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2015-12-13, 03:12 PM
Our story begins in Silverlight. The city is massive, holding more people than any other in over a thousand miles. People mill about the street in throngs, a pickpockets dream. Many of the people travel with a pointed nose, clearly just trying to get somewhere. But mostly, the population is quite friendly, many talk as they walk, nodding to familiar faces as they go. Silverlight has its problems, but the people believe that they at least, are safe. All walks of life are represented here. At a city, clothing shows that some come from tribes to trade pelts and furs, some come from the farms to the south, some come from the the mountains, the forests, some even, come from the East, the vibrant clothing that stands out from the dull grays and browns so common around here.

The people's safety lies in the clergy of Lathander, who practically run the city, with an even hand no less. They hold enough sway with the people that the politicians have no choice but to go along with the churches decisions. And so the church

The city is rich, the commoners have money, not as much as the rich, but enough to be happy. The city is experiencing a shortage of food, but its inhabitants are only just starting to see the effects this past year. prices have risen, but not drastically so. The reason for the shortage is a lack of rainfall. This drought has gone on for the past couple of years, but the clergy of Lathander has offered what aid it can. However, things have changed.....

Two of the highest ranking priests of Lathander were assassinated two days ago. More deaths in a chain of deaths targeting the church. Asmodeus, lord of hell, has been pinned with the blame as his cultists seem to be the ones carrying out this succession of attacks. The people today, seem a little uneasy, their faith in Lathander and their own safety shaken.

The high priest of Lathander, Robert Beston, has called a public address, presumably to calm the people of Silverlight. It is to be held today in the central square, all of his Dawnmasters are to be present. All the ones left that is.

The central square is massive, probably able to hold over ten thousand people. At the center is a square platform, made of wood with steps on all sides for easy access. It rises to about eight feet in the air, giving as many viewers as possible a view of the speaker or speakers. The platform itself is wide enough to hold ten people side by side, five people thick. But there are only three chairs sitting there now, presumably for Beston and his last two remaining Dawnmasters.

People have begun milling into the square, hours before the address, hopeful to get a good view of the precedings. On the edges, the merchants stand at their stalls, selling their wares and happy to have a decent spot to watch. The far end is a tavern, the Whispy Lock, at the second floor is a porch. The aristocracy has commandeered the porch for the day, not to miss such a public event. It is still a couple hours before noon.

Each of you have through fate, or whatever you attribute it to, have wound up here in Silverlight. Each of you has heard a voice in your head. Raspy and strong at the same time, the voice sounds foreign and inhuman. It says "You are needed at the speech, there is more than what it seems. I will protect you from the compulsion." The voice sounds almost desperate, like it needs your help. Why it calls to you is a mystery, but it does leave a question. What do you do?

If you wish for more description of the city or other options, just ask in your initiative post. Also, spot checks please :smalltongue:

2015-12-14, 08:45 AM

Valeris has a headache.

After a long, stressful day trawling every tavern in the city for work, he still found himself with no leads. He had been led to believe that fledgling adventurers simply had to turn up at an inn to find mysterious strangers wanting to hire them; now, he is beginning to realise that the reality is somewhat different.

The only thing anyone was talking about was this speech by the Church of Lathander - and really, what could interest him in those self-righteous, hypocritical altar-kissers?

A small part of him wonders if, for all his genius, he might have been somewhat imprudent spending his last gold on weapons before finding work which required them. However, it is a quiet voice, quickly smothered by a flood of self-assurance.

If work is not going to advertise itself, he will simply have to look harder for it. Perhaps the guardhouse might be an option - surely they must post bounties or the like?

He shudders inwardly, that a man of his capabilities and breeding should have to stoop to such lengths. Still, one does not solve a puzzle by ignoring it or wishing it were different.

It is at this moment that the voice sounds in his head. He staggers for a moment, taken off guard by the intrusion - then a slow smile crosses his features.

Desperation, power over the mind, and a mysterious message - truly this was an employer worth seeking out.

So thinking, Valeris turns and makes his way to the central square.

2015-12-14, 10:44 AM
Having just finished a simple delivery job that left him and his coworkers in Silverlight, Owen had some free time. He enjoyed the bustling streets that were full of people, which made the individual insignificant. Owen liked this, the less attention he drew the better he felt. He had nothing to hide, it was just a personal preference.

But then Owen heard the stories about the priests deaths. He had heard rumors from his mother about issues between the clergy and the Knights of the Rose, and wondered if there was any correlation. Either way the news was still heavy. This city had just become a lot more dangerous, and Owen wanted nothing to do with it.

Suddenly a voice spoke behind him, breaking his reverie "You are needed at the speech" Owen jumped 5 feet into the air at the voice, he wheeled around, but saw no one there who seemed to be talking at him. "there is more than what it seems." the voice continued except now Owen was sure that no one around was speaking to him "I will protect you from the compulsion." compulsion, what compulsion? Owen searched and searched for the voice, but he could not see anyone who was speaking to him. As he realized that the voice was not coming from anyone around him, Owen also realized that he was spinning around like a maniac looking for a voice that didn't exist, he quickly blushed and looked down at the ground hoping no one had seen him. His hand unconsciously began to rub the trinket at his waist, a medal given to his father, the bravest man he knew. maybe I should go, it's probably what dad would have done, who was I kidding dad would probably be in a brawl right now with the culprits[I] Owen laughed a little at the image of his father, a bear of a man, dragging two tiny assassins through the streets to throw away to jail. [I]I guess, what was the harm? Plenty of people would be there, and I was already on the way. If things got bad it seems like I'll be safe and can escape it was just the compulsion that was unnerving him. Compulsion was not his forte, the mysteries of the enchantment school of magic never worked well for the weak willed Owen. But as the voice said, he would be immune. I'll just hang back, if it seems like something I can help with than I will, if not then I wont, simple as that. He reasoned to himself as he continued toward the town center, knowing full well that he was pandering to his fears that something bad could very well happen.

Spot check 1d20+2[roll0]

2015-12-14, 11:25 AM
[roll0] and any knowledge on notable smithies in the city would be nice!

Crafter had wandered to this city in search of lessons, as was always the case. It wasn't so much a plan as a step-by-step occurrence; every town he'd stumbled upon, he met their crafters, inspecting their wares and processes, should they allow him. Some would be friendly, others not, but most would be surprised at the sight of him. Some took him for a work of smithing, while others for some knight clad in very ornate armor, and most assumed him wealthy by the nature of the material they instantly recognized as adamantite. A few even took a helping hand from him, eager as he was to play apprentice again, even for a couple days.

Whatever their case, near-all of them directed him to the next biggest settlement close-by as a better place to sate his curiosity for the art of smithing. And village to town to city, he had found himself here. A place truly bustling with people, so much so that it reminded him of his homeland at the peak of their workshop's business. Surely, many a master would live here, and there would be much to learn by observing them!

But then, the voice... Not a means of training, but curious nonetheless... Crafter decides to investigate.

2015-12-14, 01:17 PM
[roll0] = spot
Oreston had come to the city looking for the wealth that had eluded him earliar in life. He slipped with another group as they went in to avoid any kind of confrontation with the guards. While there, he spotted a merchant caravan owned by what appeared to be some wealthy fellows. He spent an hour trolling them, but could find no real opportunity for someone of his skills. Not that he really wanted to mug them, the people here were among the friendliest strangers he had ever met, and Oreston's skills weren't suited to such subtle grabs anyways. While there, He couldn't help but hear about the assassinations. While they seemed to make everyone else nervous, Oreston saw little problem with it, though he felt that this city would not likely remain as it was much longer: with the drought continuing (perhaps by the design?), people would inevitably plunge into savagery over the remaining food. Then this place would feel more like home. Or perhaps a certain ambitious someone would swoop in to save the day from the "incompetent clergy" that had failed them so? It was while thinking such cynical thoughts that the voice spoke to him.
Oreston looked around as calmly as he could (which to a perceptive person might look closer to panick), but could find no indication of any speaker, nor that anyone else had heard it. Oreston had heard of wizards that could perform such sendings, so that was his first conclusion. Protection indeed! Likely it was that the sender would compel Oreston himself. Not that Oreston had any intention of shirking from such a challenge. Perhaps said wizard would be willing to hire afterwards, and he'd heard that they usually paid well.
I've heard that there is going to be a speech around here somewhere, do you know where? Oreston asked of the nearest person. After he'd gotten his answer (and been treated like a dufus), Oreston made his way there, deciding that it might be best to scope the area out for such an auspicious occasion before the event. Just in case someone needed to get away or do something. Just in case.

2015-12-15, 03:57 PM
Visiting his brother Markus in the academy John is already in silver light, and the voice has peeked his interest.
Markus there is supposed to be a speech today yes, lets go see it. the two of them head to the speech and manage to find a decent spot among the crowds to watch the proceedings

2015-12-15, 06:59 PM
The central square is beginning to get full everyone heads in, eager to get a good view of the event. Oreston has no trouble finding the place, the massive crowds moving towards it are a dead giveaway. Being from the crowded streets of Dimshade, Oreston makes his way through the crowd easily, weaving between, shooting through gaps, and just having an attitude gets him far off to the left side of a stall set up inside the square, with a good view and cover, he can scan the crowd with relative protection.

As Owen walks to the square, he finds it rather difficult to get in past the moving crowds. Nobody wants to lose a good spot and Owen finds the crowd just pushing him out of the way. When he gets in, his short stature prevents him from getting a good view. He is standing on the left side towards the middle of the crowd.

Valeris finds getting in to be a little easier, his demeanor resembles snooty aristocrats and the common folk try not to get on their bad side. By the time they question it, Valeris has already moved on. Securing a spot off to the left entrance, but deeper in, Valeris gets a good view, but is relatively safe from being trampled by the crowd as he has a large rock to sit or stand on.

Crafter gets many stares, nothing unusual for him though. He finds that he is the only warforged he has seen in the city so far. People push into each other to try and give him as wide a berth as possible, allowing him a spot wherever he chooses. He currently resides at the center of the crowd.

John and Markus manage to get in a fairly good spot. Without bullying or being bullied, the two sternly hold their ground. They manage to get close to the podium, only 20 feet away, towards the right side.

As you all and the crowds filter in through the massive archway, you notice others like you. (At least except for Crafter that is, no warforged you can see.:smallfrown:) Others who walk a life filled with strife, adventurers, mercenaries, opportunists. An elf with a massive greataxe, a dwarf covered head to toe in shining armor, not to mention his massive tower shield, human magi, and all other sorts. The adventuring backpacks give it away. Especially noticable are some figures wearing brown robes, covering their features with hoods. Each of you sees at least four of these robed figures from your spots.

Owen and Valeris notice that all of them seem on edge, the robed and the unrobed, as if waiting for something to go wrong.

It seems the event will start shortly.

Your eyes see more than seemingly anybody else. You know this because you see something no one else sees, or there would be fingers pointed. Your impressed by your own ability see details this far away, but at the edge of the square you see a warforged, leaning against a building in the shadows. You also see the adamantine hulk in the crowd, but this one gives you a sense of unease. The warforged is staring at the podium, spinning a large dagger in his hand constantly. The.... construct has what looks like shadows pouring off of him. As if his very body is leaking shadows. His eyes, unlike the rest of his body, doesn't shine like metal in the sun, just black, like black holes. Compared to the one in the crowd, this one seems thinner, and more agile. His ability to manipulate the dagger give a feeling of precision, it is the exact same motion, over and over. You have no idea why no one seems to see him, he isn't exactly amazingly hid in the shadows. He doesn't seem to be trying hard either.

If anyone wants to post before it starts, now is the time. I hope I didn force too much on your characters. Please let me know if I did.

2015-12-15, 10:41 PM
Crafter takes a seat, trying to look as nonthreatening as possible to those around him. Patiently, he sits perfectly motionless in the way only an inanimate object should normally manage, and waits for the event to begin.

2015-12-15, 11:56 PM
Owen gets jostled around by the people, trying to stay out of everyone's way. He sees all manners of people, an elf in particular looks quite dangerous. Owen specifically moves away to keep his distance from such an imposing axe.

As Owen moves, always keeping an eye on the elf, he notices the elf's hand clench and unclench keeping close to his axe. there may not be a compulsion, but that person could certainly do some damage if motivated. Owen decides that forewarned is forearmed and using his small unassuming figure and the tight knit crowd to his benefit, he quietly wiggles his fingers in quick circles and loops, carefully creating the shapes of the first spell that he ever learned.

ickrak'ey arcaniss

Suddenly his green eyes brighten and the world changes around him. Owen looks around with his new sight, searching for what dangers might be hidden to the oblivious eye.

Owen casts detect magic and looks at the elf and other hooded members

2015-12-16, 03:26 AM
Valeris sits on the stone, trying to arrange his legs in as dignified a manner as possible. As he does so, he sweeps the square with his eyes, taking note of the other adventurers, the robed figures, and the palpable sense of tension and anxiety.

It seems likely the whole event would descend into violence, even without the dire warning whispered into his thoughts. As usual, the priests have tried to make a show of their supposed virtue, and instead have made the situation that much worse. Typical, to Valeris's mind, of all those who pretend to some moral superiority.

Sighing inwardly, Valeris reviews the spells burning in his thoughts. The charm person enchantment should deal with any one assailant who proved more dangerous than the rest, while judicious use of sleep would subdue a small mob - but, if things turn truly ugly, no spell at his disposal will bring matters to a swift end.

Valeris hates that.

Still, at present, he has insufficient data to identify the problem and formulate an appropriate response. That being the case, he settles back, preparing to play to his greatest strength: waiting for more information.

2015-12-16, 10:17 AM
Seeing the plethora of transmutation coming from the others, Owen relaxes, slightly.

These guys are probably not the cause of any enchantment. The elf might have the ability to, but Owen had a hard time believing that a person who could wield a powerful axe needed to use magic to get others to do what he wanted.

Uhm okay, nothing bad has happened yet, I'm in the middle of a crowd and everyone seems more ready to react than to act.

Owen again scans for the easiest exits to go get his companions from the brotherhood if things get bad. Assuring himself that everything would be fine, he turns to the podium, not feeling ready for whatever was going to happen.

2015-12-16, 06:15 PM
After waiting for a while, somewhere around half an hour, a piercing sound tears through the dry air. It sounds like a mix between a belltower bell and scraping on a chalk board. Everyone goes quite as they look for the source of the sound. Before the culprit can be found however, a large cherry wood door shimmers into existence on the stage. It is probably a solid 15 feet tall and 5 feet wide. As it slowly opens, the wood makes an all too familiar creaking sound, heightened by the fact that everyone is holding their breath. The space behind the door looks blurred, like its being viewed from underwater or something.

Out of the door walks two men, confident in their stride. Wearing plain white robes and plain shoes, they appear common, not even sporting any jewelry. Each one walks to the side of the door which then closes.

The first man to walk out is probably about 5'10" and in his fifties. His black skin marks him as from far to the South. He is Dawnmaster Zin. Zin has greying black hair cropped short, almost bald and in fact, it is apparent he is balding. Not quite overweight, but not thin either, Zin doesn't seem to be an imposing figure. His thin arms and sunken shoulders don't help that perception either. Zin does not smile at the crowd, choosing instead to give a serious look. Sharp observers notice he is hiding his surprise and nervousness quite well.

The man behind him must be Dawnmaster Marcus Eridius, a half-elf raised by his human heritage. Marcus has the build of a leader, the opposite of his companian Zin. Standing at over 6' with broad shoulders, Marcus is is fit, clean shaven, and good looking. What's more, he's in his twenties, a true prodigy of the faith.

His smile charms the audience in a way that wins everyone instantly. Waving as he walks to the left side of the platform to an eruption of cheers. He clearly owns the spotlight and knows how to handle it. He seems comfortable, as if he was here to talk about foolish things with his brother.

As soon as each of you see Marcus' smile, you feel a tingle in your brain, though it doesn't last long and is immediately shut out. It feels as though someone dropped a brick wall in your head, but the pain is only momentary. While you remain neutral, the crowd is absolutely enamored with Marcus.

Marcus raises both his hands for one ear splitting cheer from the crowd, then lowers them to silence the crowd. In an instant, everything is still. Marcus then starts to speak in a jovial tone:

"The light of Lathander shine on you ALL!" Everyone in the crowd responds back to him in a unanimous roar: "And also with you!" Marcus nods to the crowd, Zin looks a little unsettled, unsure if they were talking to Marcus or both of them. Marcus continues: We wanted to start this in morning, but as you all know, we were praying at that time instead. But anyways, everyone is here! We are here to simply assure everyone that we have things under control. Yes, there have been assassinations, but because of them we are now more aware of how to protect. Marcus seems to be about to continue, but suddenly he turns his head to the door as if he hears something. He then turns back to the crowd and says: And without further ado, Morninglord Robert will tell you more." Marcus turns his attention to the door which focuses attention of the crowd on it.

The door creaks open slowly, as an old man walks out. He is hunched over and leans heavily on a wooden cane. Robert is in his eighties, with wisps of white hair and wrinkles that show his age clearly. The man walks with purpose however, standing at the edge of the podium and looking into the crowd. He seems to bore into each person's soul as he looks at each person he sees in the eye.

After a handful of people, he addresses the crowd as a whole with a smile that would remind anyone of their grandfather as both Zin and Marcus sit down: I may be old, but they haven't got me yet! He waves the cane at the crowd, showing his energy and will to continue. Robert loses his smile in favor of a more serious expression, changing his tone to match. There are people in this world who would attempt to ruin it. They scheme and plot and hurt innocent people. But they always fail. They always fail because of people like you and me. As long as that sun rises and sets, we will have good people to defend us all. As Robert pauses, the crowd cheers again.

They seem unwilling to settle down for a second, and then Marcus rises and puts his hands out in a wide arc, motioning for everyone to listen. Even now, we are assembling a team to secure everyone's safety.

Before Robert can continue, there is a cry of distress in the crowd as the figures in the black robes pull out crossbows, aimed at the Morninglord. At the same time, a semi-visible orb covers Robert and he immediately seems less than what he was. He suddenly cannot support his own weight, even with the cane and stumbles to his knees. Before anyone even has time to react, the robed figures fire at the Morninglord who now seems extremely vulnerable. Marcus acts immediately, as if prepared for the very situation in front of him, he points a finger at the edge of the orb while grabbing at the inside of his robe and traces it around the orb as much as he can and a wall of hurricane force winds forms around Robert. The bolts meet the wall just as it forms and are send flying upwards. GET DOWN! Yells Marcus in a voice louder than a giant. The crowd immediately drops to the ground. All except the robed figures, the adventurers, and you... And of course Zin and Marcus.

So, first of all, spellcraft checks for anyone who wants to know what happened. I will use the initiative rolls you guys made earlier because why not. Each of you has 4 different robed figures within 60' of you, with one within 30'. Groups are 150' feet apart from each of you. However, Oreston and Valeris are in the same group area. because of all the people, movement is severely prohibited, with it being rough terrain (1/2) if you don't mind trampling people and 1/4 speed if you do.

Is there a better way to explain this? :smalleek: I guess practice right?

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means its thegoldenfedoras turn!

2015-12-16, 06:38 PM
spellcraft 1d20 + 7 [roll0]

Owen's head swings to the left and to the right wildly as he looks around, dumbfounded, he then realizes that he is one of the very few people standing. Blood rushes to his cheeks as he realizes his mistake.

Flight rushes to his mind, but he has already been seen, and the throng of people, his alleged defense through anonymity was now hindering his retreat.

Uhm, uh Owen's mind races through his spells desperately searching for something to get him out of this danger, but there is nothing.

He looks down to see his own crossbow in his hands, his fingers have turned blue as he grips the piece of wood for all he is worth. Numb with fear he sums up every ounce of being he has and points the crossbow at the nearest of the robed figures. His eyes close for a split second as he pulls the trigger, breath no longer moving through his own body.

attack 1d20+2[roll1]
damage 1d8[roll2]
crit 19-20
confirmation 1d20+2[roll3]
damage 2d8[roll4]

please don't get me killed, please don't get me killed

2015-12-17, 06:38 AM
As Owen opens his eyes he sees the bolt flying true, straight into the figure's thigh, almost his hip even its so high up. The figure screams in pain, clutching her leg, her being evident by her voice. A pool of deep red blood immediately begins pooling on the ground at her feet. She turns to face Owen and her hood slips off, showing long brown hair. What Owen sees though, is the pure hatred in her stare, now directed at him.

The large elf with the great axe leaps at the nearest figure in the same cluster as Owen. As he closes the distance, his axe begins to glow as magical energy seeps from his hands into the blade. It looks fantastic... Until his overhead chop swishes through the air where the figure was and cuts into the soft grassy dirt, sending clods flying.

From the podium, Marcus shouts to Zin. "Get Rob out of here!" Marcus then turns his attention to the attackers. He says something, you are all too far away to hear it as he grabs at his chest again and points at on of the assassins near Crafter, the center, and a beam of light shoots out from his fingertips. The beam travels through the air as fast as an arrow and hits the man in the chest, right at the heart. The man crumples to the ground, dead.

