View Full Version : Finally!! [spoilers]

2007-06-11, 11:21 PM

/me dances on Miko's grave

2007-06-11, 11:24 PM
Still she died well for Miko.

2007-06-11, 11:25 PM
Didnīt Rich asked to not post any spoilers... Like... right now?

PS: I agree, nevertheless

2007-06-11, 11:28 PM
Didnīt Rich asked to not post any spoilers...

Did he? If so, I haven't seen it. Anyways, I tried not to put the spoiler part in the title...

And it was gory, too!

/me tapdances on Miko's grave.

2007-06-11, 11:34 PM
Grave? stupid 10 letter limit...

2007-06-11, 11:36 PM
Have you ever tried to tapdance on a corpse?! It's awfully complicated... :smallbiggrin:

/me does the twist on Miko's grave

2007-06-12, 01:13 AM
Well, at least someone's happy.

2007-06-12, 01:37 AM
I'm quite happy about Miko's death, actually. I, for one, thought she had become an extremely annoying character, and I will not miss her at all.

2007-06-12, 01:50 AM
Didnīt Rich asked to not post any spoilers... Like... right now?

Not quite...

If possible, try not to post any threads with spoilers for it in the title.

Heh, I like the "if possible". "I'm sorry, mods, but my thread absolutely had to be named 'I would grieve for Miko, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel!'" :smallconfused: (Incidentally, I really wanted to use Montaron's death-quote here, but "And the mad paladin falls!" wouldn't quite be a spoiler at this point so I had to settle for Xan instead.)

The complaints about spoilers and Roy's death occurred mainly because within a few hours of #443 being posted, there were already 5 or 6 threads that mentioned it directly in their title (some may have been posted within the hour, even). Casual forumites or people who had not realized a new comic was up had it spoiled for them as a result - some without even visiting the OotS forums at all, since the title of the thread with the most recent post shows up on the Forums page.

...Erm, now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

2007-06-12, 01:51 AM
See, things like this make me want to hope she comes back.

Just to spite some of the people who hate her.

Annoying? Sure, but to hate her is quite petty, I think.

So do you want to see your sibling dead after they eat the last piece of pizza?

2007-06-12, 01:52 AM
So do you want to see your sibling dead after they eat the last piece of pizza?

Don't be an idiot.

2007-06-12, 01:54 AM
See, things like this make me want to hope she comes back.

Just to spite some of the people who hate her.

Annoying? Sure, but to hate her is quite petty, I think.

So do you want to see your sibling dead after they eat the last piece of pizza?

That's why I always give my sister the last piece. She might kill me.

2007-06-12, 01:55 AM
Don't be an idiot.
It's equally petty. I find.

2007-06-12, 01:55 AM
me does the twist on Miko's grave

Well I cant do the twist so I'm going to do the only dance I actually know:


2007-06-12, 01:58 AM
Well, if there's one thing that's really annoying for me is someone so stubborn that alters their own perception of reality just to feel right with what he does. I'm really sad that she died that way, without knowig she was just wrong, but I'm also happy that the world has got rid of another stubborn person...

And the stick in her backside seemed to be bigger than needed...

2007-06-12, 02:01 AM
See, things like this make me want to hope she comes back.

Just to spite some of the people who hate her.From her attitude at the end, though, I doubt she would accept a resurrection... even if there was anyone inclined to offer it to her, which there doesn't seem to be.

Soon is awesome, though. This strip tells us more about Soon than Miko, really... being so kind to her even though she screwed things up for him royally.

2007-06-12, 02:01 AM
See, things like this make me want to hope she comes back.

Just to spite some of the people who hate her.

While I maybe don't agree with the above 100%, it was a beautifully poignant and sympathetic death. Couldn't we wait 24 hours before the dancing commences?

I know, it's like trying to hold back the tide. But this rejoicing is rather ... unseemly.

2007-06-12, 02:08 AM
It's okay, I like that these guys are giving this huge outpouring of hatred. Just makes it clear that they love to hate her, which means they need her around to hate on, which makes it more likely she'll come back from the dead.


