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2015-12-20, 07:51 AM
Cyelle Interactions Text RP week:


Morning arrived, and the boys seemed to be preoccupied with the pretty halfling that called itself Jazz. A good time to explore a bit on your own, one could think.
"Have fun boys, I'll see you later today."
Cyelle said merrily, and quickly left the Halfling Heaven tavern, as she came to call their sleeping-spot. Setting her priorities straight, she decided to visit Morr first. A woman should keep contact with the interesting men. Instead of trying to lull her into a flood of empty compliments, Morr had been honest and straightforward. It had been refreshing. No deceit (as far as she could tell) and no empty flattery. Maybe Morr could also help her find somebody who could help her with the magic thing she and her friends found in the cultists base. Who knows. For now, she made her way to the Good, Good, Good and Fancy.

After a bit of searching, it becomes clear to Cyelle that Morr is not at the GGGF on guard duty as expected. A few quick questions and flashing her eyelashes and the bard finds out he is off, and expected to be at the main barracks today, getting fully cleared to return to duty tomorrow. Security does seem a bit heavier at the rather nice shopping facility.

Pouting her lips in a strangly adorable annoyed way, she thanks the people who helped her and she made her way to the barracks. After she around, she searched around for Morr, using her trademark mixture of diplomacy by gorgous voice and eyelash flashing to find Morr.

Arriving at the Barracks at the bottom of the Lighthouse, Cyelle can look up and see it is a rather impressive structure, cannons mounted nearly 5 floors up on the main landing, before the lighthouse event starts. After her initial enquiry it only takes a brief 3 or 4 minutes and Morr shows up. He grins as he sees her, steps out re-strapping up his leather gauntlets, and fully without his usual chain. Clearly the northman is off duty.
"My my my, what I spot with my eye. " he comments to himself in a sing-songy tone as he approaches.
"As always, it is good to see you... " he bows at the waist. "Cyelle."

Cyelle courtsied in return.
"The feeling is entirely mutual, Morr."
She said with a wink, eyes wandering over the northman. "Although your singing voice could be improved. And as it is. I know a very.."
She approached Morr until she was a single step away and continued, tilting her head, causing her long red hair to fall into view.
"Very good teacher."
Cyelle took a teasing step backward. "But that can maybe wait until a better time. Are you free to go on a date? I need some good company while I wander the city and do some bard business, and I immediately thought of you." Her smiled broadened.
"Strange that, isn't it?"

He smiles, looking over his shoulder to someone at a desk, raises one arm in a clenched fist, and gets the same salute in return, he then turns to the bard. "If you're not careful, a simple man like me could get the idea that you are fond...."
He winks as he takes one step closer, offering his arm, his voice softening and becoming more sincere as he nods to her.
"I cannot think of another place I'd rather be."

"So what if you would get that idea? You have to take chances sometimes." Cyelle said jokingly, but she took Morr's offered arm nonetheless, snuggling close to him, emphasising her figure. "Shall we go then? I'll make sure not to take up too much of your precious time, if you're too busy. I need to get some magical items appraised and buy some articles that make my performances more successful and beautiful to look at and listen too. You'll be welcome to help me determine which ones fit me best."

"The only reason my time is precious, is because you are here." The northman smiles warmly down at her, and guides her towards the shopping district near the GGGF. Morr seems happy to enjoy her company, patiently waiting as she compares instruments, and to have the honour of advising on outfit possibilities. He does not know where one would go for magical items aside from the enchanter in the GGGF, however Cyelle has no trouble finding out with her social skills. As the afternoon comes he escorts her the majority of the way to the Troll's warren. He turns towards her, clear he does not want to overstay his welcome. "Thank you for that, however I must go get some rest. Late night shift this evening and one must be on there guard. I am already looking forward to seeing you again though little siren. "

"And thank you, noble warrior of the north. The feeling is entirely mutual. I'll see you later. Oh, and if I find out anything about those cultists, I'll come running to you." She gave Morr a quick kiss (this time on the lips) before waving goodbye and disappearing into the crowd.