On the other side of the podium you can hear more fighting, John, Markus, and Oreston from their angles to the sides can see others fighting more robed ones.

Anyone who wants to know what Marcus cast, spellcraft check.

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Oreston's turn, followed by Crafter!

2015-12-18, 03:36 PM
As Oreston stands, stunned that the priests seemed to be the ones compelling everyone. If he was protected from such a thing, it may be so that he could try to kill him. More pertinently, he now would appear as an assassin merely by virtue of still standing. With his only two options being to fight the assassins or run, Oreston drew his extra dagger and threw it at the nearest cultist, hoping to shift suspicion away from himself for such an ill conceived attempt.

[roll0] move: 15 feet towards hooded assassin

2015-12-18, 03:44 PM
Oreston's dagger flies through the air towards his target, but either because of aerodynamics, or just not throwing the dagger hard enough, it fails to reach its target. Oreston watches as his dagger falls to the ground, bumping a dwarf in the buttocks with the hilt. Surely that dwarf will have a bruise. The dwarf doesn't make a sound.

2015-12-18, 04:20 PM
Crafter had found himself in dangerous positions before. He armed his crossbow and shot at the nearest hooded man, while trying to make his way to the square's center.

2015-12-18, 04:47 PM
Crafter immediately launched into action, the bolt pierced the man's arm, just above the shoulder. The would looks shallow, lucky for the man, but being shot is excruciating nonetheless. The figure turns to see the warforged stepping over people, heading to the podium.

2015-12-18, 05:09 PM
heal check [roll0]
John looks quickly around confused for a second before a bit of concern sets in, he takes a knee to check on his brother looking for signs of life. Markus! Markus!
realizing there is a more prominent danger however he quickly rises and reaches for his great sword witch is not there, of course its not there John you were not expecting trouble didn't even bring my shield just my long-sword. John draws out his long sword and takes a high guard stance then assesses the battlefield, looking for threats and potential allies. then heads for the nearest threat
AC (no armor): 10

2015-12-19, 05:46 AM
John finds nothing wrong with his brother physically, he seems to be ignoring John though. Scanning the battlefield reveals no additional threats to John.

Zin at first seems bewildered that this is all happening, after Marcus yells at him he snaps out of it and rushes to Robert's aid. He grabs him and helps lift him up, turning him towards the door as they go to leave. Before they can get anywhere though, you see many crossbow bolts flying at them from the other side. Zin puts himself in the way and takes three bolts to the back.

As he cries out in pain the wind disappears and two of the robed figures near Oreston, including the one he threw the dagger at, fire at the now exposed Robert. One barely missed his head, but the other shoots directly into his left bicep, tearing muscle and blood spurting all over his robes. Robert grimaces but does not cry out. He almost collapses again. He doesn't look like he can take another shot.

The wounded women loads her crossbow, levels it at Owen, and fires. As the missle whistles through the air, Owen ducks, the bolt missing by inches.

The rest of the robed men load their crossbows and fire at Marcus, hoping it seems to get all three of them. The bolts seem to avoid him, veering off to the left or right 3feet before they reach him.

The dwarf in full plate sets his shield to the side and pulls out a heavy crossbow and loads a bolt calmly.

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Valeris' turn, followed by Owen!

2015-12-19, 03:58 PM
Valeris takes his time studying the developing situation. He briefly considers lying down inconspicuously with the rest of the audience, but the notion of grovelling in the dirt like a peasant fills him with revulsion.

And, of course, whatever his personal views of the clergy, the fact remains that they are powerful, influential, and wealthy. Earning their gratitude might have real, practical - and more importantly financial - benefits.

Nonetheless, the situation is not one for which Valeris is prepared. The densely packed crowd effectively prevents an application of sleep; the limitations of charm person mean it is unlikely to neutralise a foe not directly targeting Valeris, and his last combat spell - the one his instructors made him learn against his personal preferences - lacks the range to target the attackers.

Which means...

Sighing, Valeris loads a bolt into his crossbow and winches back the string, locking it in place. Hands trembling slightly, he sights along the bolt at the nearest hooded figure, then pulls the trigger.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Confirmation of critical if relevant [roll2]
Critical extra damage if relevant [roll3]

2015-12-19, 04:31 PM
Despite shaky hands, Valeris finds his mark with ease, the man had his back turned and never had a chance of dodging. The bolt sticks into his left side just above the hip. The man cries out in pain and clutches his side around the bolt, he continues to load his crossbow while looking at Robert. "Asmodeus will watch you all burn!

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Owen's' turn, followed by me!

2015-12-19, 05:10 PM
The wounded women loads her crossbow, levels it at Owen, and fires. As the missle whistles through the air, Owen ducks, the bolt missing by inches.

I hit her, I can't believe i did that As the initial surprise and rush fades, Owens eyes widen with terror as the woman turns raising her crossbow with the intent to kill him. As her bolt whizzes by, Owen falls to the ground, adrenaline rushes through him heightening his own fear.

Owen struggles to reload his crossbow I'm gonna die, I am so going to die.

Shouting to his attacker, Owen readies his bow, I'm so sorry about this. Again he pulls the trigger, trying to keep his eyes open this time.

free: drop prone
Move: reload
Standard: attack

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit 19-20
Confirm [roll2]
Crit damage [roll3]

16 against ranged attacks
8 against melee attacks

2015-12-19, 08:33 PM
"I'm so sorry about this" Owen calls to the women. She laughs in response, preying on his fear. "I'm gonna gut you you pathetic wel- she is cut off as Owen's bolt blows her back to the ground, dead, having her heart pierced by the bolt. Blood pools around her, soaking her and those around her in crimson.

Meanwhile Robert calls to his Dawnmasters: "Dispel the field!
Marcus, about to cast another spell, listens to Robert and moves his hands in a forceful, jagged arc, finishing by pointing at Robert. The see-through orb disappears. Robert immediately stands on his own two legs and starts chanting. He runs and jumps off the platform on the opposite side. Just when you would time his landing you see a gold yellow light flare up and die.

The elf with the large axe swings it wildly in a sideways swipe at the man, catching nothing but air yet again as the man dogdes backward on top of a man. "Agh!!" the elf yells in frustration. "Glory for Asmodeus!" The robed man shouts as he readies to retaliate.

thegoldenfedora, you don't have to make those all separate spoilers. Also, could everyone also list their actions like he did, even though it can be obvious from the descriptive text.

Spellcraft check for everyone on Marcus
spot check everyone

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Oreston's turn, followed by Cafter!

2015-12-19, 11:38 PM
Not really surprised that his dagger distraction missed the mark, Oreston closes the gap to the nearest hood while drawing one of his other daggers. He slashes at the foe, hoping the other ones don't decide that he's an easier target for their crossbows.
move: 15 feet towards hooded assassin. attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2015-12-20, 05:56 PM
Sorry, just got home after a long day-night-day!

[roll0] spellcraft, [roll1] spot

Crafter keeps on his dash towards the action, this time forfeiting combat in favour of getting somewhere he'll be more valuable at. He does, however, try to draw the attention of the assassins, trying to offend them as well as any mechanical, psychology-less creature could offend a biological: "Hey, you weaklings, did you need your mark to parade in front of you to reach, and even then you're struggling? Your master's gotta be real proud!"

Double (edit: move) action to get to the podium, and I'll try to annoy the hoods. In case a roll is useful, [roll2] for the die bit. not sure what modifiers I'd add, maybe charisma penalty? :smallamused: (but all my socials are at +2 due to cha)

2015-12-20, 08:32 PM
Oreston continues moving up to the assassin, stepping on backs and legs and other body parts as he makes his way. As he gets close the assassin turns to face him, malice in his eyes. Oreston makes a quick stab as soon as he arrives, catching the assassin by surprise. Blood poles out as Oreston removes the dagger from the man's abdomen and crouches into a battle stance. The assassin states daggers at Oreston. "You're gonna pay for that" he threatens while clutching his stomach.

Crafter makes his way across the middle to the central platform, taking care not to step on any skulls. Still, there might be a broken leg or two under Crafter's massive weight. With yells of pain behind him, Crafter manages to get about 10' from the platform, mainly because he wasn't far to begin with. His shouts fall on assassin ears who just watched their primary target escape, they turn to him.

you guys can roll spot OOC even if it's not your turn you know.when Marcus casts the spell, it seems as if he's resisting something. His arms move a little sluggish and the beam seems as if it won't make it to the orb at first.
Dispel magic, greater. Couldn't remember if it's 6th level or not, seems about right.

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's John's turn, followed by me!

2015-12-21, 03:23 AM
cant check my character sheet via myth weavers right now sorry but im pretty shore of what my bonuses are any way
John continues to advance on the closest hooded figure to him avoiding heads and necks of people. alright John you've got no armor and no shield there's only one thing for it now deal with the threats quickly high guard it is. when John gets to his target he brings his sword down in a vicious ark using his muscle and gravity together for maximum lethality. your time is nigh fiend
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: 19-20
confirm: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

2015-12-21, 03:55 PM
John advances on the assassin, slashing in an arc that tells of clear martial training. He makes a large cut straight through the robe, blood starts coating around the cut deep black- red. John sees fear in his eye as the assassin backs up a couple of steps and almost stumbles between someone's arm and the ground to avoid a follow-through. Stance ready for a counter attack, the assassin doesn't seem very confident anymore.

Zin, seeing Robert rush at the other side, seems unsure of what to do for a second, and then remembers the three crossbow bolts sticking out of his back. With a split second wave of his hand and an unintelligable word, the crossbow bolts pop out to reveal clear skin, with blood around the edges of where the bolt was. He turns to the other side where Robert jumped down and follows to the edge, casting a spell not visible from your views.

The assassin next to John pulls out a shortsword and attacks John with a quick thrust, hoping to end the threat as quickly as possible. His blade grazes past John's side, cutting him, but not too seriously.

Oreston sees the assassin draw a shortsword, quickly slashing at him, but Oreston barely even has to move back as the sword swings wildly short of him.

Valeris sees the assassin he shot realize that his target is no longer there, and decides to take it out on whoever shot him. The assassin turns and fires at Valeris with pinpoint accuracy. The bolt launches into Valeris' left shoulder and his vision explodes with pain, his vision returns almost immediately to a sight of flesh, blood, and bolt.

The assassin next to the elf draws a shortsword and stabs as well, however, he finds the elf just as hard to hit as the elf finds him to hit. They both stare at each other, neither one gaining the upper hand.

Many of the assassins realize that their mission has failed. their target has gotten away from them and they are now exposed, to die without actually accomplishing anything, or so they think. One of the the assassins with his crossbow leveled at Crafter yells to his companions. Regroup at the location! The rest of you, stop them from following us. One last shot at the fat Dawnmaster! Is it ten? Or eleven?! bolts fly into the air at Zin who, hearing the voice turns to face them. The bolts fly at him, but just as they had Marcus, they veer off to the left and right just 3 feet before their target. Zin gives a slight smirk as they come at him, knowing his protection is online. The assassins snarl in frustration and begin to run away, not caring who or how they step on anyone. The assassins tangled with you seem shocked, and fearful as they realize they are being abandoned. They know that stepping away from their targets means death as well.

The dwarf finishes cranking up his crossbow and takes aim, he looks to the one who gave the order, following him as he runs. The large bolt follows him and smashes him to the ground with a loud thud, and then another thud as he hits the ground. Clearly tearing the man wide open, the people around the body start getting wet as blood pools fast. The dwarf laughs and starts loading another bolt.

So! Things are starting to get pretty confusing without a visual so let me brief you guys. Out of the original 16 assassins, 2 have died, one by Marcus, one by Owen. A few others are wounded, and 11 of them are running and do not wish to die by the powerful priests. The ones that are running are only 15 feet away from their original location. In the case of Oreston and John, who moved up to attackers,one of them is now only 30 feet away and the two on the edges are now 45 feet away. For Crafter... they are 25 feet away and 55 feet away. For Valeris they are 45 feet away, (the one that was 30 feet away just shot you).

Wish I had minis for this....

So, for damage we have this:
John: 2 point of damage.
Valeris: 4 points of damage

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Valeris' turn, followed by Owen!

2015-12-21, 04:25 PM
Valeris snarls in pain, the sensation of steel grinding on bone like nothing he has ever felt before. The prudent side of him wants to flee, reminding him that any reward will be useless if he is dead - but he settles a vengeful gaze on the man who shot him, easing his way through the crowd to close the distance to a precisely measured 25 feet.

Valeris raises his left hand, curling it as though cupping an invisible bird, his lips forming the syllables of a draconic incantation. A moment later, a globe of fire forms in his hand, intensely hot but somehow having no influence on his flesh.

With a jerk of his hand, he hurls the blazing orb at the man who had injured him.

Ranged touch attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Critical confirmation if relevant [roll2]
Extra damage on critical [roll3]

Move action to close distance, standard action to cast Lesser Orb of Fire

2015-12-21, 06:20 PM
As he sees the enemies begin to retreat, Owen relaxes, We did it! We won! Owen looks around, wondering if he should just sit and wait, when he sees the elf. Still engaged in melee with one of the remaining assassins, the elf's battle reminds Owen that the fight is not yet over.

Oh shoot

Owen looks to the enemy engaged with the elf looking for an opportunity to help, but the two were so intertwined he knew he would simply be putting the elf in too much risk.I definitely don't want to upset him.

So Owen turns his crossbow to one of the fleeing assassins as he places another bolt into his crossbow. Why can't this be over already?

Move: reload
Standard: fire

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit 19-20
Confirm [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

AC=16 against range
8 against melee

Edit: forgot that thing you do with a crossbow is also a part of human anatomy, sorry

2015-12-21, 08:26 PM
Valeris sends the orb flying at the assassin. The assassin's eyes widen in surprise when the orb comes flying at him. To fast for him to escape, the orb blasts against his chest, exploding him backwards a few feet and two the ground. His chest is a charred mass of stinking flesh, cauterized by the killing blow.

Meanwhile, Owen's bolt chases after an assassin, the assassin does a double take just at the right time and the bolt whistles by harmlessly into the grass.

Marcus furrows his brow in concentration and attempts to cast a spell at the fleeing attackers, but nothing happens when he finishes his chant. Face me in the light fiend! Marcus yells in anger, he looks around, searching for something, but it seems to no avail.

The elf swings his greataxe yet again, and this time find purchase in the man's soft flesh. He cleaves into the man's chest and buries the metal a solid four inches in. The man crumples and he pries his axe free. He looks to Oreston and begins the trek over, decidedly not chasing the retreaters.

The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Oreston's turn, followed by Crafter!

2015-12-22, 07:12 AM
Crafter, now hopefully out of the crowd, prepares to rush to the priests' aid. He's done stuff like that before, owing to his materials and, well, nature:

"Use me as your shield! Take cover behind me as you retreat!"

Delaying until I get their reply, in which case I'll move as instructed, and unless conflicting with their requests, look to shoot at someone.

2015-12-22, 07:17 AM
Oreston takes a quick look around to see if there are any others waiting to jump in after Marcus's spell fails. He draws a 3rd dagger, giving it a quick spin as he stabs with his other one, not seeing any reason to mince words with his foe.
attack: [roll0], damage:[roll1] move:draw dagger
Critical:19-20 (result of 21-22), confirm roll: [roll2], extra damage: [roll3]
is the suspicious warforged still in his position when Oreston looks around?

2015-12-22, 09:15 AM
Oreston looks around as if only half concentrated on the foe in front of him. He stabs the assassin right in the gut. As he pulls the dagger out, the man falls, whether from blood loss or sheer shock, it doesn't really matter.

Marcus hears the warforged' call and calls back without even looking at Crafter.Yes! Defend Zin from the crossbows!

You cannot make it to Zin and shoot in one turn. Requires a double-move.

2015-12-22, 12:27 PM
Crafter, obeying the request, dashes to Zin and spreads his body between him and most cultists possible.

Is the church's head still around?

2015-12-22, 03:33 PM
John steps up to the Hooded man who stumbled away from him and readies himself to deal the final blow.i give thee one chance to surrender, drop thine weapons and lower to your knees.

moves up to backpedaled assassin
diplomacy: [roll0]
holds his standard action to A) if the assassin tries to flee none lethal attack, B) if the assassin tries to attack then john will attack normal, C) if the assassin complies take hold him at sword point.
held actions:(if assassin runs) None lethal: [roll1]
none lethal damage: [roll2]
crit 19-20
crit non lethal: [roll4]
(if assassin attacks)lethal attack:[roll5]
crit: 19-20
confirm: [roll7]
crit damage: [roll8]

2015-12-22, 09:19 PM
The assassin looks at John, fear in his eyes. He looks like he´s weighing his options, and then he makes a desperate lunge at John. John slashes a Critical artery as the man stumbles back away from John, a hole right at his heart. He collapses almost immediately, but not before blood sprays all over John´s travelling outfit.

If Crafter can believe it, he may have just saved the priests life. As he arrives, all of the retreating assassins turn and aim their crossbows at Zin, when they see Crafter blocking the way, they change targets to Marcus and fire. As the bolts sail through the air, a shimmering orb pops up around Marcus and his smile seems less bright. When the arrows get close, they don´t veer off to the sides, instead using Marcus as a pin-cushion. Seven bolts strike him across the torso, his robes start blossoming red. Marcus doesn´t scream out, he doesn´t look fearful, he looks angry. He looks like he wants to strangle the assassins with his bare hands.

The crowd starts moving as if a spell is lifted, they don´t seem unaware of what´s going on though and many move away from the assassins. Crowding even more into the sides to get away from the action and any stray crossbow bolts.

After Marcus takes a bolt for him... or a couple of bolts, Zin pops out from behind Crafter and sees that the assassins are no longer near civilians. he moves to the edge of the platform and casts a spell. ¨Ish kolo tien¨ he whispers and a wall of stone seems to appear out of no where, surrounding about 6 of the assassins, offering no escape. The one of the other assassins, seeing their fast degrading situation, calls to Zin and Marcus. Dead serious, calm, matter-of-factly, he speaks. ¨Lathander will fall.¨ He pulls out a vial from his pocket, and drinks it. The rest follow his lead and do the same. Some hesitate, but they all do it. After a few seconds they start convulsing, and fall to the ground, presumably dead. Zin looks around for a second before Marcus says ¨The mages have fled... once Robert deals with the last few over there it is over.... Should have thought to tell the people to move!¨ With that, they both fall silent for a minute. As Marcus winces, Zin says ¨I didn´t prepare anything for the field...¨ almost an apology.

The dwarf who was reloading his massive crossbow stops, seeing the wall appear. He turns his head to the side and spits on the ground, lifts the crossbow and rests it on his shoulder and starts walking to the central platform.

Crafter can see the other side where most of the assassins are dead. Robert is floating at the last few just above the ground. There are a lot of people like the elf and dwarf on this side, perhaps ten, maybe more by your quick count.
The order is as follows:
Owen (26)
Marcus (?)
Oreston (14)
Crafter (14)
Johnathan (12)
Zin (?)
Valeris (4)

This means it's Valeris´ turn, followed by Owen!

It´s pretty much over unless anyone has something specific. I´m giving a chance here for anything, otherwise, I´ll continue tomorrow. Oh, and for surviving the encounter, 400xp to all of you.

Also, all of a sudden my computerv wants to use ḿ and other weird symbols, if i press alt, then I can get my quotation marks after two presses.:smallfrown: Thoughts?

2015-12-22, 09:33 PM
Sure we have something specific, I wanna strangulate Zin!

No, just kidding, but I got you there for a second, didn't I? :smallamused:

No, instead I'll dash over to Robert to offer the same services, once my turn occurs.

As for your issue, is it properly tuned to english, no special dialects or a random language with the same alphabet?

Finally, if you need any checks to justify that IC, let me know, but I don't trust Marcus' role in all of that. For one, he was the source of the compulsion that we were recruited to combat along with the attack, his orders largely helped the assassins, and save for the last barrage, for which I'm partly responsible, would have left unscathed from the death of at least his superior.

2015-12-23, 04:03 AM
Seeing the assailants committing suicide, and the thinning of the crowd, Valeris makes one last ditch effort to capture one alive.

He sweeps the square with his eyes, looking for an attacker who has not yet taken the poison and who is at least 10 feet from any civilians.

Drawing a pinch of sand from his pouch, he shapes magic with a few words and a gesture, casting sleep upon the would be assassin.

Will DC for enchantment is 15.

2015-12-23, 09:31 AM
Valeris looks around... and sees exactly what he is looking for. One of the assassins is hesitant to drink the vial, and in that hesitation, Valeris rushed forth. As the spell effect begins to take hold, the man fights back. No! He yells in defiance. With a burst of anger, the assassin shrugs off the sleep spell and drinks the vial before he can continue questioning his own actions.

Crafter chases after Robert, but by the time he can catch up, two floating swords cut assassins down and the third is paralyzed by Robert's magic. Robert then knocks out the assassin by punching him in the head.

Everyone involved heads for the platform, the easiest place to converse without yelling. Robert with the unconscious assassin over his shoulder.

Sorry Valeris, rolled an 18... But one is alive anyway.:smallfrown:

Just moved forward enough to show what's going on. Marcus is still in the orb.

