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2015-12-16, 11:28 AM
Welcome one, Welcome all, to the great tomb of the Great Frescobaldi. It is made of wood, which is replaced each year, and surrounded by medical herb gardens. There is a stone alter, where each day, the Frescodonians burn feathers in Frescobaldi’s name. It turns out that this is not actually the venue of the event, when you arrive, there are several Exiled waiting for you with several horse. They motion for your representatives to mount a horse. You notice several Frescodonians giving you fowl glances, as you have not burnt feathers on the altar. They want to be mad at you, but they know that to disrespect foreign representatives would be worse than not burn feathers on the altar

2015-12-16, 07:45 PM
King Alvin approaches with four Sasu Warriors whose sashes indicate complete mastery of the art. The five furry creatures wear green cloaks with hoods under their sashes. They all wordlessly mount the same horse and ride off with the exiled.

2015-12-17, 03:41 PM
King Alvin approaches with four Sasu Warriors whose sashes indicate complete mastery of the art. The five furry creatures wear green cloaks with hoods under their sashes. They all wordlessly mount the same horse and ride off with the exiled.

When you arrive at your destination with the Exiled it is late at night, but you instantly see the landmark of Exetilorier. The Watch tower stands 300 feet in the air and is made of cobblestone bricks. It is hundreds of years old and has no door. There are some banion guards exchanging stories of how they went outside at midnight on the third full moon of the year, while it was raining, and the first lightning bolt of the storm hits the tower, while they had their back on the side of the tower, and they walked seven equal steps away from the tower, and they looked at the top of the tower, they saw an ancient wizard, watching over the Exiled.
Meanwhile, multiple red, yellow, green, and blue tents are set up around the tower. On the North side of the tower, where there is a space in the tents, there is a stage where a band is playing music like "La Folia" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v8zxoEoA_Q) on instruments similar to the Violin, the Ukulele, the Harp and a set of horse hide drums. To the East of the tower, there is a row of several small dining tables, with woven chicken feather table cloths. Rather than having chairs, there are long benches for everyone on each side of the table to sit on. At each end of the table, there is either a dancer, or a jester, juggling eggs. To the south of the tower, there are two large tents, one of them is for the guards to sleep in, and the other is for diplomatic signatures, treaties, military agreements, exchanges and other potential sub-actions. To the west, there are training grounds, or socializing space, including training dummies, a fire heated pool, green space, a pine tree shop, a buffet, a church of the Order of the Eternal Soul, which is open to converting anyone. Some chefs offer you eggs, meat and fruit, as well as a spot in one of the coloured tents, to sleep, after the long journey from the Tomb of the Great Frescobaldi to the Watchtower. They proceed to show you around the site, and say "If you need anything, just go to Grand Sheep Jack XII's tent," then pointing to the diplomacy tent, "That one over there, but be careful as he might be asleep and the tent has several guards protecting it from anything potentially dangerous."

2015-12-17, 03:50 PM
When you arrive at your destination with the Exiled it is late at night, but you instantly see the landmark of Exetilorier. The Watch tower stands 300 feet in the air and is made of cobblestone bricks. It is hundreds of years old and has no door. There are some banion guards exchanging stories of how they went outside at midnight on the third full moon of the year, while it was raining, and the first lightning bolt of the storm hits the tower, while they had their back on the side of the tower, and they walked seven equal steps away from the tower, and they looked at the top of the tower, they saw an ancient wizard, watching over the Exiled.
Meanwhile, multiple red, yellow, green, and blue tents are set up around the tower. On the North side of the tower, where there is a space in the tents, there is a stage where a band is playing music like "La Folia" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v8zxoEoA_Q) on instruments similar to the Violin, the Ukulele, the Harp and a set of horse hide drums. To the East of the tower, there is a row of several small dining tables, with woven chicken feather table cloths. Rather than having chairs, there are long benches for everyone on each side of the table to sit on. At each end of the table, there is either a dancer, or a jester, juggling eggs. To the south of the tower, there are two large tents, one of them is for the guards to sleep in, and the other is for diplomatic signatures, treaties, military agreements, exchanges and other potential sub-actions. To the west, there are training grounds, or socializing space, including training dummies, a fire heated pool, green space, a pine tree shop, a buffet, a church of the Order of the Eternal Soul, which is open to converting anyone. Some chefs offer you eggs, meat and fruit, as well as a spot in one of the coloured tents, to sleep, after the long journey from the Tomb of the Great Frescobaldi to the Watchtower. They proceed to show you around the site, and say "If you need anything, just go to Grand Sheep Jack XII's tent," then pointing to the diplomacy tent, "That one over there, but be careful as he might be asleep and the tent has several guards protecting it from anything potentially dangerous."

