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View Full Version : Recommendation of Action

Gamey Geemer
2015-12-14, 10:49 AM
I am in a game of kingmaker, and the party has to deal with a Bandit camp.

Several sessions ago the Rogue had to leave, and the role of the party face has fallen onto one of the sorcerers, namely me. So as a third (almost 4th) level sorcerer, is it at all possible to get "captured" with poisoned rum and talk them out of killing me.

Also, baring spoilers, is there a less dumb way to go about it.

2015-12-14, 11:00 AM
Yeah. Become bandits and join them. Slowly build support over a few weeks and take out the leader. Find out how much they make. Promise them better medical care, more money, and better treatment. Work your way towards a town where people work for a government company and do the same. Take out the leaders, take over the local part of the industry (like mining or crafting), keep your promises, and work your way up.

2015-12-14, 12:07 PM
Yeah. Become bandits and join them. Slowly build support over a few weeks and take out the leader. Find out how much they make. Promise them better medical care, more money, and better treatment. Work your way towards a town where people work for a government company and do the same. Take out the leaders, take over the local part of the industry (like mining or crafting), keep your promises, and work your way up.

aka join them than make munity on the bosses ar*e then recruit them to your kingdom
(I hope I understand and tell with layman term attached)

2015-12-14, 12:18 PM
A bandit camp is not a great place to live in. Most people become outlaws out of desperation, not calling. These are usually not the people in charge. The people in charge are probably NE, cruel and greedy. The bandits themselves live in fear of being captured and executed by the authorities. Are you the authorities? If yes, go and offer the lower ranked ones amnesty and a livelihood if they turn on their leaders.