2015-12-23, 01:01 PM
It seems we are out of combat, if not Owen reloads and goes total defense as he looks around gaging the situation

Once again Owen relaxes, a little glad that he didn't hit the fleeing assassin. He lifts himself from the ground trying to avoid the moving people. As he thinks of what to do next, he brushes himself off, stalling and trying to seem normal after all of the abnormality that he had been a part of.

Finally he decides to go the assassin that he had shot, once he arrives, he crouches next to the body.

I really am sorry, I don't think you gave me a choice, but I would have liked it if you didn't have to die... I hope you don't mind a small prayer from the person who killed you. From everything you were saying, I guess you don't really like Lathander, you're more of an Asmodeus person, so I guess may Asmodeus keep you safe, but if that doesn't work may Lathander take care of you.

Finishing his awkward prayer, a thought pops into Owen's head I know I saw some transmutation on her. Owen begins to investigate the body, looking for the source of magic he had detected earlier.

2015-12-23, 03:40 PM
after the adrenaline from the fight recedes John cleans and sheaths his sword, then looks for his brother. weather he finds Markus right away or not John will head to were the others are gathering for some answers! who were they, why were we specifically brought hear, what in the name of the gods is going on hear. as an after thought John looks down at himself, damn, thees clothes are gonna take a lot of cleaning to get all the blood out.

2015-12-23, 04:56 PM
Shoddy, but also prepared Oreston cannot help but note both how quickly the attempt seemed to fail, and also how close it came to succeeding. After sheathing his daggers, he moves to retrieve the thrown one if he can find it. Afterwards, he moves to a somewhat more shadowy area.
Going to the area where the shady warforged was, Oreston searches to see if he can find any clues to his identity or motives. Search: [roll0]

2015-12-23, 04:57 PM
Valeris looks down at the crossbow bolt protruding from his shoulder. He remembers someone saying it is unwise to remove an object from a wound without a healer's knowledge of the consequences - but he loathes the sight, and wrenches it out anyway. The motion sends a fresh surge of dizziness through him, as well as a surge of new blood on his clothing.

Valeris's lip curls in distaste, and with a muttered draconic phrase he casts a simple cantrip - cleansing the blood from his clothing.

Making his way to the podium, Valeris nods a greeting to the clergy.

"Good day to you, gentlemen. An unseemly affair, to be sure. Have you a theory as to the culprit? I believe I heard mention of Asmodeus."

2015-12-24, 06:34 AM
Markus steps out from the crowd and rushes to catch up to John and the two head for the platform together. As they walk, Markus, always more comfortable with a plan and with his older brother taking the lead, whispers as they walk: "Do you have a plan? Whatever's going on is dangerous, we need to be careful what we get involved in."

Oreston finds his dagger with ease now that the area has been somewhat cleared. Oreston slinks away towards the edge to the side of a tavern although many people watch him do so as he's been part of a large scene. He searches for something specific fruitlessly.

Valeris walks up to the podium and as soon as he finishes speaking he notices that Robert has a strained smile on his face, clearly fake. "Not yet Mage, we'll discuss it in private, unfortunately we have to wait for the field" he gestures towards Marcus "to disappear before we can use the door."

Upon searching the body, Owen finds little except the crossbow, five more bolts, and a strange ring, the symbol on it is red with white lines intersecting to make a high pentagram. Within is three black triangles that together show a larger triangle. Apart from this, Owen finds a vial filled with a green liquid and in the other hand pieces of crumbled... Bone?

Robert, after waiting a minute, calls out in a booming voice, carried by the space itself. "Come heroes! Come up here so we may discuss your reward! If either Owen or Oreston look, he's clearly talking about them and a few other stragglers from the other side."

sorry for the wait, my boss called me in early and in my rush I forgot my phone.

2015-12-24, 07:48 AM
"Come heroes! Come up here so we may discuss your reward!"

Transfixed by the odd items carried by the assassin, Owen jumps at the voice, clearly directed at him. Oh, this isn't over yet.

Coming, I'll be there in just a moment

Owen stands carefully trying to carry all of the items. And then rushes over feeling sorry for the wait he has caused everyone. Owen speaks quetly once he arrives, his shyness taking over.

I really don't need a reward, I would just like this day to end without any more trouble

As he sets the items down for the others to inspect, Owen begins to notice the wounds taken by the other men. The three archbishops all seem fine, but one man has a cut in his chest.

Uhm, Do you need healing? It doesn't look quite too bad, but I could help Owen says to the man, intimidated by his height. He has a full foot on me

Were the bones just carried in her hand? If the woman did not have a container for them, Owen has a few empty vials he could put them in. If the pieces are too big for the vials he will let some one else know about it and leave them there. No way is he touching those, gross

knowledge arcane [roll0]
Knowledge religion [roll1]
Knowledge planes [roll2]
And a spellcraft if maybe the bones are a material component [roll3]

2015-12-24, 08:21 AM
Crafter, too, heeds the invitation. After all, his duties as a shield are complete.

2015-12-24, 12:32 PM
John replies to his brother, my plan right now is to find out more information about this whole affair, then make a decision about any future involvement in this.. i would have done what i did anyway but i know the voice from earlier came from one of thees priests, and with no warning about danger i cant help feeling a little used. when John and Markus get to the podium John meats Roberts gaze polite but stern, hello priests of Lathander, i think we all would like to hear what exactly this was and whats going on.

2015-12-24, 02:47 PM
Even though he doesn't really want to, Oreston makes his way over to the podium as well (keeping a slouch out of his stance). He nods at the priests once he's there, but otherwise says no greeting. Hopefully the reward will be something along the lines of gold as opposed to honor, or worse yet some kind of commission as a soldier.

2015-12-24, 06:26 PM
Valeris looks at Owen, studying him carefully. Had he seen the man cast arcane magic in the battle? He thought so, but could not specifically recall - and now this talk of healing places him as a probable divine caster.

"Indeed," Valeris says softly, "when one is grievously injured, healing tends to be welcome, would you not say?"

Striving to keep the patronising tone from straying into outright rudeness, Valeris waits to see what the catch is - for there is always a catch, and no one offers their services freely without an ulterior motive.

He looks at the objects Owen has laid out, something nagging in his memory about them...

2015-12-24, 07:29 PM
"Indeed, when one is grievously injured, healing tends to be welcome, would you not say?"

As the man speaks, Owen jumps and looks at him again, this time noticing the hole in his clothes at his shoulder. Surprised that he hadn't noticed the wound before, he blushes with embarrassment.

Oh I hadn't noticed your wound, uhh yeah a little help never hurt anyone Looking back at the giant man. I'm sorry, I can only perform the magic once without more preparation, his wound looks more threatening than yours and I think you'll manage.

Hello priests of Lathander, I think we all would like to hear what exactly this was and whats going on.

Oh he didn't notice me, oops. This time Owens ears flare red from talking to a man who didn't even know Owen was offering healing to him. Uhm, I'm really sorry but I'm going to heal him. He says much more timid than before.

With that Owen looks back at the man with the shoulder wound. His hands trace invisible runes in the air.

Irisv ezoukeic. As he finishes the incantation, he places his hand gingerly on the man's shoulder. Please be strong enough, everyone's watching

cast cure light wounds [roll0]

2015-12-25, 02:17 AM
Looking back at the giant man. I'm sorry, I can only perform the magic once without more preparation, his wound looks more threatening than yours and I think you'll manage.

Uhm, I'm really sorry but I'm going to heal him.

Realizing he had been being spoken to by the red haired man, he grimaces for a second because of his own rudeness. John says to the shorter man in a polite tone and bowing slightlyapologies, my mind was else were and i didn't realize your were addressing me.

John looks back to the priests waiting patiently for what comes next

2015-12-25, 03:36 PM
Owen recognizes the ring's symbol as the symbol of Asmodeus. The bones could be a component, but Owen is unsure, they are like bread crumbs, like when something old crumbles to dust.

The priests watch the interactions, more than a little amused. Zin seems about to speak up before Owen heals the man, but says nothing.

An elf finishes walking to the platform, dressed in green robes, the elf even looks like a Mage. He stands at about average height with a very slight build and slicked back short blonde hair. He clutches his spell book to his chest feverishly and seemingly subconsciously, as if it matters more than his own life. "I think I can dispell that for you." He says to Marcus, although it seemed directed at the priests in general. He weaves his hand in an intricate figure eight pattern and speaks a quick phrase, barely above a whisper. A small line streams from his finger the color of ice. It pokes the orb and wraps around it for a second. Marcus' face seems to brighten and the priests seem surprised that it works. The elf nods in satisfaction, his work complete.

[color=maroon]"Well! It seems we surely do have a unique group of individuals!" Robert says to no one in particular. Marcus, would you be so kind as to ask these people to leave? Robert turns to John and Markus. "Unfortunately, he can't stay. Private information only privy to you and your new friends." Robert says to John, pointing at Markus.

Markus bows to the high priest and turns back to John. He doesn't say anything, but the look that passes between brothers says it all for them. Stay safe, you got this, I'm fine. among other things. Markus leaves, knowing that it could be a while before he would see his brother again.

Marcus the Dawnmaster, calls to the crowd. "I would please ask that you all leave, the event is over. I'm sure we all can sleep safer knowing such an attack is bound to fail. May the light of Lathander watch over you!" Marcus turns to Robert and awaits his next command.

"All right, now that that is over with" Robert says to you all as the crowds begin to filter out. "Follow me!"

Robert heads to the massive door. The door swings wide, opening with the same creaking it had before. His priests follow close behind. Everyone looks at each other for a second before they head in.

2015-12-25, 04:32 PM
"I hope that healing works for you" Owen says to the man as he inspects the wound he just healed "I think you should be all set." Owen gives a warm smile to the man as the archbishops begin to talk.

Markus bows to the high priest and turns back to John. He doesn't say anything, but the look that passes between brothers says it all for them. Stay safe, you got this, I'm fine. among other things. Markus leaves, knowing that it could be a while before he would see his brother again.

Worried about where they may be going, Owen grabs the attention of the leaving man.

Uhm, I'm sorry to bother you, but my friends are waiting for me, would you mind telling them that I am going somewhere with the archbishops? They are members of the Brotherhood of the Griffon and they are staying at the Ten Bards, just ask for Favian and tell him Owen sent you. I'm really sorry to ask you this, I'd just like them to know where I've gone.

Finishing his entreaty, Owen turns to the door and waits for someone else to go first so that he may comfortably follow, hoping to again find anonymity within a crowd. As he waits, he realizes that no discovery's were made regarding the items he took off of the assassin so he gathers them up again as they wait.

2015-12-25, 05:58 PM
Oreston waits a moment to see if the portal stays open for them, then goes through, making sure that his non-judgmental blinders are on.

2015-12-25, 07:48 PM
John looks at the massive doors a moment taking it in, then steels himself as he walks through the doors. Im not shore about this, but lets just get on with it John, the sooner the better.

2015-12-26, 05:42 AM
Valeris nods primly at Owen. "My thanks," he says, his expression still wary, his tone lacking any real warmth - but a flash of relief crossed over his features when Owen's spell took effect.

Mutely, his thoughts on the promised reward, Valeris follows the priests through the door.

2015-12-26, 11:05 AM
Crafter, too, obediently follows. If he's gone through it so far, he might as well see where this will lead!

2015-12-26, 07:01 PM
Markus nods to Owen, assuring him that he will get it done.

The door leads into a small room filled with sunlight. The room is stone, with drapery depicting symbols of Lathander all over the place. Setting suns, rising suns, and high noon suns adorn the rich velvet. However, others depict scenes of birth and life as well. The room itself is a little crowded with everyone in there, with the 3 clerics standing against a wall, facing the rest of you. As the last of you filters into the space, the door closes behind you, showing that there is no exit otherwise in this room

As soon as the door closes, Robert begins swearing. "Dammit Marcus! What the hell was that! There were so many things wrong with what you did I don't even know where to start!" Marcus looks confused. "What do you mean? I made a few-" "A few!" Robert interrupts. "I don't want to hear you speak until I finish thoroughly embarassing you! First of all, you were supposed to get them to like us, not ****ing enthrall them! And tell them to get down? What were you thinking? The crowd could've dragged them down in ten seconds! Instead we're trying to avoid hurting anybody cause they're all in the ****ing way! And dispelling the orb should be your first priority dammit! You know how old I am!" Zin has been standing off to the side, pretending not to be seen, but at this moment he decides to interrupt. "Rob, we tried our best. It wasn't normal circumstances. This wasn't like fighting zombies in a crypt." Robert listens, letting Zin defend Marcus for a minute. He even looks calm, until he speaks. "Zin, I don't even want to start on you. You've become less and less competent the last three months and today wasn't any better!" Zin seems to shrink into the shadows, thoroughly cowed. Robert seems to remember that everyone is watching and adjusts his robe nonchalantly. "Yes I'm the head priest of Lathander, but nothing in his tenants say I have to be nice. Now, You all have proven yourselves as trustworthy and brave enough to be of use to me, unlike these buffoons. I'm getting too damn old for this **** and you all are going to clean up this mess for me. Is that clear?" Robert charges ahead, not even giving time for a reply. "I know those idiots were shouting for Asmodeus' name out there, but that is not how he does things. I don't think those were his cultists. So whoever is behind this, we need to find out. If these brainwashed zealots are anything like the last ones we got, we wont be able to get anything out of their spirits. You!" He points out Owen from the crowd. "you searched one of the assassins. What exactly did you find?"

While everyone looks at Owen, Marcus heals himself with a spell. The bolts push out of his robe and reveal skin, not wounds. He moves to the edge where John is and offers healing. Are you all right? he whispers. I can heal you for no trouble.

2015-12-26, 07:19 PM
"Is the use of compulsion magic a standard defense tactic?" asks the warforged, thoroughly curious as always. While not directly linked to smithing, the tactics of spell combat could be of interest to an outfitter.

2015-12-26, 10:15 PM
John stars at Marcus blankly for a moment still dumbfounded at Robert's display before a furious expression takes over his face. he locks his gaze on Robert and takes a step forward, addressing the three priests but mostly their leader. You compelled all those people to stay during an deadly situation, worse you would have compelled a bunch of untrained civilians to throw themselves at thees assassins most likely resulting in who knows how many of their casualties, and i remember the message sent us, a compulsion no doubt, and now you would attempt not to ask our help but command it, i dont care who you are old man you've over stepped your bounds!.

2015-12-27, 01:29 AM
Surprised at the sudden outburst of the revered archbishop, Owen moves further behind the giant man, wishing to never be noticed ever again. When Robert suddenly pointed him out, he jumps and salutes instinctively "Sir!", that was when everyone turned and looked at him.

This was the worst.

Owen couldn't believe his luck, everyone was expecting something from him, I only looked at the items for a few seconds how in the world am I supposed to figure anything out about them. He began to pull out what he had, trying to think of answers to give the intimidating man, not wishing to enrage him further.

As he started to mumble out an answer, not ready for this test, the giant and the strange robot thing began to question Robert, the attention quickly turned away from Owen and onto the two who had spoken out of turn. Owen breathed an inner sigh of relief. Although that relief was short lived when he felt the tension in the room rise as the giant began to accuse and question Robert! Owen decided that standing behind the giant might not have been the best idea after all. As Owen tries to inconspicuously step away from the man accusing Robert, he realizes that the questions that the man raised are good and valid, good thing someone else asked them.

2015-12-27, 03:18 AM
Valeris remains silent, interested in the answers to these questions. Although he cannot see anything wrong with the priest's plan - efficient as it was - understanding their motives and methods would be beneficial - although it sounds like the priests mean to dragoon them all.

Patience. Gather information. Say nothing rash.

2015-12-27, 11:53 AM
Oreston calmly notes the string of outbursts, not being really surprised by any of it. People always wanted to think that priests were better than they were, and nobles always seemed to think themselves better than others, though in truth Oreston supposed that this man might not be a noble. It was actually good that they were questioning this-might make it less likely the priests would compel them. However, Oreston didn't think the priests had sent the message earlier. That would mean that they knew about the assassins, which seemed unlikely though you could never truly tell
Either way, it seemed quite likely that the inconspicuos one was involved on some level. Perhaps a watcher to make sure things went according to plan? Oreston had so few answers. He could find out one thing for sure though.
Are we going to get paid for this work
Oreston was pretty sure that he knew the aswer, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

2015-12-27, 08:54 PM
Robert looks at the warforged, amused by it. "Marcus can explain all about it to you later... he seems ready now."

As John speaks, a wry smiles starts to cover Robert's face. A few in the crowd nod, agreeing with what John is saying. After John finishes, Robert speaks calmly and collectedly, the smile disappears. "I believe I need to introduce myself, it seems you do not know who I am. My name is Robert Beston, Morninglord of Lathander, you need to care who I am. So I'll clarify some things for you, first of all, I would never force civilians to attack dangerous foes. I did not say or imply to have them compelled to do so, you made a dangerous assumption. I believe they would have attacked those assassins and dragged them down in about ten seconds on their own. Have you ever tried to stop ten people who are surrounding you from pinning you? You also assume that I sent some sort of compulsion on you as well which is absolutely ridiculous and unfounded." Robert now seems to be showing some anger here, his voice more patronizing.

"So let me tell you about over stepping my bounds boy. I have kept this city from collapse for the past three years from threats you can't even imagine at the cost of two of my closest companions and Dawnmasters. As for your comments about my Dawnmaster, Yes, he forced them to stay, but he also kept them from being in harms way, I didn't see any bolts hit civilians personally, did you? He knew the assassins were after us. Furthermore, when me or my priests make a mistake, even if that mistake was made under the effects of grief of losing their two best friends two days ago by going overboard on attempted safety by enchanting the crowds," Robert looks at Marcus, it seems he is talking to him rather than John "we undertake epic holy quests to help the people and restore their trust, leaving the church to fend for itself to do so. Even though we clearly can't afford to lose them right now. When you make a mistake, you for example apologize for your rudeness of ignoring someone and move on like nothing happened. You don't have to help, you can walk away and watch as this city falls to ruin, or you can let me handle my priests and do what YOU can do to save these people. The door is right there, any and all of you are free to go.....

I see something in you, or I wouldn't have brought you here. You have great potential, but you need to understand that there is more going on than any of us realize, even me." Robert finishes this last very somberly, showing just how serious this is. He looks at the group, "Any more questions?"

A man in black leather steps out, clearly the roguish type. He has a sheathed shortsword at the hip and daggers strapped to both thighs. His jet black hair is straight as a needle and cropped short. He jabs a finger at Oreston. "He's got the most important topic here. Do we get paid? My trust and bravery isn't free."

Robert returns the man's question with a smile. "Of course you'll be paid. I'm even going to reward you for helping us earlier whether you choose to help or not."

Robert, as seen by his sudden shifts in tones and manner, wasn't as mad as he appeared. He was in fact, acting of sorts. Perhaps he breaks his apprenti down to let them build back up.

2015-12-27, 10:34 PM
Despite the reservations Owen felt towards some of the things Robert was saying, Owen felt that most of his words were good enough answers to the questions...that and the man was beginning to terrify him. Owen felt a bad taste in his mouth at the idea that if one priest were to make a mistake that they could simply undergo some form of quest in order to rectify that mistake. As if it was all a balance and one good act would cancel an evil one. Owen wasn't the greatest faithful of Lathander, but he was pretty sure that that was not the Lathandarian way, especially if that meant putting friends in further danger by leaving during times of crisis. But I'm sure he has his reasons.

When Robert began to talk about seeing something in each of the people present, Owen felt confused, You obviously got the wrong person for this. These other people are heroes, just look at them, that guy took an arrow to the shoulder and just walked it off, that guy is almost an actual giant, that thing is a super cool robot, there is an elf who dispelled magic with hardly any effort, another elf who has the biggest axe I have ever seen, and a dwarf who killed a man in one shot! astounded at the assembly of people, Owen feels even smaller than he actually is.

Okay I'll give the information that he asked for when he calls on me, and then I will leave right? They don't need me weighing down these people, I've done a lot more than I normally do. Owen begins to go over what he knows about what he found on the assassin, preparing and reciting an answer for the moment that the imposing man would look at him again.

2015-12-28, 03:09 AM
John takes in what the Morninglord had said. hmm... i still dont particularly trust thees "priests of Lathander", and because of how this has happened so far... could be wolfs in sheeps clothing or in this case villains in priests robes. i need more information, friends close enemies closer, work with them for now.
John takes a moment to compose himself, then takes a deep apologetic bow. My apologies for my unkind words, Morninglord Beston, i let my passions and temper get the better of me, i'll try not to let it happen again. and you and your Dawnmasters have my sympathies for your recent losses, i know what its like.
John stand upright again when he finishes what he was saying, takes the step back to were he was before his initial outburst and waits patiently for more developments.

2015-12-28, 04:37 AM
Valeris finds a place to sit and steeples his fingers, listening intently to the priest's words. Evidently the priests use some form of enchantment to subtly manipulate the populace, enforcing their values, promoting their goals. In principle, Valeris approved of such powers - but not necessarily in the hands of hypocrites, who might use them against him.