2007-06-12, 02:10 AM
The celestial realms are still there.

There is hope yet.

2007-06-12, 02:11 AM
(my sig, which I had since day 1 on the forums)

2007-06-12, 02:13 AM
I guess I was the only one who wanted to see her join the Order, go blackguard, join Team Evil, or simply continue to be a contant thorn in the side of the heroes? I actually liked Miko in a lot of ways as a character. It showed an interesting combination of classes that I hadn't seen meshed, even though they fit like a glove [my own foolishness] and showcased that the heroes weren't the only powerful force of good in the world. It was interesting to see her tracking the order too from way back when Redmountain's gate was destroyed us never knowing what lay behind the hood. Becoming a brief romantic interest for Roy was just hilarious too. When Roy told her off it was just priceless and couldn't have happened with any other character.
In Azure city we got to see how poorly she treated those she considered infidels and this set her up for the Belakr chase. Lawful good paladin/monk vs. chaotic evil ranger/barbarian even the dicotomy of the two characters showcased the opposite ends of the alignment conflict. Her battle with Redcloak led to countless theories on the nature of the Crimson Mantle and hopefully bring this once nigh faceless minion to true villian status. The moment with MitD was a perfect way to prove that the beast was in fact a horrendously dangerous foe even though it is terminally stupid. And she set up the city for ruin so well it was frightening to see Xykon's plan work so easily.
When she killed Lord Shoujo I actually expected it to be the end of her but luckily we got to see her both imprisoned and escaping. Her final act of destroying the gate was suprurbly done too. I couldn't think of a more fitting action for such an NPC. Her death was also fitting but I think I'll be left wanting her back in short order.
Yeah this is kind of a long rant but I always feel kind of ranty when a character I like gets killed off, even if done for all the right reasons. Those of you who say she 'needed to die' seem to miss the point of a character like Miko, she was an antagonist that the party couldn't simply kill and be done with it. If she weren't so misguided in her actions she could've stayed a credible threat to the Order as well and brought endless trouble to them. It's hard for any good heroes to deal with an enemy they can't defeat through combat and don't want to kill since she is/was one of the good guys. So Miko will be missed, if even only by me. nice work Rich.

2007-06-12, 02:14 AM
I predict that
Miko will be rezzed and become a member of OoTS to atone for her wrongness
one of the books mentions that Miko will be around until the end.
she'll have to deal with Belkar until she reaches enlightenment/Zen and since she's technically not a Paladin, she can be in a party with a CE aligned member

2007-06-12, 02:18 AM
Well, I suspect we may see her at least one more time, in the afterlife, just because the opportunity for her to encounter Roy there would be too good to miss. But we haven't had any shots of the afterlife yet, so we don't really know if it's going to be shown at all...

Maybe Roy will auto-resurrect himself to get away from her. :smalltongue:

2007-06-12, 02:26 AM
I agree with Setra. Reveling in the death of someone who isn't a terrible murdurer or vile dictator seems to be petty on par with killing someone because they ate your slice of pizza. Yes Miko could be annoying but she was hardly a Hitler or Pol Pot.

2007-06-12, 02:30 AM
Well, I suspect we may see her at least one more time, in the afterlife, just because the opportunity for her to encounter Roy there would be too good to miss. But we haven't had any shots of the afterlife yet, so we don't really know if it's going to be shown at all...

Maybe Roy will auto-resurrect himself to get away from her. :smalltongue:Meh. I imagine that Miko has learned in death the lesson she was supposed to learn in life. In the afterlife, or if resurrected, I think she will be considerably less arrogant and stubborn. Her failure will have taught her humility.

2007-06-12, 02:31 AM
You know, Miko's concern for being able to see Windstriker when she isn't getting her paladin abilities back is one of the least selfish things she's expressed. Realizing that there's more to the multiverse then herself would be a good first step towards redemption. If not for recovering her paladin status, then for cementing the Good portion of her alignment.

