View Full Version : 'Good' Necromancy? The secret keeper? Character concept

2015-12-12, 01:02 AM
This is my character concept for a necromancer. He is CG, a Cleric and/or Wizard, and a forest gnome. The idea is this.
He believes that bodies are sacred. More so than the souls inhabiting those bodies. So he came up with a plan. A plan to relive the pain of the afterlife from the souls of those that he found. Whenever he finds a dead body, his first action is to cast speak with dead on it, and learns what afterlife they will go to. He learns their secrets, and so frees their souls from the guilt of what they have done.
Then he makes a deal.
He offers a chance. A chance to rejoin the soul with the blessed body, even for just a short time. So he gives them what their souls are made to do. He binds them back.
So what do you people think? And what class would be better for this concept?

2015-12-12, 03:40 AM
If your character believes bodies are sacred, then he shouldn't be defiling them by raising them as undead.
That being said, the concept is interesting. I would drop the "bodies are sacred," depending on the setting and how strict your Gm is regarding undead. Really, that is probably the most important thing. Also, according to the rules you do nothing with the soul, just the body, which is a soulless animation.
If you do have the liberty, and your zombies do not look as unholy and horrifying as the book describes. Speak with dead is not a wizard spell, so you need another class that has. Fortunately, cleric has both speak with dead and animate dead, so you could just go full cleric. Worship a deity who allows second chances. Basically you give the deceased an extra chance to do something good, and by that maybe change their fate in the afterlife. It's risky and you put your own fate in the hands of deities and society alike, but it's for a good cause. Tymora would likely support such a cleric.

2015-12-12, 12:24 PM
It would require some reflavoring to make it as it is, but the idea with the desecration of bodies is that, while he does believe that bodies are sacred, he is a nice person. He wants the soul, or at least the anima (a term from older editions), to be happy. Kinda like a person who has a religious code, but thinks that happiness is more important. The reason be became a necromancer is to make people happy. It is kinda just me feeling like I want to play a necromancer that isn't all dark and creepy.
Thanks for the tips about class and god! I might do the 'devotion to a concept' idea.