No one appeared to be asking the key questions, so Valeris felt he had to speak up.

"You speak of atonement. Do you have a specific transgression in mind, or are you speaking generally?"

Seeing eyes on him, he begins ticking off questions with his fingers.

"A point of clarification: did you send the telepathic message that drew me here? And, more importantly, the matter of quantum: what is the reward for this day's activities, and what more do you offer if we assist you further? Perhaps most crucially: what is the further service you ask of us? I imagine you envisage some more specific assignment than a general mandate to uncover the identities of those who planned today's assault."

2015-12-28, 10:50 AM
The metal-wrought figure is content to observe and await the answers he's been promised. As such, he remains silent, and relatively still as well.

2015-12-28, 12:40 PM
Now that Oreston has received the answers he was pretty sure he would anyways, he's ready for sharing time.
So, it would seem to me that in that last battle there was magic directed against you, meaning that there was at least one enemy mage there. My first nomination either for the mage or possibly for his eyes (so to speak) would be that rather suspicious warforged skulking around. Unless of course he works for you. Either way, I wasn't able to discern where he went during the skirmish.
Oreston watches the others present intently to see if they try to hide knowing the warforged.
As he's watching, another thought occurs to him.
You said that you have encountered these kinds of assassins before, but I never heard of any such attempts in this city. Were they elsewhere, or has everyone somewhat mysteriously forgotten?
Still trying to read his new compatriots to see not only if they have prior knowledge that they don't wish to share as well as their feelings on such a possibility.

2015-12-30, 07:47 AM
"I accept your apology young man. I don't doubt you've been through loss as well, may Lathander always brighten your path." Robert says, nodding to John.

Turning his attention to Valeris and his questions, Robert remains calm and informative. "For atonement, yes I speak of Marcus' transgression of the mind. He is in need of a reminder of why we serve Lathander and he will take time to do so. After all, what is Lathander if not for the people." Marcus bows his head, not wanting to look at Robert for the shame.

Robert continues on, more in his "Military" mode now that business is being conducted. "I have no knowledge of any telepathic communication between any of you, the answer to your question is no, I did not summon any of you in any way except by calling you all to follow me through the door there with my voice.

As for your reward, I am prepared to give you each fifty gold. I would give more, however the church's resources are currently tied up due to a number of factors. In return for your continued services, I can promise more and higher pay, including gifts of magical equipment. Specifically, I need a group of you to investigate the drought, if it continues much longer, the effects will become exponential. I need a separate group of you to look into the goblin caves in the Southern plains, we have heard of increased activity and need to make sure the surrounding farmlands are secure. We of the church will be looking into these assassins ourselves with any help from you as you come across information, but we'll be the ones actively pursuing them. Oh, and I need a third group to travel and contact our temple in the woods of Kairenis. We can't seem to communicate with them and I fear for their safety. All divinations have failed. I already know how I'd like to split you all up by the way." Robert says with a knowing smile.

"Now, let's continue our investigation shall we? I did not see this warforged you speak of, just him." He nods his head at Crafter. "If you give us a description, then if anyone sees this warforged, they can try to glean more information. There were definitely multiple mages, at least five, could've been more.

The assassinations were not in public. Now, let's have a look at the stuff you found." He says, looking at Owen.

sorry for the delay guys, been really busy, fixing my car, my internet, family's been over... Anyways.

Valeris, the ring shows the symbol of Asmodeus. The vial seems to be non-magical.

2015-12-30, 09:09 AM
Crafter speaks up again, as something clicks into place, or rather, out of it.

"So, Lathander would not approve of a mass compulsion used like that, correct?"

2015-12-30, 09:45 AM
"A point of clarification: did you send the telepathic message that drew me here?

Owen looks at the man, surprised that someone else had been talked to telepathically. So I wasn't the only one, was everyone else here invited telepathically? "So there is someone else on our side as well" Owen realizes he spoke without being spoken too, surprised that he had vocalized his thoughts, "I'm just saying that I heard the telepathic message as well." Owen mumbles,hoping that maybe others would speak up about the receiving the message in order to shift the focus away from him. Can you even communicate telepathically with a robo- oh wait they called him a warforged. Okay I have heard of them. Owen breaks his thoughts as he is once again called to show his findings. Oh shoot, I forgot what I was going to say, what was I going to say!?

Owen steps forward carrying the items as he tries to recreate his speech.

"Uhm, uh, I found this crossbow, and their were 5 remaining bolts... Uhh I think I remember her firing twice so that means she had umm seven bolts in total. Lets see, there was this ring to Asmodeus." Owen looks up at Robert wondering if this would have an impact on his theory about the cultists worshiping Asmodeus, and immediately looks back down to continue his findings, terrified of the man. "Uhm, there was something crushed up that I believe was bone, I put it into this vial... Oh and then there was another vial of green liquid which should have been the poison that everyone drank." Owen finishes up relieved to be done. As people begin to talk again, Owen realizes he forgot one last bit of information, and speaks up quickly blushing as he realizes his intrusion."I cast a spell before the fight so I know that one of these items is enhanced with transmutation magic, uhm I would guess that it was either the ring or the crossbow... sorry." Owen steps back again wondering how much longer it is before he can leave and return to his normal life of making deliveries with the Brotherhood.

So there are three missions that he wants to give us? And he has already picked teams, how has he done that? He should have barely been able to see us at the fight since he was engaged by enemies as well. Either way, Owen hoped the man didn't have any plans for him, because Owen was reaching his limit of adventure, for at least the rest of the year.

2015-12-30, 10:32 AM
he already has groups picked out, but he should not know our strengths or weaknesses form that skirmish it was over to quickly. John looks around the room at the other people. unless some have worked for the church before and they know those peoples strength and weaknesses, and will be pairing them up accordingly, that or they know things about us all through more sinister methods... keep that thought at arms length for now John threes no proof of that. no proof yet. either way no use for that train of thought now. John considers the others in the room, i wounder who i will be paired with and what mission asked to do. John waits quietly for next step.

2015-12-30, 02:42 PM
Valeris looks pensive.

"The ring, of course, carries the insignia of Asmodeus. If, as you hypothesise, the repeated references to Asmodeus were merely a ruse de geurre, the ring may simply be another element of that stratagem. However, it seems excessive to such a purpose. A means, perhaps, of convincing the assassins themselves that their employer was an Asmodean priest?"

Glancing at Owen, Valeris adds, "If this man's claims are reliable, one or more of these items is either imbued with or subject to a magical effect of the transmutation school. It may be the ring - the vials appear unmagical - but no doubt you have the resources to conduct your own investigation.

"I am more interested in your claim to have had, on the one hand, no involvement in bringing us here, and yet a sufficient knowledge of our respective capabilities to make a meaningful division based on - one imagines - our respective talents. Am I to infer that you have cast divinations which have a bearing on this gathering? Or perhaps you have prior knowledge of a more mundane sort of some of us?"

Valeris suddenly realises he has been letting himself get carried away. He supposes he should let the priest answer some of the questions, and perhaps allow time for the less gifted intellects to catch up.

He briefly considers offering to cast detect magic on the items, but the idea of volunteering assistance without reward goes against the grain.

2015-12-30, 03:42 PM
The warforged in question was made of a leaner design than our acquaintance here. He practically oozed shadows, hiding inconspicuously against a nearby building, with his eyes glued to the podium as twirled his dagger. His eyes, from the distance I was at, appeared black, though that may have merely been the shadows he was skulking in. If anyone ever saw him, they'd remember it.
After Oreston finishes his description of the warforged, he cannot help but feel that the questions to the priest on how they surmised their individuals abilities absurd: two of them were more than a little familiar with magic, and also seemed hesitant with weapons-mages. The rest of the group had clearly brought weapons and knew how to use them. Beyond that, the young noble candidate was eager to prove that he was better than the priests here, and seemed to even now be somewhat suspicious of them. Such people were used to wearing heavy armor and having little magical support, or being on the front line. The warforged had no problem using his body as a shield, so he was likely used to being a bodyguard of some sort-Oreston would classify him in the same way as the noble, heavily armed, and armored. The others seemed to be more mercenary types-their choices of weapons were odd and atypical, which meant they probably relied/counted on themselves first and foremost.
Of course, Oreston kept his mouth shut for this part, you never know if these others were right or not.

2015-12-31, 02:47 PM
Robert seems surprised at Oreston's description of the warforged. I have never heard of a warforged being built like that. They are almost always made for hard physical labor and protection. If anyone sees this figure, please report it to me immediately.

Robert doesn't seem quite so surprised anymore about this telepathy business. "So you all got this message? What exactly was it?" The large elf that fought with you speaks up. "The voice told me that I was needed at the address and that it would protect me from the compulsion." The elf steps back and Robert pauses for a moment, taking this in. "I see... I wouldn't be so quick to call this voice an ally, but it seems benign at the moment.... And powerful. I'm sure in time this voices owner will reveal itself to you.

The magic, whatever it was, is gone now. This makes me suspect it has something to do with the bone, but I can't be sure yet." After Valeris finishes talking about the ring, Robert replies matter-of-factly. "Well now, so you recognize his symbol do you? I wouldn't consider it excessive, I don't know what I would consider excessive to taking out the most powerful clerics of Lathander. The real reason I'm quite sure it's not his work is because that's not how he operates. Or should I say, that's not how his cultists operate. You see, people are lured to Asmodeus' cult by the promise of power. His cultists only care about themselves and wouldn't suicide like that." Robert tilts his head in thought for a second before continuing. "Although the idea that they think they're serving him makes a lot of sense, I'll give you that. Either way though, I'm quite sure Asmodeus is not to blame for all this."

Robert chuckles at Valeris' last point and folds his arms nonchalantly. "I wasn't exactly born yesterday, although some of you may have been born the day before. Look, sir chivalry here," Robert nods his head in John's direction. "Apologies, I don't know your name yet, clearly has training with his blade. I would bet he has training with more weapons and armor as well, just by the way he fought. This one," This time he jabs his thumb in the big elf's direction. "Doesn't have the formal training, but he supplements his already formidable strength with magic in an ancient Elven art. This one has training with the bow and is a pretty good shot with it, not to mention his agility. You are a Mage, I may not know your specialty, if you have one, but a Mage is a Mage. More importantly, I have seen a bit of each of your characters. Do I need to continue?"

Robert lets his point sink in before moving forward.. "I think it actually is time to introduce ourselves! Whenever you're ready!

The elf is the first to step forward. He could be the biggest elf you've ever seen you realize now that he's close. He is strong, and looks hardier than most elves. His hair is buzzed on the sides and the top is long and straight enough to hang to the side of his face. He has an earring in each ear, silver rings, and he wears studded leather with leather boots. Oh, and he has a greataxe strapped across his back. "I am Eredil." The elf steps back, apparently not one for much conversation.

Next a skinny man steps out, perhaps eighteen if you're being generous. He has straight short brown hair and brown eyes. His eyes are somewhat sunken, like he hasn't slept well in the past couple of days. His clothing is a brown and grey travelers outfit, the cheapest one you can buy and its dirty. "I am Ozzymandis, or Ozzy if you prefer... You can call me Oz I guess." He speaks slowly and with measured pauses between each sentence. He steps back and watches the rest.

Next to step forward is the green robed elf dispeller from earlier. "Mailin' The elf steps back, wanting it seems, to get this over with.
They each step forward, giving their name and stepping back. The man in black leather calls "Darien".
Next up is the dwarf with the big crossbow, he's been leaning on it this whole time. He doesn't even bother stepping forward, but you can see that he sports a large brown beard with graying tips. It's a bit wild, unkempt. He as lots of scars across his face, like he got raked by something big with claws. His armor is scuffed up, but still in good condition it seems as well. "Gogsgreath Hammercloak! He bellows, and waits.
"Erlos" calls a small halfling, he seems to be hiding behind another dwarf. Jognuki Snowrock! the dwarf calls with pride, not to be outdone by the other dwarf. Jog is stocky, even for a dwarf, he has a dwarven battleaxe looped at his hip and a heavy steel shield on his back. He has a crossbow and bolts tied to his side and a shortsword as well, next to the axe. He wears fullplate armor, it's massive and shiny, with a helmet that practically muffles his voice it covers so much of his face.
Next calls a man wearing robes, the symbol on them marks him as a priest or cleric of Tyr. "Lincoln" is all he says. His blonde hair and blue eyes mark him as most likely from the north.
"Orilos" says a man next to him. The man has a scimitar at his side and wears hide armor with furs. The man is of short stature, about 5'6", and his soft hands denote that he doesn't participate much in physical labor. His long black hair is very clean and falls around his shoulders.

Holy **** yellow is hard to read! Just... select it so it highlights. I paused here to give you guys a chance to introduce yourselves and for anymore questions. I couldn't finish this last night as my boss had me pull a double.

2015-12-31, 03:52 PM
Valeris finds himself smiling faintly. The High Priest has missed his point - that the ring was excessive to the bluff, if it was a bluff, not to the assassination itself - but then, he is used to others struggling to follow him. He decides not to pursue the issue, however.

The round of introductions is slightly dizzying for the socially inexperienced Valeris, but he murmurs "Valeris," at the appropriate moment and tries to look like he cares what the others are called.

2015-12-31, 04:04 PM
Owen braces himself for his turn to introduce himself, Do I give my full name? Everyone else is just doing first names, and I don't want to seem like i'm bragging, but grandpa always said to take pride in my name. Caught up in his self created inner turmoil, Owen realizes it is his turn to speak up and decides to just say his first name.

"Owen Athelard the 4th." He couldn't help it, his full name just rolled off of his tongue. Oops. Owen began to worry who might recognize his prestigious family and begin to expect greater things from him.

2015-12-31, 06:21 PM
"Crafter", comes the metalic sound from the creature-adamantite armor. That's probably his name. Right?

2016-01-01, 03:49 AM
"Owen Athelard the 4th."

History [roll0]

when it gets to his turn John stays where he is and looks in Owen's direction curiously, My name is Johnathan Steelhart. John is a decently sized man at 6' 3" tall and a muscular but no overly so build putting him somewhere around 200 pounds. he has steel blue eyes, his dark blond hair is in a sort military cut, and he has a trimmed and kept beard. his long sword is clearly old and worn with heavy use. as, Morninglord Beston, had said i have formal combat training among other teachings. i spent five years as an officer with the Legion, then three years with the Steel Vanguard. John looks at each person wishing they gave a bit more information about themselves as to know his possible teammates better. oh well... that can be some thing to use as a team building activity later, after we have been split up.

2016-01-01, 02:19 PM
Oreston introduces himself, feeling no need to be more specific than that.

2016-01-02, 05:03 AM
"Marik" calls another man. His chain shirt shimmers slightly, making it hard to look at. Not only that, but the longbow he's holding looks unfit for a man, the string looks almost impossible to pull back from all the wrappings, but Marik only looks to be of slightly above average build. He also has a longsword sheathed at his hip, the hilt holds a large ruby that seems to shine it's own light. Besides his impressive equipment, the man has the look of a king, a noble bearing hangs in the air around him. His dark blonde hair is just long enough to not be called a buzz cut.

Beside him, an elf in monk's robes stands just below him in height at about 5'11". "Tiatha" she claims. Her dark hair falls just past her shoulders and around her robes. She looks sculpted from stone because she's so fit. She wears moccasins to cover her feet, but aside from her clothes, the beautiful elf holds no other possessions.

Finally, the last person steps forward. Only it's a half-orc, the huge man looks like he could hold the greataxe strapped to his back with one hand and makes everyone else in the room look like a dwarf. He wears hide armor and has his waterskin tied to a belt on his thigh, other than that though, he has no other possessions. Many people here do a double take when he speaks, as despite his size, his quietness made him seem invisible. "Grog is what humans call me."

Robert, Marcus, and Zin listen as everyone introduces themselves. If one is paying attention, they might notice the three clerics exchange glances when Owen gives his name. They might also notice Robert's slight smirk when Valeris murmurs his name.

"Well, now that I know your names, I can tell you who you're working with." Robert says, eager to finally get the help he do desperately needs started. What's more, Robert seems to remember everyone's name without a single mistake. "my first team is Gogsgreath, Jognuki, Orilos, Erlos, Eridil, Mailin, and Darien. You will travel to Kairenis, find out what you can and report back. You have the largest group because your task is the most dangerous. Marcus knows the most about your task, questions on this go to him. The second group will be Marik, Ozymandias, Lincoln, Grog, and Tiatha. You will search for an answer to this drought. My priests will offer you what we can, but it isn't much. And lastly, Crafter, Johnathan, Owen, Valeris, and Oreston will search the caves and make sure the farmers are safe from any and all threats. Your task is the most important because it is for their immediate safety. Zin will guide you in what ways he can. If there are no more questions that involves everyone, then this meeting is over."
If the players have no more immediate questions, then the door/portal you came through swings open and everyone, including the clerics, leave, only this time you all end up standing inside at the entrance to Lathander's great temple and you can post assuming this happens. I'll add it in after its clear or put it in the next post.

2016-01-02, 08:49 AM
John looks to his group and the Dawnmaster Zin, I must go and collect the rest of my gear and inform my brother that im leaving a bit earlier than i had intended, might i suggest that we meat at the city gate or a tavern to discuss the specifics of our assignment. John will wait for his group to come to a decision about were to meet up, or address any other immediate concerns. he will then head to were he was staying to gather and equip his gear, after that he will go to Markus and appraise him of the situation. Then he will go to the agreed upon location to meat the others.

2016-01-02, 09:53 AM
Owen is surprised that he hadn't noticed the half-orc, but his initial fear of the man and his impressive size are overcome by his interest. The man was put on the investigation team where your enemies aren't something you can kill and this man seemed perfect for challenges that involved killing. I want to get to know him more.

And then his name was mentioned again, Oh, they do still want my help, I knew I shouldn't have given my last name. What was it they wanted him to do? Go into a cave? With goblins? Oh no, no, no, no, that is too much for me. I've done my part, I do not want to die in a dark cave full of goblins. Owen felt his breathing begin to quicken as he began to panic and tries to calm himself, closing his eyes and breathing for a moment. The team is Crafter, the warforged, he seemed powerful if not durable. Jonhathan who seemed capable and honorable, Valeris who seemed knowledgable and Oreston who I don't know much about, but I think he was the only one who saw the person who began all of this. Owen decides that he will not run screaming from the building and cower at the tavern, I will just inform them that I am not cut out for this.

Owen steps up to Zin, the man who will tell us about the mission "Uhm, uh, hi I'm Owen, uh I'm on the group that is going to the goblin caves, and I think you guys might have gotten the wrong person, I'm not really uh qualified for this, and our team already has a mage in it" Owen hopes that the man will realize his predicament and allow him to leave.

2016-01-02, 12:53 PM
Zin looks at Owen with a blank look on his face. His face then morphs to one of understanding. He takes Owen off to the side so as to keep people from listening. "Owen Athelard the fourth... If there is one name I remember from all these people, that's the one. You know, your parents were very courageous people, not just your father. Funny how things turn out, you know... Your father wasn't always a knight in shining armor. But courage means putting something before yourself, Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. But you already overcame that fear when the assassins attacked. Robert will not change his mind and now they," He points to Owen's group, "Have their lives in your hands as much as your life in their hands." Zin realizes Owen may not like that so he plows forward. "Be scared. You can’t help that. But don’t be afraid. Nothing out there will hurt you unless you corner it, or it smells that you are afraid. A bear or a deer, too, has got to be scared of a coward the same as a brave man has got to be." Zin walks back to the group, letting Owen contemplate what he just heard.

Zin returns, listens to John and nods. "I will meet you at the Whispy Lock tomorrow at sunrise... That enough time?" He says to the group.

2016-01-02, 02:38 PM
Wow Owen thinks as he begins to relax, I'll have to ask him more about my dad later. Well okay, maybe this won't be too bad right? I have a lot of people with me, and if we work together it should be just like working with the Brotherhood. As Owen thanks Zin for his words, he decides that he might as well try to meet people now if he was to be working with them later. With that he walks over to the half orc.

"Hello friend, he says speaking in orcish, Hood had taught him the language and had even said that his accent wasn't horrible, so Owen thought maybe the man would respond better to a person actively trying to acknowledge him. This sure is something that we have gotten roped into, I'm not even sure I can handle it all. What do you think of all of this? Owen gave one of his rare smiles. If there was one thing that Owen knew, it was that the more friends he had the better, and he had found that half-orcs were easier for him to get along with. Owen knew all too well that one's family does not constitute what kind of person you would be, and so had never had any misgiving about the misrepresented race.

2016-01-02, 03:52 PM
Valeris eyes Owen thoughtfully. A fellow mage, he thinks with some surprise. Perhaps there is hope of intelligent discourse in this endeavour after all. And a mage with the ability to heal, no less - what esoteric disciplines of the arcane might he have mastered?

Wondering if he has discovered - if not an equal - at least a peer, he rises with every intention of speaking to the man on his return from the private discussion with Zin. As he does so, however, Owen goes to introduce himself to the half-orc.

The gall! Valeris inwardly exclaims, bristling at the perceived slight. Well, if he is so limited as to see a half orc as his most likely conversational equal, I have made a narrow escape.

