View Full Version : Player Help 3.5 (Not PF) Tier 3 Player wants ideas for a character using Divine Shield Feat

2015-12-19, 10:29 AM
We want to build a character that is tactical and uses three or four different shields... One of them would be a Tower Shield. We've read http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?123630-3-X-Person-Man-s-Guide-to-Shields, which was really useful. We are thinking about carrying a Tower Shield and using it for cover, but over time getting more magical shields that do different things.

We know we have to pick up Turn Undead or at least Turn Elemental (etc, DM allows those to fuel Divine Feats).
A level or two of Fighter might be good to pick up Tower Shield proficiency and extra feats because getting Touch AC is fairly feat intensive.

Basically we are looking for ideas...

2015-12-19, 10:35 AM
What do you want to get out of having a shield? Do you want to do damage? Prevent damage? Something else?

2015-12-19, 10:54 AM
What do you want to get out of having a shield? Do you want to do damage? Prevent damage? Something else?
We aren't worried about damage at all. More trying to have good defense and battlefield control.

2015-12-19, 11:07 AM
We aren't worried about damage at all. More trying to have good defense and battlefield control.

In short, I can see a couple methods: going with shield spikes and Stand Still/ Thicket of Blades, or some cleric defensive divine feats. I'll get back to you once my game today is over.

2015-12-19, 02:04 PM
(Crusader, Swordsage, Warblade, Thicket of Blades, Rapid Counter, and rules on initiator levels are all in the Tome of Battle)

If you're attached to the tower shield, ask your DM if you can put spikes on it, because ordinarily you can't with tower shields.

If you can get a spikes shield, you can threaten AoOs with your shield, which is good news. Next up, you have two paths available for extending your reach.

You can wield a one handed reach weapon, like the Spinning Sword (Secrets of Sarlona) or Kusarigama (DMG), or you can extend the reach on your shield, by taking a large race (Half Minotaur template? [Dragon #313]) or with something like Inhuman Reach (Lords of Madness).

Once you threaten a 10ft area, you can make your shield into a battlefield control dream come true. With Stand Still at first, then later Thicket of Blades with Crusader (or Warblade or Swordsage with Martial Study twice) as well, you can make getting past you real difficult. (You should talk to your DM about the interaction between Tumble and Thicket of Blades, by RAW, it's debatable).

With an initiator level of 9 (and remember, your initiator level is your levels in a Tome of Battle class + 1/2 your levels in other classes), you can grab (as a crusader via Martial Study because it has no prerequisites, as a SS or WB just via a maneuver known) Rapid Counter. When you get an AoO, use an immediate action to get an extra one. That way you can bring the pain while still protecting your allies.

With your other levels, you probably want to dip Cleric to grab Turn/Rebuke attempts for the Divine Shield you want, which is a great way to pump your AC.
If you use a Tower Shield, definitely dip fighter.
If you don't go Crusader, you likely want Paladin 2 (or Paladin 4 without the Cleric dip), if you do go Crusader, Hexblade 3 (Complete Warrior) might be better.
Alternatively, Shaman 5 (Oriental Adventures, updated in Dragon #318) gives Turn/Rebuke at level 3, and Cha to saves at level 5, as well as an animal companion, unarmed strike, a bonus feat, and the ability to see ethereal creatures. And, you know, a couple domains and 3rd level spells.

If your DM rules that Tumble bypasses Thicket of Blades, Knight 3 (Player's Handbook II) gives Bulwark of Defense, if your opponent starts in your threatened area, all your threatened squares become difficult terrain, moving from one side of your threatened area out the other side would take 100ft of movement. At 5th level, Knight gets Vigilant Defender, all tumble DCs to get past you increase by your Knight level.
You also get Shield Ally with Knight 6, along with several other defensive abilities along the way.

Example build:
Half Minotaur Xeph
Shaman 5/Knight 6/Fighter 1/Crusader 8
Feats: 1-Combat Reflexes, 3-Divine Shield, S4-Stand Still, 6-Aberration Blood, K2-Mounted Combat, 9-Inhuman Reach, K5-Iron Will, 12-Deft Opportunist, F1-Clever Opportunist, 15-Martial Study (Rapid Counter), 18-Divine Vigor
Racial ability mods are: Str +10, Con +6, Int -2
Expected AC: 50
Expected Saves: +33, +26, +38
Expected To-Hit: +34 (+38 w/ AoOs)

2015-12-19, 10:06 PM
I tried to center a build around Divine Shield:

Holy Warrior Human Paladin 4/Crusader 1/Pious Templar 2/Ruby Knight Vindicator 10/Crusader 3, two-handing the Shield.

Important Feats: Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, Shield Ward, Divine Shield, Shield Slam, Shield Charge, Law Devotion, Power Attack and Battle Blessing iff it's ruled to work with Pious Templar.

Shield Slam and Shield Charge complement maneuvers, there are several Charisma synergies as well as a variety of options for your Swift Actions and the Paladin Spell list is surprisingly deep if you're willing to dig. Shield Specialization/Ward are there only to add Shield to Touch AC, which assumes all your other defenses are also reasonably high via Divine Grace.

Unfortunately, no Tower Shield, but I can't actually think of anything at exploits it efficiently.