View Full Version : Player Help Fey PC without fey race

2015-12-11, 04:22 PM
Hi all

About to embark on a campaign starting at level 1, probably core only, certainly no UA.

Ive sort of got an idea in my head, but dont really know what to do with it. Fresh from 3.5 and so at a loss.

I want to play your classic Fey, a Jaebrin sort of character, a harlequin, Puck, grown up Peter Pan. I want to make party face, but be effective in combat (not leading, but light, dancy, rapier wielding). Cant be a bard because my friend is making one of those, besides, I want to be far more care free.

My initial thought was pact of the blade, but grab Find Familiar, and a female Sprite, but their fluff is too serious. Then I thought half elf dex build close quarters ranger, without TWF. That could work.

An alternative is rogue.

But I could multiclass too and I am hopeless at that.

So any thoughts?

2015-12-11, 04:29 PM
Elf or gnome fit the style.

Sorcerer would work well: high Charisma for the face aspect, and uses it for the damage aspect. Wild Magic for the Fey flair.
Oterhwise Dex fighter with stats going Dex, Charisma, Con: you can make it work in melee, but it would work really well at ranged if you go Archery.

2015-12-11, 04:40 PM
Hi all

About to embark on a campaign starting at level 1, probably core only, certainly no UA.

Ive sort of got an idea in my head, but dont really know what to do with it. Fresh from 3.5 and so at a loss.

I want to play your classic Fey, a Jaebrin sort of character, a harlequin, Puck, grown up Peter Pan. I want to make party face, but be effective in combat (not leading, but light, dancy, rapier wielding). Cant be a bard because my friend is making one of those, besides, I want to be far more care free.

My initial thought was pact of the blade, but grab Find Familiar, and a female Sprite, but their fluff is too serious. Then I thought half elf dex build close quarters ranger, without TWF. That could work.

An alternative is rogue.

But I could multiclass too and I am hopeless at that.

So any thoughts?

If you are ok with refluffing then really any race works just fine. You could do human variant and say the variant is that you aren't human.

If you're torn between ranger and rogue, I would just go Rogue w/Magic initiate feat for druid (goodberry and two cantrips). Focus on ranger skills and you should be fine.

2015-12-11, 04:49 PM
Have you considered a woodelf (or maybe eladrin (elf subrace with stats in the DMG)) Oath of the Ancients paladin? Can be pretty carefree, their fluff is pretty broad and loose, just needing them to fight for the light in the world, whatever that may mean to them. Gives you quite a few feylike abilities and if you want a dex rapier combatant, paladin is not a bad choice.

2015-12-11, 04:54 PM
I like that cheese. Ill give it a look.

please keep more suggestions coming :)

2015-12-11, 06:01 PM
I like that cheese. Ill give it a look.

please keep more suggestions coming :)

There really isn't anything cheesy in 5e just yet, well outside of high level spell combos, the game was made with the idea of pairing up races with good class combos.

2015-12-11, 06:45 PM
There really isn't anything cheesy in 5e just yet, well outside of high level spell combos, the game was made with the idea of pairing up races with good class combos.

Albions_Angel meant "I like that, Cheese," as in RealCheese. As in me. Who he/she quoted :P

2015-12-11, 07:03 PM
Don't be afraid of warlock. Particularly for fey pact you can fluff the pact how you like.

I'm working on a character that falls in love with an archfey lady and pledges his service. It doesn't have to be a dark or serious selling of your soul.

2015-12-11, 07:04 PM
1) Gnome Arcane trickster.
2) Take a magic initiate feat to get goodberry, entangle, or silent image.
3) Take 2 cantrips.
4) Steal, trick, and otherwise cause mayhem.
5) ????
6) Profit!

2015-12-11, 07:34 PM
Albions_Angel meant "I like that, Cheese," as in RealCheese. As in me. Who he/she quoted :P

That makes a lot of sense.

I used to spend a lot of time on 3e boards and cheesy came up a lot.

2015-12-12, 04:02 AM
Fey PC? Ooh, I can help!


core only


2015-12-12, 04:15 AM
It's not strictly "Core Only" but the DMG has an Elf Subrace "the Eladrin" that is very Fey. Add a Fey Pact Warlock with a Sprite Familiar from Pact of the Chain and you're all sorts of Fey.

2015-12-12, 05:32 AM
Fey PC? Ooh, I can help!



If it is any consolation I would very much like to hear any non DMG Fey races. Because I plan on doing just that.

2015-12-12, 06:39 AM
If it is any consolation I would very much like to hear any non DMG Fey races. Because I plan on doing just that.

Well, you might want to check out my fey homebrew supplements (under races in my extended sig). I'm currently working on a third part, but it's some way off at the moment. Maybe looking at a January release.

