View Full Version : Pathfinder Deciding on a backup character

2015-12-19, 01:15 AM
So in my current game, I am not too happy with my build. It works fine mechanically, but is boring for me to play. Thus I have decided to make a backup character for when I inevitably get this one killed.

I am trying to decide between an alchemist that fights with fireworks as his main weapons and only pulls out bombs/extracts when things get really dicey or an Inquisitor using Infiltrator, Preacher, and Sin eater archetypes. He would just be a creepy shady scout/face type.

The groups optimization level is low enough both are viable without much work. I just can't decide between a serious and creepy character or an absolute loon that randomly blows things up.

So Playground, which should I build?

2015-12-19, 12:23 PM
I vote for the guy accidentally blowing stuff up. That may or may not be because it sounds like me in real life. Well when I was younger anyway.