Alvin nods politely and heads strait for Jacks tent turning down any offered food etc..

2015-12-17, 04:07 PM
Alvin nods politely and heads strait for Jacks tent turning down any offered food etc..

The Tent is made of horse skin and heavily guarded. At first they do not see you, but when they do, a few of them jump in fear, but the others redirect their attention towards the foreign representatives. "Welcome to the Headquarters of this operation." They then let you enter the tent to see Grand Sheep Jack XII, asleep in his chair, but at the sound of the guards letting you in, he wakes up, jumping out of his socks. "Oh, Hello Alvin, I expected everyone to arrive tomorrow, but seeing as you are here all ready, I am ready to sign contracts, trade agreements and other stuff. Have any of the other invited foreign representatives arrived yet?" He proceeds to put ink on the tip of his giant chicken feather.

2015-12-17, 04:31 PM
The Tent is made of horse skin and heavily guarded. At first they do not see you, but when they do, a few of them jump in fear, but the others redirect their attention towards the foreign representatives. "Welcome to the Headquarters of this operation." They then let you enter the tent to see Grand Sheep Jack XII, asleep in his chair, but at the sound of the guards letting you in, he wakes up, jumping out of his socks. "Oh, Hello Alvin, I expected everyone to arrive tomorrow, but seeing as you are here all ready, I am ready to sign contracts, trade agreements and other stuff. Have any of the other invited foreign representatives arrived yet?" He proceeds to put ink on the tip of his giant chicken feather.

"I was going to ask you the same thing" replied Alvin, "And of what treaties do you speak? We have not discussed anything and yet you already prepare to sign." The lignummese stares for a few seconds before chuckling and saying "Well now in all seriousness why am I here?"

2015-12-17, 04:41 PM
"I was going to ask you the same thing" replied Alvin, "And of what treaties do you speak? We have not discussed anything and yet you already prepare to sign." The lignummese stares for a few seconds before chuckling and saying "Well now in all seriousness why am I here?"

"It was initially primarily so that we could meet the potential new member of the Union. As she is not here yet, you cannot really meet her. Her nation was taken over by the Aeldir, so I put up wanted signs for her, hoping someone would bring her to me. Now, I have sent messengers to find and invite her to this meeting. If she does not come willingly, they will also have a plan to capture her.

2015-12-17, 04:45 PM
"It was initially primarily so that we could meet the potential new member of the Union. As she is not here yet, you cannot really meet her. Her nation was taken over by the Aeldir, so I put up wanted signs for her, hoping someone would bring her to me. Now, I have sent messengers to find and invite her to this meeting. If she does not come willingly, they will also have a plan to capture her.

"Ah you speak of Chesuka of Luska. I do hope that you bring her no harm. She is currently in the servitude of the Aeldir and an attack on her might invoke their wrath. I hope you made the right choice in doing this."

2015-12-17, 04:50 PM
"Ah you speak of Chesuka of Luska. I do hope that you bring her no harm. She is currently in the servitude of the Aeldir and an attack on her might invoke their wrath. I hope you made the right choice in doing this."

"Partly, the goal of this Union might be to take down the vicious baboon clan known as the Aeldir."
[OOC well I technically have not yet done that, I was just pming QuintonBeck to see if it would be possible to get her to come without using a full action, or if it were to use a full action, if it could maybe have effect for this event.]

