View Full Version : DUskblade gestalt with smart hero from D20

2015-12-18, 01:43 PM
so I'd like to see what people think of my new build
My gm wants to mix the two systems together in a gestalt game
I had originally plan on a artificer/fast hero but found out I could not do some of the things I plan on and that ruin the fluff of the character for me

So I went back to one of my personal fav 3.5 classes, the duskblade.
and I though hey they need Int for there spellcasting and since they have full BAB why not mix it wiith smart hero

then I remember that I get things called talents from the smart hero side and one of them is savant and it says add your smart level to a knowledge or craft and i'm like why not add it my knowledge'so I can get a nice bonus from my knowledge devotion feat

any one have and idea as to what else I can do to combine the two classes better?

ch level 10