Of course, being dead will make the subsequent steps difficult.

2007-06-12, 02:37 AM
I almost feel bad for her after the windstriker comment, but she really deserved it. However, I won't be dancing on the grave and such.

Green Bean
2007-06-12, 02:38 AM
Well, if there's one thing that's really annoying for me is someone so stubborn that alters their own perception of reality just to feel right with what he does. I'm really sad that she died that way, without knowig she was just wrong, but I'm also happy that the world has got rid of another stubborn person...

And the stick in her backside seemed to be bigger than needed...

I think she did go knowing she was wrong. She let go of the fact that she was a paladin, and managed to learn to live with a measure of what she had done. At the very least, her contentment with simply being able to see Windstriker shows that in her final moments she was able to accept compromise, a very big step.

2007-06-12, 02:47 AM
I feel a little sad now she's dead. Largely because it feels a little like she did what she needed to do for the plot and died because there was no reason to keep her around. A lot of Miko's actions have been to further the plot (getting the OOTS to Azure City, for one thing), come to think of it.

Hey, maybe that's why she thought she had a hotline to the gods--the author was telling her what she needed to do next!

Still, I liked her as a character, and found her death sad for another reason, too--the loss of one of the more serious and complicated characters in the comic. And the moment where she asks if she'll see Windstriker again... that was the most sympathetic moment the character's ever had.

2007-06-12, 02:49 AM
I agree with Setra. Reveling in the death of someone who isn't a terrible murdurer or vile dictator seems to be petty on par with killing someone because they ate your slice of pizza. Yes Miko could be annoying but she was hardly a Hitler or Pol Pot.

:smallconfused: No..she was a stick figure.

So actually, she wasn't even a someone.
Don't take things so hard, man.

I'm not fully decided how I feel about the strip. She was an important and good-written character, but maybe Rich has done the right thing, before she was getting too repetitive and losing all meaning. The windstriker thing was a nich touch, so she will at least "rest in peace" and not die bitter.

2007-06-12, 03:54 AM
I thought I ought to register to share my feelings on the topic...

YAY!!!! :biggrin:

2007-06-12, 03:59 AM
Quick - let's burn the corpse before someone gets a chance to ressurect her :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-12, 04:20 AM
EYETHATBINDS, you are not alone. There most be at least a dozen other people who agree with you, including me. However, this may not be the end for her, but maybe it is? I`m confused.

I believe Windstriker was her only friend and companion in this world and she truly missed him. No wonder she turned crazy. Never separate a girl from her horsey or hell will rain down on you!

2007-06-12, 04:23 AM
Here's to what you were...
*lays a thorny white rose on a makeshift shrine*
and here's to what you could have been
*downs a glass of dwarven brandy*

If you don't return, I hope you're happier whereever you are than you were in life.

2007-06-12, 04:25 AM
Ding! Dong! The witch is dead!

Cyborg Pirate
2007-06-12, 04:40 AM
Thank the Gods!

However, she'll be back.


Tho, I must say: Soon's talk with her has mollified me a little in regard to her. This is the first time in the comic that I've seen that there's a small chance of her actually changing and growing in character. However, this is only potential I see. whether she'll actually change and grow will yet have to be seen.

Oooh, and Go Rich! For making a schockingly awesome end panel! I felt like "watching" a dramatic moment in a movie, where the camera pans away and reveals how thoroughly dead a character is. Nice work!

Meditating Mike
2007-06-12, 04:47 AM
I feel sorry for her and despite the fact that she is a fictional stick-figure character I am a bit sad.
I think Soon was correct though and I think he did the paladin thing in that he showed compassion even to she who had fallen.

Dreamer Insane
2007-06-12, 05:03 AM
She's dead. Finally, a brief Miko pause.
*is happy*

2007-06-12, 07:32 AM
I agree with Setra. Reveling in the death of someone who isn't a terrible murdurer or vile dictator seems to be petty on par with killing someone because they ate your slice of pizza. Yes Miko could be annoying but she was hardly a Hitler or Pol Pot.