2015-12-18, 09:52 AM
"Partly, the goal of this Union might be to take down the vicious baboon clan known as the Aeldir."
[OOC well I technically have not yet done that, I was just pming QuintonBeck to see if it would be possible to get her to come without using a full action, or if it were to use a full action, if it could maybe have effect for this event.]

just pm her

2015-12-21, 03:28 AM
Chesuka of Luska

Chesuka of Luska was carried into the tent with arms tied to her sides and wearing her robes and headband. A neutral expression is her appearance, to be wearing a blindfold and carried by two Exiled men wearing dark hoods and capes.
She doesn't speak while waiting. The conversation with the kidnappers became old a long time ago. However, she is not resisting or struggling anymore. That also became tiring and it is better to save one's strength...

2015-12-21, 02:08 PM
Chesuka of Luska

Chesuka of Luska was carried into the tent with arms tied to her sides and wearing her robes and headband. A neutral expression is her appearance, to be wearing a blindfold and carried by two Exiled men wearing dark hoods and capes.
She doesn't speak while waiting. The conversation with the kidnappers became old a long time ago. However, she is not resisting or struggling anymore. That also became tiring and it is better to save one's strength...

As Chesuka entered the tent King Alvin looked up in shock "What have you done!" he shouted as he scurried towards her, "We need to make friends not enemies!" Alvin then removed Chesukas blindfold and other bonds. "My deepest apologies milady we only mean to make peace."

2015-12-21, 09:23 PM
Chesuka of Luska

Chesuka of Luska was carried into the tent with arms tied to her sides and wearing her robes and headband. A neutral expression is her appearance, to be wearing a blindfold and carried by two Exiled men wearing dark hoods and capes.
She doesn't speak while waiting. The conversation with the kidnappers became old a long time ago. However, she is not resisting or struggling anymore. That also became tiring and it is better to save one's strength...

"I am sorry for my kidnapping of you. It was the easiest way that I could think of to get you to come here. I do hope that you will forgive me. Now please, sit down, both of you." Jack snaps his fingers and two servants enter the room, carrying an Alvin sized chair and a Chesuka sized chair, with feathery horse skin cushions. "If you like, you may go rest in one of the tents, or wait here until everyone shows up. Again, I am sorry for my actions, Chesuka." Jack proceeds to point the Exiled in the direction of their promissed fruit and chicken before returning to his tent.

2015-12-22, 11:21 AM
A small group of men would walk into the camp, who strangely weren't mounted. Unlike the previous event, this time Hilden would show up instead of his diplomatic adviser. In total, he had brought only four guards of which were armed with simple spears and chain-mail armor. Only one of which followed him into the building where the other leaders- As well as a prisoner were. He had been informed of the bounty for the leader of Chesuka, but had not honestly believed that anyone would go hunt her down. ..It seemed he was wrong. Hilden closed the door behind him and his guard, giving an inquisitive glace to those in the room. "Greetings, I trust I'm not too late." He said calmly, giving their 'guest' a small nod. It was not his.. Style to go around kidnapping guests, but it would be good for him to attend this in any case. Unless this became some kind of scandal. Ugh, how he hated those. Hilden wore a nice looking outfit, but nothing too expensive. In this kind of scenario, he didn't want to overdo anything in particular.

2015-12-22, 02:44 PM
A small group of men would walk into the camp, who strangely weren't mounted. Unlike the previous event, this time Hilden would show up instead of his diplomatic adviser. In total, he had brought only four guards of which were armed with simple spears and chain-mail armor. Only one of which followed him into the building where the other leaders- As well as a prisoner were. He had been informed of the bounty for the leader of Chesuka, but had not honestly believed that anyone would go hunt her down. ..It seemed he was wrong. Hilden closed the door behind him and his guard, giving an inquisitive glace to those in the room. "Greetings, I trust I'm not too late." He said calmly, giving their 'guest' a small nod. It was not his.. Style to go around kidnapping guests, but it would be good for him to attend this in any case. Unless this became some kind of scandal. Ugh, how he hated those. Hilden wore a nice looking outfit, but nothing too expensive. In this kind of scenario, he didn't want to overdo anything in particular.

"No Hilden you are right on time. We were just apologizing for the grand sheep's actions. Apparently we are past the days of written invitations and kidnapping is whats in style."

