View Full Version : Eberron Campaign Setting Adamentine Door Value

Koran Redaxe
2015-12-17, 01:32 AM
In the Eberron Campaign Setting there is a sample adventure for level one characters. On pages 315 & 316 it mentions an Adamentine covered set of double doors. I was wondering how much they would be worth and, having failed to work it out myself, decided I would ask the Playground to help. How much are those doors worth?

2015-12-17, 10:29 AM
How heavy are the doors? How thick is the adamantine covering?

2015-12-17, 12:53 PM
How heavy are the doors? How thick is the adamantine covering?

According to the map, it looks like two doors, each 5' wide. Adamantine has 40 HP per inch, so 20 HP means the adamantine layer is half an inch thick. It's not clear how tall the doors are... I would expect 5' high, but the building itself is 20' high, so maybe they are 10' tall?

The cost of a freestanding 10' x 10' wall of adamantine six inches thick in the Stronghold Builder's Guide is 3000 GP. For two 5' x 10' doors half an inch thick... looks like about 125 GP. You'd probably get more GP from the three inches of steel... actually, the SBG doesn't have prices for steel, but if the doors had 3 inches of iron instead of steel, that'd be 300 GP for the two doors.

I'm assuming the price for the freestanding walls just includes the material costs, but there may also be some cost to fabricate and install... for example, a 10' x 10' iron wall six inches thick costs 600 GP, but an iron door that's two inches thick (size not listed, presumably 5' x 5') costs 500 GP. If we size the wall down to 5' x 5' and two inches thick, that's only 50 GP of material, so 450 GP for fabrication, hinges, and installation. Or, heck, we could just take the iron door from the SBG, multiply it by 6 (three inches thick, 10' tall), and we've got 3000 GP for two iron doors (steel would presumably be more expensive... maybe double?), and 125 GP for a half-inch layer of adamantine.

2015-12-17, 02:40 PM
If the hinges aren't adamantine, the doorframe probably isn't, and has so many fewer hp...you know, if you wanted to remove it.

This leads to a scenario where you have to extract the adamantine. We can assume that the metal is smeltable, otherwise it couldn't be shaped. If the door is entirely adamantine, the following bit is unnecessary, so just sell them.

So, if we are going by hardness and hp, it appears that iron would melt before adamantine. If this is the case, you want to drill a hole in the bottom of the doors, smelt them and control the temperature such that the molten iron pours out. If, by chance, that adamantine has a lower boiling point than iron, you can just harvest it directly. I hope someone took a few ranks in craft (blacksmithing)...