Cyelle, entering the bar at the Trolls Waren, coming back from some unknown business, spots Gon. Cheerfully waving at him, she yells through the inn at him:
"Ooooi, Gon! We should go and throw some dice at the Fancy Pants place."
With a big grin, she adds:
"I promise not to win you out of your clothes this time."

Gon looked up from whatever he was doing and smirked as he walked over to her.
"If I recall, you were almost topless by the time we finished that game. Let's go." he said.

"Emphasis on almost." She retorted, walking out of the building. She looked at the sun, seeing it setting a bit, it being late in the afternoon. Walking through the city, she shot a curious sideway glance at Gon and asked: "So what have you been doing the time after we last met? I believe it was slightly more than 1 year ago?"

"Well I quit the thieves guild after you left, they don't miss me I imagine. I wanted to travel out of Savannah and see the world, I'm not getting any younger afterall. So I started my preparations and a couple people tried to stop that. Big mistake. Around this time an accquaintance called in a favour I owed and that's how I met Grey and he tagged along. I'm not entirely sure why, the kid never told me."
Gon answered as he walked by her side.
"What about you, what have you been doing since then?

Cyelle shrugged.
"Since going the Savanah Kingdoms, I went to the Elven Kingdoms for a while. They know quite alot about illusions, so I took some lessons from them. A girl has to know how to defend herself after all. They pay halfway decent too. After that, I took a caravan back and I met Cal and Brycen."
The House of Sensible Trousers because visible in the distance.
"So you're some trouble with your former friends, ey? Better keep eyes on the back of your head."

"They probably haven't even noticed I'm gone, I wasn't exactly a memorable member. But if any come after me, they'll likely die if they won't get the hint and leave." Gon answered. "Odd nickname you have for Bethelandis by the way, how did you end up befriending a Magus and a Paladin? Neither seem like the gambling type."
As Gon asked this, HOST appeared in Gon's view in the distance, he wasn't going to lose as much gold this time around.

"You'd be surprised what people you encounter when you're traveling as much as I do." Cyelle chuckled. "Rough barbarians, Stiff as a board Paladins. Even the darker type of people such as assasins and ne...necromancers." At the last word, a shadow of pains long past flashed over Cyelle's face. It was gone as fast as it appeared, but it was visible nontheless.

Gon saw the pain flash over her face quickly, but chose not to comment. If she wanted him to know, she'd tell him, but he was slightly worried.
"You certainly lead an interesting life my friend. I imagine you spent time with Moor before?"

"Hhhmm, yeah, some. He is an interesting fellow. He is direct, sincere. Refreshing really. Not so full of empty flattering and endless courting."
Cyelle's mouth curled up in a smile, slighly mockingly.
"Such as a certain sorcerer we're both familiar with."

"True, the kid's words are about as real as a copper whore's. At least his getting rejected is entertaining to watch, plus he's pretty harmless."
Gon replied with a smirk. He was glad that Moor made her happy, even if it was a short term thing.

Cyelle let out a laugh, the sound ringing crystal-clear through the streets.
"He might have more luck if he didn't hit on everything that has even a small resemblence to a woman's bust. But you're right, he is harmless. He's a nuisance sometimes, but he is an amusing nuisance."

"Also, isn't he older than you? Wouldn't that make you the kid?" Cyelle added with a wink.

Gon laughed, she finally realised that Grey was older.
"I'm technically older by Half-Orc standards, we're considered adults at 14-16. Plus I have alot more life experience, I can't help but call him a kid with how he acts." He answered. "Though I have had to scare off more then a few men trying to defend their wife or children. Being a Half-Orc has it's advantages when racists aren't trying to kill me."

"Maybe also when racists are trying to kill you. I mean, you're still standing here, despite it."
The duo reached the door of the HOST.
"So, do you want to play on the upper or lower floor?"
Cyelle asked. She smiled slyly, running a hand through her long, red hair slowly.
"The lower floor might have a nicer view for you, but you might be at a disadvantage because of it."

"True, the bastards are lying dead somewhere afterall."
Gon replied as they entered the HOST. "The upper floors, thanks. Distractions against you is a horrible idea."
It didn't take long for the pair to find people to find other people to play.

