View Full Version : DM Help Looking to build a Mundane Ruler for a kingdom of Mundane Humans...

2015-12-16, 04:55 AM
As the title says, I'm looking to build a Mundane Human King/Queen for non-magical, exclusively Human kingdom. Highest level NPC in-world (as far as the kingdom and the tribes know) is about 5th level. King/Queen should be 3rd level at most, as this entire world is basically E6 without the actual restriction.

A little background info: The kingdom is a Technocratic Monarchy, in which Might is Right. The Humans of this world are devoid of magic of all kinds. Basically, any Human born on this world is incapable of using magic in any form, including the Use Magic Device skill.
This kingdom is opposed by various tribes of monstrous peoples (low-level on all sides) who have been attempting to eke out an existence without the aid of the higher technology level the Humans have, basically substituting low level magic for the tech. There are rumors of individual beings with relatively high levels of power (5th-6th), though they remain in the realm of myth and legend.
Pretty much all of the low-CR monsters are around, mostly Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids, with the occasional Abberation or such being extremely odd cases. Undead and Outsiders are special exceptions, as they are completely non-existent on this world (no plane-touched even, no Necropolitans).
Necromancy is much more on the order of either useful as defensive measures (or offensive in some cases) or as the role of gravetenders and Speakers of the Dead types (note that the relevant spells are actually too high of level for all but the highest level spellcasters in this world.

What I'm looking for is a Human non-caster, non-psionic (mind magic style system) character that could reasonably be expected to survive assassination attempts at 3rd level, without resorting to rules shenanigans. Most of the Human kingdom is 1st level Commoners, with the Elite Guards and such being level 2 Combatants (would like some help with that as well, but the ruler is the higher priority).

Edit to add: Everything on the www.d20pfsrd.com is available, except that Humans CANNOT take any traits/feats/classes that apply to magic/psionics, and only the few Humans that have left the kingdom to live with the "Monsters" can take any of the Adopted line of traits. I'm still working out the reasoning behind it, but so far it's looking to be along the lines of Humanity has been cursed by the gods for their arrogance and as a race no longer have access to magic at all.

3.5 material is allowed with the general rule that if something of the same name exists in PF, we use that version rather than the 3.5 version. Feats/Classes with skill rank requirements from 3.5 have a reduction in rank requirements of -3 to a minimum of 1 rank required, unless I deem it out of line with the general PF skill system setup. Feats/Classes from 3.5 that have skills listed that have been rolled into other skills use the PF skill associated with the 3.5 one. Mundane classes being the Path of War base classes, Fighter, Rogue, Monk (all Su and Sp abilities will be refluffed to be non-magical in origin, no becoming an Outsider at 20, to be replaced with something I deem of equivalent power or better at a later date), Barbarian and Gunslinger. No Alchemists for Humanity in this world (sucks to be them, but they make up for it with Technology.)