He turns his attention instead to Crafter, wordlessly - even rudely - staring as he contemplates the elegant craftsmanship, the triumph of the arcane to produce genuine life.

He indicates his assent to the proposed meeting venue with a wave of his hand, preoccupied with his scrutiny.

2016-01-02, 04:46 PM
"Dang! Why'd I have to get stuck with all the righteous ones?" Oreston thought to himself. The group he was in was mostly the people that had ethical problems with the priests methods. That was mostly fine cause it meant less backstabbing from them (at least less that involved knives), but they were also likely to take offense at some of Oreston's choice of methods. The priests seemed to have already made up their minds though, so there wasn't really anything that could be done about it. After agreeing to the meeting place and time, Oreston gets ready to collect his traveling gear.

2016-01-02, 04:50 PM
Grog shows surprise when Owen speaks to him in orcish. "I think that our tasks are important, but I want to know why they avoid dealing with the assassins. But don't think goblins will be a breeze little one, stay alive is my advice to you."

2016-01-02, 06:00 PM
Crafter had seen the look of the man before. it was the kind of look he himself gave to products of smithing; appraising their quality, evaluating their craftsmanship, estimating the means of their creation.

As such, he did what he'd prefer done is such a situation: move about so as to better display the folds and details of his casing. After all, he was well aware of the rarity of his 'flesh' and the intricacy of armor made up of this numbers of interlocking plates.

2016-01-02, 07:02 PM
Grog shows surprise when Owen speaks to him in orcish. "I think that our tasks are important, but I want to know why they avoid dealing with the assassins. But don't think goblins will be a breeze little one, stay alive is my advice to you."

Glad that his attempts at making a new friend seem to have gone well, Owen replies"Thanks, and to you too, I don't want to make a new friend and lose him before getting a chance to know him. I suppose it is strange that none of us are put onto investigating the assassins especially since it seems that they are sending Markus away to do his penance. It does worry me that the assassins knew so much about the church, such as being ready for the compulsion and they also immediately removed that spell that was helping Robert so much."

Seeing that Crafter had begun to show off Owen decides he should probably meet his new acquaintances. "I hope to see you again Grog, maybe you might let me buy you a drink?" Saying his good bye, Owen moves over to join Valeris and Crafter.

"Uhm wow, you are pretty neat, I'm sorry but I never knew warforged could be as slim as you, I guess I have a lot to learn about warforged, I hope you'll forgive my ignorance and don't mind teaching me more about your people as we travel together." Turning to Valeris, "Uhm is your wound all right? Is it feeling better?"

2016-01-02, 11:12 PM
"Most units are designed with combat in mind. A stout, bulky body is desirable for them. But my specifications are tuned towards blacksmith's assistant, where finer manipulation is preferable", explains Crafter.

2016-01-03, 08:59 AM
Zin returns, listens to John and nods. "I will meet you at the Whispy Lock tomorrow at sunrise... That enough time?" He says to the group.

yes that should be plenty of time, i will meat you and the others at the Whispy Lock at sunrise tomorrow, my thanks. John looks at the group he is assigned to once more before he takes his leave well this should be interesting at the vary least. he will then turn to go and make his preparations.

2016-01-03, 02:26 PM
Oreston decides to leave immediately, so that he can get a sense of what the city is like (having only been here for 1 day), also making sure to reserve a room for the night at a local inn.

2016-01-03, 02:59 PM
Valeris inclines his head to Owen, a precisely measured gesture that acknowledges Owen's kindness without implying any indebtedness - or so, at least, Valeris intends it.

"Indeed. A most efficacious conjuration. Although, had I designed it, I might have ensured the damage to one's clothing would also be repaired." He fingers the hole in his robe with an expression of distaste. "One must uphold the dignity of one's profession, after all."

He returns his gaze to the warforged, but continues speaking to Owen.

"A remarkable feat of artifice, is it not? A living, thinking construct, capable of discourse, reason, even compassion. To say nothing of the elegance of its design. You, Crafter! Tell me, if your function is to be a blacksmith's assistant, why would you accept this commission?"

2016-01-03, 04:03 PM
"I have been instructed to study. The city's fall would not benefit its smithies, or my studies", replies Crafter matter-of-factly.

"About your garments, do you have a minute? I may have the means to repair it."

With that, he draws a piece of chalk from his backpack.

Repair light Damage, would it help? Technically it's only a construct healing spell.

2016-01-03, 06:23 PM
"Fascinating. You note, Athelard, the implication of growth - of a developing set of goals, a capacity to form relationships with a place, a community - the complexity of life in the mind of a construct. Can you begin to imagine the formulae, the spell structures, the contingencies such a thing would require? I am impressed, and that is no easy thing."

2016-01-03, 07:28 PM
"Indeed. A most efficacious conjuration. Although, had I designed it, I might have ensured the damage to one's clothing would also be repaired. One must uphold the dignity of one's profession, after all."

"Ha that would have been cool, a kind of all around instant damage removal, no one would ever know you had been hit.... If you casted it quick enough you might even make the enemy think that they had missed. Unfortunately the spell is not my design, I just figured out how to power it."

"Fascinating. You note, Athelard, the implication of growth - of a developing set of goals, a capacity to form relationships with a place, a community - the complexity of life in the mind of a construct. Can you begin to imagine the formulae, the spell structures, the contingencies such a thing would require? I am impressed, and that is no easy thing."

"Uhh, yeah he is very impressive. " Owen says putting just the slightest emphasis on 'he,' feeling uncomfortable with the analysis that Valeris is placing on Crafter, and the faintest feeling that he too is being analyzed. "I think the warforged might have a lot to show us about our own humanity..."

Owen wishes he could think up a better reply for the man, something that would show him to be a worthy ally, but he still had his own doubts about whether or not that was true. "But Crafter you seem really strong, that was really cool how you just stood in front of the Bishop and protected him from everything. I feel a lot better with you here." Owen blushes thinking maybe he might have said too much.

2016-01-03, 08:59 PM
"Thank you. The adamantite I was built from was intended to ensure I would last, but I have found it to be able to ward away many dangers. My internal mechanisms are not as sturdy as my combat-optimized brethren, however. I can avoid much harm, but not sustain a lot."

Crafter emphasises this with a bow, as if half to accept the man's compliment, and half to display the dexterity he has gained in exchange for this frailty.

2016-01-04, 03:19 AM
Once Crafter has repaired his garment, Valeris smiles faintly. "Most impressive," he repeats softly.

"Well, the next logical step appears to be to meet at this tavern and see what specific information is available about this quest. I, for one, intend to go directly there. Good day, Athelard." He half walks away, then decides courtesy requires some farewell to the construct, given its apparent sentience. Glancing back he adds, "Crafter, it has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

So saying, he leaves. If they answer him, he is no longer paying attention, his mind preoccupied with the arcane complexities which would have been involved in Crafter's design.

2016-01-04, 03:52 AM
"Likewise", Crafter replies, adressing both of the companions.

His plans for the night nvolve visiting one of the smithies, probably offering services in exchange for watching.

2016-01-04, 07:11 AM
Owen too decides that it is time to return to his fellow Brotherhood members. He nods a goodbye to anyone who he has talked to who might still be there and steps through the door.

I'm going on an adventure...

2016-01-04, 09:05 PM
Everyone leaves the room, even Robert leaves once everybody is out. Each group discusses plans and leaves to make preparations. Passing by the square lets you all know that there is now a curfew in effect in Silverlight, the guards there cleaning up the mess let you know. You all are able to finish your errands without any problems, those that spend a night in the inns find their price for a bed to be 5 silver pieces. Crafter works in a dwarfs forge until the dwarf tells him he needs to sleep. The dwarf happily lets you stay in his house though.

The next morning finds Zin in the Whispy Lock, waiting for his charges. The Whispy Lock is itself fairly large and the help is pretty. The deck on the second floor is still reserved, presumably left over from the aristocracy the day before, but no one currently occupies it. Still, The owner isn't letting common folk on it. Inside the entrance is exactly what you'd expect, tables and chairs everywhere for any groups that wish to drink together. On the far side is a long feast table, for especially large groups and special events. The place is fairly empty right now, being perhaps an hour past sunrise.

Zin is sitting at a table towards the middle, facing the door. He is fiddling with his holy symbol, but wearing identical robes. On the table sits 5 clothe bags, clearly weighed to the table by their contents.

2016-01-04, 09:13 PM
I guess nerves make you a little early, well that is good maybe I can find out more about my dad. Owen thinks as he enters, remembering how despite his fatigue, his worries made it difficult for him to sleep the previous night.

"Greetings father, are you feeling well?" Owen asks as he takes his seat. "I wanted to thank you for your words yesterday, I'll do my best to remember them. I was hoping since we may have a little time, you might be able to tell me more about my father." It is only after he makes his inquiry that Owen notices the bag sitting at his place. "Oh, uhh thank you," unsure if he should take the pouch now or wait for the others to show.

2016-01-04, 11:08 PM
Zin nods his head towards the bag, offering it to Owen. Inside is 50 gold pieces.

"Your welcome Owen. Well actually, I didn't really know your father. But I have met him, briefly. Your father was, is, the bravest man I ever met. He believed that change is for the best and that we clerics were in for some hard times. He believed it was a good thing, said starting over is sometimes necessary. He was at least right about the hard times. Just goes to show how smart he was."

Zin pauses here. He looks at Owen thoughtfully but doesn't continue

2016-01-04, 11:32 PM
Owen inwardly gulps, bracing himself for the real question on his mind. "Uhh, you used the present tense, do you know where he is now?" Owen could barely restrain his excitement, gone was the looming threats of goblins, drought, evil sentient machines and dead clergyman. Could it be, could he have actually found a clue to his father's mysterious disappearance?

2016-01-05, 02:22 AM
Zin sighs. He looks Owen in the eye and says: "I said that because he is not confirmed dead. But I'm sorry to say, your father is most likely dead Owen. I know the Knights are looking into it, but there's been no sign of him, not even a real clue."

Zin pauses to let what he's telling Owen sink in. After a minute, he continues.

"I'm not saying you should give up on him, but be prepared, if you find what you're looking for, you may not like it."

2016-01-05, 05:12 AM
Valeris enters, his immaculate appearance betraying no sign of his night sleeping rough on the city streets. He eyes the pouches with not-quite-concealed avarice, and has to restrain himself from rushing to open one, inferring swiftly that this may be the payment described the day before.

"Good morning," he says, giving a shallow bow. "I see we are still awaiting some of the others. I trust I am not interrupting anything?"

He sits down, his words a bare courtesy.

2016-01-05, 09:31 AM
Owen realizes that he had nearly stood out of his chair hanging on the answer. He slowly sits back down, feeling foolish for getting his hopes up so much.

"No Valeris you are not interrupting" he says quietly without any of his usual cheer, "How are you?"

Owen strains to regain his usual composure. Forcing a smile back onto his face, and energy into his speech. "Because I couldn't sleep a wink last night, what with all the excitement going on."

2016-01-05, 11:52 AM
Not plagued by a sleepless night like the others (or rather, with it not a notable occurrence), Crafter arrives at the inn as well. He didn't learn anything new last night, but it'd been a while since he last worked a forge. Frankly, he enjoyed it.

With a wordless greeting, he takes a sit at the table and awaits, calmly.

2016-01-05, 12:37 PM
As Valeris comes to the table, Zin points at one of the sacks of gold. "Your payment as promised."

Zin let's Owen answer Valeris, not saying a word. When Crafter comes in, he offers the Warforged a bag as well.

"It is good that people are showing up. I'd rather not repeat myself so we'll wait for everyone before I brief you all. But while we wait, I'm curious. How do you all feel about Lathander? He eyes Crafter, particularly interested.

2016-01-05, 12:42 PM
Oreston slinks into the tavern in his usual way, which for some reason would often give people the impression that he was a mere thug. That suited him just fine-such people usually only learned better in their last moments. He nods a greeting to his now travel companions as he walks over, sits down and begins immediately going through the sack at his seat. If this is their payment, it was always best to look and count it while the payee was still there. It also generally helped cut down on other unpleasant surprises that might be hidden inside.
Excellent, everything appears to be in order. Do you have the location of the caves we're searching? Oreston directs the question towards Zin, but is also eyeing the two mages that had already arrived in case they feel the need to interject.
It seems that the money isn't here. I assume that you have it so that we may continue with buisiness Oreston directs this question at Zin, but keeps his full attention upon the priest in this instance

2016-01-05, 12:48 PM
John arrives at the Whispy Lock, sees that his companions hae already arrived and goes to join them. good morning every one. John sits in what seat is left. he looks around the table. have i missed any thing or are we just begging?

2016-01-05, 12:58 PM
Crafter remains silent and immobile for a few moments after the question is posed, almost as if ignoring it. But then, his apparent thoughts reaching an end:

"I am a student of smithing. Lathander looks favorably upon creation, and training, I believe. Thus, I can look favorably upon his portfolio, in turn."

2016-01-05, 02:33 PM
Owen blinked at the question of faith. Well that is an odd question? What do I think of Lathander? Owen sits back and listens to Crafter's response. Once the smith has finished his answer, Owen speaks up.

"Uhh, I mean, I come from a family that has worshiped Lathander for several generations, and I grew up where worship of Lathander was kind of just the norm. Like Crafter I respect his preference for creation, especially with it connection to art. I'll admit I have fallen a little out of practice as far as worship once I left the Knights of the Rose. As far as deities go though, he is the one I respect and worship the most, after him would be Torm, who my mother worships and who I have done more studying on."

2016-01-05, 02:54 PM
John looks at crafter and owen, then zin clearly he did miss some thing, why are they talking about their feelings on Lathander, i thought we were getting information about the mission. John clears his throat, pardon me zin, but i was wondering if you might have any information about thees caves for us. john looks around the table for a bit. also i think that if we are to be working together we should share some information about ourselves, such as, training, strengths, weaknesses, areas of knowledge, skills, powers and ability so we can understand how best to work with each other as a team.

2016-01-05, 04:51 PM
"Oh uh hey John, could you thank your brother for sending that message to my friends the other day. I'm sure they really appreciated it. As far as the caves, we hadn't quite gotten to talking about them, Zin had just asked us what our views were on Lathander. Owen turns to Oreston hoping to engage him in conversation. "How about you Oreston? What do you think of Lathander?"

2016-01-05, 06:02 PM
Valeris frowns faintly, but waits for Oreston's response before speaking.

"As for myself, theology has not featured all that prominently in my education. I have heard the name, of course, and I am aware of the association with the sun - although the precise relationship between them seems unspecified - but beyond that, I have little knowledge and less interest.

"I would say that John's suggestion has merit. Allow me to inform you that I am an enchanter of no little skill, specialising in magic both subtle and potent. I do not expect any of you to comprehend the scope of my abilities, but perhaps a discussion with Athelard here to compare spells would prove fruitful at a more convenient time.

"My expectation of you is simple: keep our enemies away from we mages long enough for us to do the real work."

With a haughty sneer, he turns his attention back to Zin.

2016-01-05, 09:44 PM
My thoughts on Lathandar? At first Oreston couldn't beleive that he was being asked such a question. Then he remmembered that they were working for priests, one of whom was present.
Well, many clerics claim to get their powers from him, and there are relics which he apparently has deemed sacred, so I suppose that means that he's watching out for us Oreston tries to keep his tone neutral, so as to avoid a theological debate. Some of the more fervent beleivers had been known to turn violent at the slightest perceived slight upon their god.
To answer your question, sir Steelhart, I was a sailor aboard a ship for some time, where I learned to fight pirates and other nefarious seafolk. I left when the crew became infatuated with a legend of buried treasure, thinking such pursuits a waste of time Oreston tries to choose his words carefully in order to avoid speaking of his days as a bandit, or that his former crew had turned pirate themselves if the rumors were to be beleived. It was unlikely that anybody here had been in the area Oreston had grown up, but people tended to be a little judgemental about such things.
After listening to Valeris's opinion of the situation, Oreston can barely keep a smile from his face as he thinks "an arrogant mage, who'd have thought."

2016-01-05, 11:28 PM
Owen nods at Oreston's answer, recognising the need to make as few waves as possible with your own views. "I'd love to hear any stories you have of the sea sometime, it must have been exciting traveling the ocean."

Owen looks back at Johnathan, trying to form a satisfactory reply to the question Owen had specifically avoided, What could I do? It was such a challenging question that coming up with a viable answer was difficult for him.

After hearing Valeris' answer, the color drains from Owen's face. He had no enchantment spells to offer the man, nor would he ever. He just couldn't wrap his head around them. Umm, okay focus on the first problem. I guess I could try and use Valeris' format of answering the question: specialty, what to expect from his spells and what would help him most. Everyone else seemed to accept that.

"Uhh, I guess for me, I too cast spells, however where Valeris is an enchanter, I am a transmutter. My magic is focused more on enabling all of us to be better, and I hope to find the right spells so as to be more helpful to the team. I do have a small bit of healing that I can provide as well. Uhm I guess having time before a fight to prepare would be the most helpful to me..." Owen breathes a sigh of relief glad to have been able to give a decent answer if he did say so himself. Now I can just let everyone else do the talking.

2016-01-06, 02:26 AM
John listens to the first three intently. hmm... seems like Owen is a bit unsure of himself, well this cave business may very well be his chance to prove his own worth to everyone mostly himself i think. Oreston, a sailor huh so a fellow soldier then a different breed of soldier but there it is. Valeris, has an education, well of course you can tell just buy his speech patterns, but i am curious about his other fields of study besides magic if any. but first thing zins question. John looks to Zin and with a respectful tone gives him his answer my thoughts of lathander are simple, i neither dislike or overly like him. i dont bother thinking about him or any gods really they are beings beyond our realm of understanding, that being said, there is too much in this world that i must give my attention to, so i cant spend time trying to understand the unknowable. i respect others faith but i simply fallow my conscience.

John looks back to the table as a hole well i believe that i mentioned already that i have extensive martial training, however during my officer training my mind was also attended to i was instructed in history, a modicum of educate, the art of tactics and strategy, diplomacy, and general leadership skills. my weaknesses i believe would be, well first of all my temper can flair a bit for a few reasons, you saw that yesterday actually, and i had never really thought about it until now but i have a vary limited knowledge of magic, although i suppose i can leave that to the two of you.

John looks to Valeris Valeris you mentioned an education, you seem like the kind of man who had been taught many subjects, i am curious besides magic what were some of your other fields of study?

2016-01-06, 03:37 AM
John looks to Valeris Valeris you mentioned an education, you seem like the kind of man who had been taught many subjects, i am curious besides magic what were some of your other fields of study?

Valeris gives a slightly patronising smile, and sits a touch straighter as he is asked about his favourite subject - himself.

"Indeed so. While my primary focus has been the arcane, I have also studied a range of other fields. I speak four languages - not counting this one - and have no little skill in deciphering unfamiliar written tongues. I am versed in the lore of the natural world, and of the unnatural creatures that dwell in the deep places below us. My field of inquiry has also extended to the planes beyond our own, and the beings - malevolent and benign - who dwell therein."

He glances at Zin, unconsciously omitting to describe the limits of his own magic.

"But perhaps it is more specific data that would be most helpful at this time - as regards our current undertaking, that is."

2016-01-06, 04:57 AM
Zin listens as everyone goes back and forth.

"Enough." He exclaims. "Each of you tells me to talk, but as soon as I open my mouth, someone starts talking. If you want to listen, then listen. You can talk about each other later. Now, your task is to find out what is going on in these caves" he picks a map up off the ground next to his chair and unrolls it. It is a map of the plains, with some landmarks circled. "These circles are the caves. All three of them need to be checked out, and any threats posed to the farmers must be dealt with. Goblin or otherwise. The farmers at sungrove creek may know more than I do, but I'll tell you what I know. There are goblins, but they aren't usually this good at remaining undetected. Our divinations have proved their existence, but it has been some time since we looked. Farmers are disappearing and wildlife has become scarce."

Zin stops, finished it seems. Then he remembers something and a look of worry crosses his face. "Beware of traps, goblins are sneaky like that. I want to see you all back here in one piece. In fact, stop by the temple before you go and I'll have the clerics give you each a potion of healing. Hmm... I swear I'm forgetting something...

Zin thinks for a minute, clearly frustrated. "My memory isn't what it used to be it seems. The past few months I've been having trouble.... Ah well, I'll message you if I remember. Any questions?" Zin finishes with a smile to assure that things are fine.

2016-01-06, 09:45 AM
Valeris remains silent, considering all that he has been told and waiting to see what questions the others ask.

It seems odd to him that the priests can use divination magic to confirm the presence of goblins, but not further information...

Not sure if this is Spellcraft or Knowledge Arcana, so I'll roll both.


Anyone have knowledge (local) to do a check about goblins?

2016-01-06, 09:58 AM
John nods thinking over what Zin had said. he looks around the table to see if any one has any further questions for the priest. then it dawns on him, Crafter has not yet spoken of himself, probably hasn't had the chance to get a word in edge wize yet between the rest of us John will look the warforged and wait to see if he will tell the group any thing about himself that hasn't been told us already.

