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2015-12-13, 06:12 PM
This is my first homebrew class ever feed back is appreciated.


Hit Points
-Hit dice 1d8 per lvl
-hit points at 1st lvl 8+con mod
-hit points at higher lvls 1d8(5)+con mod

-Armor/ none
-Weapons/ simple
-Tools/ one set of artisans tools
-Saving throws/ Str & Int
-Skills/ choose 3 from History Religion Arcana Investigation Survival Athletics Stealth Intimidation

- Any two simple weapons
- A. Dungeoneer’s pack B. Scholar’s pack C. Explorer’s pack
- One set of Artisans tools
- Pouch containing 15gp

Energy Channeling
-At 1st lvl you have learned to channel the innate energy of your soul through your body, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Damage die increases to 1d6 at 5th lvl, 1d8 at 11th lvl, and 1d10 at 17th lvl. In addition whenever you make an attack roll you may make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Energy Defense
-At 1st lvl you have learned to harness the innate energy in your body to augment your armor class, while not wearing armor your ac is equal to 10+int mod+con mod.

Energy Pool
-At 3nd lvl you have learned to expend the energy within your body to power unique effects, detailed at end of class description, you have energy points equal to your lvl you regain half you energy points on a short rest and all on a long rest Energy DC 8+prof+int mod

Runic magic
-At 2nd lvl you have learned to harness the innate power in symbols and may use them to create spell like effects when the are placed of a surface

Soul Path
- At the 3rd lvl you pick a Soul Path that grants you a Path Feature at 3rd lvl, 6th lvl, 10th lvl, and 14th lvl.

Ability score increase
-At the 4th lvl you may increase one of your ability scores by 2 or two ability scores by 1. You also gain ability score increases again at 8th lvl, 12th lvl, 16th lv, and 19th lvl.

Extra attack
-At the 5th lvl you may make two attacks during your attack action

Force Channel
-At 7th lvl your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistances and deal force damage instead of bludgeoning.

Indomitable Body
-At 11th lvl you have learned to channel your energy to root yourself in place, you gain advantage on any check made to resist involuntary movement, including magical effects but excluding gravity.

Sixth Sense
-At 15th lvl your body has been so infused with energy you can perceive the unseen, you gain truesight 30’ as well as advantage on perception checks

Master channeling
-At 18th lvl your energy has become so potent your unarmed strikes ignore any magical effects such as incorporeal states

-At the 20th lvl you have cast off your mortal body and may change between corporeal and incorporeal as a bonus action, in addition you no longer age and no longer need to eat drink sleep or breathe


-Those who choose the Path of the Beast have embraced the darker parts of their soul choosing to become a raging storm of darker energy

-At 3rd lvl when choosing this path you lose your proficiency with simple weapons as well as loosing your energy pool

Agonizing Energy
-At 3rd lvl your energy condenses around your hands and feet in the shape of claws when you choose this Path your unarmed strike damage increases by one die size 1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8 and so on as well as your unarmed strikes deal slashing damage.

-At 6th lvl you have learned to channel your energy to form massive fangs that deal 1d8 piercing damage this increase to 1d10 at 10th lvl, and 1d12 at 14th lvl, also when you make a successful bite attack you gain temporary hp equal to half the damage dealt.

Disturbing Gaze
At 10th lvl your dark energy has started to seep out of you, you gain an aura of 5’ any creature that starts or ends it’s turn within the aura must make a Wis save DC equal to you Energy DC, on a failed save creature is Frightened/Incapacitated/Stuned

Beastial form
-At 14th lvl your size category increase to large and you gain all benefits and traits associated with the large size category as well as your creature type becomes monstrous.

-Those who choose the path of the celestial have embraced the purer part of their soul choosing to become a noble guardian.

- At 3rd lvl when you choose this path you gain proficiency with martial weapons and medium armor, as well as you lose access to runic magic.

Healing Touch
-At 3rd lvl you have learned to heal other with your energy you may heal others of damage equal to your Energy channeling die, number of die healed is equal to points spent

Weapon channeling
- At 6th lvl you have learned to infuse your weapons with your own energy When you make an attack with a weapon you may deal an additional amount of damage equal to your Energy Channeling damage die. Dice added equal Energy Points Spent

Armor channeling
-At 10th lvl when hit by an attack or spell you may as a reaction reduce damage taken by your Energy Channeling Damage die. Dice reduced equal Energy points spent

Celestial Child
-At 14th lvl you can force your energy into the form of wings that last 10 min per Energy Point spent these wings grant you a fly speed twice your movement speed

