View Full Version : From Drollful to Doleful

2007-06-12, 01:57 AM
Will our dungeon crawlin' fools ever revert back to the happy-go-lucky dungeon crawling I fell in love with when I first started reading this comic?

I mean, this comic is so excellently done... but as of late, this battle scene really toned down the overall humor in this campaign. It is well done, of course, excellently told, and epic on massive proportions.

But will the humor return? Will the "up a level, down a level" joke ever get topped? SOme of the funniest material took place within the first 100 strips. Will that humor ever be emulated by Rich Berlew again? Or has the OOTS seen the end-of-days, like in "On The Beach" by Neville Schute, where everything eventually will vanish, and you spend all your resources on the end.

It's very depressing and morbid. With the deaths of so many characters weighing heavily upon the OOTS and the readers, do any of you think the happy humor will return?

2007-06-12, 08:09 AM
I got this feeling too hwen I read the first comics and compared them to those later on. In my opinion, of course, humor is missing, but mind you, the way to Azure City, and everything until the siege was full of humor. Maybe Rich feels like telling stories instead of making good jokes now. Maybe the funny part will return again.

2007-06-12, 08:12 AM
Humor's always an important part of the strips.. It's just that you can't always focus on it when you want the story to progress. "Up a level-Down a level" doesn't take you anywhere(except maybe a new level).

2007-06-12, 08:18 AM
oots has evovled beyond the point of making one shot jokes. its kinda a natural progression that occurs when the charecters get more charecter. i am sorry you long for the old days but those kinds of jokes can only go on so long before becoming dull.

Lòkki Gallansbayne
2007-06-12, 08:21 AM
I blame Cerebus.

2007-06-12, 08:27 AM
I think the strip is now much more substantial and deep now the story is the focus and the characters have enough personality and backstory to be able to get away from the liners.

However, having said that, I too would appreciate a move back to something slightly lighter in tone now the seige is coming to an end. Story is great, but for the last month or so things have become rather serious, maybe a bit too serious for some.

I personally think the story will lighten up a little with the OOTS going on a quest to revive :roy: theres plenty of comedy value in that. At it's heart the OOTS is a comedy strip with a strong story, and I'm sure the balance will even up sooner rather than later.

2007-06-12, 02:48 PM
As long as it doesn't take cues from College Roomies From Hell.