View Full Version : Whats in a name

2015-12-18, 11:50 PM
so I've been making thread after thread trying to get help making the right pc
now that I have one down I am in need something Important
I need a Name:

so heres the fluff
She is A princess that is also a member of a group of knights called the Fafnir knights
she is Hotblooded and acts a leader for her fellow knight
her face is Human

I like long fancy names that sound elegant

her class is dragonfire adept 10/-mixed with fast hero in a gestalt game

she is 16 and has high Dex con and cha
her beauty is one of her many traits

so can some one give me and idea for her name?

2015-12-18, 11:53 PM
What culture is she from?

2015-12-19, 12:16 AM
What culture is she from?

Germanic/Nordic name would be nice

2015-12-19, 02:34 AM
So princess consuela banana hammock would be out?

Extra points if you knew the reference.

mabriss lethe
2015-12-19, 04:17 AM
The Lady Cassilda Castaigne

Bonus points for the following:
-Have a love of theater, constantly comment on the new play you're writing
-Show a monomaniacal fondness for the color yellow and carnival masks.

OK. so maybe I shouldn't have read The King in Yellow before giving character creation advice.

2015-12-19, 04:57 AM
Germanic/Nordic name would be nice
Rose des Feuers = Rose of fire
assuming that is what she inspires

2015-12-19, 05:17 AM
Helga Vonn Trapp would work. she could be perpetually perky and sing about the things she loves.

Xaviera (brand new home) Audhild (fighting for wealth) would be a pretty cool authentic name for an adventurer.

2015-12-19, 11:11 AM
Hildegard von Schwarzwind.

…okay, in my case, I've played way too much SoulCalibur in the past. :smalltongue: Could be worse, though; my favorite character was named after a planet from the old Transformers cartoon.

2015-12-19, 11:49 AM
I've always had a hell of a time figuring out names as well. I used to have a book that helped though, Gary Gygax's Extraordinary Book of Names. Had a selection of names and naming conventions from a ton of cultures around the world, as well as a handful of fantasy ones

2015-12-19, 12:18 PM
One point to keep in mind is that your character's given name probably isn't a reflection of her personality, since she was named before her personality became evident. A given name should only reflect her culture and background. In this case, as a princess, your character probably has a whole string of names, like "Constantina Charlotte Ermantrude Gueenavier Mazy Margarita", with the expectation that she'll pick one of those to mostly go by.

Of course, the next question is whether your character will actually use her given name, or if she'll have a nickname, cognomen, or epithet that she uses in addition to or instead of it. Like, if her given name is what I said before, she might go by "Charlotte the Firebrand", or she might have given herself a new name drawn from Draconic, which might translate to something like "all-consuming beauty".

2015-12-19, 07:54 PM
As a possible example I believed this belongs to Queen Elizabeth II:

In English Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

In Latin Elizabeth II, Dei Gratia Britanniarum Regnorumque Suorum Ceterorum Regina, Consortionis Populorum Princeps, Fidei Defensor

2015-12-21, 09:05 AM
Really curious what they chose.