I'd like to politely disagree. Miko clearly saw the world in polar lenses - White was white and black was black. Hitler and others similarly saw it that way (E.g. Aryans as superior et al)

Of course, Miko is nowhere near on a power level close to those (Thank the 12 Gods) and I'd rather leave this as this right now else the mods will scrub it off. :)

That said, /dancegrave

2007-06-12, 07:53 AM
/Dances on corpse with Bob and feeds it to helldoggie:smallbiggrin: :belkar: :xykon:

2007-06-12, 07:53 AM
I agree with Setra. Reveling in the death of someone who isn't a terrible murdurer or vile dictator seems to be petty on par with killing someone because they ate your slice of pizza. Yes Miko could be annoying but she was hardly a Hitler or Pol Pot.

. . .

Ok, let's walk through this. Reveling in someone else's death can certainly be classified as a questionable act. But considering that it does not involve physically (or even emotionally) harming anyone, whether or not it can be considered evil in and of itself is highly suspect. If we were to go to Miko's grave, and dance on it in front of her parents as they grieved, then it would be evil, but not because we were reveling in her death, but because we were aggressively mocking those that grieved her. The simple feeling of exultation can be argued to be wrong, but not necessarily evil--it takes more than that to qualify. So unless you are arguing that someone else's exultation over Miko's death affects you powerfully enough to warrant classification as evil, there's not much to support the idea that simply being happy someone else is dead is an evil act. It tends to be in poor taste to celebrate someone else's demise, but that does not make it evil.

Now, murdering someone over a slice of pizza? There's not even a hint of ambiguity in that one.

2007-06-12, 08:05 AM
Annoying? Sure, but to hate her is quite petty, I think.

So do you want to see your sibling dead after they eat the last piece of pizza?Hating her is no more petty than liking her; and Miko is (thankfully) not my sibling, nor is she anything like my sibling, nor is likening her crimes to "eat the last piece of pizza" a valid analogy.

I agree with Setra. Reveling in the death of someone who isn't a terrible murdurer or vile dictator seems to be petty on par with killing someone because they ate your slice of pizza. Miko [I]is a vile murderer /gravedance

Lōkki Gallansbayne
2007-06-12, 08:19 AM
While, spec, I primarily agree with you - particularly your stance on what makes an act evil - I am afraid that there is one point of yours I must contest:

If we were to go to Miko's grave, and dance on it in front of her parents as they grieved, then it would be evil, but not because we were reveling in her death, but because we were aggressively mocking those that grieved her. Which forums have you been reading? There's certainly more than a few posters here even more aggreived by Miko's death than her own (albeit fictitious and dead) parents would be. :smalltongue:

2007-06-12, 08:27 AM
I feel kinda bad with so many people literally reveling on her death... That brings the fact that you give more importance to the annoyance and psycho breaks she had than the embraced evil of someone who kills casually, steals what he wants just because he can...Might not be so serious, but liking the evil more than the good because the evil is cool and the good is not isn't exactly "the good thing to do"

2007-06-12, 08:29 AM
God I hated Miko...I'm actually kind of happy she's dead :smallwink:

2007-06-12, 08:44 AM

/me dances on Miko's grave
One word:



2007-06-12, 09:42 AM
Must admit after the first little bit where we were introduced to Miko I was never a fan of her, Her opinions and actions made mne a little uncomfortable, maybe because I'v seen enough D&D paladins playe dlike that to strike a grating chord.

I'm quite happy Miko is gone, and I don't think she'll be back. She deserved to go in style and with a really memorable scene, and I don't think anyone could disagree that this strip was one of the most memorable ever!

2007-06-12, 09:59 AM
Quick - let's burn the corpse before someone gets a chance to ressurect her :smallbiggrin:Resurrection, the spell, doesn't require an intact corpse. :smalltongue:

the mysterian
2007-06-12, 10:08 AM
*eats the corpse* must....prevent....ressurection....

on a lighter note: wooohooo

2007-06-12, 11:01 AM
I actually feel sorry for her. Poor girl.