2015-12-22, 09:06 PM
"No Hilden you are right on time. We were just apologizing for the grand sheep's actions. Apparently we are past the days of written invitations and kidnapping is whats in style."

"Again, I am sorry, I thought that if the Aeldir were to here of my inviting her, then they would come and attack us with full force. I would have rather risked kidnapping her over being obliterated by the Aeldir." Then turning to Chesuka, "You are free to speak if you like." Jack snaps his fingers again, and several servants march into the tent, carrying tables and chairs for all of the guests, including Chesuka to sit. They then leave momentarily, before returning with feather quills, ink and parchment paper.

2015-12-23, 10:35 AM
"Again, I am sorry, I thought that if the Aeldir were to here of my inviting her, then they would come and attack us with full force. I would have rather risked kidnapping her over being obliterated by the Aeldir." Then turning to Chesuka, "You are free to speak if you like." Jack snaps his fingers again, and several servants march into the tent, carrying tables and chairs for all of the guests, including Chesuka to sit. They then leave momentarily, before returning with feather quills, ink and parchment paper.

jsyk quills are only feathers
saying feather quills is like saying wooden trees
And can you please stop describing how everything is made of chicken feathers it doesn't make sense and its annoying:smallmad:

2015-12-23, 03:46 PM
About 50 men come in, most are wearing robes of a dark red, blue, and yellow. There are 5 who wear only black. One with a dark robe comes forth, lifts his hood and greets the other invitees. "Greetings fellow diplomats and leaders, we have come to discuss matters of interest. Be warned, we do not wish to hear any obscenities of the Aeldir. There was a war yes, but we did not see a clear morally right or wrong side to it. We do however wish to help those who need it, that is why we are here". All the men leave except the men wearing black.

Upon being filled in on the details of what has happened. All 5 of the diplomats look very disappointed.

2015-12-23, 09:37 PM
About 50 men come in, most are wearing robes of a dark red, blue, and yellow. There are 5 who wear only black. One with a dark robe comes forth, lifts his hood and greets the other invitees. "Greetings fellow diplomats and leaders, we have come to discuss matters of interest. Be warned, we do not wish to hear any obscenities of the Aeldir. There was a war yes, but we did not see a clear morally right or wrong side to it. We do however wish to help those who need it, that is why we are here". All the men leave except the men wearing black.

Upon being filled in on the details of what has happened. All 5 of the diplomats look very disappointed.

"I am sorry that you feel as though the Aeldir are neither good nor bad, because of your close borders, but we have come here to talk about how the Crystal Union can team up with some rebel leaders and potentially take out the Aeldir, or at least stop them from taking out other nations."

2015-12-24, 07:52 AM
"I am sorry that you feel as though the Aeldir are neither good nor bad, because of your close borders, but we have come here to talk about how the Crystal Union can team up with some rebel leaders and potentially take out the Aeldir, or at least stop them from taking out other nations."

"We want to help the rebel leaders, we don't want to go to war with the Aeldir."

2015-12-24, 10:10 AM
"I am sorry that you feel as though the Aeldir are neither good nor bad, because of your close borders, but we have come here to talk about how the Crystal Union can team up with some rebel leaders and potentially take out the Aeldir, or at least stop them from taking out other nations."

"I'd like to hear our guests opinion on this." grumbles Alvin

2015-12-24, 10:38 AM
"I'd like to hear our guests opinion on this." grumbles Alvin

"Chesuka, it is now your turn to speak."

2015-12-26, 03:06 AM
Chesuka smiled politely to King Alvin as he helpd her to remove the blindfold.
Then she sat down and listened as the discussion began. When her opinion was asked Chesuka laughed politely.
"Well, I appreciate the offers for help and assistance. However, probably it could have been done without kidnapping me. I think that when you say "help" the meaning is a little different than in our language."

She paused to consider.
"Of good and bad, however it can be thought, the Aeldir are dangerous. The massacre of my people in their invasion will not be forgotten. Humans are merely objects to them. However, there is little we can do to resist them. The people of twilight are navigators and merchants." She ruefully shrugged.
"I am grateful for your offers to help. However, I don't know what you can do. It seems we are in a tent in a secret meeting somewhere, that you have kidnapped me. What suggestions do you have?"

