View Full Version : Player Help Looking for a feat!

2015-12-14, 12:19 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm playing in a 3.5/Pathfinder campaign as a PF Alchemist. I have no idea what to take for feats and I'm curious to get some opinions. Some notes about the campaign and my character:
Low magic - as in magic items are very rare: for the most part, ignore their existence. Scrolls and Potions are the two exceptions (I have Brew Potion).
Low level - I don't expect the campaign to go beyond 9th level or so. Also, it's a permadeath world so even if we go that far, this guy might not. So I only get a couple, and I'd like to see them in action instead of building up feat chains or just numerical bonuses.
Sources - Pretty much anything 3.5 or PF is fair game, unless something is horribly broken.
My character's main thing in combat is throwing his BFC (Tanglefoot) Bombs and doing various utility things (throwing alchemical items, begrudgingly healing party members, etc). He's also the potion brewer and mundane crafter. His Infusions support the party members as well. Questions please ask, and thanks in advance for your ideas!

2015-12-14, 12:35 AM
Well Alchemists are prettty damn good at knowledge checks and it sounds like hurting people is poart of your characters thing so my mind first jumps to Knowledge devotion. It'll help you not only land your bombs and alchemical items but it'll upgrade your damage pretty nicely.

Your Int is probably thebomb.com so Faerie Mysteries Initiate will kick your HP into overdrive.

Alchemists are interesting in that they are essentially magic users who can't use metamagic feats.

Have you considered VMCing?

For any build that doesn't cry out for feats it can be pretty awesome. I've very partial to Oracle VMC while taking Legalistic or Lame curses along with the Wind mystery.

The Wind mystery can give you unbelievably awesome armor with no check penalty along with invisibility/greater invisibility and a pretty fantastic way to fly.

2015-12-14, 12:48 AM
Shaped splash from RoE and mad alchemist from phb2.

2015-12-14, 05:37 AM
My first thought was Point Blank Shot/Precise Shot. :smalltongue: Don't want to accidentally hit your allies, right?

2015-12-14, 03:06 PM
Point Blank Shot etc. is an option, but I'd rather avoid feat chains because they will take a long time without that many unique things.
Can you go more in depth into the VMC stuff? Never heard of it or seen it in use.
Also, sadly Faerie Mysteries Initiate was banned (our party is quite Int-heavy), plus I'm not an Elf.
Knowledge Devotion is a solid option, another player already has it and uses it to decent effect.
It's worth mentioning that we're level 4 currently, and we've started already, so 1st-level only feats etc. are out.

2015-12-14, 05:12 PM
You can never go wrong with Extra Discovery. Discoveries are usually better than feats.

2015-12-14, 05:33 PM
Point Blank Shot etc. is an option, but I'd rather avoid feat chains because they will take a long time without that many unique things.
Can you go more in depth into the VMC stuff? Never heard of it or seen it in use.
Also, sadly Faerie Mysteries Initiate was banned (our party is quite Int-heavy), plus I'm not an Elf.
Knowledge Devotion is a solid option, another player already has it and uses it to decent effect.
It's worth mentioning that we're level 4 currently, and we've started already, so 1st-level only feats etc. are out.

Here's (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement#TOC-Variant-Multiclassing) variant multiclassing or VMC for you.

2015-12-14, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the link. If I had to guess, VMC would likely not be allowed in the campaign world. Plus, the flavor isn't really there for that character. Something I'll keep in mind for other characters, though, so thanks for pointing that out!
I did think about Extra Discovery. I currently have Tanglefoot Bomb, Infusion, Tumor Familiar, and a homebrew that makes my infusions move-action usage (It's called the "Syringe" Discovery). Anyone have their favorite discoveries that would be useful? Strafe Bomb and maybe Explosive Bomb are what I'm looking at right now. They certainly don't have to be just bomb things, though, especially since I can only use one (for the most part, Strafe Bomb being an exception) bomb discovery at a time.
I definitely like Shaped Splash (if it's allowed - Eberron is hit-or-miss in this world), but Mad Alchemist is way too situational and specific for my liking.

2015-12-14, 09:55 PM
Anything on Person Man's X to Y Stat table is going to be rather useful for a character that is rather MAD. I'm definitely biased towards Extra Discovery as I always find myself taking those. Class Features are usually better than feats.

You describe wanting more options over bigger numbers and that's all well and good but understand that you don't want too many active abilities. A character has a definite amount of power and if you are having to choose between two powerful options, you have less relative power in that particular turn. If you used the power on something like a passive ability then you could have both sources of power active at once and you'd have more relative power in that instance. For example, if you take Aberrant Wild Shape and Dragon Wild Shape on a druid. Yes, you have more options on the creatures you can choose but you can only choose one creature at a time and so while you're a dragon, you're effectively wasting your Abberant feat.

I'm not saying you should take bigger numbers over more options, I only point it out so you're aware of it. I guess it was a really roundabout way for me to say if you choose to be more versatile, your primary options (bombs as you point out) are going to be relatively less powerful.