You have learned to harness the energy inherent in symbols to use them to create spell like effects when cast on a surface including living creatures
At 2nd lvl you pick 2 runes you are familiar with in order to cast a rune you or another creature must give blood in order to write the rune, blood required equals the following damages per spell lvl (1st lvl 1d4, 2nd lvl 1d6, 3rd lvl 1d8, 4th lvl 2d6, 5th lvl 2d8, 6th lvl 2d10, 7th lvl 3d8, 8th lvl 3d10, 9th lvl 3d12) in order to take blood from another creature it must be willing, restrained, stunned, grappled, incapacitated paralyzed, or unconscious.
Whenever you gain a lvl in this class pass 2nd you may learn a new rune

Rune lvl progression
2nd 1cantrip 1 1stlvl
3rd can cast up to 2nd
5th can cast up to 3rd
7th can cast up to 4th
9th can cast up to 5th
11th can cast up to 6th
13th can cast up to 7th
15th can cast up to 8th
17th can cast up to 9th

Rune list

1st lvl
-cure wounds
-disguise self
-find familiar
-protection from evil and good
-purify food and drink
-tenser’s floating disk

2nd lvl
-arcane lock
-lesser restoration
-locate animal/plant
-locate object
-magic mouth
-pass without trace

3rd lvl
-bestow curse
-conjure animals
-glyph of warding
-leomund’s tiny hut
-magic circle
-protection from energy
-remove curse

4th lvl
-conjure woodland beings
-dimension door
-locate creature
-mordenkainen’s private sanctum

5th lvl
-contact other plane
-modify memory

6th lvl
-arcane gate
-conjure fey
-find the path
-guards and wards
-true seeing

7th lvl

8th lvl
-animal shapes

9th lvl
-true polymorph

2015-12-13, 06:39 PM
You should have one strong save. Right now, you have two weak ones.

The pouch with money goes in backgrounds, not classes.

Force channel is like Ki Strike... But better. I'd keep it as just making them magical.

WHOA! Sixth Sense is really overpowered. I'd make it blindsense 10', like a Rogue.

WHOA WHOA WHOA. Ascension is also overpowered, even as capstone.

Devour is also too strong.

Disturbing Gaze is overpowered.

Bestial form is fine.

Guardian is really weird. It works against most of what the class has going for it.

Overall, the class feels too powerful, and not focused enough. Needs a lot of work.

2015-12-13, 07:03 PM
You should have one strong save. Right now, you have two weak ones.

The pouch with money goes in backgrounds, not classes.

Force channel is like Ki Strike... But better. I'd keep it as just making them magical.

WHOA! Sixth Sense is really overpowered. I'd make it blindsense 10', like a Rogue.

WHOA WHOA WHOA. Ascension is also overpowered, even as capstone.

Devour is also too strong.

Disturbing Gaze is overpowered.

Bestial form is fine.

Guardian is really weird. It works against most of what the class has going for it.

Overall, the class feels too powerful, and not focused enough. Needs a lot of work.

disturbing gaze is meant to have a question mark I'm not sure what one status condition fits best

thanks for the input on sixth sense I'll make the edit to 10' but keep it as truesight it fits thematically

Devour will be toned down to once per short rest

Ascension will be toned down to once per long rest for 1 hr

As for Guardian it works as a counter point if the beast is the darkness and the storm, then guardian is the light and the shelter from the storm. The guardians are trained to hunt the beasts.

2015-12-13, 07:13 PM
Guardian is still... Just doesn't fit. It'd work better as a separate class.

Truesight 10' is still too much. That's completely negating any close range illusions. There's a reason I said blindsense.

2015-12-15, 01:46 AM
new version
A howling Tiefling woman leaps towards the Orcs she has been stalking, sprouting glowing claws and fangs she begins to rip into her foes tearing out chunks of flesh like a rabid wolf.
A Half-Orc male crouches drawing an ancient symbol onto the ground with his blood, the rune glows and a small wolf pack appears; tonight the Half-orc will hunt and now he has his pack.
The Human man had been stalking the elf wizard for a week, as the human approaches his prey the wizard’s spells just seem to roll of the human’s body; the human grins and laughs as he sprouts fangs wondering what elf tastes like.

Hit Points
-Hit dice 1d12 per lvl
-hit points at 1st lvl 12+con mod
-hit points at higher lvls 1d12(7)+con mod

-Armor/ none
-Weapons/ none
-Tools/ none
-Saving throws/ Con & Int
-Skills/ choose 3 from History Religion Arcana Investigation Survival Athletics Stealth Intimidation

- A. Dungeoneer’s pack B. Scholar’s pack C. Explorer’s pack

Channel the Beast
-At 1st lvl you have learned to channel your inner beast growing claws on your hands and feet, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage. Damage die increases to 1d8 at 5th lvl, 1d10 at 11th lvl, and 1d12 at 17th lvl. In addition whenever you make an attack roll you may make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Bestial Hide
-At 1st lvl you have learned to harness the innate energy in your body to augment your armor class, while not wearing armor your ac is equal to 10+dex mod+con mod.

