View Full Version : Looking for WotC's pre-made campaigns

2015-12-13, 06:20 PM
(I don't know if this is the appropriate forum for this kind of thing.)

Awhile ago, the 3.5 website had a list of free pre-made campaigns. Between me and some friends we've managed to keep all but a few of them. The ones we're missing are:



Thank you to Âmesang & Giles. I can now give the collection to my local D&D society. Thanks a lot, GITP! :)

2015-12-13, 06:33 PM
I've sent you a private message regarding "An Icy Heart" since I'm not sure how proper it would be for me to just link to the .pdf right here, free or not. Better safe than sorry? X̃

2015-12-13, 06:35 PM
I'll PM you a dropbox link.

Edit: For those looking for additional WotC content, Rubik has hosted all of the articles and whatnot on a google drive. The link is in the Index of 3.X WotC Threads, in my signature. Check "Larger-Scale Site Mirrors", at the bottom of post 1.