the rogues stealth modifier is +20 at level 5. the monk has a healthy +17 as well. Amazing for scouting stuff.

2015-12-11, 09:52 PM
And two GOO warlocks with telepathy would be pretty fun indeed.

Would having both telepathically talking to a single target at the same time mean a cacophony or simultaneously clear?

I'd definitely say to go complementary twins rather than pure identical. Despite being identical twins you'll want them to be able to stand out from each other.