2007-06-12, 11:13 AM
I actually feel sorry for her. Poor girl.
A small voice in my head is telling me I should feel sorry for her...

... but I can barely hear it, because it's being blocked out by an even louder voice saying This comic is made of awesome and win!

2007-06-12, 11:16 AM
Sadly the response (and response to the response) were rather predictable. Regardless:

"De mortuis nil nisi bene."

It does speak to your character on how you react to such events, but such is the burden of a True Neutral alignment...

2007-06-12, 11:37 AM
Hey, I never claimed to be of Good alignment. So will you people please allow me (and Guts, apparently) to give Miko her final tribute? :smallmad:

/me does the chicken dance on Miko's grave

I'll tire of this, eventually. Hopefully Belkar will get some nice ideas on "how-to-gross-people-out" when they stumble upon Miko's corpse, in a few strips. If MitD doesn't eat her first. Or a random hobgob...

Or Tsukiko finds her. :smalleek: Now that would be nasty, and rated R to say the least.

2007-06-12, 12:05 PM
I registered merely to say I am glad this particular character is gone from this comic.

It was an irritating plot device, which had little value of its own aside from being a tactic to railroad the plot in the way it needed to go; even the other characters meta-commented on this fact. When none of the PCs were willing or able to do some task, or it would not make sense for a villain to do such a thing, it was handed off to an exceedingly powerful NPC who existed to do nothing but unpleasant deeds which shoved the plot forward. Forget liking the character, I did not even like the basic point of the character's existence: creating a convenient excuse to perform actions in the story world for the blatant excuse of moving things in a pre-arranged direction. Looking at it from the direction of the story being a roleplaying game, and the PCs truly having players behind them, I would've probably quit the game once I realized how the plot was being forced around me. I only continued reading because I understand that this might actually be part of the meta-story of the writer, considering that he's portrayed multiple other roleplaying foibles for the purposes of making his comedy work; a NPC whose only purpose is to move the plot, which thinks it has a special deity-ordained "higher purpose" in the world, is probably something along these lines.

Nonetheless, given that I detest railroad plots and prefer anything else, up to serial killers, over outright annoying characters in fiction... I'm glad this particular character is gone. Considering that the next gate is already named and pointed to, thanks to the oracle sidetrip, presumably its purpose in the story - to drag everything to where it needs to be, whether or not it really prefers being there - is no longer necessary and it can thankfully pass out of the story or become a minor background figure rarely entering the scope of the comic itself.

2007-06-12, 12:10 PM
See, things like this make me want to hope she comes back.

Just to spite some of the people who hate her.

Annoying? Sure, but to hate her is quite petty, I think.
Yeah I know how you feel. I hope Rich's decision to off her wasn't too heavily based on the will of many of the forumers who were thirsty for her blood.

2007-06-12, 12:34 PM
Might not be so serious, but liking the evil more than the good because the evil is cool and the good is not isn't exactly "the good thing to do"
I dislike Belkar immensely. He's the character played by the sort of person that gives gamers a bad name, and he is cheered on by too many people around here to make me comfortable. I would not mourn his death at all.

But I'm still glad Miko's dead, because I don't think she was contributing anything to the story at this point, and in fact her existence was holding it back and retarding both plot progression and forum discussion.

Of course, I'm not dancing on graves here.

2007-06-12, 01:10 PM
This thread SO totally proves Godwin's Law. Just read the posts! It took less than a page in a controversial thread, and Hitler is already in it!

(posts by Eviljames, Jaradcel and others that posted on these peoples' quotes)
I am not blaming anyone for anything, I am just excited about how easy this law is proven!


