View Full Version : Player Help Flexible caster ideas for a n00blet (concept and viability)

Captain Bob
2015-12-18, 03:41 AM
I'm finally getting a chance to play a more-than-one-off campaign with a group of friends, and I'm having a hard time picking what to play. Currently, we have a beefy-built life cleric, a classic assassination rogue, a monk, and a player torn between a barbarian or a moon druid. I'm slightly stuck on what to choose especially because most of us are very new to the game. Two builds I've been tossing around in my mind are as follows, and I'd appreciate any thoughts on viability and the general concept of the characters

Idea 1:
Favored soul - Trickery Domain
Drow race
Criminal Background

-Character with a chip on his shoulder, forced into the shadows by his lineage and in turn embracing them. This character was an idea that the rogue player was super excited about because we could tie our lives of crime together into the emerging group story. Basically my thoughts would be utilization of the excellent trickery tree for both flavor and dastardly / stealthy deeds. Firebolt, greenflame blade or booming blade + utility cantrips would be primary low level damage, ramping into the full-fledged sorceries later.

-Concerns are the lack of social options, while I view the strengths to be a generally versatile combat blaster that won't die if breathed on the wrong way, primarily staying at range but capable of melee with cantrips

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 16

Idea 2:
Lore Bard
Entertainer / Criminal (spy)
(same stat dist. as above at level 1)

-I always liked the stereotype of the roaming minstrel who uses his performing as a cover for collecting information. Kind of an agent of a famous information broker or something. again for a possible tie-in with the rogue character.
-Strengths are the plethora of skills and debuffing / buffing, with a touch of healing. My concerns on the other hand are getting instagibbed in combat, and being lackluster in the damage department - with thoughts of maybe throwing in a level of sorcerer for cantrips and a pair of basic damage spells to tide me over till magical mysteries. Possible 1 level of favored soul for maximum cheese - though my thoughts were that it could smoothly explain the lucky attribute as well just for fun.

Anyways, sorry for the length, but I appreciate any feedback from people that know better than me (everyone). Cheers

2015-12-18, 05:24 AM
Here's a neat addition to the Lore Bard concept. Add in some levels of Warlock & your "information broker" could also be your patron.

Captain Bob
2015-12-18, 10:42 PM
That's a pretty excellent idea actually. Eldrich blast is also super strong for basic blasting I'd imagine