View Full Version : Help me align this character?

2015-12-15, 03:34 AM
Hey guys. When I originally made the character, the idea was a sort of techno-mage that has random inventions/tinkering that just break when used and really makes little sense to most anyone (other than him), thus why his "spells" can't be used by others. And being a Synad, he was supposed to be rather scatter-brained, with the extra two minds being more powerful than normal for a Synad, and regularly talking, distracting, and being generally chaotic. He also worshipped a chaotic neutral deity of tinkering.

However, as it played out, it seemed more and more like he was at least neutral to the law-chaos axis, and leans towards good. So, let's get right to the character now I guess.

First off, he lived from birth as a "prophet" or "practitioner" of his god, Hektor, being hailed as the savior of the faith by a high priestess. He lived a subservient life, though within the orders, he was allowed to do what he wanted to appease Hektor (mostly the building of new things and tinkering). In game, this led to him not disobeying orders (and occasionally requests) even from strangers - he just is not built to deny someone. None of these requests were from people with obvious hostilities, and they did not involve harmful acts, but he did stop helping a party member kill a hydra (although at the time, said party member was a random person, and seemed to have it under control).

Despite this, he doesn't blindly follow orders, as I implied in the last sentence. His highest stat is Intelligence, and Wisdom is third so when others seem to dislike a deal (or when it seems stupid, like lowering the protective shields for the inn), he instead asks for yet more information, as he's clearly not got enough to make a good decision. (Also, he might feel kinda odd at being the defacto leader of the group, as he's more used to being the other end of the spectrum.)

Further, while I found that my character, when idle, does tinker with stuff, actually refuses to do so when there's something to be done. He devotes to doing whatever he's doing at the moment (whether that's tinkering, or hunting, or whatever), especially so when what he is doing was requested.

So far, he has leapt to the aid of a girl who was getting chased by a 6-headed pyrohydra (which had 3 heads lopped off and grown back). While the hydra was distracted by me and "the hydra-killer" as his title is for my character, the girl hopped in to a trench (mass grave) to escape it. After getting chunked by a single fire breath (nearly down to 1/4 original hp), he hopped down there as well to take cover, to be met with said girl accusing him of...let's say "impurity," and although ineffective, did take hostile action against him, including at least 1 mind-affecting spell (which he hates above all other spell types). If she persisted for 1 more round, he probably would have attacked her instead of the hydra. The insinuation that he would betray the priestess was likely what threw him over the point that he'd do it.

The grounds came under attack by 2 trolls, who had killed one person before the group got there, and had nearly killed a paladin. Said paladin had cast lay on hands on their self, and there was a healer who had just cast Mass Vigor (yes, I know) also helping. He felt as though he should cast Time Hop on the paladin, because he was low, to get him out of the fight (since he couldn't do so on the troll), but thought that all the healing and the natural hardiness of paladins would let them duke it out if my character managed to disarm the troll via greasing the enemy's weapon. It failed.

He actually took it pretty hard on himself for making such a poor decision which caused this to happen, and gave the paladin his final rites (of Hektor) after the battle concluded, and was going to assist in the burial. He was shocked and appalled when the paladin's allies had begun to strip the body down for it's equipment. He didn't know the area's culture, so he let them do what they wanted after opposing only briefly, but it probably still haunts him.

And that seems to be about it.

2015-12-15, 12:49 PM
He seems fairly Good, with a Lawful leaning but not quite out of NG territory.

I'm not clear as to why the girl accused him of 'impurity' nor why she was attacking him when he'd just tried to help save her from the hydra.

It does sound like he's generally trying to do the right thing, and even when his decisions aren't the best, they're motivated by the right intentions. Admittedly, depending what the girl was doing, his potential to attack her could be a less-than-good act, but it really depends on what she's doing. Using mind-control magic is a pretty hostile act when you're dealing with somebody who just tried to help save you, and could cause some serious harm to him if your motives are not friendly.

2015-12-15, 06:26 PM
He seems fairly Good, with a Lawful leaning but not quite out of NG territory.

I'm not clear as to why the girl accused him of 'impurity' nor why she was attacking him when he'd just tried to help save her from the hydra.

It does sound like he's generally trying to do the right thing, and even when his decisions aren't the best, they're motivated by the right intentions. Admittedly, depending what the girl was doing, his potential to attack her could be a less-than-good act, but it really depends on what she's doing. Using mind-control magic is a pretty hostile act when you're dealing with somebody who just tried to help save you, and could cause some serious harm to him if your motives are not friendly.

I know. I was confused by that was well.