2015-12-26, 08:09 AM
Chesuka smiled politely to King Alvin as he helpd her to remove the blindfold.
Then she sat down and listened as the discussion began. When her opinion was asked Chesuka laughed politely.
"Well, I appreciate the offers for help and assistance. However, probably it could have been done without kidnapping me. I think that when you say "help" the meaning is a little different than in our language."

She paused to consider.
"Of good and bad, however it can be thought, the Aeldir are dangerous. The massacre of my people in their invasion will not be forgotten. Humans are merely objects to them. However, there is little we can do to resist them. The people of twilight are navigators and merchants." She ruefully shrugged.
"I am grateful for your offers to help. However, I don't know what you can do. It seems we are in a tent in a secret meeting somewhere, that you have kidnapped me. What suggestions do you have?"

"I would start helping you and your people by gifting this region, Exetilorier, 1000 Adrax Awarian soldiers [1 unit] and a high five, but only if you promise to join the Crystal Union and the Order of the Eternal Soul." Jack then snaps his fingers and a servant comes in to the tent, giving a wine glass to every guest. He is followed by several other servants, each offering various wines and ciders from all over Adrax Awaria.

2015-12-26, 08:37 AM
"I would start helping you and your people by gifting this region, Exetilorier, 1000 Adrax Awarian soldiers [1 unit] and a high five, but only if you promise to join the Crystal Union and the Order of the Eternal Soul." Jack then snaps his fingers and a servant comes in to the tent, giving a wine glass to every guest. He is followed by several other servants, each offering various wines and ciders from all over Adrax Awaria.

"Sir please stop with your snapping and bringing things into the tent. I would much prefer it if a meeting of this sort were not overheard by such a multitude of people." Alvin said nervously, "Also what in the world is a high five?"

Then on a different note "So let me get this straight, You kidnapped a very important person dragged her out to an unknown location and told her that you would give her land and troops but only if she gave them right back when she joined our federation which, by the way, is not yet complete. Then you say that she must also adopt our religion. How is this a good idea."

2015-12-26, 09:31 PM
"Sir please stop with your snapping and bringing things into the tent. I would much prefer it if a meeting of this sort were not overheard by such a multitude of people." Alvin said nervously, "Also what in the world is a high five?"

Then on a different note "So let me get this straight, You kidnapped a very important person dragged her out to an unknown location and told her that you would give her land and troops but only if she gave them right back when she joined our federation which, by the way, is not yet complete. Then you say that she must also adopt our religion. How is this a good idea."

"A high five is when you slap your hand together, like you are clapping, but with someone else's hand. I thought it was a great idea to grow in numbers, but if others would rather not attempt to have new members added to the federation, we could discuss that type of stuff on a separate time. If you want a more secure location to speak in, we could head over to the temple."

2015-12-26, 09:50 PM
Chesuka blinked in surprise and then looked curiously at Jack.
"I do not know about Exetilorier. But I cannot smell the ocean's breeze, so I can only assume that the long travel has become far inland. Is that so?" She ruefully shook her head.

"To give up the sea would be the death of my people and our culture. I will not let the people of twilight who traveled so far already to abandon what remains of our culture." She sighed.

"I do not know anything about your soldiers, but one thousand is certainly not enough if you desire to fight the Aeldir. Please understand that I don't know anything about this Crystal Union and what Order of the Eternal Soul." She politely accepted the wine glass, but did not drink from it. To glance at the short King Alvin curiously and then to look at the other members in the tent she grinned.

"I am already a Priestess of the Pale Lady. That is what the triangle symbols in my headband represent. Therefore I have no desire to become a convert to your beliefs. Forgive my rudeness, I am a little sore and tired, please understand. I am curious to have met so many different peoples in this southern area. However, if you would like my advice, if it is desired to oppose the Aeldir, I recommend to plan your actions very carefully."

2015-12-27, 08:46 AM
Chesuka blinked in surprise and then looked curiously at Jack.
"I do not know about Exetilorier. But I cannot smell the ocean's breeze, so I can only assume that the long travel has become far inland. Is that so?" She ruefully shook her head.

"To give up the sea would be the death of my people and our culture. I will not let the people of twilight who traveled so far already to abandon what remains of our culture." She sighed.

"I do not know anything about your soldiers, but one thousand is certainly not enough if you desire to fight the Aeldir. Please understand that I don't know anything about this Crystal Union and what Order of the Eternal Soul." She politely accepted the wine glass, but did not drink from it. To glance at the short King Alvin curiously and then to look at the other members in the tent she grinned.

"I am already a Priestess of the Pale Lady. That is what the triangle symbols in my headband represent. Therefore I have no desire to become a convert to your beliefs. Forgive my rudeness, I am a little sore and tired, please understand. I am curious to have met so many different peoples in this southern area. However, if you would like my advice, if it is desired to oppose the Aeldir, I recommend to plan your actions very carefully."

"See Jack we cannot destroy her faith nor her culture and then expect her to become an ally of us" Alvin said quietly and in a sad tone in an attempt to avoid argument. Then he turned to Chesuka "Now all we have to discuss is if you want war with the Aeldir for we do not wish for any more battles to be fought in your fair country if you would not have them."

2015-12-28, 12:06 PM
Hilden watched silently as the other leaders conversed, saying nothing and listening to each. It was a little bit nerve-wracking for him to see so little getting done, as he thought himself a man of great efficiency. Deciding he was finally ready to make his proposal, he cleared his throat and stood from his chair; gathering the gazes of those in the room. "To plan one's actions carefully is a step one might always keep in mind, which I find is best done through listening rather than speaking. ..And so I have listened, and now it is the time to speak. I have an.. Alternate proposal. Though first I might tell you what is going on, as that was.. Poorly presented. These folk as well as I are aiming to create a federation. ..This federation would be to the benefit of many, as our collective resources, power and influence could be used to take our people a step in the right direction. Of course, the Order of the Eternal Soul is indeed my faith, one that would most likely be foreign to those of the north.. However, it is not my intention to thrust such faith onto you. I would propose that we grant you some land, temporary land. If you happen to like it and all goes well, perhaps you can keep if permanently. It just so happens that our scouts recently discovered new territory along the southern shoreline.. A lush area compared to those around it containing salt, and a population with a developed military. Our scouts tell us they have about two thousand men, and that if we married into royalty there or something of the like that we might essentially gain control of the region. Of course, two thousand men is not going to bring down the aeldir at all, perhaps not even a single territory. Rather, it could serve as a starting point, a refuge for your loyal people while the rest of the union creates a proper military to help you reclaim your home. Once such things are ready, we may begin planning exactly how we should go about it, or if we can perhaps negotiate it back rather than fight. ..Though such things do not come without cost. In return for our help, or at least my own I would request that we continue our 'friendly' relationship alive through trade and religious tolerance. The offer to partake in the union may still be there, though I personally doubt you're interested in such a thing. I can tell you more of the Order if you would like, though I would first like to hear what our most gracious guest thinks of such a proposal." Finished explaining, the golden Zaj quickly started thinking of ways to answer the questions they were no doubt going to have.. And how he might handle it if she declined. Would they simply let her go? Did she really have a choice here? ..After all, it wasn't like she had any guards. The thought almost made him shudder. This had better have a good ending.

2015-12-28, 06:20 PM
Chesuka looked at the mouse person and smiled.
"If i am to understand, you kidnapped me because you want to know if I want a war to happen in my home?" She thought about it.
These kidnappers are strange. However, I am not in a safe position in any place.
"I want my people to be free to live safely and without trouble between the clans." She answered, regarding the mouse person.
"I don't know very much about war, except that it causes a lot of suffering." She looked at the mouse person.
"Are you a great warrior? What proverbs or wisdom does a great warrior have that can be shared to me?" She asked politely.

She turned to regard Hilden. It was the first time to see such a golden person, too.
"Your proposal is kind, though I do not think I will accept the marriage proposal of kidnappers. I do not mind religious tolerance - we aren't the Church of Daen. And trade I would be happy to agree about. However, perhaps it would be possible for everyone to introduce themselves?"

2015-12-28, 07:14 PM
Chesuka looked at the mouse person and smiled.
"If i am to understand, you kidnapped me because you want to know if I want a war to happen in my home?" She thought about it.
These kidnappers are strange. However, I am not in a safe position in any place.
"I want my people to be free to live safely and without trouble between the clans." She answered, regarding the mouse person.
"I don't know very much about war, except that it causes a lot of suffering." She looked at the mouse person.
"Are you a great warrior? What proverbs or wisdom does a great warrior have that can be shared to me?" She asked politely.

She turned to regard Hilden. It was the first time to see such a golden person, too.
"Your proposal is kind, though I do not think I will accept the marriage proposal of kidnappers. I do not mind religious tolerance - we aren't the Church of Daen. And trade I would be happy to agree about. However, perhaps it would be possible for everyone to introduce themselves?"

King Alvin replied "I had no intention of kidnapping you that was all this smashing young lads work" and indicated Jack the grand sheep. "No, king Alvin would never sink to such a dishonorable level and I am he. I am a fair warrior myself though their are definitely others better trained as Sasu warriors. As for proverbs I've always liked this one 'A smile can get you a long way, but a smile and a sharp spear will get you much further.'" he chuckled, "It is sort of a joke but it is true none the less. A more serious one is this 'Only a warrior chooses pacifism, others are condemned to it.' And yes War can cause suffering but only when done incorrectly. A warrior must accept death as a possible outcome and he must ready his family for this before he leaves. If he is lucky he will die to a Sasu or similarly honorable fighter who will not use poisons or flames or other pain bringing weapons but will give a quick, painless death. We believe that warriors do not truly die, that they live on in memories and legends and according to Hilden the halls of the ruby dragon."

2015-12-29, 08:09 AM
King Alvin replied "I had no intention of kidnapping you that was all this smashing young lads work" and indicated Jack the grand sheep. "No, king Alvin would never sink to such a dishonorable level and I am he. I am a fair warrior myself though their are definitely others better trained as Sasu warriors. As for proverbs I've always liked this one 'A smile can get you a long way, but a smile and a sharp spear will get you much further.'" he chuckled, "It is sort of a joke but it is true none the less. A more serious one is this 'Only a warrior chooses pacifism, others are condemned to it.' And yes War can cause suffering but only when done incorrectly. A warrior must accept death as a possible outcome and he must ready his family for this before he leaves. If he is lucky he will die to a Sasu or similarly honorable fighter who will not use poisons or flames or other pain bringing weapons but will give a quick, painless death. We believe that warriors do not truly die, that they live on in memories and legends and according to Hilden the halls of the ruby dragon."

With a tear in his eye, Jack stands up, excuses himself "I am going to rest, as it is getting late. I hope that we can think about the order of the eternal soul, the Crystal Union and joining together with Chesuka and her people, and return to this discussion in the future for my purpleversary" and leaves the tent, leaving his squirrel sash behind, sitting on his chair, to head to the religious building before heading to the tent coloured topaz, to sleep for the night.

2015-12-29, 08:55 AM
With a tear in his eye, Jack stands up, excuses himself "I am going to rest, as it is getting late. I hope that we can think about the order of the eternal soul, the Crystal Union and joining together with Chesuka and her people, and return to this discussion in the future for my purpleversary" and leaves the tent, leaving his squirrel sash behind, sitting on his chair, to head to the religious building before heading to the tent coloured topaz, to sleep for the night.

Startled at his sudden burst of emotion and his sudden departure, King Alvin rose to his feet then sat down again and said, "Well, since he is leaving before introductions I shall introduce him. He is Jack the grand sheep of Adrax Awaria and is supposedly a great diplomatic mind though that has not really been proven at one of his gatherings yet. Oh well that's him."