2016-01-06, 10:02 AM
Noticing John's sight, Crafter offers his answer:

"As said, I am a blacksmith student. This extends beyond the obvious, as I have studied some materials and even magic-smithing. Yesterday's repairs was the magic-smithing I repair myself with."

2016-01-06, 11:21 AM
Seeing as no one has offered any questions to Zin, and not wanting to try his patience any further Owen decides to speak up.

"Uhm, what were the caves used for before the goblins showed up? It seems that if your divinations are being blocked then they may be receiving aid from something else... Just a thought." Owen sinks back into his chair hoping that he hadn't offended Zin anymore than they already have.

2016-01-06, 01:13 PM
Oreston sits silently listening to the conversation, having nothing really to add.

2016-01-06, 01:33 PM
Zin looks at Owen and explains passively. "Well, something is helping them, there's no way goblins could be powerful enough to stop me from divining everything. You will have to find out what. Perhaps it's related to the assassins, perhaps not. The caves themselves have been home to wildlife in the past.

humans never used them for anything." Zin finishes, waiting for anymore questions.

Its hard to say why without knowing what kind of divinations he was doing. Perhaps he was seeing an illusion and knew it?

2016-01-06, 04:30 PM
John leans forward putting his elbows on the table, interlocks his fingers and rests his chin on them considering what this means. I am inclined to agree with Zin hear, the fact that the divination didn't work to its full extent would suggest that thees goblins now have access to some form of magic weather a mage, priest, or some sort of item of power. this means that Valeris and Owen's expertise will be invaluable. those two need to be kept out of harms way as much as possible, myself and Oreston are soldiers clearly of different styles but it yields more or less the same results. Crafter is still some what of an unknown in this regard, he used himself to shield the priests but fought with a crossbow, i should ask specifically his preference in dangerous situations John raises his head a bit looking to Crafter. Crafter in the event you have to fight, what is your preferred style, some form of melee or fighting at range?

2016-01-06, 04:35 PM
Valeris studies Zin thoughtfully. A suspicion is forming in his mind, an intuition born of a number of factors - the sending, Marcus's strange behaviour, curious familiarity with compulsions, and previous unnamed "mental" transgression, the implication that there was a powerful caster defeating Zin's divinations - or else that Zin believes he has tried unsuccessfully to cast a divination?

It is not in Valeris's nature to speak out without the prospect of profit, particularly not when he might be wrong. But his loathing of unsolved puzzles makes him seek more information.

"Tell me, Dawnmaster - is that the correct title? - how long have you been experiencing this memory loss?"

2016-01-06, 05:49 PM
Zin nods on John's assessment of the situation, much calmer and more relaxed now. Then John talks to Crafter. Zin hardly believes what he is hearing. His mounting frustration is back. "Perhaps I'm going insane but I thought I said you can discuss strategy and individual talents later. Look, as you can imagine, I have a lot to do after such an event as yesterday. And now Marcus is gone and left me to do it all! So since I'm not hearing questions pertaining to me, I'll be going now." Zin gets up to start leaving, when Valeris asks for confirmation of his title, Zin nods. "Yes, it is Dawnmaster." Practically waving him off, not a practice Valeris would be unfamiliar with.

Zin looks at Valeris with unhidden surprise, mainly because Valeris doesn't seem the type to care about another's well being. It catches him so off guard that he forgets about leaving and stops."I believe it started more acutely about three months ago, why?"

2016-01-06, 08:27 PM
"Would you know the details of Dawnmaster Marcus' quest?"

Crafter, silent even in the face of a question to him (due to thinking, apparently), exclaims this question along with John's.

2016-01-07, 03:49 AM
Valeris tilts his head to one side as he studies Zin, wondering how far he should go in voicing his suspicions. His information is limited, and the chances of his being wrong significant.

And, after all, how will it benefit him to speak up? Zin is not the one paying him, Robert is.

Valeris is not consciously aware of the motive that finally makes him speak - in truth, it is mostly so he can act smug and superior if he is proven right.

"Speaking in my professional capacity, I would point out that there are very few causes for sudden onset memory loss. As you are a cleric of no little skill, were the cause illness or injury, you would be able to remedy it with your own magic. Advancing age can clearly be eliminated. What does that leave?

"It leaves magic. Memory loss can be a symptom of a mind-affecting enchantment, either from periods where your actions have been controlled by another or from a deliberate attempt to interfere with your recollection of certain events.

"Let us say, hypothetically, that this is indeed the cause: I hypothesise that, around three months ago and at intervals thereafter, someone cast an enchantment upon you. Their purpose is not clear, but we may safely suppose that it was one of the following: to control your actions in a particular regard; to prevent or reverse your discovery of a particular fact or facts; or to cause you to accept as genuine some fiction which you would otherwise have cause to reject."

Valeris looks around the table, his voice growing softer throughout his speech, forcing the others to concentrate on him to hear him clearly.

"Let us extend the parameters of the thought-experiment for a moment. Who might be the culprit? Is it some nebulous figure, perhaps the same currently aiding the goblins? Surely, whoever it is, they must have a significant degree of contact with you, and you must feature sufficiently in their plans to require them to take the risk of using an enchantment upon you - and one that, should you resist it, risks their discovery. Someone you know, then - although we should not rule out the possibility that it might be someone who has successfully concealed their existence from you by means of this enchantment."

Pausing for a moment, thinking through how to phrase the next step without it being an accusation he might be challenged over, he steeples his fingers and closes his eyes.

"One might imagine, if one were pursuing the hypothesis to its most likely conclusion, that the culprit would be someone matching the following description: someone within your organisation, with whom you have interacted on a regular basis for the last three months if not more, who has achieved a significant level of personal advantage and authority (whether overt or otherwise); someone of questionable moral character; someone capable of using mind-affecting magic with great skill and potency; someone whose behaviour is occasionally strange, perhaps making sense only within the context of claims he has made which would normally be implausible. If you knew anyone like that, it would be prudent to be wary of them, perhaps to avoid being alone with them."

Turning his body and face to Crafter, his eyes still on Zin, Valeris carefully adds, "Apologies, good Crafter, for the interruption; I believe you were speaking of Dawnmaster Marcus, before I entirely changed the subject to speak of hypothetical persons wholly unrelated to him?"

2016-01-07, 03:59 AM
when Valeris poses his question and thoughts to Zin John looks up, if what he's saying is true this could be vary bad John looks to Zin concerned with how he will react especially if he is in fact being manipulated via magic

2016-01-07, 06:13 AM
Zin was about to answer Crafter's question when Valeris speaks up. He doesn't change his expression the entire time that Valeris speaks, and afterwards looks around at everyone and back at Valeris. Seeing John's suspicion he does a quick double take, looking at John and Valeris with his mouth open in disbelief. Zin then starts to chuckle, but instead of the chuckle dying out it grows into a laugh. The laugh is the laugh of a mad man and he laughs like so for almost twenty whole seconds before he calms down and speaks, but when he speaks he seems calm, collected, and most importantly, sane. "Valeris, have you ever believed in something other than yourself? I mean truly believe in something, that it's truth is more real than you or your exisistence ever could be? Perhaps not but you are a wizard yes? Many wizards are consumed by the supposedly all powerful pursuit of knowledge. Perhaps you are one of them, perhaps not. But being a cleric is by no means a mere study of the gods. Only through true faith can one access divine magic. One cannot waiver or risk losing their god's favor, which ultimately ends in the loss of magic until they reconcile with they're faith. Certain magic, such as healing magic, even requires that the patron be a good one such as Lathander. If Marcus was enchanted, then his dominator would not be able to get him to pray for spells, because his own faith wouldn't be behind the prayer, not truly. And if he was the dominator and was in fact not under anyone's influence, then he wouldn't be able to cast such healing magic as he did yesterday because his ultimate goals and actions would be breaking the faith and agreement ANY of the good gods require! But even beyond that, Marcus has been with us for years, and a prodigy of the faith. His strangeness as you call it is extremely infrequent and a result of being young nothing more, nothing less. One last thing, can you explain to me how advancing age can be eliminated so easily?"

Zin pauses for a minute to breath and let some of what he has said sink in. Then he finishes with something personal, not for pity, but so that the group understands that simply instant magic seems insuficient for such pain. "Leaving holes in my memories of recent events makes sense, but what of when my memory is of the past? Like when I can't remember my own brother? Not his death? Not his life? Not his birth? This enchanter must be especially cruel to do such a thing, no Valeris. I don't think that the answer will be garnered in my life time, if ever." And with that, Zin leaves, having nothing more to discuss and plenty to do. Zin walks away at a brisk pace, leaving the Whispy Lock and the group behind in a matter of seconds, without a goodbye.

2016-01-07, 08:10 AM
Crafter looks at Valeris, considering the man's predicament.

"I, for one, agree with you. Whoever called us knew Marcus would rely on compulsion, a spell Lathander's priests should not use. His inneptness can be explained by malice. His only wounds were accidental, and caused him great rage. His quest equals free reign away from prying eyes, and his healing can be falsified by means not divine. We should place eyes on his back."

2016-01-07, 08:20 AM
Valeris stares after him, his expression clearly showing his frustration. He glances Crafter's way, nodding an acknowledgement.

"It is also a fact that more than one being grants divine spells. If Marcus is serving a different god, using enchantments and other means to pass himself off as a devotee of Lathander, Zin's excuses would be easily overcome.

"How old does he look to you? In his fifties? Barring illness, he should have no trouble with memory..."

He stops himself. He realises he is trying to justify his deductions when, to his mind, they should be apparent to anyone of sufficient intelligence.

"Well, be that as it may, we should be cautious in our dealings with the Church - but that is sound advice in any circumstances. It is however a concern for another day. Our immediate task is more prosaic."

2016-01-07, 08:58 AM
Owen looks at Crafter and Valeris in disbelief, Can't you see we have hurt the man? Unsure of what he should do, Owen stands.

"Please excuse me one moment." And with that, Owen rushes out the door after Zin. He has no idea what he should say, but he knows he must say something. As he sees the old man ahead Owen yells, for the first time he yells.

"Zin wait! Owen is surprised that his voice could actually be able to be so loud. As he reaches Zin, he doesn't even pause to catch his breath. "Please, I am really sorry about our actions. I am sure that in everyone's own way that they just wish to help. But the desire to help can become clouded by everything else, we still need guidance... More so than that though, I am sorry about your brother. I too know what it feels like to lose someone you love, but I couldn't imagine what it must feel like to have them lost from your own memories, it must be terrible. I wish there was more I could do to help" Owen takes a moment as he forces himself not to cry for the man.

"You asked us what we thought of Lathander, honestly, I think it must be horrible to be a god, you live far away from everyone else and the only other people who are like you each have their own extremely important things to attend to. The only thanks you get for all of the magnificent things that you do is from the people as they worship you. That's all there is, almost no one to talk to or confide in and countless people who are all counting on you to have all of the right answers. I can't understand why they still do it, but they do. And that is the incredible thing about them, is that they keep going, despite the hardships, no matter the obstacle. They just keep going. Owen realizes that he has given a possibly heretical speech about gods to a man who has been worshiping and studying gods for longer than he has been alive, and immediately turns bright red.

"Uhm, you don't have to do this all alone, you have help. If you ever need anything, there is my fellow Brotherhood of the Griffons who are here in town for a while and I am sure they would jump to help you... And maybe I can help too."

After he finishes talking with Zin, Owen will run back to his new companions, hoping he hasn't made a fool of himself and that he can find his place without making any commotion. There was one new thing though that Owen hadn't realized, he had decided to find out about Zin's brother.

2016-01-07, 01:10 PM
John considers Zins reaction Zin may be right, but Valeris's theory is plausible and disturbing and as far as the longer term memories becoming obscured or out right forgotten its the perfect cover if Valeris i right after Owen runs after Zin John looks at Valeris with a serious expression and keeps his voice lower than usual. Valeris when we are done here might i have a word with you alone before we set off to the caves?

2016-01-07, 04:02 PM
Oreston is contemplating the turn of events even after Owen rushes after Zin. Oreston has indeed seen memory loss, but those were due either to head trauma to other especially stressfull events.
There is something in people that is very fragile, open to exploitation or outright overloading.
Oreston hadn't really intended to speak, but sometimes things slipped out. Zin was right about something though.
Well, I'm not one to sit around when there's work to be done, I propose that we meet at the gate in one hour, that should be long enough for all of you to settle any personal matters.
With that, Oreston gets up and leaves (with his money), figuring the others will show if they actually want to do this.

2016-01-07, 04:15 PM
Getting up, Crafter picks the pouch and adds it to his backpack. All his belongings were in it, and he was ready to make for the gate.

"The dawnmaster made mention of potions. Ought I pick them up? I have no matters to attend to, and would very much like to study their crafting."

2016-01-07, 05:49 PM
Valeris nods his agreement to John, and waits for the others to conclude their business, looking around for somewhere private to speak with him.

2016-01-07, 08:56 PM
Zin stops and listens to Owen, his face remains a mask. When Owen finishes talking he grabs his arm before he can leave. "Lathander keeps going because people like you exist in this world Owen. Do not think your life is about living up to family expectations. You must find your own path, whether you are a knight or not. Remember, at one point someone in your family's past had to make the leap to becoming knight of the Rose, he too, must have been an outsider to family expectations." Zin lets go of Owen, letting him go back to his companions. Zin, continues on his way back to the church.

2016-01-07, 09:18 PM
Owen returns, wishing that he could have conveyed his feelings better to help Zin. I wonder what Dad would have done?

As he enters the tavern, hoping to retake his seat without causing any scene, and to absorb Zin's words, he sees that half of the group had already left. Sheepishly he returns to Johnathan and Valeris. Wishing that the whole business would be over with, or that he could sink into a hole, whichever came first really.

"Uhm uhh, I'm really sorry for stepping out, uhm, did Crafter and Oreston leave already? Did, uhh, did you come up with plans already?" Owen felt horrible for his abandonment of the group on the first day that they were a team.

2016-01-08, 02:19 AM
John looks at Owen who clearly is all nerves about all this still, in as kind a tone as John can manage, peace Owen, you have nothing to apologize for, you were fallowing the course of action your own morality deemed to be right, no one will fault you for that. the others have gone we will meat at the town gate in one hour, we will go over any plans then, although i wouldn't expect any kind of grand stratagem or tactics with what little information we have on the presumed enemy force. but Valeris and i have some business to discuss see you in an hour Owen John looks to Valeris now we should find a place that is out side, open and a fair bit away from others for this conversation i think.

2016-01-08, 03:21 AM
Valeris stands, ready to leave with John. Before doing so, he says to Owen, "It would be prudent to compare the spells we have prepared prior to using them in combat. Knowing that we are likely to face goblins, more infamous for their numbers than their willpower, I have readied Colour Spray and Sleep as well as the Charm Person enchantment. However, you will be cognizant of the limitations of such spells, particularly if our information as to the nature of these adversaries is incorrect. You mentioned, I believe, that your own focus runs to enhancements of others' capabilities?"

He looks to John, plainly waiting to leave.

"Ah. Well, you know my position. I leave it to you to plan accordingly."

So saying, he follows John and waits to hear what the swordsman has on his mind.

2016-01-08, 09:55 AM
"Uhm yeah sounds good," Owen says to Valeris, realizing that the time that Valeris discovers his ineptitude with enchantment spells may be sooner than later. "I'll let you two talk and we can discuss on the way there?" Owen tries to buy as much time as he can to think up an excuse as to why he has no enchantment spells in his spell book. "Uhh, I guess I'll head to the gate then. I'll see you soon."

2016-01-08, 11:55 AM
After finding a place to John's earlier specifications he takes a look around to ensure there are no visible prying eyes. in a hushed tone Valeris after you stated your theory i have thought about it, and I find it disturbingly plausible, at least the part of someone altering Dawnmaster Zin's mind. if you are right then the altering of his long term memory would be a good cover for it, making him think it old age. as far as suspects wile Dawnmaster Marcus's behavior dose fit, there are at least two others we have met whom i can also see as suspects the Morninglord, if say he believed that the people of silverlight were begging to stray from Lathander he seems the sort to take action maybe drastically so. Then Zin could be feigning his condition in order to throw suspicion from himself. or they all may be in on it. then of course the possibility of a culprit we have not met and all three of them are victims. it bares investigating without hard evidence no one will believe it, further more were we to investigate keeping it quiet would be best to risky otherwise. and finally i believe that all our assigned companions are trustworthy or rather at least not involved with this conspiracy business. your thoughts

2016-01-08, 12:50 PM
Valeris tugs at one ear unconsciously, considering what John has said. His respect for the man is somewhat increased by the fact he is plainly more intelligent than he appears - Valeris's personal measure of intelligence being how far someone agrees with him.

"Perhaps it was premature to advise the Dawnmaster of my suspicions," he grudgingly concedes. "It is possible that I allowed my desire to explore an intriguing hypothesis to interfere with my judgment.

"I agree that further data is required to make an accurate identification of the perpetrator. While within the context of a mental exercise, the most elegant solution is to be preferred by reason thereof, it may be that practical scenarios admit of greater complications.

"Notwithstanding the foregoing, I maintain that Marcus is the most likely suspect given the evidence thus far available to us. Zin could be feigning his condition, but has no apparent motivation for such a deception. It is possible, I concede, that he expected me as an enchanter to diagnose his condition in accordance with my specialism; yet how does it benefit him? Then there is the Morninglord: the attempt on his life, while botched, appeared genuine, although it may be that it was staged, perhaps - given the nature of our summons, for our benefit. The Morninglord did make a couple of statements which were strange for a man of Lathander - but, then, I tend to assume all priests are hypocrites. It does not automatically make them malevolent.

"Yet I have seen no evidence of such abilities in Robert. If he is involved, he is not the only one. No, the more credible supposition is that Marcus is responsible, alone or with others: a young man with enchantment abilities not explained by his apparent background, in a position of incongruous authority, who is guilty of at least one transgression against his purported moral code and who at the least did less than he might have done to protect his immediate superior, who had motive and opportunity to influence Zin's mind."

He scowls then, thinking about Zin's reaction.

"Perhaps I should not expect a man subjected to mind altering enchantments of an unknown nature to act any differently. Were I in the Dawnmaster's position, I would have put appropriate precautions in place to ensure Zin could not regard accusations against me as credible. Indeed, the more I consider it, the more ill-advised my conduct appears."

He closes his eyes momentarily, mouth working silently in mute recriminations.

"As to the rest of what you said, I see no reason to regard our companions as accomplices in this - but simple caution dictates that silence should now be our policy. Whether Marcus, Robert, a third party as yet unknown, or indeed all three are involved, we know too little to act against them - or even to assess whether such action is required. For all we truly know, Marcus may have designs which we would wish to support, not oppose."

Looking at John obliquely, Valeris smiles faintly.

"I believe I shall enjoy working with you. It is a pleasure to meet someone who sees clearly."

2016-01-08, 01:57 PM
John considers all that Valeris has said, he fidgets a bit wile saying what comes next like the words makes him a bit uncomfortable i agree that saying nothing about this to our companions at least for now is the wisest course., he looks in the direction of the town gate then back to Valeris. is there any thing else we should discuss Valeris? if not i would like to head to the gate and think about some tactics before we all depart.

2016-01-08, 03:51 PM
Valeris shakes his head. "I believe we have exhausted the fruitful areas of discussion. By all means, let us rejoin the others. I doubt there is much in the way of strategy that can be determined from the limited intelligence provided, however."

2016-01-08, 04:05 PM
John nods in agreement no not much of a strategy, but even simple ones can mean the difference of life and death John politely gestures for Valeris to accompany him as he begins heading for the town gate

2016-01-08, 06:54 PM
As Owen leaves, wondering if his chasing after Zin was what caused everyone to leave. That thought was quickly chased be the worry of what sort of conversations they might have had without him. As Owen looks ahead though he sees Crafter sticking out of the crowd, Owen runs to catch up to him.

"Hey Crafter, mind if I join you?"

2016-01-08, 07:01 PM
"I would not mind. Do note though, that we are bound to leave in an hour, so if you have any errands, it would be wise to. I am on my way to pick up the healing potions the Dawnmaster promised, as I have no errands myself."

2016-01-08, 07:16 PM
"Oh no, I'm all set. The Brotherhood of the Griffon trains us to be ready at a moment's notice in case any jobs come up, and I've only just come into town, so I've been ready to go for a while." Owen says cheerfully. "So tell me, uhh, if you don't mind me asking that is, how long have you been in the smithing trade?"

2016-01-08, 07:24 PM
"That is a difficult question to answer. I've had a great many masters, so no less than 500 years during that, and probably much more. I cannot recall how long I studied on my own, as no measure of time was given to me. After my duties were fulfilled and I could no longer study on my own, it must have been about a decade, maybe two, that I have been apprentice to any master that would take my services."

With that, the construct turns towards the church and marches on.

2016-01-08, 09:29 PM
Owen stops at the warforged's reply. "Wow" 500 years?! He couldn't believe it. He realizes that the Crafter had moved on without him, and jogs to catch up.

"So you have been at it for some time then, that's really impressive, beyond that though, you have managed to turn your craft with metal into magic?"