2015-12-12, 07:01 AM
To be honest I kind of expected a bit more variety. While varieties of the playful summer fey are welcome and dryad of all environments are great I kind of expected a bit more for the darker and more sinister side of Fey. Something that fits Cold Riders, Bogeymen, Red Caps, Boggart or Darklings. Not all Fey are sparkling good spirited forest creatures.

Most of the time, the First World/Fey/Eternal Forest Plane suggests that ALL emotions are enhanced tenfold. So you could giggle all day but also kill your playmate in cold blood because "he is such a sad sport". I hope your third part incorporate a bunch of less well-adjusted fey races.

Shining Wrath
2015-12-12, 07:34 AM
Just as a variation on the above, you could go Rock Gnome, so totally focused on inventing some special invention that they can care less about anything else in life. Lets you be a Warlock who found his / her patron on the quest for the special invention; or maybe a roguish type who will lie, cheat, and steal to get the information they need to complete their project. Consummate nerd who has learned how to fight, wield magic, pick locks, whatever, not because they ever cared about being able to do those things but because doing those things helps them on their quest.

2015-12-12, 04:04 PM
I want to go with happy, dancy, wicked, harlequin fey because dark, brooding, evil characters work so much better as other classes. A fey can be plenty scary by being happy. I actually think thats what gives them such fantastic fearful presences. Knowing they will take huge enjoyment torturing you because its fun, only to get angry at you when you "break". Knowing any friendships you make are fleeting and transient, but enemies are for life. Knowing a fey will delight in the bright colours of humming birds, and the sharp tang of split blood. Jaebrin are perfect Fey IMHO. Though I also like the fey courts and all their haughtiness.

All that aside, thoughts for right now are:

Paladin of the Ancients, Dueling, Light Armour, Shield and Rapier. After racial adjustments 16 Dex, 16 Cha, 14 Con, 12 Str, 8 Wis, 8 Int. Either Drow (if I can find a way to negate sunlight sensitivity) or Half Elf. Leaning towards Half Elf so I can snag perform (because why not!).


There is a chance we will be allowed SCAG, in which case, I may check out Bladesinger, or else continue with Paladin but pick up magic initiate for Green Fire Blade.

2015-12-12, 05:09 PM
I want to go with happy, dancy, wicked, harlequin fey because dark, brooding, evil characters work so much better as other classes. A fey can be plenty scary by being happy. I actually think thats what gives them such fantastic fearful presences. Knowing they will take huge enjoyment torturing you because its fun, only to get angry at you when you "break". Knowing any friendships you make are fleeting and transient, but enemies are for life. Knowing a fey will delight in the bright colours of humming birds, and the sharp tang of split blood. Jaebrin are perfect Fey IMHO. Though I also like the fey courts and all their haughtiness.

All that aside, thoughts for right now are:

Paladin of the Ancients, Dueling, Light Armour, Shield and Rapier. After racial adjustments 16 Dex, 16 Cha, 14 Con, 12 Str, 8 Wis, 8 Int. Either Drow (if I can find a way to negate sunlight sensitivity) or Half Elf. Leaning towards Half Elf so I can snag perform (because why not!).


There is a chance we will be allowed SCAG, in which case, I may check out Bladesinger, or else continue with Paladin but pick up magic initiate for Green Fire Blade.

Seems like what you want is mostly fluff. You can get that from any character really.

2015-12-13, 10:13 PM
Seems like what you want is mostly fluff. You can get that from any character really.

Agreed. You want the Fey as some kind of spiritual way of life (isn't that part Hedonism?), to enjoy all facettes of life not just the socially accepted ones. You want to feel delight in song and dance, but also in murder and mayhem.

Personally I'd go for an Eladrin Rogue. If you want to accentuate the magical nature take Archfey Warlock levels instead.

2015-12-14, 02:11 PM
To be fair, what I WANT is to play a fey creature. Some sort of Jaebrin perhaps. A charisma based finesse class, and a game based half round roll play and half encounters. Situations where I can play pranks, trick pundits and punish evil dooers. Where my party guides my chaotic nature to do good.

But 5e doesnt have that yet. Not properly. And my group that usually plays 3.5 is switching over next month, right after I planned to play an actual fey race with some unusual classes and feats. Which is a pain, but there you go.

My other 5e campaign has me as a very stoic character, playtesting the awakened immortal mystic (UA). Calm, controlled, brutally efficient. Quick to dispense words of wisdom (often inappropriately) and quicker to dispense death, calmly arranging the bodies afterwards in a mark of respect.

Now I want my fey. Either ecstatically happy or unbelievably angry, whos likes and wants change like the seasons. Someone who laughs at danger like a child, whos fault is their ego, who dances with death.

Somewhere between Sera in Dragon Age Inquisition and a grown up Peter Pan. Someone who would break up a ring of criminals in the morning, drink with the prison guards in the afternoon, rob a bank in the evening and then leave all the takings hanging off a lewd statue of the mayor over night.

Because why not?