View Full Version : My wierd d20 franken-system

2015-12-11, 02:45 AM
Welcome, playground homebrewers. This is The Red Fox, and I have been working on a tweaked amorphous mass of rules that might become a proper system soon.

As the title reflects, this system primarily runs off a d20 idea. It needs social rules, combat rules, and some crafting rules. So far I have a general idea of the combat rules, and the basic stats that all is built upon.

Now, in the beginning, Red Fox said "let there be stats!" The stats were good, and The Fox was proud. Then The Red Fox noticed that he essentially made the SPECIAL SYSTEM from Fallout. That was less good, but workable.
Stats go from 1 to 10

STRENGTH: The burly muscletude of a warrior effects many things, such as melee damage, throwing range, max moveable load, and even movement speed. After all, cheetahs need both reflexes AND major back muscles to run.

Perception: A warrior that cannot see cannot fight, and he darn well can't hit the broad side of a barn. A perceptive warrior does more than see with his eyes. A perceptive warrior can move more quickly in secret. It doesn't matter how quick your reflexea are, they won't make your foes UN-hear the loud branch crushed underfoot. A perceptive warrior also sees through lies and shadows.

Endurance: The land of Melepagas can be taxing on a warrior. Food and water may be scarce, and the teeth of the enemy long. A durable warrior can last longer in a fight with man or nature. He can carry more gear comfortably. There is a reason that the mule is used to carry, although the tiger is strong, no?

Charisma: The key to winning any fight is to stop it from starting. Every friend I make is an enemy vanquished. A charismatic warrior knows how to mince words. Perhaps he haggled for a few more rounds of ammunition, or another days worth of food. Disguise is another took for the charismatic.

Intelligence: A smart warrior is an old warrior. He did not get to be so old by falling for false logic, or by crafting shoddy gear. The smart warrior saw the lies, smelt the poison berries and did not partake. His weapon is better kept than most, and his traps are dangerous.

Agility: A slow warrior dies: this is a law of the land. Often the first shot is the last, and the quick warrior shoots first. He moves with swiftness and grace. He fires quickly, he runs quickly, and he is often gone before you saw him.

Luck: A lucky warrior reaps many blessings. He finds what he wants more often, people stumble into his traps, and never see through his disguise. His bullets may not always hit their mark, but they hurt when they do.

This is the system I am working on. I also have weapon stats, l00t tables, armor, and some npcs.

Water needs are currently 2gallons per day. Endurance drops one each day without. The same for food, but it is every other day.

Move speeds are .2 (per + agi) yards for stealth.
.5 (str + agi) yards for normal movement.
3 (normal speed) for sprinting.
I don't have anything for swimming or climbing yet.

Firearms take a -4 to hit for every RANGE outside the first.
(for example, the Single Action At my has a 30 yd effective range. At 31 to 60 yd there is a -4 to hit. 61 to 90yd is -8. Etc)

Let's start here for now, as it is late as of my typeing this.

Feedback and/or ideas appreciated,