View Full Version : Christmas one shot

2015-12-15, 12:20 AM
Hello all and thanks ahead of time for the help,

I am running a one shot, one long session christmas one shot adventure. My players are starting at level 6.
The game begins in the town of evergreen which has been struck by a savage winter caused by an evil frost mage by the name of Jakk (yes, jack frost). During a storm Jakk (or his minions) broke into the village and abducted Saint Nicholas, The local protectorate of the town.
The players must scale the local mountain, find Nicholas and defeat Jakk. Then live happily ever after etc.

However I need ideas for ridiculous christmas puns and references etc, as I told my players it won't be very serious compared to our normal campaigns. I already have a caged red-nosed reindeer, animated snowman, a christmas treant, Gingerbread Golem and the Silent Knight. The innkeeper's name is Holly and the local bard's name is Carol.
Magic items include the Fleece of Navidad, santa's sack, the bow of missiletoe, and of course....Excaliburr.
All further ideas and help is welcomed, thanks!

2015-12-15, 01:17 AM
I was thinking of doing some like this as well but for various reasons decided against it. I like the idea of Krampus coming around and abducting naughty kids from around the town. That doesn't really help you but seemed D&D appropriate. It seems like you already have a pretty good outline of what you wanted to do. Anyways some tidbits:

1. Have a cane made out of candy.
2. Have the tavern serve specially drinks like eggnog or peppermint.
3. Have victims heads used as ornaments.
4. Have "slay" bells that enemies use to try and kill people with.
5. Have a woodland elf on the shelf.

I'm sure I will think of some more but that's it's off the top of my head.

2015-12-15, 01:21 AM
You could make them sing an ode to Joy.
Don't forget the bumble from Rudolph.
They will need a magic box to capture the villain. Then he'll be a jakk in the box.
A gift could be boughs/bows of holly.
A twf ranger named Yukon pick axe weapons and favored enemy yeti.

2015-12-15, 02:39 AM
Needs more krampus

2015-12-15, 05:07 AM
Let the plot allow for the PCs to rescue Saint Nicholas before the BBEG fight, so he can fight alongside them, only to discover that he must have least dipped the Totemist class (Incarnum), because when the gingerbread hits the fan, it's time for...

dons sunglasses

Santa Claws.


Also, old school, but The Munchkin's Carol (http://www2.fiu.edu/~roleplay/download/files/dnd_bard_song.htm) seems appropriate.

2015-12-15, 11:03 AM
An old, run-down tavern in town that does not serve elves has a dilapidated old sign up front reading No elves, but the last three letters are worn off.
At some point during the event the players will need to retrieve something from the home of an NPCs grandmother. When they ask directions the NPC will explain that the route to Granny's house is 'over the river and through the woods'.
You might also want to add a little drummer boy in there somewhere.
I would think the ghost of Christmas past, present, and future should find their way out of A Christmas Carol and into your one-shot in some way or another.

2015-12-15, 11:15 AM
Make Santa a big Scottish guy with powerful build. Let him use a Large greatclub with the throwing enchantment, it's a caber. But he calls it the Yule log.

2015-12-15, 11:49 AM
When looking for rooms in the Inn tell them there is no more rooms, and they'll need to sleep with the animals. There is another young couple already out there so they won't be alone.

2015-12-15, 04:50 PM
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe just got in a shipment of a really nice package deal; very stylish red +2 Distance Longbows (Str +5) complete with a Quiver of Ehlonna (and 200 arrows). But they're defective; they all have a Backbiting curse. (The guy who found that out was a man named Ralph; he's being treated for an eye wound at the Healer's hut).

2015-12-15, 05:20 PM
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe just got in a shipment of a really nice package deal; very stylish red +2 Distance Longbows (Str +5) complete with a Quiver of Ehlonna (and 200 arrows). But they're defective; they all have a Backbiting curse. (The guy who found that out was a man named Ralph; he's being treated for an eye wound at the Healer's hut).

Ugh. I had to reread this one twice and think about it for a full minute before I got the reference. :smalltongue: