View Full Version : [5e] Descent into Madness! [Out of the Abyss IC]

2015-12-16, 12:46 PM


Vorn Deett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=648627)

Alarra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=648371)
Like this.

Adian Mistcaller (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=651615)

Raz Arech (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=648410)
Verbal noises

3/4 Drow
T'risryl Duskryn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=563195)

Wrenn Raulnor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=648377)
Talks the Walks

Alexis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=651749)
innocent and trustworthy

Sun Soul Monk
Anton Domine (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=648571)

Zouk Gemcutter (http://upload.jetsam.org/documents/Zouk%20Gemcutter%20(Deep%20Gnome%20Wizard).pdf)

2015-12-16, 01:41 PM
Captured by the Drow! You wouldn't wish this fate upon anyone, yet here you are - Locked in a dark cave, the cold, heavy weight of metal tight around your throat and wrists. You are not alone. Other Prisoners are trapped here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun.

Your captors include a viscous Drow Priestess who calls herself Mistress Ilvara of House Mizzrym. She makes sure to greet you each when you first arrive, wearing ornate breastplate robed in silken garments and flanked by two male Drow, one of whom has a mass of scars on the left side of his face and neck and walks with a limping gait.

Mistress Ilvara likes to impress her will with scourge in hand and remind you that your life belongs to her now.

"Accept your fate, learn to obey," Ilvara sneers. "And you may yet survive and find a use for your wretched life."

Her words echo in your memory even as you plot your escape.

The small Cave which serves as your cell seems to be under some sort of anti-magic effect and is made of rough, natural cave walls and floor. The entrance is barred, and currently overseen by two male Drow guards and two hulking Quaggoths. The Drow keep to themselves talking amongst themselves paying you little mind, while the Quaggoth's glare balefully at you.

Inside the Cell besides all of you, are a depressed looking male Drow who keeps himself isolated, a cheery looking Derro, a quiet Kou-toa meditating by the bars, a shivering and ill-looking Myconid, and a Quaggoth pacing restlessly.

After an hour the two Drow get up, and walk to the bars, motioning outta sight to the North. Six more Quaggoths come and stand by the entrance.

"You, you, you and you." One of the Drow says in elvish, pointing at Alarra, Adian, Raz and the Derro. "Step forward, time for work duty." He stamps his foot impatiently.

2015-12-16, 02:18 PM
Vorn gets up at the call for Aidan. In undercommon, he says, "I want to work with them, too."

2015-12-16, 02:24 PM
Wrenn rolls over and awakens from sleeping on the cold stone floor. Wha-what's going on? Can't a gnome get some blasted sleep around here? He sits up, yawns stretches and looks around. Upon seeing the drow guards, he curses in dwarven then says out loud Oh, great can't you thrice cursed demented spider demon worshiping weirdos leave us alone for at least some period of time? I mean I was in the middle of a nice nap here. He laughs manically, then just sits in the middle of the floor glaring at the guards.

2015-12-16, 02:39 PM
The Drow guard looks at Vorn with a cruel smirk. Continuing on in Elvish, "You speak the slave tongue well. It suits you. Fine, if the two of you want to do the work of four, so be it." He motions for the rest to back up, indicating that Vorn and Adian approach the gate alone.

2015-12-16, 02:43 PM
The Drow don't seem to rise to Wrenn's bait, but the Quaggoth's glare angrily and after the Work Detail steps through the grate the six Quaggoths step through and walk to Wrenn.

In Undercommon they growl. "Best be quiet little one, we are running outta spider-feed..."

2015-12-16, 02:44 PM
Thought undercommon was the common of the underdark?

"That's so no what I meant..., sighs Vorn, with an apologetic look towards his friend.

2015-12-16, 02:47 PM
"That's impressive buddy, you make crap happen without even trying." Refusing to give their jailers satisfaction, Aidan flashes Vorn one of his patented smiles.

2015-12-16, 03:18 PM
Wrenn grins widely and says. Well then, you best tell whoever is in charge to buy some more then. You Drow have plenty of wealth to afford something as mundane as spider food. I know because I broken into enough Drow noble houses to know what riches you have, and let me tell you selling them is quite profitable. You know how much an adventuring party in the Underdark will pay for a piwafwi cloak? Quite a pretty penny I can assure you. He laughs again.

2015-12-16, 03:52 PM
Alarra has been pacing the cell restlessly, stopping every once and a while to do some push-ups. When the guards motion for to back-up, Alarra pleads with them in Undercommon.

"Wait, wait. Take me! I gotta get out of this cell. You know I can work better than either of these guys. Just give me a chance."

2015-12-16, 04:20 PM
Anton still couldn't quite believe it. Captured by drow, kept working as a slave. Not very well either. He just wasn't strong or skilled enough. The one thing he was good at had let him down over a week ago...

But now wasn't the time. He wasn't going to go from one life of drudgery to another. He needed to break out.Which meant he needed help. Maybe he could make a deal with one of his fellow prisoners. One who could make better use of that bar he had hidden in his cell.

Any PC's within talking distance of Anton?

2015-12-16, 04:26 PM
She noticed that at the beginning of every "day" not that she could keep track of even the artificial time clock of Menzoberanzan from this cell- she had less and less energy. She had spent these 12 days... or had it been 11 days? She had lost track. This isn't good. she thought to herself. Regardless of the amount of days she'd been there, she'd spent a good quantity of time talking to her fellow cellmates pressing them for information on the prison's layout.

The news didn't help much. But it gave her something to work with.

As soon as the guards come, T'risryl backs up from the front of the cell where she usually resides, and goes to rest towards the back, only to see the foolish spectical that the rest of the inmates were making. At best, the guards here will only torment them more for volunteering. At worse. They'll suspect we're trying to escape. The last thing she wanted the drow guarding this place to know was the truth.

Having said that- they probably already knew it. Who wouldn't want to escape here.

T'risryl ignored the fact her stomach was grumbling. The pain she experienced now would be nothing compared to what she would experience once Ilvara decided she could safely get her hands on her.

And she knew that she was running out of time.

As the mischief is going on with the rest of the guards and some of the other prisoners, T'risryl quietly looks around the cell for someone on the more cautious side. Someone who seemed to have more of a mind for strategy than the rest of these fools. She had a valuable bargaining chip, and she thought she had settled on a use for it. And with some luck, she wouldn't even have to use it.

I dare not risk using one of the surface elves. The rest of my kin are to blinded by their hatred of them to even bother the attempt. While T'risryl had planned on using the prejudice of her kin against them, it wouldn't work in this circumstance. All I need is one non elf who thinks before acting. T'risryl scanned the room before settiling her eyes on the younger human boy, Anton. He'd been in here almost as long as she had, and haden't caused any major trouble that she had been aware of.

At the very least, he can't be less useful than the rest of the fools chained up in here. T'risryl says as she moves over next to the young man.

"Well meet." She says to him quietly in heavily accented common. Her voice is calm and kind as she addresses the young man."That is the saying you use on the surface, yes? In any case, I imagine you want to get out of here almost as badly as I do. We might be able to help eachother." She smiles at him pleasantly, waiting for his response.

Let the bargaining begin.

2015-12-16, 05:07 PM
Wrenn grins widely and says. Well then, you best tell whoever is in charge to buy some more then. You Drow have plenty of wealth to afford something as mundane as spider food. I know because I broken into enough Drow noble houses to know what riches you have, and let me tell you selling them is quite profitable. You know how much an adventuring party in the Underdark will pay for a piwafwi cloak? Quite a pretty penny I can assure you. He laughs again.

The lead Quaggoth's brow furrows, Wrenn's string of dialogue confusing and irritating him. "I think we just found some..." He lunges forward, arms strectched out, having every intention of grabbing Wrenn and tossing him over the ledge. Before he reaches you, the Derro prisoner steps in-between...

"I apologize for my friend, he is just tired, it won't happen again..." The Derro says quickly in undercommon. Wrenn can see that behind the Derro's back he has a Drow made dagger clutched in his fist. "He meant no offense sir."

The Quaggoth grunts and glares back at Wrenn, then leaves the cell behind the work detail.

"P-hew." The Derro sighs in Dwarven as he turns toward Wrenn, deftly keeping the dagger from the guard's view. "That was close. Word of advice, the Quaggoth's are too stupid and easily angered, if you are going to screw with someone, screw with the dark elves. You seem confident at least, whadda say we blow this joint?" He flips the dagger in his palm, offering the hilt to Wrenn.

2015-12-16, 05:10 PM
Alarra has been pacing the cell restlessly, stopping every once and a while to do some push-ups. When the guards motion for to back-up, Alarra pleads with them in Undercommon.

"Wait, wait. Take me! I gotta get out of this cell. You know I can work better than either of these guys. Just give me a chance."

The drow guard scoffs to his partner in Elvish. "Hmph, that one seems to prefer sweat to sleep." Switching to Undercommon he addresses Alarra. "I think you need time to cool off, looks like you'll skip tomorrow's work detail as well."

2015-12-16, 05:57 PM
Wrenn takes the dagger, trying to keep it hidden from view. He then whispers to the Derro in dwarven. How do you intend to get out of here? and what of the others? I'm not the type of gnome to condemn a bunch of innocents to drow slavery and sacrifice. I have an idea however, I had and I'm sure everybody had equipment that they had before they were captured. If I'm am very good a stealth, I was a burglar before I was arrested. I can stealth my way around the compound, collect my effects, free the others, then lead them to their gear. Then we escape into the underdark fully equipped and home free. [roll0] [roll1]

2015-12-16, 06:20 PM
The Derro, goes by the name Buppido, leans forward in an attempt to stroke his well kept if thin beard, "Hmmmm. The plan is at least a start." The chains are not long enough so he gives up trying to do in the middle of talking. "Your time would be short. Once the Guards notice one of us missing they are sure to start a search. I have counted 19 Drow here, at least that many Quaggoths bed down just north of us, and those five spiders down in those webs seem tame. If found missing it would not be long til you were found, and I fear what these brutes would do to you then." Buppido leans closer, dropping his voice to a whisper and continues speaking Dwarvish. "I have stashed another dagger as well as a key to the gates while I was on work duty before you came, but I cannot locate a key for these blasted chains! Also, the two quiet Drow in the back, the male came in the same time as me, the woman not much longer. I fear they may be spies, they never are chosen for work duty and the woman eyes me strangely and avoids speaking to me. She has noble blood that one..."

2015-12-16, 07:08 PM
The Derro, goes by the name Buppido, leans forward in an attempt to stroke his well kept if thin beard, "Hmmmm. The plan is at least a start." The chains are not long enough so he gives up trying to do in the middle of talking. "Your time would be short. Once the Guards notice one of us missing they are sure to start a search. I have counted 19 Drow here, at least that many Quaggoths bed down just north of us, and those five spiders down in those webs seem tame. If found missing it would not be long til you were found, and I fear what these brutes would do to you then." Buppido leans closer, dropping his voice to a whisper and continues speaking Dwarvish. "I have stashed another dagger as well as a key to the gates while I was on work duty before you came, but I cannot locate a key for these blasted chains! Also, the two quiet Drow in the back, the male came in the same time as me, the woman not much longer. I fear they may be spies, they never are chosen for work duty and the woman eyes me strangely and avoids speaking to me. She has noble blood that one..."
Wrenn tries to rub his forehead but the chains prevent him from doing so and replies, still whispering Alright, I think I'll stay put for now talk to some of the others, except for the drow. See what I can learn and if any of them can help. What is work detail like? How heavily guarded are the prisoners and where do they work? What do you do on work detail?

2015-12-16, 07:14 PM
Alarra clenches her fists and sits down with a groan. However, when she notices the derro and gnome whispering to eachother in Dwarven, she tries to tune in.


2015-12-16, 07:26 PM
Zouk looks listlessly at the proceedings. On the best of times, deep gnomes are not known to be personable with strangers, unlike their upper world counterparts. Plus, captivity in this Garl-forsaken dark elf quarry would be liable to quash any thought of sedition right out of you.

Yes, she's secured a length of silk rope which could be used to strangle one of her jailers, but the wizened wizard apprentice doubts that she herself can successfully accomplish such a feat.

No, the next thing to do right now is watch, and bide her time.

Passively watch. Perception [roll0] and Investigation [roll1]

2015-12-16, 07:44 PM
Anton blinked confused at the greeting. He wasn't quite familiar with the slang of the Sword Coast, much less the Underdark. Sifu never said anything like that. But that didn't matter."Well met to you too."

He thought for a moment, wondering for a moment if he should trust this person before surging ahead."You got any plans on how to do this?"

2015-12-16, 09:13 PM
Finally! Someone here who wants to form plans instead of charging headfirst into danger. T'risryl keeps wearing her calm and diplomatic face while she continues to talk to the young man. "I have several in mind. I'm still trying to determine who would be best for the job though. I hope you know under common - or even better, elvish - there's one of the guards who I know. The one with the burns. I'm never let out of here, so I haven't had a chance to talk to him privately yet. If you could maybe speak to him on one of your work shifts on my behalf... it might convince him. And if you could find out how he got those burns in the first place, that would make it even easier for me to figure out what to tell you to say to him. Of course, if you have another plan in mind, it can't hurt to hear it."

2015-12-16, 09:45 PM
Anton slowly nods. "You think he'd be willing to help us out?" Anton asked softly.

2015-12-16, 09:59 PM
"I cannot say for certain. But i know that he was the lover of the dear Matron Ilvara - the woman who runs this place - , but not anymore. His position here has been lowered, and taking me out of here would provide some level of revenge against the woman who scorned and quite likely scared him." She shrugs. "I won't lie to you... if this fails, you could get hurt. You'll have to get used to that down here. But if it works..... T'risryl lets Anton fill in the gaps himself, allowing hijm to fill his head with whatever he wanted to do when he got out of here.

"First thing first though: it would be preferable to find out how he got scarred first. If you can figure that out, it will give us an advantage in figuring out how to persuade him."

2015-12-16, 10:01 PM
Buppido notices Alarra's interest in the conversation and waves her over, inviting her to join in.

2015-12-16, 10:09 PM
Anton nods more enthusiastically this time. "If your friend is really good for this, I think I can help. I'm pretty good at sneaking around."Anton scratched the back of his head for a moment. "Do you need a weapon?"

2015-12-16, 10:17 PM
Aidan and Vorn are led north across a rickety zurkhwood walkway to yet another ledge in front of yet another cave, this cave holding an alarming amount of Quaggoths. there must be a dozen of the thing milling around. The drow guards toss Vorn a 25 ft. length of spider silk rope and points over the side of the ledge. "A crate of goods has fallen down and become snagged on the cliff." He informs in Elvish. "Now show us your skills and fetch it."

Peering over the side, you can see a corner of the crate jutting out, a good 40ft down, the cliff face itself is worn pretty smooth from a waterfall you can see on the other side of the Prisoner cave and is slick with spray.

"Come now, we haven't got a tenday." He mocks.

2015-12-16, 10:28 PM
Zouk is approached by the towering quaggoth prisoner, who crotches down with a grunt before speaking in elvish to your surprise.

"Hello, so sorry to intrude." When he sees you don't understand, he switches his tongue to Undercommon. "Apologies again, this ground speak is not my preferred tongue. My name is High Prince Derendil of the Great Kingdom of Nelrindevane in High Forest. While you are hardly the type of person I would entertain at court, you seem intelligent enough and this silence bores me. Can I have your name?"

2015-12-16, 10:28 PM
Anton nods more enthusiastically this time. "If your friend is really good for this, I think I can help. I'm pretty good at sneaking around."Anton scratched the back of his head for a moment. "Do you need a weapon?"

T'risryl smirks at this"I never said that he was my friend. In fact, less than a month ago I considered him an enemy. A lot has happened since then. It's a long story, but if there's anyone on the other side of those bars who'd be willing to help us, its him."

"I have no need for a weapon yet. I imagine for a few more days, I'm more safe than anyone here, due to the nature of drow politics. After that...." The young drow girl shivers at the thought of being on the receiving end of the tortures she's seen inflicted by priest of Lolth.

The same tortures you couldn't wait to inflict on others merely a month ago. She thought, as she felt an almost alien emotion come through her.

T'risryl pushed that thought back wherever it came from as she focused on the matter at hand. "Your capabilities in stealth might prove useful, but only use it as a last resort. If you get caught, they'll keep a closer eye on you from that point on. Remember that your first job is to try to find out who scared him and why. We'll continue our plan from there. And one last thing-" T'risryl drops her voice even lower at this, as she leans in right next to Anton's ear."be wary around the Derro- the short purple one with the spiky white hair- I have a rough idea how much most of your kind fear mine. Well, that's how my kin view the Derro, and with good reason. This one seems normal... but I say it's not worth the risk. There are worse fates in the Underdark than to be a slave of the drow."

2015-12-16, 11:04 PM
"Well, now, I'll need some more rope for that stunt. I'm probably worth less than this rope coil, but you're hoping to see that crate brought up, aren't you?"

2015-12-17, 08:50 AM
At Buppido's beckoning, Alarra walks over to join the conversation. After brief introductions, she gets straight to the point, speaking in low Dwarven.

"Gentleman, what's the plan here? I've got to get out of this cell. It stinks of drow in here. Put a weapon in my hand and I'm yours."

2015-12-17, 09:52 AM
Just as Alarra comes over, Wrenn points out to her and Buppido. and still keeping his voice down See that female drow over there? The one talking to that young man? I have no idea what they're discussing but I for one don't trust drow especially one that looks to be of noble birth. She's definitely up to something. She's either planning her own escape in which case I don't think we want two different groups attempting escape, since we'll probably all get nabbed and who knows what the guards will do to us then. Or she's up to something more sinister, in which case I want to prevent her from causing any harm or mischief. Now, Alarra why don't we see what she is up to? I'm not that intimidating, being a Svirfneblin that's about three feet tall so if things go bad I could use the help of a strong and fit human such as yourself. Buppido you can help too if you want. I'm pretty sure drow aren't to fond of derro.

2015-12-17, 01:58 PM
"Well, now, I'll need some more rope for that stunt. I'm probably worth less than this rope coil, but you're hoping to see that crate brought up, aren't you?"

The Guard looks at Vorn, his amusement slowly fading into annoyance. "Am I? Work with what you have slave, your problems are not mine..." He walks back a few feet and he and the other guard begin conversing, paying you little heed.

2015-12-17, 04:39 PM
The box is at the little section north of 12's mouth, right? Left and just a bit lower than 13?

2015-12-17, 04:44 PM
After taking a thorough look at his surroundings Aidan gives Vorn another one of his smiles.
"I'm not from around here, so I don't really have all the info. How hard is it to replace a guard? One that doesn't deliver satisfying results, naturally. I've just gotten used to their faces, memorizing new ones is a pain."

2015-12-17, 04:48 PM
"Just listening for now? Got it."

With that said, Anton considered the situation for a moment. "You think we should look for more help?Talk to some other prisoners?"

2015-12-17, 05:00 PM
Vorn shrugs. If they don't care for the crate's contents, just as well. Not his fault if stuff end up falling out of it, right?

So, then, to the distinct issue of getting to the crate. He looks around the chasm to spot anything better suited for support than the wall, as well as what lies below it.

2015-12-17, 05:53 PM
The box is at the little section north of 12's mouth, right? Left and just a bit lower than 13?

It is actually just across from the mouth of 12, but you are close in the area.

2015-12-17, 05:57 PM
Vorn Wisdom(Perception): [roll0]

Vorn scans the area. Without Pitons there really isn't much to secure the rope to. Swallowing a sense of vertigo and leaning over the ledge, Vorn can see about 10 feet down the rock wall has a slight concave curve that has some cracks and rough handholds that might be serviceable enough to use to reach the box, though if one were to fail it would likely not end pretty. It must be nearly a hundred foot drop to the floor of this underground ravine. A rather large pool has formed along the wall likely due to the waterfall to your south. The eerily soft glow of some phosphorescent fungus reflecting dimly off of the top of the water make it impossible to tell the depth, it could be as shallow as a puddle or as deep as a lake.

The most troubling concern would be what to do once you reach the objective. The crate must be around 3 ft. cubed, and the fall that deposited it where it is has done it no favors. Even if you were to reach it you are struggling to think how you would retrieve it.

2015-12-17, 07:10 PM
Zouk is approached by the towering quaggoth prisoner, who crotches down with a grunt before speaking in elvish to your surprise.

"Hello, so sorry to intrude." When he sees you don't understand, he switches his tongue to Undercommon. "Apologies again, this ground speak is not my preferred tongue. My name is High Prince Derendil of the Great Kingdom of Nelrindevane in High Forest. While you are hardly the type of person I would entertain at court, you seem intelligent enough and this silence bores me. Can I have your name?"

Zouk's eyes widen as the hulking ursine approaches her to talk.

In truth, she has a ton of questions: why is he a prisoner? Why didn't he follow the drow? Is he trying to size up how delicious she is as a morsel?

1: Don't engage
2: Engage

Her curiosity finally overcoming her xenophobia and fear, the gnome finally speaks.

Zouk Gemcutter, Blingdenstone. Why are you here?

2015-12-17, 07:35 PM
"Just listening for now? Got it."

With that said, Anton considered the situation for a moment. "You think we should look for more help?Talk to some other prisoners?"

T'risryl continues to smile as she speaks. "I'll convince the others that I think will be able to help us. Leave that to me. For now, just try to get selected for work duty to see what you can overhear. The more you look like you don't wish to be working, the longer you'll be out there. Use their cruelty to our advantage."

At this, she gets up and whispers to the young man, "Good luck." As she separates from him and moves over to the other side of the prison. The movment is tiring and T'risryl manages to suppress a yawn as she moves over towards the other side of the room, to a place with a little bit of peace and quiet "Don't want the guards to see me talking to the people who I'm working with the most. Let them suspect the others, gives the sensible ones here a chance to escape. Now.... what to do next?

The young drow noble girl sits on the ground with her back lounging against the wall, her eyes closed, silently planning on who to manipulate next.

If anyone wants to come over and talk to her, you're more than welcome too.

2015-12-17, 07:42 PM
Zouk's eyes widen as the hulking ursine approaches her to talk.

In truth, she has a ton of questions: why is he a prisoner? Why didn't he follow the drow? Is he trying to size up how delicious she is as a morsel?

1: Don't engage
2: Engage

Her curiosity finally overcoming her xenophobia and fear, the gnome finally speaks.

Zouk Gemcutter, Blingdenstone. Why are you here?

"Oh, tis a sad tale, one that makes my heart grow heavy with the telling..." Prince Derendil sighs, though you get the impression that it is a story he enjoys telling. "Though I suppose it is healthy to converse, the only conversation I have found in this deplorable cesspool is with the well spoken Drow lady. Tis a shame you don't speak elvish, it really is a beautiful tongue, perhaps I can teach you some time? Oh, but you probably wish for me to tell you of myself. I am from the Glorious Kingdom of Nelrindenvane located in the High Forest above, and my people had the honor of having me serve as their High Prince, loving and just to all. Wicked scheme and foul intentions, however, saw that my crown was stole from me by an evil Arcanist named Terrestor. I always try to see the best in people, perhaps my only flaw? He trapped me in this beastly form, and my own people were befouled by his witchcraft, driving me away and exiling me here. These Dark Elves found me, and began giving me orders, unaware I am a Wood Elf Prince! I refused to be talked down to by these psychopaths, why they even tried to force me to mate with one of these hairy brutes in some sick squalid nest!! Can you imagine!? If I was my old self, I would have cut them to the core with my impeccable insight and stunning wit, but I fear Terrestor's curse has a far darker side. I lost myself in a savage rage and began ripping them apart! Foul beasts and fouler dark elves alike! The placed me in chains when I was subdued, and said they were going to ship me to Menzoberranzan to have a High Priestess look over me. Said I have traits they want to instill in the next generation. Dastardly fiends!!! I will not be treated this way!" Derendil's breathing is becoming faster and his eyes slowly becoming more and more bloodshot, the memories calling forth his rage.

Derendil is speaking loudly enough that anyone who can understand undercommon can hear him

2015-12-17, 08:09 PM
Now, then. 10 feet to it, is it? I can work with that...

Vorn takes his meager rope and tries to find the center, which he ties around his waist like a belt, two spins and a knot. He spends more or less 3 feet of rope on that. With two rope 'tails' in place, he begins to look around for anything hard or sharp enough to serve as backup pitons.

"What's in that box anyway, that's worth more than a slave but less than a rope coil?", he asks out loud, half-addressed to the guards. "Cause I doubt the crate is trying hard to keep it in, after the drop."

2015-12-17, 08:53 PM
"Oh, tis a sad tale, one that makes my heart grow heavy with the telling..." Prince Derendil sighs, though you get the impression that it is a story he enjoys telling. "Though I suppose it is healthy to converse, the only conversation I have found in this deplorable cesspool is with the well spoken Drow lady. Tis a shame you don't speak elvish, it really is a beautiful tongue, perhaps I can teach you some time? Oh, but you probably wish for me to tell you of myself. I am from the Glorious Kingdom of Nelrindenvane located in the High Forest above, and my people had the honor of having me serve as their High Prince, loving and just to all. Wicked scheme and foul intentions, however, saw that my crown was stole from me by an evil Arcanist named Terrestor. I always try to see the best in people, perhaps my only flaw? He trapped me in this beastly form, and my own people were befouled by his witchcraft, driving me away and exiling me here. These Dark Elves found me, and began giving me orders, unaware I am a Wood Elf Prince! I refused to be talked down to by these psychopaths, why they even tried to force me to mate with one of these hairy brutes in some sick squalid nest!! Can you imagine!? If I was my old self, I would have cut them to the core with my impeccable insight and stunning wit, but I fear Terrestor's curse has a far darker side. I lost myself in a savage rage and began ripping them apart! Foul beasts and fouler dark elves alike! The placed me in chains when I was subdued, and said they were going to ship me to Menzoberranzan to have a High Priestess look over me. Said I have traits they want to instill in the next generation. Dastardly fiends!!! I will not be treated this way!" Derendil's breathing is becoming faster and his eyes slowly becoming more and more bloodshot, the memories calling forth his rage.

Derendil is speaking loudly enough that anyone who can understand undercommon can hear him

... That's actually a good idea. Maybe if he mated with some of the normal quaggoth's, the next generation will inherit some of that intellect. Could be useful... not for all of them, but maybe a few of them with slightly increased intelligence could command the rest of the common brutes.

T'risryl smiled as she made the mental note, and went back to deciding who to talk to next. Who could help her escape.

After all, she reminded herself silently, I'm running out of time.

Friendly reminder that italics are all internal thoughts.

2015-12-17, 08:58 PM
Anton sighed theatrically and began banging the bars of his cell. He hunched over slightly trying to hide his actions as he scanned the area and looked over the guards.

First off, Perception:

Secondly, what kind of check should Anton roll to camouflage his actions?Deception? Stealth? Neither?

2015-12-17, 09:10 PM
Alarra looks the drow girl over thoroughly, scowling for a minute before approaching. Somebody had to do it.

Insight and Perception on the drow girl.

"Hey, how's it going? You look like somebody worth knowing 'round here. What's your name?"

2015-12-17, 09:33 PM
Wrenn walks over as well and adds to the conversation. Yes, what is your name? And tell me how did a female drow of noble birth by the looks of it end up in this spider infested crap hole? In fact I have an idea, you tell me how you ended up here and I'll tell you how I ended up here. Trade stories, get to know each other. We might be stuck in here for some time so we might as well get to know each other. Wrenn then flashes a roguish smile, while keeping the dagger concealed, just in case something were to go wrong. He was actually trying to be friendly with the Drow and really didn't want any trouble, but from his experiences he could never be sure. [roll0]

2015-12-17, 10:13 PM
T'risryl got up and stood before the human and the deep gnome before her, questioning her. If there is any light in the room, you will notice that her eyes are not the typical red of the drow, but are rather an icy blue.

"Greetings to you both.", she says in undercommon. She had hoped to not give out her name, but not giving it out would seem more suspicious than anything else. "My name is T'risryl, the heir of house Duskryn. I'll take you up on your bargain, Deep Gnome.

"I was born 17 years ago, the result of the mating of a full blooded drow, my mother, Matron of house Duskryl, and a half drow, half human slave that she owned. She was having trouble producing a female heir of true drow blood, so when I was born, she attempted to pass me off as a full blooded drow. Over the years, I was generally kept away from most of society, as my mother new the risks involved in that. I had a lot of time to read and study, and ultimately wound up abandoning the worship of Lolth, reaching the conclusion that she revels in the misery our own kind inflicts upon itself on a daily basis. We waste so much opportunity on petty squabbles that she encourages that the true potential of our race is missed."

"Eventually, both these things were discovered. In an effort to save face, my mother claimed that I was an imposer who murdered her actual daughter and took her place. An obvious lie, but people accepted it. I fled the city, and was captured by Mistress Ilvara of House Mizzrym, our political rivals. As of now, she's waiting to make sure the ease of my capture wasn't a political ruse. Once that doubt is gone, I will likely be tortured for every single secret of my house, then likely tortured for her own sadistic amusement, before eventually being sacrificed to Lolth.".

"Now... for your end of the bargain. How did you get here?"

2015-12-17, 10:22 PM
Anton sighed theatrically and began banging the bars of his cell. He hunched over slightly trying to hide his actions as he scanned the area and looked over the guards.

First off, Perception:

Secondly, what kind of check should Anton roll to camouflage his actions?Deception? Stealth? Neither?

Anton notices that it looks like a few guards are a preparing the prisoners meal, and it seems like that preparation involves occasionally spitting in it. The Drow that seems to be in command of the other guards keeps pointing a twisted black wand at a particularly disfigured one, who sighs reluctantly and begins fumbling with the wooden bowls of gruel. Anton can see that it appears the drow is missing a few fingers on both hands, the digits ending with horribly burned stumps. Behind them in the shadows, illuminated dimly by the low burning torchstalks is the younger of the two drow priestesses, her gaze wavering between swoon sympathy at the injured on, and burning anger at the guard captain.

No roll needed to camo, the drow are quite oblivious to you, only occasionally checking to see if the gate is open, and the Quaggoths are too stupid to infer the intent behind your actions.

2015-12-17, 10:28 PM
Alarra looks the drow girl over thoroughly, scowling for a minute before approaching. Somebody had to do it.

Insight and Perception on the drow girl.

"Hey, how's it going? You look like somebody worth knowing 'round here. What's your name?"

T'risryl seems uncomfortable and slightly frustrated at being the center of focus, but from what you can gather, she is being honest. She may hold some of the prejudices of her kind, but she seems to understand what side of the bars she has found herself behind.

Are both of you cool with that? I typically to hate answer for what a PC's intentions are, because I honestly don't know until they commit an action. But Alarra rolled really well, so I didn't want to be TOO vague.

2015-12-17, 10:34 PM
Wrenn nods. Very well. I lived in Blidgenstone for a while, and was your typical Svirfneblin miner scout. I would stealth ahead of mining groups and make sure the coast was clear to begin gathering minerals. One day however, I failed. I did not notice an illusory wall. The miners began work including my dear friend Nyx. Oh, Nyx how I wish you were here. Anyway, out of the illusory wall came a Drow raiding party. Like a coward I ran and hid. I watched Nyx be brutally killed by a Priestess of Lloth. Wrenn spits to side at the mention of the foul spider goddess as if to get a bad taste from his mouth. All that was left of her was a broken miner's pick. On that pick I swore to avenge Nyx! I honed my stealth skills, and learned a few other useful skills for my new trade. The trade, of the thief. I snuck into a Drow city and began robbing the noble houses, starting with the lowest of rank. I also used my skills of hiding in the shadows to prey upon the young heirs of the noble families, slaying them on the way to their academy training. I was successful, until hubris proved my downfall. I tried to rob the second ranking drow house in the city. The fence around their compound seemed ordinary, but well guarded. I managed to sneak up to it only to find when I tried to scale it that it was an illusion and the fence was actually spider webbing. I was captured and thrown in this dungeon. But, I swear on my beloved Nyx's grave that I will escape and eventually have my revenge! Wrenn clenches his fists and a mad look appears in his eyes, a fire that will not be quenched until his vengeance is complete or he dies trying.

2015-12-17, 11:04 PM
"And I was a guard with a mining expedition. We lost our way and fell into an ambush. Your kind took me while we fought to retreat toward the Silken Strands." Alarra continues, "Regardless of our pasts, it is clear we have a common goal. If we work together, we'll all have a better chance at getting out of here..."

Amrin pauses, glancing around cautiously. "If I could just get my hands on a weapon... that would be a start."

Sorry for the wrong speech color in my last post!

2015-12-17, 11:09 PM
Now, then. 10 feet to it, is it? I can work with that...

Vorn takes his meager rope and tries to find the center, which he ties around his waist like a belt, two spins and a knot. He spends more or less 3 feet of rope on that. With two rope 'tails' in place, he begins to look around for anything hard or sharp enough to serve as backup pitons.

"What's in that box anyway, that's worth more than a slave but less than a rope coil?", he asks out loud, half-addressed to the guards. "Cause I doubt the crate is trying hard to keep it in, after the drop."

"Just go down and see before I..." The Drow's elvish trails off as he notices the guards preparing the meal. He begins speaking more to the other guard than to Vorn. "....is that.....Oh man, Shoor is making Jorlan make slave food!? We better hurry, Shoor's trying to prove himself to be a good tail for the mistress, he'll find any excuse he can to use that wand of viscid globs!" Turning back to Vorn and Aidan, he loads a handcrossbow and levels it at the prisoners. "Time's up. Get. The. Crate. NOW. or I'll kick the two of you off the ledge myself and let the gray ooze down there sort you out."

Keep in mind, that while restrained by the manacles you are at disadvantage on physical ability checks. You could try a Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimidation) to either get out of work duty or MAYBE get your manacles removed. You can roll both before you decide.

2015-12-17, 11:13 PM
"And I was a guard with a mining expedition. We lost our way and fell into an ambush. Your kind took me while we fought to retreat toward the Silken Strands." Alarra continues, "Regardless of our pasts, it is clear we have a common goal. If we work together, we'll all have a better chance at getting out of here..."

Amrin pauses, glancing around cautiously. "If I could just get my hands on a weapon... that would be a start."

Sorry for the wrong speech color in my last post!

Would this be of any use to you? Wrenn cautiously shows her the dagger. [roll0]

2015-12-17, 11:22 PM
"I could certainly use it, when the time is right. If we all work together we could take out the guard and slip out. We'll need to wait for the right moment, and we'll want to be as quick and quite as possible. And we'll need to arm ourselves better than that if we're getting out of here alive."

2015-12-17, 11:25 PM
"Listen here, you want results, you get my chains loose, you want a show, lock me up till you're actually bored enough to enjoy it. But make up your mind! I'm your plaything, and I plan to excel at this like a drow ought, but you don't get a compliant drow slave often enough to throw them off cliffs without watching!"

2015-12-17, 11:40 PM
"And I was a guard with a mining expedition. We lost our way and fell into an ambush. Your kind took me while we fought to retreat toward the Silken Strands." Alarra continues, "Regardless of our pasts, it is clear we have a common goal. If we work together, we'll all have a better chance at getting out of here..."

Amrin pauses, glancing around cautiously. "If I could just get my hands on a weapon... that would be a start."

Sorry for the wrong speech color in my last post!

Would this be of any use to you? Wrenn cautiously shows her the dagger. [roll0]

All the better I don't have to give up my own weapon. The young drow thinks to herself as she listens to both of their concerns.

"It's great that we have some weaponry at our disposal.... but first we have to get out of this cell. You see the mutilated drow making our food." She gestures to the drow being mocked by the rest of them. "Before I was captured, I was under the impression that he was the lover of the priestess in charge of this place. He didn't have any of the scars before then. If anyone in this prison might help us, it's him. And he's not a bad fighter either. What I need you two to do is try to figure out how exactly he got those scars, and any info possible about his fall from power. I want to make a convincing to him, and the more information I have, the better. "

2015-12-17, 11:46 PM
"Listen here, you want results, you get my chains loose, you want a show, lock me up till you're actually bored enough to enjoy it. But make up your mind! I'm your plaything, and I plan to excel at this like a drow ought, but you don't get a compliant drow slave often enough to throw them off cliffs without watching!"

The guard frowns indecisive for a moment. "Fine, back to the cave, but I don't wanna hear any more wisecracks the rest of my shift, or I'm peppering the cell with bolts!" He takes Aidan and Vorn back to the cell, roughly tossing them in.

2015-12-18, 12:06 AM
Alexis grimaced as the gnawing pain in her stomach gave way to a slight cramp, but she maintained her composure; hunger was an old pain, a familiar pain, and not one that would overcome her so soon. Listening to the other planning their escape, she sized them up individually, both on how useful they could be to escape, and how easy they'd be to dispose of if they ever got tempted to tell a guard. Could these people be trusted?

Insight checks on everybody, based on how I've observed them all interacting together. Also, a check to try and mask my observations; if that's just Stealth, it's +2; if it's deception, it's +6, on top of whatever the roll is.

Hiding my observations: [roll0]

Alarra: [roll1]
Wrenn: [roll2]
T'risryl: [roll3]
Anton: [roll4]
Raz: [roll5]

A quiet Kou-toa that no one has talked to: [roll6]
A sickly Myconid that no one has approached: [roll7]
Prince Derendil a quaggoth/wood elf noble: [roll8]
Buppido, a calm and friendly Derro: [roll9]
Drow male sitting in the back: [roll10]

Let's see how it goes...

2015-12-18, 12:39 AM
Alexis grimaced as the gnawing pain in her stomach gave way to a slight cramp, but she maintained her composure; hunger was an old pain, a familiar pain, and not one that would overcome her so soon. Listening to the other planning their escape, she sized them up individually, both on how useful they could be to escape, and how easy they'd be to dispose of if they ever got tempted to tell a guard. Could these people be trusted?

Insight checks on everybody, based on how I've observed them all interacting together. Also, a check to try and mask my observations; if that's just Stealth, it's +2; if it's deception, it's +6, on top of whatever the roll is.

Hiding my observations: [roll0]

Alarra: [roll1]
Wrenn: [roll2]
T'risryl: [roll3]
Anton: [roll4]
Raz: [roll5]

A quiet Kou-toa that no one has talked to: [roll6]
A sickly Myconid that no one has approached: [roll7]
Prince Derendil a quaggoth/wood elf noble: [roll8]
Buppido, a calm and friendly Derro: [roll9]
Drow male sitting in the back: [roll10]

Let's see how it goes...

The Koa-toa could be a strong connection, as he likely knows his way from here to Darklake, and seems extremely serene despite the circumstances.
Prince Derendil seems like he would be good in a fight, and typical Quaggoths are dumb enough to easily manipulate, but something seems off about his story. You've never even heard of Nilrevendane before, not even in passing. he doesn't seem to be lying, but his story doesn't add up.
From what you know of the mushroom folk, Myconids can enable other creatures to communicate telepathically with one another, and invaluable asset in coordinating things while under guard. The are also famously naive, which you consider a bonus.
Derro are notably insane and nearly useless, even the duergar barely stomach them, but this one seems both lucid and competent, a potentially dangerous combination depending on whose side he is on.
The tattered rags the Drow male is wearing bear a striking likeness to the uniforms worm by the guards outside, and you know how easily drow males submit to persuasion. Could be very useful indeed, but why is he here?

Alarra seems self-confident, hard to discern much else
You'd heard some ruckus about some alien assassin in Menzoberranzan, but had assumed it was an excuse to cover Drow infighting. If what the gnome says is a true, he could be a strong ally, and even worse enemy.
T'risryl reminds you of yourself, witch makes you wary, but you also know you are competent, so that makes her valuable.
Anton seems brash and Dangerous, a good thing to have on the front lines
Raz hasn't said or done much, hard to figure much out on that one.

2015-12-18, 01:37 AM
Alexis makes her way over to the drow man. Sitting down next to him, Alexis glanced around before saying "So...what are you in for?" she asked, sweeping her eyes over the guards form. "Horribly cliche, I know, but a bit of humor helps keep the spirits up...especially when things seem so bleak."

If appropriate, a Persuasion check to get him to open up a little?


2015-12-18, 05:02 AM
Upon the Prince's mention that he was a transfigured high elf, Zouk immediately clams up.

You're an Overworlder? Then I've nothing to say to you! she says stiffly, as her xenophobia crushes whatever curiosity she had about this interesting quaggoth.

Although she turns away, anyone who happened to look at her during a specific moment would notice her cringe noticeably at the mention of a certain Nyx.

2015-12-18, 05:20 AM
"So, that was a waste of time. Their time, so I count that as one point for us." Making sure that the guards can't hear him, he turns towards the other prisoners, addressing nobody in particular. "So, anything happen while we were absent?"

2015-12-18, 11:32 AM
All the better I don't have to give up my own weapon. The young drow thinks to herself as she listens to both of their concerns.

"It's great that we have some weaponry at our disposal.... but first we have to get out of this cell. You see the mutilated drow making our food." She gestures to the drow being mocked by the rest of them. "Before I was captured, I was under the impression that he was the lover of the priestess in charge of this place. He didn't have any of the scars before then. If anyone in this prison might help us, it's him. And he's not a bad fighter either. What I need you two to do is try to figure out how exactly he got those scars, and any info possible about his fall from power. I want to make a convincing to him, and the more information I have, the better. "
Wrenn nods and furrows his brow as if deep in thought. Then says to T'yrisryl in a whisperWhat if I told you we had a way out of the cell? Also, sneaking around is my specialty. Perhaps I could go talk to him, see if he would be an ally?"

2015-12-18, 11:40 AM
Wrenn nods and furrows his brow as if deep in thought. Then says to T'yrisryl in a whisperWhat if I told you we had a way out of the cell? Also, sneaking around is my specialty. Perhaps I could go talk to him, see if he would be an ally?"

T'risryl tilts her head to the side and gives a look of confusion to the deep gnome. If he has a way out, why hasn't he used it yet?

"Due to the pride of many of my kin, sending a deep gnome to communicate with him is too risky." Especially sending one with your temperament. "But you mentioned a way out.... Explain."

2015-12-18, 12:05 PM
"What? A way out? Seriously? Why had you not brought that up yet?"

Alarra frowns at the deep gnome, then looks back at T'risryl.

"I doubt a human will fair any better than a deep gnome as far as your people's pride is concerned. But I am willing to do whatever it takes."

2015-12-18, 01:14 PM
As Alexis speaks to the Drow prisoner, he looks up at her with defeat in his eyes. "I wish I knew. Not that it would matter much, I am in no position to argue with my jailors, and with no way out of these chains I do not see the situation improving, my name is Sarith, and it looks like this slave pen will be my grave...." Further dialogue is cut short as the guards return.

As Vorn and Aidan are led back into the cell, the guards walk away as a limping drow makes his way over to the gate and begins to slowly pass thin wooden bowls filled with gruel. As T'risryl and Alexis approach the gate, he turns his head slightly to the side, concealing as much of his burned face as he can and leans forward, speaking quietly in elvish.

"Ahhhh, T'ris, ever the plaything of the matrons. A sorry state you seem to have found yourself in, and who is your attractive companion?" He half smirks, then slips a thin piece of meat into one of the bowls of gruel, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. "If I could give you a means to escape from here, would you take it?"

2015-12-18, 01:54 PM
Offering a smile as she took in his behavior, his words, his body language, Alexis responded: "We might not be doomed yet, if we can figure a way out." Seeing the approaching guard, she quickly added "For now, let's get some food in us. We'll need our strength for the tribulations awaiting us."

As she stood waiting for food, she overheard the guardswords to the drow woman, but kept her silence, preferring to continue observing everyone involved.

Insight check on the guard, to see whether he seems believable so far.


2015-12-18, 02:28 PM
As Vorn and Aidan are led back into the cell, the guards walk away as a limping drow makes his way over to the gate and begins to slowly pass thin wooden bowls filled with gruel. As T'risryl and Alexis approach the gate, he turns his head slightly to the side, concealing as much of his burned face as he can and leans forward, speaking quietly in elvish.

"Ahhhh, T'ris, ever the plaything of the matrons. A sorry state you seem to have found yourself in, and who is your attractive companion?" He half smirks, then slips a thin piece of meat into one of the bowls of gruel, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. "If I could give you a means to escape from here, would you take it?"

Do you even need to ask? T'risryl thought to herself with glee as she listened to her brother's whispers. Turning to face him, she nods her head affirmatively as a smile creeps across her face. As she moves forward to take the bowl with the piece of meat in it, she whispers as softly as she can "What do you have in mind?"

As happy as she was with the news, she was analyzing her brother, trying to see what he wanted to get out of all this. He'd betrayed her family once, and just because she was being offered a chance to get out of here, it could be that he intended to use her as a bargaining chip in some other way.

Insight Check:
Disadvantage [roll] 1d20+4
Mostly looking if he plans on regaining the favor of his old lover, followed by if he intends to betray me in the near future.

Rolled the extra disadvantage roll in the OOC thread, got a 24. So 21 it is.

Would the meat in my food be enough to end the exhaustion if coupled with a long rest?

2015-12-18, 04:29 PM
Walking up close to the guard, and not intent on looking as shaken as he had felt, he leans in to the guard.

"Hey, I think you're not too popular here save for one person. How come you two don't go on indefinite-vacation-from-backstabs?"

2015-12-18, 04:56 PM
Anton was surprised by how quickly things seemed to be moving forwards. It looked like they might already have their way out. But right now what he needed to do was wait and listen.

Throwing in an insight check. Unlikely to be higher than T'ris, but giving it a shot anyway:

2015-12-21, 04:38 PM
In regards to the insight checks, the guard seems truthful, but you doubt he is being altruistic

Jorlan, the scarred Drow guard, looks at Vorn and replies in low elvish. "You should already understand yourself that the vacations that you speak of are rare in our society, and if I left, how would I get revenge?" Turning to T'risryl he continues. "Tomorrow, I can delay the replacements during shift change, leaving the cell unobserved for perhaps a bell and unlock the main cell gate. What you do with this opportunity is up to you, but I would suggest taking that time to leave. behind me is a rope bridge that leads to the armory. Inside are some of the items you had on you when you were captured, as well as some of the guard equipment. There maybe a guard or two that you will have to contend with, and only Asha and Ilvara hold the key to your shackles. In the lower walls of the armory tower there are murder holes used to defend the outpost from below. You could slip down those and into the webs below, from there jumping into the pool to make your escape. I cannot risk helping you, so if you are caught or confronted expect no allegiance from me. Even if you manage to escape quietly Ilvara will be hot on your heels as soon as she discovers you are missing, so you will need to flee quickly. What to do once you are out of the outpost must be your own concern, as I am taking a huge risk as it is.

2015-12-21, 05:04 PM
"I will take this opportunity you're offering us, and whatever motives you might have, know this is a good deed. Should you and the priestess ever choose a simpler life, I'm but one of the friends who will await you at the surface."

With that, Vorn will bow out of the conversation. He takes news of their imminent escape to his friend, and takes to the task of harming his chains any, at any weak spot he might find. Hopefully, he might lessen his restrains by the time of their run.

2015-12-21, 09:35 PM
Edit: Ignore this post. Wrong thread.

2015-12-22, 07:33 AM
Sensing an opportunity to have a private chat, Zouk seeks out her fellow Svirfneblin and asks him in Gnomish.

"You know Nyx?"

2015-12-22, 07:47 AM
Sensing an opportunity to have a private chat, Zouk seeks out her fellow Svirfneblin and asks him in Gnomish.

"You know Nyx?" Wrenn looks at the other Svirfneblin grimly and says. Yes, I knew her well, As I said I was the scout on multiple mining expeditions with her. I saw her killed, brutally by a drow priestess.

2015-12-22, 07:56 AM
A haunted expression floods Zouk's face. Nyx, of course, was a treasured friend. Her big sister. Her rock in times of need. That was severely curtailed when Nyx was old enough to join a mining group, and completely stopped after Zouk herself matured and joined a different group. Still, gnomes from Blingdenstone stick together; the ties that bind are very strong.

"Who? Why? How?!" the strangled word came out of the gnome's face, her 23-year old features unreadable although she is blinking with surprising frequency.

2015-12-22, 01:05 PM
In regards to the insight checks, the guard seems truthful, but you doubt he is being altruistic

Jorlan, the scarred Drow guard, looks at Vorn and replies in low elvish. "You should already understand yourself that the vacations that you speak of are rare in our society, and if I left, how would I get revenge?" Turning to T'risryl he continues. "Tomorrow, I can delay the replacements during shift change, leaving the cell unobserved for perhaps a bell and unlock the main cell gate. What you do with this opportunity is up to you, but I would suggest taking that time to leave. behind me is a rope bridge that leads to the armory. Inside are some of the items you had on you when you were captured, as well as some of the guard equipment. There maybe a guard or two that you will have to contend with, and only Asha and Ilvara hold the key to your shackles. In the lower walls of the armory tower there are murder holes used to defend the outpost from below. You could slip down those and into the webs below, from there jumping into the pool to make your escape. I cannot risk helping you, so if you are caught or confronted expect no allegiance from me. Even if you manage to escape quietly Ilvara will be hot on your heels as soon as she discovers you are missing, so you will need to flee quickly. What to do once you are out of the outpost must be your own concern, as I am taking a huge risk as it is.

Keeping her voice low, Alexis attempted to feel out the guard a bit more: "I think perhaps...perhaps you should come with us. Even if your help isn't immediately obvious, an investigation will follow, and they'll eventually figure out who let everybody out. They might have enough labor-slaves elsewhere to be able to handle the loss, but they can't let the escape attempt go unpunished; they'll look for somebody to blame and punish, and if they find out that you delayed things enough to give us an opportunity, they'll assume it was intentional with or without proof."

"If you come with us, though, they'll know who was responsible, but you'll be far away from them."

Persuasion check: [roll0]

2015-12-22, 01:35 PM
Keeping her voice low, Alexis attempted to feel out the guard a bit more: "I think perhaps...perhaps you should come with us. Even if your help isn't immediately obvious, an investigation will follow, and they'll eventually figure out who let everybody out. They might have enough labor-slaves elsewhere to be able to handle the loss, but they can't let the escape attempt go unpunished; they'll look for somebody to blame and punish, and if they find out that you delayed things enough to give us an opportunity, they'll assume it was intentional with or without proof."

"If you come with us, though, they'll know who was responsible, but you'll be far away from them."

Persuasion check: [roll0]

"I was once the First Blade of House Duskryn, but Matron Mother Prae'anelle would never let a man hold that title for long. So I jumped to House Mizzrym, were I was working through the beds of as many mistresses as I could." Jorlan turns to face you, not attempting to hide his scarred face. "I saved Ilvara's life when we were attacked in the tunnels during a patrol by an unusually large black pudding. I lost my looks and my skill with a sword, and what does she do!? She abandons me for the next pretty young bed warmer, even if he is so incompetent that he barely knows which end of a rapier to hold. So with no military value, and no connection to my house, I am worse than useless. I will most likely live out my life sweeping floors and preparing meals, but even at such a sorry state I would be no slave. Or worse, a cast-away scrapping for life out in the Deeps, living a life of fear and flight. No, I only help you because Ilvara has much bigger ambitions than Commander of Velkynvelve, and losing this many slaves would shame her and ruin any hopes of becoming Matron of Mizzrym. She cast me aside, so I would pull her down as low as me, and nothing would stop me from being there to personally watch her hopes crumble. To see the fear, anger, and misery take hold of her soul. Nothing would rob me of that pleasure, not pain, not torture, not death, and certainly not you. If you want to escape you'll take my offer, if not, fine. I will wait until the next group of captives arrives and you are shipped off to Menzoberranzan or the sacrificial altar." He stands up and begins to turn away. "Tomorrow. The next guard change. Be ready or accept your fate."

2015-12-22, 01:40 PM
Anton listened to the guards tale, his heart growing heavier as he continued. When he finished, Anton wanted to say something to him, but he had no idea what the Drow would consider comforting, or insulting. So he swallowed and whispered. "Tomorrow. Yes."

2015-12-22, 02:59 PM
A haunted expression floods Zouk's face. Nyx, of course, was a treasured friend. Her big sister. Her rock in times of need. That was severely curtailed when Nyx was old enough to join a mining group, and completely stopped after Zouk herself matured and joined a different group. Still, gnomes from Blingdenstone stick together; the ties that bind are very strong.

"Who? Why? How?!" the strangled word came out of the gnome's face, her 23-year old features unreadable although she is blinking with surprising frequency.
Wrenn looks ashamed. All I know is the one who killed her was a high ranking priestess of that thrice cursed spider demon. As for how, the Drow party hid behind an illusory rock wall that I failed to notice, and as to why I have no idea why the Drow continue to slaughter or enslave the other races of the underdark. I feel as much pain as you do at our loss. Wrenn tries to bury his face in hands but is prevented by the shackles.

2015-12-23, 11:36 AM
Alright. Have fun as Ilvara's torture doll, brother. Have fun letting your desire for revenge getting in the way of your well being. This was the problem with her people. So inefficient. Blinded by every viscous whim that comes their way. He even admitted that this would likely go poorly for him, and he did it anyways.

However, this wasn't the time for a lesson on proper behavior. So, T'risryl just nodded her head at her brother's plan with a smile, and headed to the back of the cell to eat her food, trying to mentally block out the lamentations of the deep gnomes to little avail.

2015-12-23, 03:55 PM
Alarra approaches T'risryl as she eats.

"T'risryl, what did that guard say to you? It seems you had a rather long conversation..."

2015-12-24, 05:19 PM
T'risryl stops eating for a moment before quietly sharing the good news to her cell mate.

"We have a way out. Be ready for the next guard shift."