I'm just passing time here, I've never read the artificer class. So please feel free to advance whenever.

2016-01-08, 09:55 PM
We'll get there when the temple gets there, a.k.a. when the DM is available :P In the meantime...

"It would be more accurate to say I studied the magic some crafters weave into their products, but truth is, the more I study the crafting of magic items, the more alike the processes seem. Like a matrix of energy flows through everything, and hammering out a form from it changes the qualities of the object it runs through. Yesterday, I didn't so much repair the robe, as make it magically repair itself."

2016-01-08, 10:33 PM
"Hmm, it almost sounds spiritual, the way you speak of it. It's nice." Owen says warmly. "So you have traveled all around learning about magic items and their creation, and you have been able to identify an energy within things that you can alter to create new effects. So what is next? You save the city, everyone is happy, what then?"

2016-01-09, 01:20 AM
As you all go your separate ways, to the church, or to the gate, you notice the streets are somewhat emptier than usual. People they pass are talking about the disastrous address yesterday. People's fears are played up by others trying to make a quick coin using scams, the promise of protection, and of course, miracle cures for poison and other ailments. To people like you, it is obvious, the lies are clear. They are clear because they're in every town, every city. Oreston knows them best, being from the streets of Dimshade makes these hustlers look pathetic. Not masters of the art.

Oreston of course arrives at the gate first. Next comes John and Valeris. Owen and Crafter arrive a while later, having walked to the temple and back. As the group reforms, they see the now opening gate before them. The gate is massive, wide enough for two wagons to pass through in either direction and tall enough that a giant would have serious trouble getting over it. As the gate opens, caravans on their way to other settlements head out, eager to get a head start on the day.

Owen/Crafter, not to skip your time at the temple, but I don't want to hold everyone up right now. Sorry. If you had planned on trying to see anyone important, they are very busy anyway and you would have been told as much if you would like to include it in your post.

The potions are 5 cure lights +1

Also, everyone make spot checks and initiative rolls, initiative so we don't have a hold up when I need them.

Everyone: 300xp

2016-01-09, 04:33 AM
Valeris spares little thought for the plight of the city's inhabitants. To his mind, if someone is gullible enough to be taken in by the hustlers, they have only themselves to blame.

Watching the caravans leave the city, he experiences an unfamiliar surge of anxiety. For all his apparent composure, adventuring is an alien experience for him: confronting real danger, relying on the competence of others for your very life, perhaps even returning disheveled and filthy. He shudders inwardly at the thought.

Still, he reminds himself, his situation is desperate. There is no other way to earn so much money in so short a time.

He quietly takes up a position at the rear of the group, where the others will be between him and any danger. He then glances around, wondering if he has miscalculated.

"I believe some form of rear guard is conventional in hostile territory? Perhaps one better armoured than Athelard and myself?"

2016-01-09, 11:26 AM
After everyone get to the gate John looks around at them, Valeris is right and i have been thinking about what information we have on the enemy and our group. and wile i cant come up with any sort of intricate tactic i have a simple one witch often makes all the difference. if you will hear me out John looks to each person in turn the one to take the rear guard should be Crafter i think, this will make him responsible for watching our rear flank and from what i have seen he favors a crossbow witch he can use to aid any front line combat from there. next there should be a bit of space between and in the next line witch would be Valeris and Owen side by side if the cave allow otherwise one after the other, this will put them in the middle were they can see everything and have the most protection, next witch would be second from the front i belive should be Oreston, because he is clad in light armor and favors small blades this leads me to believe he is quick and nimble, and could step up to assist me or move to the rear and assist crafter as needed this is also were the extra space around you two comes in John looks between Valeris and Owen it will make it easier for him to maneuver, and lastly in the front should be me as this should be were the enemies are most common and thats what im trained for, the only thing that leavs is the possibility of traps but as no one has come forth with any skill at spotting or disabling them i think this order is best unless anyone has something to add or if i have overlooked something John patiently looks about the group for any one that has something to add.

2016-01-09, 01:05 PM
Oreston listens to johns tactics before he grudgingly responds: it seems he forgot to mention part of his skillset, which most of his employers would already know.
I was a spotter for a time while sailing, so I can take care of the traps
Oreston looks around the group, and decides now is probably the best time to ask the question:
Before we head out, I do have a question for all of you, which admittedly may seem quite sudden. Why are we/you doing this?
Oreston watches each of his companions intently, trying to see if any of them have any lapses
This actually has to do with something Oreston was going to do right after he left, which involves a sense motive roll, I'll post it in OOC thread:

2016-01-09, 03:51 PM
As Owen moves to the position that Johnathan had recommended he tries to answer Oreston's question. "Uhm, well I guess I'm doing this because... uhh, well, I don't know, what else could I do?" Owen puzzles over the question further trying to come up with a better answer. "I guess I'm just still looking for what it is that I can do."

2016-01-09, 04:05 PM
Valeris raises an eyebrow at the sudden and rather intimate question. "There is nothing complicated in it," he says. "For reasons I do not care to discuss, I find myself in need of funds. My skills suit me to this line of work, and I anticipate the level of remuneration to be substantially greater than any other activity for which I am qualified."

2016-01-09, 04:52 PM
"I want to study smithing. A healthy city would be an advantage in this endeavor."

Short and simple. This is all there is to Crafter's claim.

2016-01-09, 10:45 PM
John quickly thinks of how to adjust the party order wile answering Oreston. i am doing this to help the people of siverlight. john takes a brief pause Oreston, if you can handle traps would you be alright with being beside me, just in front of me or beside but slightly ahead of me?

2016-01-10, 05:17 PM
To answer your question sir Steelhart, I have experience both in working as part of a group and alone, therefore, I find no preference on my position, as I feel that it will likely change within the caves. As to your personal preferences on taking this job, I do not ask because I feel the need to pry within your lives. I ask because Valeris made an excellent point yesterday: there is a possibility that one or more of the clergy have been affected by mind magic. There is also the possibility that such magic has tampered with other members of the populace or even some of the other adventurers hired by the clergy
Oreston speaks as he makes a final check securing his gear, then, if everyone is ready says
I guess it's time to go- no point procrastinating now

2016-01-10, 11:02 PM
As you guys head out using your newly acquired map, you find that the roads are dusty and dry. All signs of grass died long ago from the drought and the dirt is cracked, as if the ground is a giant pair of chapped lips, begging for water that seemingly will never come.

The roads are relatively safe, with infrequent patrols making sure caravans and travellers don't fall prey to bandits or monsters. After two full days of travel, you find yourselves in farm country. The vast plains stretch as far as the eye can see. This is also called the Heartlands. The Heartlands is home to many barbaric tribes, the masters of the plains, they are known for being great hunters and moving about the plains unseen and unheard.

The crops here have been sustained mostly by clerics, creating water. It is rather amazing that these farms haven't collapsed, as the group travels through, they are greeted by tired smiles of people who never get reprieve. But they holler hellos and offer what they can to strangers despite the hard times. The group climbs to the top of a ridge to see a large farmstead, supposedly the people they were sent to talk to. The group has time to discuss their plan before an older man in what looks to be a freshly laundered peasants outfit opens the door, waving them over from the distance. "Hail!" He calls over.

2016-01-10, 11:13 PM
Once the group sits down to discuss their plans, Owen finds himself still stuck on a question he has been asking himself for the whole trip. What are we going to do about the goblins? He pondered it and tried to come up with an answer, but found that his mind kept going in circles. Finally he decides that he was running out of time and should just ask the group.

"So uhh, quick question, what are we going to do when we find the goblins? Are we planning to attack them outright?" Owen worries that maybe the answer to that would be obvious, making his question seem inane, and tries to explain himself further. "I guess I'm asking because I am worried that there may be some form of extenuating circumstances, what with there ability to avoid divination, and I would hate to attack them if they are simply being manipulated." Owen blushes worried of what the group may think of his question.

2016-01-10, 11:26 PM
"Every piece of metal has its own impurities, and every blade must be struck its own way. We will move with our eyes open, and act as the situation demands."

Some may feel the first bit of Crafter's speech is embellishment; it is not. Simply put, his problem-solving skills are no more than an extension of his smithing studies, as most of his talents and existence.

2016-01-11, 02:23 AM
Valeris remains silent, waiting to see how the others respond, but his face shows his incredulity as he stares at Owen's back.

Who cares about a bunch of stinking goblins? he thinks to himself.

2016-01-11, 03:43 AM
John looks to Owen, I try to use violence only as a last resort, if they can be reasoned with i see no point in risking blood shed, but if they attack or it becomes apparent that diplomacy will not work we must fight. John lets Owen absorb that for a bit, hesitation on any of our parts can be fatal.

2016-01-11, 09:50 AM
Oreston finds himself agreeing with John-any hesitation could be fatal, so why give them the chance to attack first? It seems apparent that the group has already made up its mind, and since he should have been prepared for this kind of ethical dilemma, Oreston shouldn't really be surprised. Then he realizes that there still might be a way to avoid this catastrophe in the making.
Perhaps we should ask our gracious host what he thinks? It would seem to me that he would know more of these goblins than us, and we are doing this for his benefit
Hopefully, their host wasn't as naive as Oreston's companions and would show a little sense. Hopefully, they would also listen to him.

2016-01-11, 03:42 PM
Well I'm pretty sure that they are going to attack us, that's why we have been sent here. But what if they are attacking because of something else, if we can stop whatever that is, then maybe we can stop the goblins. Seeing that he has been completely shut down however, and unsure of how to better explain his worries, Owen stays quiet and looks down at the table as he listens to what else his companions have to discuss.

2016-01-11, 05:13 PM
As the group has their previous talk in mind they travel across the farm to the man. Upon a closer look, the man is probably in his late forties. He has a stocky build, but is probably only around 5'8" tall. His balding head shines in the intense sun and you can now see a younger girl in the doorway watching. The girl looks to be in her late teens or early twenties with blonde hair tied in a ponytail. Both of them are tanned, a sign of a life working in the sun."Hail friend!" The man says once you are close enough. "Wha can a lowly fauma such a m'self do fer you? Yer welcome to stay if ye need to, come on, don't be shy! I'm Perry and this ere's ma daughter Mary. Er, we don't get too many visitors around ere." The man's jovial attitude is apparent, as is his accent, his prounounced R's are very hard.

He pauses to wait for a reply.

None of you actually stated doing anything which makes it harder for me, I'm assuming you guys are done and moving forward in this direction.

2016-01-11, 05:24 PM
Oreston replies as he walks toward the man. He shakes hands with Perry when they meet.
We have been tasked with taking care of a goblin problem in these parts, and were hoping you or someone you know might have knowledge of them. We've been told that they keep a lair in some nearby caves and that they've initiated several attacks on these farmlands.
Oreston speaks easily in an attempt to appear more friendly. This would help Perry to be more forthcoming with any information he had.

2016-01-12, 01:04 AM
The farmer seems a little surprised by this. "ahh. Just the fou of you and that?" He says, pointing at Crafter. Sighing, he motions to the girl to go on inside and then motions the group to follow him. He travels around to the other side of the house. On the other side is a well and a barn. He looks around as if checking to see if anyone is listening in then turns to the group. "Those goblins ave been snatchin up all ma neighbus. I don't want Mary to hear this but... I think that they a all dead. I can lead you to the caves if ya need a guide there, but I ain't goin in. What else you need?" Perry asks, a serious look on his face.

sense motive checks

2016-01-12, 02:52 AM
John's brow furrows in thought. Kidnappings, by goblins, that is strange but then so is the divination countering. so they are most likely being led by some one foreign to them... or manipulated.

Sense motive: [roll0]

2016-01-12, 08:48 AM
Owen steps up to the man and offers his hand to shake. "Uhm, hello sir, my name is Owen Athelard the 4th, if you don't mind me asking, how long have the kidnappings been happening?"


2016-01-12, 09:12 AM
"Worry not. the church of Lathander has sent us. Should we fail, they will send more help, but they estimated us sufficient."


2016-01-12, 11:00 AM
Oreston thinks about the new information. Kidnapping? If they wanted them for food, then they could just kill them and drag off the bodies. Kidnapping usually implied slave labor. Or, since they were dealing with the church, sacrifice. Owen was asking the most pertinent question, so Oreston remained silent.

2016-01-13, 05:28 AM
Perry jumps in surprise when Crafter speaks, but he ignores his comment and instead addresses Owen, still a little wide eyed.

"The kidnappin stauted happenin bout two weeks ago. If you want I can get ready now, it's bout a couple days walk from ere."

Perry is annoyed by the fact that almost none of you introduced yourselves, especially since your on his land. He is trying not to show it as it's obvious he really wants the goblin problem dealt with.

2016-01-13, 11:43 AM
Yes, please lead on
Oreston replies before any of his companions can get hooked into a conversation with Perry. Some of them might even (gods forbid), care about Perry's feelings and introduce themselves.

2016-01-13, 11:56 AM
"Uhm, I'm sorry Perry, if you don't mind me asking before we go, where have the kidnappings taken place? If they happened at peoples homes or anywhere near here, I'm sure no one would mind if you took a moment to bring your daughter somewhere safe." Owen interjects before the group begins to head out.

2016-01-13, 12:33 PM
Valeris breaks his silence long enough to interject.

"Forgive my companions' discourtesy. My name is Valeris; these are John, Crafter, and Oreston. But, please, the situation is urgent; let us speak as we walk."

The needs of courtesy addressed, he lapses once more into mute observation.

2016-01-13, 04:32 PM
John looks up from his thoughts after hearing his name spoken with some familiarity and looks between valeris and perry, realizing everyone but valeris had forgotten simple manners I apologize for my rudeness perry I was a bit shocked to hear of thees kidnappings. mind manipulating magic, and recent kidnappings, i hope perry wouldn't recognize any of those assassin's corpses.

2016-01-13, 10:05 PM
Perry listens as Valeris introduces everyone. He seems a bit satisfied that these strangers have given their names, although the stubborn farmer in him won't let him admit that anything was wrong to the group. Perry starts leading the group back to the front as he talks. "Pleased to meecha."

Perry opens his front door and hollers inside. "Mary! Ill be gone a couple a days! Make sure a the chores a done bright an early!"

Perry starts walking to the back again. This time he heads for the barn. He addresses Owen's question as he walks "The people have just disappeared. It usually happens at night, an entire family might be gone. But we neighbus don't check on each other every day, we ave too much work to do."

Inside the barn Perry has two horses and lots of hay. The left side has barrels filled with various tools including shovels, crowbars, and scythes. He walks over to the barrels. Perry grabs a few things, including a lantern, a hunting shortbow, and a short spear. "Mary will be safe in the cella. I built it along with the house for a place to go if the goblins ever attacked. We ave been sleepin down there."

As he says this he goes to the back of his house and lifts doors on the back that go into a basement into the ground. Perry steps into the darkness for a few minutes and you can hear him tinkering with things, probably looking for something by touch. He hollers back up to the group. "Can that er... Crafted thing hold mah stuff?" Perry imerges from the basement carrying a bag and a couple of waterskins, each made of leather.

2016-01-13, 10:38 PM
"I certainly could, though I'm not as strong as most of my brethren," replies Crafter. It was often that folks couldn't wrap their heads around his being, and he always enjoying poking them about it.

2016-01-13, 11:26 PM
Owen watches as the man goes around the house grabbing all sorts of gear, I guess he means to go with us, is that really such a good idea? It'll be harder to protect him. When Owen hears Perry begin to talk about the families disappearing, Owen feels chills tingling down his spine and wishes he could let everyone else go and join Mary in the cellar. Owen recognizes his usual cowardice creeping back and redoubles his efforts to be useful to the group.

"So every now and then a family will disappear?" Owen gulps trying to hide his fear from the farmer, it wouldn't do any good for him to know how terrified I am. Owen continues his questions. "How many families have been taken so far? And what about the house, what is it like after the family has been kidnapped? There may be some hidden clue as to the goblins motives or methods." Owen speaks slowly feeling worried about the answers, and hoping he isn't pressuring the poor farmer too much.

2016-01-14, 03:41 PM
As Oreston noticed Perry grabbing his gear, he couldn't help but focus on his hunting weapons. Since Perry had stated he wouldn't come into the caves with them, Oreston assumed that he meant to do some hunting while he was out. He also noted something else as the farmer explained things.
In addition to Owen's questions, I couldn't help but notice that you said you built this cellar with the house in case of goblin attack. Does that mean you've known about the goblins for some time before the kidnappings?

2016-01-14, 04:39 PM
Perry pushes his gear and supplies into Crafter's hands. Treating him like a pack mule. Perry lets Owen finish, but starts shaking his head even before Owen finishes. "ow the hell am I sposed to know? I can't keep tabs on everybody around here. But I do know that nothing else is taken, just the people disappear. At least it didn't seem like anythin was gone. Goblins ave been in the area foever fa as I know. Besides, you can never be too caeful."

Perry starts walking, to the North East, expecting the group to follow.

2016-01-14, 09:32 PM
I had thought that maybe the goblins had been here for a while, just goes to show that something else is causing them to kidnap people. Owen picks up the pace to keep up as the group heads out. Trying to put his mind at ease about the future fight they were heading towards, Owen moves up to Crafter.

"Uhm Crafter, would you like me to carry some of that?" Owen asks, feeling uncomfortable with how the farmer was treating his new companion. After the farmer and Oreston finish talking, Owen calls ahead to Perry to ask another question about the goblins. "Uhh, Perry, have you had any problems with the goblins prior to two weeks ago when the kidnappings started?"

2016-01-15, 03:17 AM
Perry nods at Owen's question as he walks. "I heard bout goblins causin trouble every once in a while. Fo the most paut, they leave us alone, until now." Perry seems more comfortable now, especially it seems towards Owen.

2016-01-15, 03:30 AM
John walks quietly with the group one hand resting on his long sword, and checking the front left and right flanks for any potential dangers as they get further away from the farm. But wile looking around his mind wanders a bit this place brings me back, i wounder how the people in my old village are doing.

2016-01-15, 07:29 AM
Valeris strokes the hawk on his shoulder, focusing on the empathic link between them. He has never attempted anything similar before, and says nothing in case he fails, but tries to convey his desire that the bird should fly overhead, keeping watch for ambushes or other threats. The hawk stares at him with one bright eye for a moment, then spreads its wings and flies off - hopefully to obey instructions and not just to look for food.

Valeris then speaks up. "Pardon me, Perry, if you have answered this question and I missed it. If the kidnappings take place at night, and whole families are disappearing, what leads you to believe the goblins are responsible? Were there witnesses? Perhaps slain goblins, signs of a struggle?"

2016-01-15, 07:37 AM
Owen nods at Perry's answer, "Thank you Perry. It is really brave if you to take us there." Owen slows his pace down to take his usual position among the companions as he thinks over everything he has learned. So the goblins have been here for some time living in caves that no one else is using and hardly causing any trouble, at least not enough trouble to warrant any action. Something has caused them to begin kidnapping and if that something used trickery or coercion than the goblins might not be fully to blame. Owen began to sweat as he thought about how he may be headed out to kill innocents. Fortunately though his inner turmoil took his mind off of how scared he was of the actual fight.

2016-01-15, 02:01 PM
Similar to John, Oreston continued moving in silence with the group while he scanned the surroundings. Unlike John, Oreston focused his scans on some of the obvious hiding spots one might use.

2016-01-15, 04:57 PM
Perry looks at Valeris like are you kidding me?. "Well who else would it be? Really the only alf smaut critters round ere other than the tribes au the goblins. Besides, they'a goblins." Perry acts like that alone answers the question and continues marching on.

2016-01-15, 05:10 PM
John sighs silently to him self at perry's words, typical, most see goblins as vermin and villains but just like us most are content to leave well enough alone and be left alone in turn. and considering this group of goblins have been here for some time and they weren't the violent type from the beginning... if thees goblins are at fault, some thing must have changed, trickery, honeyed words... or extortion perhaps, wont know until we investigate, or question. John looks to Owen and Veleris, do either of you have a means of incapacitating a foe without killing them?

2016-01-15, 05:15 PM
"I do believe goblins are sloppy creatures. Likely to cause trouble, but not tidy trouble. Are there any individuals of notable power in the area?" asks Crafter. He likely could blunt some arrows as an answer to John's question, but it wasn't directed to him, nor an optimal means of success, so he remained silent.

2016-01-15, 11:12 PM
Perry looks confused at John's use of big words. But he definitely heard the part about not killing the goblins. "Inca what? Look, you city folk think you know moe huh? Well I'm the one livin nea an dealin with the goblins. They deserve what's coming to them."

Perry looks back at Crafter and then keeps on going. Talking as he's walking. "Powuh? Uh, the tribesmen would be the most dangerous in the area. othuh than that, there's uh, rumuhs of three witches that can tell yur fuchuh, but I think it's nonsense mahself."

Perry scratches his chin in thought, trying to think of anything else. After trying for a minute, he seems to give up, putting his attention back on his surroundings.

2016-01-16, 12:57 AM
Owen stops worrying about innocence at the mention of witches to which he inwardly, accidentally outwardly, gulps. But he tries not to give any thought to the rumor, instead he focuses his fears to other places.

