View Full Version : Arbalester help

2015-12-15, 09:04 PM
I have A artificer who is level 10 and I have 50,000 gp to throw around .
I like two upgrade my homunculus as much I can
but i'm not all sure what I can do. I know I can increase the HD but i'm not sure how much and how much Hp this will give my Arbalester and what other things I can do for it

can someone help me

2015-12-15, 09:12 PM
I suggest you read through UrPriest's guide to monsters.
HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?207928-Urpriest-s-Monstrous-Monster-Handbook) is a link.

It's very helpful when trying to determine what you gain from advancing HD on monsters/animal companions/familiars and the like.

2015-12-15, 09:33 PM
First, take the Improved Familiar feat from Magic of Eberron. Now your arbalester gains bonus natural armor and some free special abilities - which can be the ability to store infusions. You'll also want them to have Evasion as that helps them survive area attacks better.

Second, as a 10th level Artificer, any homunculi you make can have up to 8HD, if you want to pay the gold for it. But the Eberron campaign setting has feats for reducing the gp price of anything you make and as an artificer you'd seriously want to look into those anyway.

There is a guide somewhere for reducing the cost to make items in 3.5, and it can be done to silly levels of discount, like 90% off.

I wouldn't worry too much about enchanting the base crossbow. Maybe a bit, but having some eternal wands of your various infusions would be better.

2015-12-15, 11:03 PM

Skysaber, you probably want to take down that link before the mods see it.