Blood Runes
-At 2nd lvl you have learned to harness the power in blood using it to draw symbols and may use them to create spell like effects when the are placed of a surface

Ability score increase
-At the 4th lvl you may increase one of your ability scores by 2 or two ability scores by 1. You also gain ability score increases again at 8th lvl, 12th lvl, 16th lv, and 19th lvl.

Extra attack
-At the 5th lvl you may make two attacks during your attack action

-At 6th lvl you have learned to channel your bestial self to grow fangs that deal 1d8 piercing damage this increase to 1d10 at 10th lvl, and 1d12 at 14th lvl, also when you make a successful bite attack you gain temporary hp equal to half the damage dealt, you must succeed on a grapple roll against target creature before you may use this feature

Elemental Beast
-At 7th lvl you have delved so deeply into your primal beast you have found a core of magical energy within it your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistances and deal a damage type of your choice instead of slashing.

Disturbing Gaze
At 10th lvl your bestial energy has started to seep out of you, you gain an aura of 5’ any creature that starts or ends it’s turn within the aura must make a Wis save DC equal to you Blood Rune DC, on a failed save creature is Frightened/Incapacitated/Stuned

Indomitable Body
-At 11th lvl you have learned to channel your energy to protect yourself from the effects of others you have advantage on spell saving throws and saves to prevent forced movement.

Beastial form
-At 14th lvl your size category increase to large and you gain all benefits and traits associated with the large size category as well as your creature type becomes monstrous.

-At 15th lvl your communion with your inner beast has twisted your mind allowing you to perceive the unseen at the cost of your sanity, you gain truesight 30’ as well as advantage on perception checks(you gain a madness from the bestial soul madness table you and the DM must work together to figure out what madness fits your character best)

Eldritch Beast
-At 18th lvl your energy has become so potent your unarmed strikes ignore any magical effects such as incorporeal states

-At the 20th lvl you have cast off your mortal body and may change between corporeal and incorporeal as a bonus action, in addition you no longer age and no longer need to eat drink sleep or breathe

You have learned to harness the energy inherent in symbols to use them to create spell like effects when cast on a surface including living creatures
At 2nd lvl you pick 2 runes you are familiar with in order to cast a rune you or another creature must give blood in order to write the rune (1d4 1st lvl, 1d6 2nd lvl, 1d8 3rd lvl, 2d6 4th lvl, 2d8 5th lvl, 2d10 6th lvl, 3d8 7th lvl, 3d10 8th lvl, 3d12 9th lvl) in order to take blood from another creature it must be willing, restrained, stunned, grappled, incapacitated paralyzed, or unconscious.
Whenever you gain a lvl in this class pass 2nd you may learn a new rune

Rune lvl progression
2nd 2 1st lvl
3rd can cast up to 2nd
5th can cast up to 3rd
7th can cast up to 4th
9th can cast up to 5th
11th can cast up to 6th
13th can cast up to 7th
15th can cast up to 8th
17th can cast up to 9th

Rune list

1st lvl
-cure wounds
-disguise self
-find familiar
-protection from evil and good
-purify food and drink
-tenser’s floating disk

2nd lvl
-arcane lock
-lesser restoration
-locate animal/plant
-locate object
-magic mouth
-pass without trace

3rd lvl
-bestow curse
-conjure animals
-glyph of warding
-leomund’s tiny hut
-magic circle
-protection from energy
-remove curse

4th lvl
-conjure woodland beings
-dimension door
-locate creature
-mordenkainen’s private sanctum

5th lvl
-contact other plane
-modify memory

6th lvl
-arcane gate
-conjure fey
-find the path
-guards and wards
-true seeing

7th lvl

8th lvl
-animal shapes

9th lvl
-true polymorph

*the character feels compelled to repeat a certain action over and over such as washing hand, repeating self, touching new things including people, or counting coins and must succeed a wis save DC 12 to resist compulsion and a DC 15 to stop once started
*the character suffers from seeing other realms after every short rest you must succeed a wis save DC15 or be stunned
*the character suffers from severe paranoia and has disadvantage on cha checks except for intimidation
*the character regards something with intense revulsion as if affected by the antipathy spell
*the character suffers from partial amnesia character remembers who they are and retains all background class and racial features but can not remember anything from before the madness took hold