As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one

2007-06-12, 01:25 PM
All I'll say is that if you absolutely must dance on Miko's grave, don't be dancing to the Ewok Celebration Song like Ansom was doing in Erfworld --- although it'll be oddly appropriate, given the scale of that Gate explosion. :P

<Belkar> You nub! We chop you, nub! :smallbiggrin:

That said, I hope Miko stays dead. This is the best way she can Exit Stage Left with (some) dignity, and to have her be resurrected/ripped back for Blackguardhood would be an awfully big cop-out. -.-

2007-06-12, 01:25 PM
Yeah I know how you feel. I hope Rich's decision to off her wasn't too heavily based on the will of many of the forumers who were thirsty for her blood.

When have you EVER known Rich to make decisions based on popular demand?

He does things for his own reasons, which he's told us countless times.

I'm happy that this particular character is gone, but some of you guys are taking this all way too personally.

2007-06-12, 01:31 PM
And so dies the greatest paladin who ever lived. Let's all learn from her great wisdom, that the will of the gods should never stop us from doing what is right.
Thanks Miko for showing me the light.

2007-06-12, 01:35 PM
When have you EVER known Rich to make decisions based on popular demand?

He does things for his own reasons, which he's told us countless times.

I'm happy that this particular character is gone, but some of you guys are taking this all way too personally.
No one knows what Rich is doing, and while he's stated that he does things for his own reasons countless times that doesn't mean he's not the slightest bit influenced by what the masses demand.

and I'm sorry but if the whole "some of you guys are taking this all way too personally" was targeted at people who aren't enthralled about her death, then that just screams of hypocrisy. How many miko-haters argue, in their nerdy spin-doctored exaggerated and ridiculous overblown justifications, why Miko's death is a cause to dance on her non-existent grave.

Unless you referred to everyone in general, the miko haters and the non-haters, then that statement would be entirely acceptable and agreeable.

2007-06-12, 01:38 PM
I envision the next comic page to go like this:

Miko arrives in Celestial Realms

:miko: "Wha?! What are you doing here, Greenhilt?!"
:roy: "You were expecting Morgan Freeman?"

2007-06-12, 01:39 PM
and I'm sorry but if the whole "some of you guys are taking this all way too personally" was targeted at people who aren't enthralled about her death, then that just screams of hypocrisy. Unless you referred to everyone in general, the miko haters and the non-haters.

That was targeted at everyone. Miko was a fictional stick figure in a fictional web comic. There shouldn't be such strong emotions evoked by her death.

2007-06-12, 02:24 PM
That was targeted at everyone. Miko was a fictional stick figure in a fictional web comic. There shouldn't be such strong emotions evoked by her death.

I hope that doesn't mean I should stop dancing.

Also, I liked the-guy-above's idea for Miko and Roy's meeting in the celestial planes. Morgan Freeman, heh...

/me goes Saturday Night Fever on Miko's grave

Flaming Monkey
2007-06-12, 05:46 PM
I just had to register to post for this comic (464)! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! She's dead, finally dead! And after that speech from Soon, it certainly seems like a real death... not "KK we rezz u soon k?" death. Sweeeet! Man I hated her, and so glad she's gone! For good, I hope. For me, she ruined every comic she was in. Except this one, of course.

The dumbest character in all of OOTS is gone, yay! I mean sheesh, even Xy had more common sense than her!

2007-06-13, 12:20 AM
I registered merely to say I am glad this particular character is gone from this comic.

It was an irritating plot device, which had little value of its own aside from being a tactic to railroad the plot in the way it needed to go; even the other characters meta-commented on this fact. When none of the PCs were willing or able to do some task, or it would not make sense for a villain to do such a thing, it was handed off to an exceedingly powerful NPC who existed to do nothing but unpleasant deeds which shoved the plot forward. Forget liking the character, I did not even like the basic point of the character's existence: creating a convenient excuse to perform actions in the story world for the blatant excuse of moving things in a pre-arranged direction. Looking at it from the direction of the story being a roleplaying game, and the PCs truly having players behind them, I would've probably quit the game once I realized how the plot was being forced around me. I only continued reading because I understand that this might actually be part of the meta-story of the writer, considering that he's portrayed multiple other roleplaying foibles for the purposes of making his comedy work; a NPC whose only purpose is to move the plot, which thinks it has a special deity-ordained "higher purpose" in the world, is probably something along these lines.