2015-12-29, 01:20 PM
Hilden sits back down in the chair, rubbing his temple with his left hand. "Apologies, this is not the type of diplomatic meeting I am used to. I am Avlen, first ruler of the Dynasty of Escaye. ..I rule a nation on the southern shore, which is composed of many people much like myself and governs a fair amount of land. We have peacful relationships with all those around us, and we are soon starting trade with the Jade Coalition." He takes a moment to ponder her response, moving his hand back down to the chair's armrest. "I.. Think you misunderstand. It is not I who you might marry, but those in the land beside us. They have no connection to us.. 'kidnappers..'" Hilden shuddered at the word, closing his eyes and wishing that this had been done is a less scandalous way. "I must, once again apologize for the situation we are in. This might cause a great stain on my reputation, though it is not one by my own hand. This is the first and last time i have been involved with anything such as a kidnapping, and I kindly beg of you to look past this oversight. ..Had I known the nature of this meeting before I arrived.. I.. Agh." He stopped for a moment, sighing. "Well. It wouldn't be in place at all. ..At the very least, I can assure you safe passage back to.. Wherever you wish to return to. If you'd rather we summon your guards to escort you back, then that is entirely possible as well. ..Though I've no idea how quick they would be to respond."

2015-12-29, 02:20 PM
Hilden sits back down in the chair, rubbing his temple with his left hand. "Apologies, this is not the type of diplomatic meeting I am used to. I am Avlen, first ruler of the Dynasty of Escaye. ..I rule a nation on the southern shore, which is composed of many people much like myself and governs a fair amount of land. We have peacful relationships with all those around us, and we are soon starting trade with the Jade Coalition." He takes a moment to ponder her response, moving his hand back down to the chair's armrest. "I.. Think you misunderstand. It is not I who you might marry, but those in the land beside us. They have no connection to us.. 'kidnappers..'" Hilden shuddered at the word, closing his eyes and wishing that this had been done is a less scandalous way. "I must, once again apologize for the situation we are in. This might cause a great stain on my reputation, though it is not one by my own hand. This is the first and last time i have been involved with anything such as a kidnapping, and I kindly beg of you to look past this oversight. ..Had I known the nature of this meeting before I arrived.. I.. Agh." He stopped for a moment, sighing. "Well. It wouldn't be in place at all. ..At the very least, I can assure you safe passage back to.. Wherever you wish to return to. If you'd rather we summon your guards to escort you back, then that is entirely possible as well. ..Though I've no idea how quick they would be to respond."

Grand sheep Jack's Hakeberian advisor, the war veteran Eridus, now renamed a traditional banion name, Jerry, marches into the room. He takes Jack's seat and says, "Hello, I am Grand Sheep Jack XII's diplomatic and military advisor, I have been told the basics of what has happened so far tonight" directing his attention to Chesuka he says, "I am sorry. It was mostly my idea to get you to be kidnapped. He had the idea of having you join the Union, but I told him that we would not want to openly try to have you join us and fight the Aeldir, because then the Aeldir might become aggravated and attack our countries. It was then his idea, under my influence to have you kidnapped. I am sorry." Jerry then turns to the entire group, and does a low, apologetic Hakeberian bow.

2015-12-30, 03:05 PM
Grand sheep Jack's Hakeberian advisor, the war veteran Eridus, now renamed a traditional banion name, Jerry, marches into the room. He takes Jack's seat and says, "Hello, I am Grand Sheep Jack XII's diplomatic and military advisor, I have been told the basics of what has happened so far tonight" directing his attention to Chesuka he says, "I am sorry. It was mostly my idea to get you to be kidnapped. He had the idea of having you join the Union, but I told him that we would not want to openly try to have you join us and fight the Aeldir, because then the Aeldir might become aggravated and attack our countries. It was then his idea, under my influence to have you kidnapped. I am sorry." Jerry then turns to the entire group, and does a low, apologetic Hakeberian bow.

"Well then you sir are a fool. I believe this meeting has reached its conclusion and that we all sleep and depart in the morning." He turns to Chesuka. "To symbolize our friendship each of us will send a guard from our own personal forces with you to escort you home." Then he left.

2015-12-31, 08:39 AM
"Well then you sir are a fool. I believe this meeting has reached its conclusion and that we all sleep and depart in the morning." He turns to Chesuka. "To symbolize our friendship each of us will send a guard from our own personal forces with you to escort you home." Then he left.

I hope that all of you will be able to attend Grand Sheep Jack XII's purpleversary (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?473467-Grand-Sheep-Jack-XII-s-purpleversary&p=20241239#post20241239).