View Full Version : Looking for character background idea

2015-12-15, 09:08 PM
Hi fellow playgrounders, I'm looking for some background idea for my dwarven rogue.
The concept is a dwarven locksmith with a burglar sideline, that got cought stealing a valuable. He has been banished from his clan, and branded as a thief. I'm think of a mix between Clan Crafter (from SCAG) and Criminal backgrounds, but I'm not sure about the background feature; Respect for the stout folk of the Clan Crafter won't make sense for a branded criminal, and I don't think Criminal Contact will do either. Also, I'm looking for what type of branding would a dwarven society would enforce to a criminal? Stripping it from it's clan name may be a start, shaving his beard might be an other option.

I'd like to have as many idea you can think of


P.S. Setting is FR

2015-12-15, 09:18 PM
The SCAG has a mercenary background that includes flavor text about a company that employs disgraced dwarves, check it out and see if that helps at all.

2015-12-16, 02:02 AM
The SCAG has a mercenary background that includes flavor text about a company that employs disgraced dwarves, check it out and see if that helps at all.

Mercenary companies definitely need blacksmiths, and they would probably be less picky about employing a former thief.

Alternatively, you could re-fluff the criminal contact concept as a network of friends or sympathisers within the clan - people who might help you even though you've been cast out.

2015-12-16, 08:43 AM
Something else I was wondering, should I go with a lawful character that want to repent from its deeds and earn back its place into dwarven society, or should I go the chaotic route and my character aknowledge that there is no turning back and decided to move on?

2015-12-16, 08:48 AM
Something else I was wondering, should I go with a lawful character that want to repent from its deeds and earn back its place into dwarven society, or should I go the chaotic route and my character aknowledge that there is no turning back and decided to move on?

No one can answer that one for you - you just need to decide what will be more fun.

2015-12-16, 09:28 AM
No one can answer that one for you - you just need to decide what will be more fun.

I know that, but character ideas for either would give me more stuff to think about when doing my choice :smallsmile:

I might have not explained clearly what I'm looking for. I've got a concept in mind (dwarven rogue - locksmith - burglar - exiled), but some time this can be limiting when trying to think outside the box. So I want this thread to be a brainstorming session from which I can pick up great ideas to build my character from. Any ideas are welcome.


2015-12-16, 09:48 AM
I like Charlatan BG for rogues.

2015-12-16, 09:48 AM
Well, it depends on how you want to use the character, whether a redemption goal or acceptance-and-rebuild-his-life goal is best. Do you want him to continue to be a burglar? As long as he's continuing a life of crime, he'll never be accepted by the clan again. On the other hand, it's going to be harder to tie the character's redemption goal in with the larger plot that the DM is running, as the places and activities you visit and participate in may have no actual benefit to your goal.

A third route you can go, though, is a mixture of the two. "I know I can never return home, but I'm going to do what I can." This idea is that you don't have an overall plan of being accepted back, but at the same time, if opportunity arises to benefit the clan, whether legally or illegally, you can take it. This is sort of the Batman route, where you are considered a criminal by your people, but they don't know what they'd do without you sort of thing.

As for appearance, I'd say they would both cut your beard off and put a brand on your hand or arm. The beard could be regrown eventually, but would give you great shame in the short term, while a brand would be a more permanent warning to the clan.


As for the criminal contact feature, I do think that it would make sense, especially for a burglar. I mean, he's going to need to know someone to sell his stolen goods to. Likewise, as a business person he'd have an idea of the trade routes and such. Depending on how long he's been in exile, it's likely that he would have made contact with other exiled and outcast dwarves, who would also show him their contacts, who would probably also be considered criminals by authorities.

2015-12-16, 10:32 AM
I might have not explained clearly what I'm looking for. I've got a concept in mind (dwarven rogue - locksmith - burglar - exiled), but some time this can be limiting when trying to think outside the box. So I want this thread to be a brainstorming session from which I can pick up great ideas to build my character from. Any ideas are welcome.

I would pick the Guild Artisan background ... your guild builds locks / security systems. Not only do you have skills to make locks, but you specialize in testing them out. Have you ever seen the movie Sneakers? It is what you do. Your guild is hired to purposefully break into places to test out security or lack there of. Unfortunately, you were framed, arrested, tried, convicted, and exiled from your clan. You don't consider yourself a rogue, or a thief, or a burglar ... you're a locksmith, through and through.

You've moved on from your clan, probably only going by your first name now, and are looking to join a locksmith guild out there in the world. But now, you're much more careful. You've been burned once ... never again.

I would go the thief path at 3rd level for this guy. He's great at breaking into places. One of the best. Uses the dwarven racial stereotype of being a great artisans to sell and test his wares.

I had a concept once for a gnome tinkerer / locksmith. This very much reminds me of old Semwick. =)



2015-12-16, 10:36 AM
Echoing others: Guild background will work fine. Say that you joined the guild after leaving the dwarven homelands. Most dwarves would not join a 'guild' run by humans.

2015-12-16, 06:58 PM
Thank you, that's exactly the type of idea I was looking for.

Keep them coming :smallbiggrin:

2015-12-17, 04:58 AM
Ooh, I can help, do remember that exiled dwarves forfeit there names, because it "belongs to the clan". Just a little bit of cool roleplaying to add onto the background stuff.

Shining Wrath
2015-12-17, 07:23 AM
How about go with Neutral Good?
He understands why he was banished, he respects the clan's decision, he knows he can't go back, but he still wants to repent and be a "good dwarf" going forward. He's learned his lesson, so to speak, and intends to live a better life. He's trying to become the dwarf he should have been.

Except ...

He's still got these useful skills about picking locks and sneaky sneaking and so on. And the party needs him to do these things so that Good May Triumph. So he's conflicted. He's using his skills in a good cause, but still feels they are dishonorable - did they not get him banished?

Usually this trope is the sorcerer or warlock who thinks their magic is tainted by evil, but it's useful for rogues, too.

2015-12-17, 08:56 AM
I'd probably go duergar rogue/thief with the Clan Crafter background from SCAG (Guild Artisan feels a bit upper class for this guy). You get the right base to start this character's story. Use Expertise for Thieves' Tools to further enhance the skill of this guy's trade. After his exile he could have fell in with a thieves guild or mercenary company since he nowhere else to go

If it were me I'd play him Neutral Evil- stealing or killing when he feels he can get away with it, or Chaotic Neutral so he at least wouldn't have any qualms doing the dirty deeds. Now, alignment could change over time if experience changes his attitude and goals.

Seems like a fun RP, good character conflicts and a very viable role in a party.

2015-12-17, 09:35 AM
Since dwarves and rogues are quite fond of precious items, your background feature could give you proficiency in Intelligence checks to determine the value of items (kinda like the Appraise skill of 3.5).

2015-12-17, 11:31 AM
Also, a gnome or halfling could fit the general character idea too and their Stats are better for rogue. But if dwarf fits the RP idea better, then by all means.

Kurt Kurageous
2015-12-18, 10:46 PM
Put a brand on the chin so it messes with the regrowing beard. Worse, put brands on both cheeks and really mess with the regrowing beard.