Nonetheless, given that I detest railroad plots and prefer anything else, up to serial killers, over outright annoying characters in fiction... I'm glad this particular character is gone. Considering that the next gate is already named and pointed to, thanks to the oracle sidetrip, presumably its purpose in the story - to drag everything to where it needs to be, whether or not it really prefers being there - is no longer necessary and it can thankfully pass out of the story or become a minor background figure rarely entering the scope of the comic itself.

It's a comic. AKA a comedy. IOW, it contains jokes first, drama second. Perhaps your false, petty intellectualism is unfamiliar with "funny"?

Corwin Weber
2007-06-13, 12:28 AM
I agree with Setra. Reveling in the death of someone who isn't a terrible murdurer or vile dictator seems to be petty on par with killing someone because they ate your slice of pizza. Yes Miko could be annoying but she was hardly a Hitler or Pol Pot.

Question of numbers. Miko, while technically good, was not above needless killing, and arguably cold blooded murder.

2007-06-13, 02:48 AM
It's a comic. AKA a comedy. IOW, it contains jokes first, drama second. Perhaps your false, petty intellectualism is unfamiliar with "funny"?

Your vitriol is amusing, but misdirected. The funny is the reason I kept reading, instead of simply consigning this comic to the many "you had me, then you lost me" ones that I don't consider worth following anymore. The Giant takes a lot of care with his craft, and for that I applaud him - it is, indeed, why I supplied my own defense of my own criticisms for him in suspecting that he was using the characterization of Miko Miyazaki as a metagame parody and just didn't realize how irritating a character designed to be irritating can be to a significant amount of the readership. I furthermore feel that this character never escaped that sort of one-dimensional portrayal of "the irritating paladin with a stick up her butt," and so it seemed as if her involvement in the plot existed purely for the purpose of moving the plot along. Given that the Giant himself stated that this character got away from him in development, my guess is that it was simply impossible to keep the motivations true to the character's basis while still making Miko perform as more than a monomaniacal mover of "the gods' [Giant's] will."

Regarding my critique itself, I simply found reason to give my rationale as to why I think it is better, for the reasons of the continued comic itself, that this particular character is gone. It makes no sense for me to go "blaargh I hate her and am glad she's dead," because "she" isn't real. But due to the character's purpose and use in the story, I think it is better that Miko has been disposed of.

As for my "false, petty intellectualism" - I'm giving analysis for my opinion, not seeking to start an argument. Too many people are too emotionally involved, for whatever reason, for me to bluntly state an opinion without using detached literally terminology and also escape being leapt upon by people with an axe to grind. I'm thus essentially taking pains to make sure I'm wording myself properly because I don't want to come off sounding like you - inflammatory.

Cyborg Pirate
2007-06-13, 03:58 AM
And so dies the greatest paladin who ever lived. Let's all learn from her great wisdom, that the will of the gods should never stop us from doing what is right.
Thanks Miko for showing me the light.

Miko... showed you... that light? You are just making a really bad joke right? If not, please stay a long, long distance away from either me or any of my loved ones. Hell, stay a long distance away from anything living.

That was targeted at everyone. Miko was a fictional stick figure in a fictional web comic. There shouldn't be such strong emotions evoked by her death.

Ofcourse there should be strong emotions involved! For me, Miko was the bloody annoying plot device who was messing up my favourite comic! As long as she were around, I was practically dreading each coming strip. Now that she's dead, I can happily look foreward to the next strip!

@Gilean: It's funny how those who claim the moral high-ground are also the ones so quick to judge others. If I were you, I'd look very closely at myself before inferring anything about another's character.

2007-06-13, 04:52 AM
I like the idea of a polka myself, it seems somehow suitable. :smallwink:

Oh yes, and clearly the reveling in the death of a fictional character is equal to murdering your sibling. Clearly, yes. In some alternate Mikofied universe, perhaps.