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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Spell: Rending Hands - PEACH please

2015-12-13, 06:22 AM
Hello all!

This is a new spell I'm planning to give to the main enemy in my on going campaign. Basically, I tried to copy Dragon Age 2's Hawke's spell (you can see it by the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlACgYHtWCI ): he summons two huge, twisted, demonic version of his own hands and use them to grab his foes and rip them in two.
Creating spells is not my cup of tea anyway, so I'm here to search for some evaluation from you guys!
I'm aware that the Bigby's hand line of spell has a similar effect to this one but my spell doesn't have a wide variety of uses like Bigby's spells: it's a save or die spell. Also, I've tried to balance it against said hand spells, finger of death and the phantasmal strangler (yeah...). I've gone with a mid-level spell as it grants 2 or more saving throws to the target but naturally I'm willing to change it if it comes out to be overpowered or something.

Rending Hands
Evocation [Force]
Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5, Duskblade 3.
Components: V/S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Short (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels).
Target: 1 creature.
Duration: 1/round per level.
Saving throw: Fortitude partial (see text).
Spell resistance: No.

Black and purple smoke crossed by lightnings appear over your enemy as you point your hands toward him; two twisted and demonic version of your own hands emerge from the smoke, grasping your enemies and trying to tear them in two.

This spell creates two Huge hands over your enemy that immediately grapple them (whether by their arms, legs, neck, tail or in any suitable way) without any need of a melee touch attack. The hands grapple modifier equals your caster level + your Intelligence or Charisma modifier +10 for the hand’s Strength score (31) +8 for the hand's size modifier. Even though the hands are two, they only get one grapple check. If the target manages to get free from the grapple, the spell ends immediately. The target can attempt a grapple or escape artist check on each of his turns to escape the grapple.

The Hands can't move as they are tied to the smoke from which they emerge.

On the turn after, the hands tries to pin their target. If they succeed, they immediatly pull him wildly, trying to rip him in two. The target must succeed in a Fortitude saving throw or die as he is being ripped in two by the hands. If he succeeds on the saving throw he only gets 3d6 damages (the target can die because of these damages) but are still considered to be in a grapple with the hands. Every time they succeed on a saving throw they suffer a cumulative penalty of -4 on the next one because of the pain caused by the hands.

If the spell's target dies in any way while being holded by the hands, the spell immediately ends.

I hope it's all, let me know what you think!

2015-12-13, 01:35 PM
Increase the level to 7 as this is a more powerful spell than both interposing hand and forceful hand and you need to create two hands to do this. I fully agree that the hands need to be treated as a single entity even though there are two of them. It makes it less of a headache to adjudicate. Should the damage the hands inflict be rending damage? 3d6 +1 per caster level up to a maximum of +15.


2015-12-13, 02:40 PM
Increase the level to 7 as this is a more powerful spell than both interposing hand and forceful hand and you need to create two hands to do this. I fully agree that the hands need to be treated as a single entity even though there are two of them. It makes it less of a headache to adjudicate. Should the damage the hands inflict be rending damage? 3d6 +1 per caster level up to a maximum of +15.


lol, I can always count on you for the PEACHing! Have a cookie and my thanks!

I'm okay about increasing the spell level but don't you think that 7 might be too much as this spell gives the target multiple saves?

Also, is there any specific benefit in making the damage rending damage?

2015-12-13, 03:34 PM
I think that level 7 is appropriate because it's phantasmal killer with a lightly higher succeeded save damage, and they have to keep making saves if they are grappled if I'm reading that write.
It has a minimum of +29 to grapple as a 5th level spell cast by a lvl 9 wizard with 15 int. That's not trivial for a grapple check.

2015-12-13, 05:34 PM
lol, I can always count on you for the PEACHing! Have a cookie and my thanks!

I'm okay about increasing the spell level but don't you think that 7 might be too much as this spell gives the target multiple saves?

Also, is there any specific benefit in making the damage rending damage?

Yes, this means that most creatures won't be immune to the damage. Also this tears the flesh which is what a rend does on verisimilitude level. See rend in troll or girillion entry. Technically it's a rend by what it does; the damage type is actually untyped. And this is another reason why the spell should be 7th level. Form should follow function.


2015-12-13, 06:18 PM
CinuzIta: How does it give the target multiple saves? It looks like the opposite: It forces the target to save multiple times at progressively higher DC's and each time the target would die if he fails the save. That makes the spell crazy powerful. I would say it's on par with the 9th level cleric spell implosion.

I suggest you base the spell on disintegrate. It does 2d6 per caster level damage on a failed save, and 5d6 on a successful save. If the damage is enough to kill the target, he gets ripped in half. In either case the spell ends after that; no multiple rounds of jeopardy unless you reduce the damage per round significantly. The only difference will be that instead of a ranged touch like disintegrate, it offers a grapple check. Make sure the DC of the grapple check is not too high though.

Though since you said it's for an enemy in your campaign, it really should be tailored to the needs of that situation. Don't let your source of inspiration tie your hands for your own game.