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View Full Version : A Simulacrum Conundrum

Xar Zarath
2015-12-18, 12:30 AM
I need a little help on this playgrounders. A wizard proceeds to Magic Jar a npc cleric. Then removes a little bit of hair/nails etc from the cleric while in possession of the body. When the wizard casts the simulacrum with the material, the simulacrum would look like the cleric but here's the hard part...would the simulacrum have the cleric's abilities or the wizards abilities?

2015-12-18, 12:51 AM
The Cleric. simulacrum requires "some piece of the creature to be duplicated (hair, nail, or the like)" as a material component. magic jar allows you to "force the creature’s soul" into the jar, the body doesn't change.

2015-12-19, 07:21 AM
Now, note this discussion is going to be mostly fluff. AFAIK there's nothing RAW that strictly dictates the result.

So I'd say it might duplicate the cleric, or the wizard depending on the time simulacrum was cast. The language of the spell doesn't specify that it's a copy of the creature from when the samples were taken. Just that its a copy of the creature. So you could potentially take a sample of dragon when its a wyrmling, wait for it to grow up to a Great Wyrm and your Simulacrum would be a Great Wyrm. Thats the closest to RAW you're gonna get I'm afraid.

So if you were possessing the body of the cleric WHEN you cast simulacrum, it would copy you with the physical attributes of the cleric. Perhaps the spells scans the Noosphere for the information, or maybe it reaches out to touch your soul through the body and the samples are just guide to finding the body in the first place or however you want to fluff it.

However, if the possession had ended by the time spell was cast, given the lack of terminology dictating that it copies the creature at the time of sampling, I'd say it has to be the cleric.