View Full Version : Player Help PF So you want to rob a dragon?

2015-12-19, 10:09 PM
Hello everyone! So I'll get right into the mess of it. My party and I encountered an ancient magma dragon while we were beginning the Tomb of the Iron Medusa module. Due to a strange turn of events we end up killing the band of mages that were chasing him in exchange for safe passage through his territory. My character has this strange obsession with teeth and the Dragon for whatever reason obliged my request and provided me with one of his own teeth.

We've since then completed the module, but after this event I purposed the idea of tracking the dragon down for PHAT LOOTZ. The party is generally agreed this is a bad idea since they are of the idea you shouldn't mess with dragons. I being a master ninja thief think this is the opportunity of a lifetime, but I am also very meticulous in planning every detail. We are level 15 and I am 2 Fighter/3 Horizon walker/10 Ninja. We haven't divided up the loot from the module yet but it looks to be a little over 100k for each person. How could I spend the upcoming downtime (if any) and my share to steal from the dragon. I'm not against fighting it but the party doesn't want to get involved as already mentioned. So I figure I'll get hirelings to scry on the dragon. I understand this will take some time but that fits my character. Is this even worth it? Please let me know what I should prepare for. What traps to look for, what items to bring, and any other advice you can give me on how not to get caught!

Tl;DR: level 15 PC with 100k wants to know best way to rob an ancient magma dragon.

Things of note are 1. We are evil PCs 2. I can greater invis and teleport (once a day greater teleport) myself.

Here is my character sheet.

Platymus Pus
2015-12-19, 11:47 PM
An ancient dragon you say?
I wouldn't try to steal from a dragon that old (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWVeZx2IP30), asking for death. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3WjqVWFhFM)
Make a weapon out of the tooth you took from him, try for a Coup de Grace. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#coup-de-grace) If the dragon ever sleeps to begin with.
You could also always try diplomacy, though I doubt you could outdo a dragon that old.

2015-12-20, 05:11 PM
I ended up making some bad ass scabbards out of the teeth actually. Keen edge and Magma Burst make for good crit fishing. We have houseruled that a critical threat is an auto hit, making it feasible for me to hit anything with my terrible character progression. Diplomacy is out the window, see my character sheet, and if multiple attacks are counted in a coup de grace then that might be feasible. I have some custom wakizashis that are OP if I can get crits. 1st crit enemy is staggered, 2nd crit in a row enemy is stunned, and third they are petrified (turned to stone) DC 25 Fort.

Do you think it reasonably safe to spy on a dragon and kill it in its sleep though?

Platymus Pus
2015-12-21, 03:16 AM
That's more of a question of your DM.
Bets are it'll never be safe in the least. It's an ancient dragon after all, if it's a smart one you can't spy on it to begin with.

2015-12-21, 04:19 AM
You have no means of hiding from blindsense, so make sure you never get within 60' or it will auto-spot you without having to compare perception/stealth checks. Possibly even in its sleep. Dragons often don't have a regular sleep schedule, so be careful with that too.

It can do enough damage in a full attack to one-round you with or without power attack and it hits on a 2 (with or without power attack). If you're invisible it still has a 50% miss chance - but it can cast glitterdust. A fight is a terrible, terrible idea for you.

2015-12-21, 10:29 AM
Invisibility isn't enough because dragons have blindsense. You'll want Dampen Presence (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/dampen-presence) at a minimum, and given your high level, incorporeality would be a good goal to shoot for as well. The latter also helps you against most of the traps you'd encounter.