"Uhm, you've mentioned the tribes a couple of times now and said they were really dangerous, who exactly are they?" And how can we avoid them?.

2016-01-16, 02:58 AM
Valeris lowers his voice slightly to answer John's question, not wishing to antagonize their guide unnecessarily.. "My spell selection today consists entirely of enchantments to incapacitate foes. Whether we then spare them or execute them will be a matter to decide at our leisure. However, as with all magic, I will be able to cast only a limited number of such spells before requiring rest. It should be sufficient, nonetheless, to allow us to capture and interrogate one or more of them. Some prosaic means of binding a captive may also be prudent; I presume a sailor would be skilled with knots?"

Realising he has expressed a doubt about his own abilities, Valeris's face contorts in distaste. He turns to Perry, speaking quickly to move on from that discomfort.

"Perry, how long have there been these rumours of witches? Is it a recent development?"

2016-01-16, 03:13 AM
Perry chuckles. Foreigners really didn't know much about the Heartlands. "yer crafted guy ere asked who's powerful, the tribes was my answer. They shouldn't be a problem for you. They'uh nice enough, we farmers trade with them sometimes. Who au they? They'uh just tribes of people native to these plains who don't like livin like us."

Perry seems uncomfortable when Valeris starts speaking about magic. An invisible chill seems to run down his spine. "The witches ave been ere fer ever, but they'uh just rumuhs. Besides, you'd ace to climb Gallows ill to find out. You all ave eard of Gallows ill, right?"

As the group keeps walking, a thought occurs to Perry. "I ope you fellas keep watch at night."

2016-01-16, 04:37 AM
Valeris kept his face expressionless, but inwardly seethed with contempt. Does he truly think that some unwashed barbarians better explain these events than a group of skilled mages? No, I suppose he thinks the goblins are responsible.

"A watch at night is only prudent, of course, although the requirements of my art prevent me from actively participating. However, I wonder: do you have some specific threat in mind? Perhaps these tribesmen of whom you speak?"

He scratches his chin briefly, considering.

I suppose some conflict between the tribes and the goblins might lead to retaliation in the form of abductions, wrongly targeted against the farmers. But I am unconvinced abductions are the true explanation.

Keeping his own counsel on that point, he watches Perry carefully as he awaits a reply.

2016-01-16, 06:18 AM
"What is Gallow's ill?", Crafter inquires. He doesn't mention it, but his lack of need to sleep makes him ideal for a sentry.

2016-01-17, 09:08 AM
Crafter's a constructed being, so he doesn't need to sleep. In addition, I have also been keeping a watch for a portion of the night.
Oreston answers Perry's question, which it seems some of his companions hadn't considered yet. He inwardly sighed at the prospect of taking goblins prisoner- even when he'd been a bandit, nobody in his group had thought prisoners and ransom were a good idea.

2016-01-18, 08:43 AM
Perry decides to answer Valeris' question first. "I told you already, the tribesmen shouldn't be a problem. But bandits do come around and the wildlife is somewhat restless. But most of all, I be thinking that if people are disappearing at night, night ill be dangerous for us."

Perry seems surprised that Crafter doesn't recognize Gallow's Hill but takes it in his stride, after all, Crafter's not even human. "Gallow's ill is an old burial site. It's haunted. I ain't arguing with anybody, it just is." Perry says matter of factly. For a second it seems he might elaborate, but the seconds drag on as the group walks and he lets it hang.

2016-01-18, 08:52 AM
Valeris lifts a hand in a gesture of concession.

"You did say that. My apologies."

Turning to John, whom he now regards as the group's tactician, he adds, "If it does become necessary to enter Garrows Hill, I shall require rest and time to prepare new spells first if I am to be effective. Mind affecting enchantments are excellent for dealing with weak-willed humanoids, but will not assist when confronted by the undead."

The prospect of a haunted graveyard seems not to concern him at all - but then, necromancy has always been an abstract idea for him, one he has never studied and certainly never encountered in practice.

2016-01-18, 01:37 PM
John nods taking in all that is being said. When Velaris talks to him directly in a lower tone he leans slightly toward him as to hear without mistake, taking in all the new information remaining quiet and thinking about it all in detail.

2016-01-18, 04:41 PM
Shaken from his thoughts, Owen looks around to see everyone's reaction to the talk of the graveyard. Chills run down Owens spine, Why do we have to go to a haunted graveyard?! Things were looking worse and worse for Owen and he wished he had never accepted this job. I'm definitely stepping out if we decide to go to a grave yard.

Owen's breathing quickens with panic, Owen tries to keep his face a mask of calm as he tries to calm himself by refocusing his mind on the task at hand. Owen realizes that his thoughts of innocent goblins might not go over so well with Perry and so decides that any further planning that he might have should happen after they leave the farmer.

Once all talks of tactics and planning have finished Owen begins small talk with Perry, going from questions about farming, family and the effects of the drought.

2016-01-18, 09:36 PM
Crafter, too, keeps his thoughts to himself. Those being that goblins simply shouldn't function that way, of course. But that's a worry for a later time.

2016-01-19, 11:26 AM
Although Oreston has no real opinions on undead since he has never encountered them, and the only tales he's heard sound unreliable (shrieking and moaning, relentless pursuers whose only desire is to consume the flesh of the living), he remains silent on the topic. Hopefully they'd arrive soon.

2016-01-19, 12:00 PM
The group continues on through the plains. Perry tells stories and listens to tales of the outside world, a world that he apparently, has had very little experience with.

As the group travels away from the farms, it is easy to see that the land off the farms is dying, all of it. The land is cracked and the grass is brown. Without water, the land itself is dying of thirst. Perry becomes quiet and somber one the effects really become visible. After a couple of days, Perry points to an ingrown cave on the side of a hill. The cave would have been extremely hard to find if it's location hadn't been known. "That there is what yer lookin fer. I'm gonna stay out ere. If it's not that cave, we'll move on to the next one."

The cave is about 80ft down on the side of the hill the group is standing on. It is smooth stone, but no visible signs of life.

Sorry it took me so long to post guys, I should be good now though.

2016-01-19, 12:17 PM
Valeris views the devastation with mild interest. He wonders how the city economy will react to the loss of crops, and probably the subsequent inflated price of food; he passes a full hour speculating on the extent to which the reduced demand from peasants dying of starvation and thirst would offset those effects.

The idea that he might be among those suffering through hardships as a result never crosses his mind.

When Perry finally announces their arrival, Valeris stares intently at the cave. Summoning his familiar back to its accustomed place on his shoulder, he waits for someone else to take the lead while looking for anything out of the ordinary.

In case it's useful, spot: [roll0]

2016-01-19, 07:02 PM
Owen looks on at the effects of the drought in somber silence. When he notices Perry's grave outlook at the fields of devastation, Owen tries to subtly cheer him up by changing the conversation to something more enlivening. Owen begins talking about the farmers daughter, Mary. He asks questions like what she wants to do and wether she will take on the farm, questions that bring ones mind to the future where hope can be found.

Once they find the cave, Owen looks down the hill at the hidden cave, trying to remain calm at the darkness and danger within.

"Will you be safe out here by yourself?" Owen says to Perry thinking that maybe they should rest for the remainder of the day so that when they do go into the cave they have as much daytime as possible. That thought gives Owen an idea though and he looks to Johnathan hoping that the man who has been very keen on strategies might take to his idea. "Would it make sense to watch a bit to see if anyone comes in our out? We might be able to get more information if we can tell who is using the cave, out maybe we could capture a small group when they leave." And if that means less time inside the cave, all the better.

2016-01-19, 08:00 PM
Crafter speaks, perhaps for the first time in the few days of their trip: "Owen's idea is solid. Waiting a bit might pay off, while we prepare."

2016-01-20, 04:15 PM
John looks at Owen with approval, Yes i agree with you and Crafter that would be the smart and potentially safer idea. John will look for a spot that has some cover and can see the cave opening and suggest it as the area for surveillance.

2016-01-20, 05:56 PM
Oreston nods at the suggestion of interrogating some captives for information. As the most nimble and stealthiest among the group, he assumes that he'll be on watch for the remainder of the day as he looks for a suitable position from which he can easily move to intercept some potential captives.

2016-01-21, 03:50 AM
Perry assures Owen that he'll be fine. After a brief look around, the party determines that above the cave entrance on the hill seems like a very good spot. John, using his training in tactics, positions himself closer to the right side of the entrance along with Oreston. This way they can surprise the enemy in the confusion and keep the mages out of harms way. Perry decides that he's done his job for now and stays back where the group arrived from, not wanting any part of combat. He takes his possessions from Crafter and waits.

A couple of hours goes by and still no sign of life in the cave. Just as it seems there will be no excitement, the group sees a small band approaching the cave from the south. They are too far away to tell if they are goblins or not. By Oreston's good eyes, there seems to be six of them. They seem like they are approaching slowly, as if they aren't in any rush, and they have a cart. Currently, they seem unaware of your presence.

They are currently 400 feet away, I'm giving the group a chance to do something before combat starts. As soon as they get closer, you can determine they are indeed goblins.

2016-01-21, 04:09 AM
John waits and attempts to hide were he is as to ambush the group if they are goblins.

Hide: [roll0]

2016-01-21, 05:36 AM
Crafter will start weaving the Goblin bane property on his crossbow. It takes a minute, so he'll quit if there's no time.

2016-01-21, 08:26 AM
Valeris watches the approaching group with deliberate focus. He knows that, at maximum range, his sleep enchantment could knock out up to half the goblins - but the effect would wear off in a minute.

Assume fifteen to twenty seconds to close the distance, that leaves forty to slay those who resist and bind the others. That should be adequate...

So thinking, he goes over the words of the spell in his mind, preparing for the explosion of violence to come.

2016-01-21, 12:11 PM
Owen couldn't believe the number of goblins that were coming back "I think this is your time to shine Valeris" Owen whispers hoping to reduce the goblins numbers quickly, "what is the distance you can cast one of your incapacitating spells at?" Owen tries to think through the possible scenarios that might happen and begins to worry about the goblins getting reinforcements from the cave. Maybe I could cover that area so that none get into the cave. But what if Johnathan and Oreston get surrounded? They could be in the open with a bunch of goblins all over them and they wouldn't stand a chance. Owen decides that protecting his companions is more important than preventing reinforcements. He will try to relay the info Valeris gives him to Johnathan and Oreston, and then pulls out some components from his vest and lays prone as he surveys what will soon be a battlefield. He decides not to use his crossbow until Valeris has used his spell due to the worry that the goblins will flee at the first sign of trouble, but he does load it and set it down next to him at the ready.

Owen goes prone +4 ac against ranged attacks, and readies an action to cast grease on the first foe to move into flanking against Jonathan and Oreston

Which direction did we come from? are the goblins bringing anything back with them? What weapons are they carrying?

2016-01-21, 04:16 PM
Oreston shifts himself slightly to better conceal himself and waits. He figures that six goblins aren't the kind of captives his group wants, so they'll probably just wait for them to pass. Then he looks over at Steelhart, and notices his companion isn't concealed very well. If the goblins notice him, they'll have a fight anyways.

2016-01-21, 06:26 PM
"To be precise, one hundred and ten feet. However, at least two of them will be unaffected."

2016-01-21, 06:42 PM
Not lifting his eyes from the chalk diagram he's drawing on his crossbow, Crafter asks:

"Do we engage them at that range? Or do we allow them to draw closer? The latter would seem advantageous, as we can engage them much faster at full force."

2016-01-21, 11:59 PM
"Uhm, I agree, they should at least be within range for the other two to make use of the surprise... So maybe let them get in pretty close for John and Oreston to run in and attack?"
Owen hated making these kinds of decisions and hoped everyone, including the goblins, would be alright. He knew it was naive, beyond Valeris' spell no one, including himself, seemed to have any means of incapacitating a foe except for the more permanent version. He hoped nonetheless.

2016-01-22, 03:20 AM
"I would remind you that the closer they approach, the greater the odds they will notice us," Valeris hisses testily. He glances at Crafter, admiring again the ingenuity of design: the suggestion has real merit, despite what Valeris might say, and he has a brief moment of unfamiliar self-doubt as he remembers his own lack of experience in combat. "If they realise I am a mage, they may have the intelligence to scatter. The effective radius of my spell is just ten feet. Should we miss a target of opportunity through such delay, the conflict will be that much more difficult."

The idea that they might regard the crossbows as the greater threat, and so shelter behind the wagon, simply does not occur to Valeris's magic-focused mind. Similarly, the idea that the warriors might make a meaningful contribution to the fight is difficult for him to grasp.

Finally he waves a hand in submission. "Bah. Tell Steelhart I will await his signal, then, and on your own heads be it."

Ready an action to cast Sleep on the furthest group of four goblins close enough together to all be affected, to be triggered by Johnathan Steelhart attacking or otherwise signaling.

Hide check [roll0]
Initiative (I know you've not asked, but so it's ready when you need it) [roll1]

2016-01-22, 03:41 AM
Crafter keeps at the imbuement, at 20ft per round/200 per minute, it should be done while they're still only halfway here, right? Failing that, he'll just go for a simpler Magic Weapon.

[roll0] initiative, [roll1] hide

2016-01-22, 06:21 AM
The goblins are moving at a rather slow pace, possibly because two of them are each pulling one handle of the cart which seems to be a struggle for them. The goblins are all armed with spears and javelins except for the two pulling the cart, in which case some spears and javelins are resting on top of the covered cart. The goblins seem to be discussing something in the goblin tongue which is giving the group of them great entertainment. Their casual pace gives Crafter plenty of time to fiddle with his chalk.

Perry notices the group's sudden change in behavior and turns around to see the goblins coming straight towards him. He seems surprised that they are coming almost exactly the way your group came from. He waits for the goblins to have another burst of laughter and scampers to the other side of your group, attempting it seems, to hide behind Crafter.

The goblins get about 200 ft away before they begin to pay attention, their current conversation it seems is over. Immediately they spot the group. Oreston notes that not a single pair of eyes lands on him from the goblins. For the moment, he is hidden, although they are looking in his general direction and he has little to hide behind....

Again, if your post is all OOC, just post it in the OOC thread. :smallwink:
You are correct about their movement speed except those are combat speeds, they were just walking. Ilinares it is preferable if when you ready a spell like your original plan that you mention the spell's save dc out of character, just less for me to look up. :smallbiggrin:
Initiative: I got these rolls from you when you left the city, post # around 100 I believe.
Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12

So I just want John to respond because Valeris [i]was[\i] going to ready his spell, but is now waiting for John's que. perhaps you guys could tell me exactly what you want in the OOC thread?

2016-01-22, 05:49 PM
The three goblins up front hussle towards the group, readying their javelins and light wooden shields in the process. Their leather armor light enough for the goblins to move rather freely. The goblins shout at the group in a threatening manner while shaking weapons in the air.

Owen, waiting to cast grease will probably lose your next couple of turns, not to mention if John moves up... You might want to look at the range of grease. Also, yes, they could come up the other side, but you and Valeris are heavily leaning to the side with John so to make that idea even less appealing. That would involve putting Crafter between them and you and putting John with his sword at their back, not to mention rough terrain for going up a hill, which also gives you high ground. Unless they are suicidal, it looks like a bad idea.

I kind of skipped John, if your doing anything that the goblin's turn affects, let me know. Otherwise, just post as if the goblins hadn't moved yet.

Valeris, your sleep can effect two of them currently. The goblins were laughing about how easy it was to obtain the supplies, but did not indicate from who. When they shout, they are yelling obscenities and telling you to die for finding their home.

Crafter, you have finished your spell.

The closer ones moved 60ft, making them 140ft away.

Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12?

So Crafter, then Oreston!

2016-01-22, 06:34 PM
Picking an important-looking goblin among the crowd, Crafter lets an arrow loose, relying on the crossbow's newfound magic to aid him.

[roll0] to-hit, [roll1] plus [roll2] damage. Unless they're somehow not goblinoids :smalltongue:

2016-01-22, 07:37 PM
The bolt let's fly from Crafter's crossbow slightly off course. But the bolt seems to have a mind of it's own and veers towards the goblins heart. But even with the curve, the bolt only makes it's angle to about the goblin's shoulder and, just before it hits, the goblin puts up it's shield. Splinters of wood go flying from the impact, but the goblin appears unharmed. The goblin yells back more screams, presumably obscenities.

Valeris: yes, more obscenities
Initiative: It's Oreston's turn!
Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12

2016-01-22, 07:49 PM
Seeing that the goblins have noticed the group John steps out into the open, advances, lets out a bellow and slams the pommel of his long sword against his shield, in an attempt to have the goblins focus their attention on him.

2016-01-23, 01:37 PM
Oreston remains hidden since there is no need to rush over to them when they have to come to the group.
Oreston remains hidden. Holding action for if they suddenly start casting spells to get out of the way

2016-01-23, 06:55 PM
The back three goblins move up after grabbing their gear from the top of the cart. The goblins turn their attention to John, the intimidating man steps forth like to challenge and the goblins seem all to eager to accept.

I need to remind that I would like to know mechanical actions. John moves forward but it isn't stated how far forward. So my first instinct is 30 ft, but I know he wears armor. I don't want to have to look up that stuff on your sheets, same as spell save DC and other things. Thanks! Also, everyone please feel free to ask questions, I'm not perfect either and I know I miss stuff.

Also, I was thinking, if the character who just posted before you doesn't affect your actions, go ahead and post if you don't want to wait for my post. An example would be if you attack someone completely different than who they attack.

The goblins move up 30', again close enough for two to be affected by sleep

Initiative: It's Owen's turn!
Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12

2016-01-24, 02:02 AM
Seeing that John was now out in the open Owen realizes that he needs to help him as much as possible. He quickly gages the distance and guesses that his spell can still reach. For a quick second, Zin's words come back to Owen "they have their lives in your hands as much as your life in their hands." Owen's hand clenches on his spell component as he prays to live up to Zin's expectations.

Owen is still prone so 16 AC against ranged attacks, and continues his readied action to cast grease under the first goblin to move into flanking against his allies. If possible he will try to get multiple goblins with the spell. DC 14, duration 1 round, foes moving through must make balance checks dc 10 to move at half speed.

2016-01-24, 02:40 AM
Calculating that only two goblins are within range for sleep, Valeris raises his crossbow and, despite the distance, takes aim at one of the rearmost goblins.

Attack [roll0] (includes -2 distance penalty)
Damage [roll1]

2016-01-24, 10:55 PM
Valeris fires and his crossbow throws the bolt. It hurls towards its intended target before losing momentum and falling helplessly short of the goblin. The goblins laugh. They point to the people in the back and speak in Goblin.

The goblins said: Easy prey.

As the battle field looks: the front goblins are 140' away from Oreston and the group. Those same goblins are 120' away from John. The back group of goblins is 30' behind the closer group.

Ilinares, I meant that only two of the goblins could be affected by sleep based on their proximity to each other. I meant to make no indication whether they were in range of the spell. Just to clarify

Initiative: It's John' turn!
Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12

2016-01-25, 01:59 AM
i have to keep the goblins attention off the others John moves up and drops in to a ready stance shield held out in front knees bent and sword held in the one handed version of the Ox position.

john moves up 20ft then goes defensive AC:18 wile defensive (AC: 16 normally)

2016-01-25, 08:21 AM
The goblins scamper towards Johnand throwing their javelins with less than expert skill. All three of the javelins miss their mark as John deftly dodges. Their failure to hit their mark only enfuriates them as they work each other into a frenzy.

the goblins moved up 30', making the distance to John 70'. And yes, they have ranged weapons :smalltongue:

Initiative: It's Crafter's turn!
Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12

2016-01-25, 08:35 AM
Now closer to the target, Crafter loads up his crossbow and lines it up for the next shot, straight to the closest goblin.

[roll0] minus range to-hit, [roll1] plus [roll2] damage

2016-01-25, 09:42 AM
As the goblins move closer, Oreston moves into a ready position- the time is almost nigh.
Oreston readies an action to charge if the goblins come within melee distance of John (assuming John remains where he is)

2016-01-25, 05:50 PM
Crafter's bolt heads straight for a goblins face, but falls just short of the goblin as Crafter realizes he miscalculated the range.

The back goblins move up closer, seeing John's defense, they drop their javelins and pull out their spears.

back goblins move up 60'. Valeris, now in the center of the group you can hit 3 with sleep.

Initiative: It's Owen's turn!
Owen: 23
Valeris: 16
John: 15
Crafter: 14
Oreston: 12
Goblins: <12

2016-01-25, 11:19 PM
Owen feels his face lose all color as John moves closer to the goblins. my spells can't reach him, he is going to get himself killed. Owen looks down at the components in his hand and realizes that he still has yet to decide to fight the goblins, No, I'm going to get him killed with my inaction. He shoves the components back into his vest as he scrambled for his crossbow. He raises the weapon and aims at one of the goblins. I have to fight, there is no choice now and his sight shifts to one of the goblins not caring a shield.

Move action: draw crossbow
Standard: attack

My understanding is that they are within my first range increment, if that is wrong then I'll hold until they are.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit 19-20
Confirm [roll2]
Damage [roll3]