"Peh, you spoilsport."
Cyelle pouted, still smiling. When the table was full, Cyelle took out her own set of dice, with the signs of playing cards carved and painted with precision on them.
"Well then, ladies and gentlemen. Shall we begin?"

"Let's." Gon replied as he grabbed his dice and prepared to play. He wasn't giving her any advantage.

Flipping a silver on the table, Cyelle rolled, the old wooden dice she used rattling across the table. 3 two's, 1 one and one 6. The redhaired bard gather the dice that weren't on two and rolled them again, getting another 2.

Gon flipped a silver onto the table and rolled his dice, three sixes, two ones and a three. He then grabbed the three and rolled it again and got another six. How lucky he was.

Cyelle raised her eyebrows.
"Gon, friend. Did you forget we use 5 dice here? We're in Linorest after all. Or our companions at the table could agree to use the Savanah version of the game."
Cyelle eyed the rest of the table, their fellow dicers shrugging in a *I don't really give a damn* manner.
"Which version would you prefer, Gon?" Cyelle asked after the lack of reaction from the rest of the table.

"They do? Well, goat bollocks. We'll stick with Linnorest rules, sorry." Gon replied and made it so he only had five dice. He was much better at poker then at dice, Cyelle had never been able to beat him at that in the few games they played.

Cyelle's memories about that were distinctly differerent. The rogue was good at poker, no doubt about that, winning the majority of the games last time. However, Cyelle had beaten him once or twice. She was very proficient in calling out one's pokerface.
"Alright then. Let's start this again with the Linnorian rules, shall we?"
She rolled, and a 2, 3, 4, 5 and another 3 came up. Seeing a chance, she rerolled the second 3, landing it on a 1.
"Got a Miasma Path." She called.

Gon tried again and rolled his five dice, all of them winding up threes. What are the odds of that?
"I got a Triple Walkway." Gon replied as the rest of the players rolled.

The other players, being outdone by both Cyelle's and Gon's rolls, grumbled a bit. A couple of silver exchanged hands, in the favour of both Cyelle and Gon. Second round, Cyelle rolled again after flicking a silver piece on the table, ending up with three sixes and two two's after the second roll. "Massacre of Sixes" She proclaimed.

Gon rolled another silver piece onto the table as he rolled another five dice. That he and Cyelle were winning was good, but Cyelle was doing alot better then he was and was up a few more coins then him. He rolled his dice and they all came up ones and two. "Curbstomp Roll" He proclaimed, she had him beat.

However, Cyelle luck would not hold either. One rolled 3 sixes and 2 fives, proclaiming a Strike of Sixes, and another person got 5 fives, proclaiming a Walkway of Fives. Cyelle pouted her lips a bit in disappointment, but flipped another silver coin on the table nonetheless.
"Who wants to start this round?" she inquired.

One of the other players started and raised the bet to two silver a hand and rolled five fours and proclaimed they had a Rule of Four. Gon threw two silver into the pile and rolled, three threes, a one and a two. "A 1-2-3 Step." Gon declared, what rotten luck.

Cyelle, joining in, rolled 3 ones and 2 twos. "Single Folly." She announced, frowning. It seemed her luck left her as well for the time being. The other people on the table had similar or slightly higher results, but the differences weren't that great, limiting Cyelle's and Gon's losses.

The man with the Rule of Four won this roll, much to Cyelle and Gon's annoyance. After another hour, Cyelle and Gon had a bit more luck and were up a few dozen silvers each and two of the players had quit. One of them grumbling about losing to a Half-Orc and his lover (At this Gon had scoffed) and the other took defeat more gracefully. Now it was down to Gon, Cyelle and the one who had won with the Strike of Sixes before.

"You start, Cyelle." Gon said.

"Very well." Cyelle said. She flipped 8 silver on the table. "Let's finish this with a bang." She rolled the dice, rolling three fives, a one and a three. She rerolled the one and the three, getting two sixes out of it. Seems her luck had returned somewhat. "War of Sixes." She said, smiling.

Gon threw his 8 silver onto the table and rolled his five dice, getting three fours and two sixes. "Mighty Guard." Gon said as he watched the other player place eight silver in the pile, roll and get two fours, two sixes and a five. The other player looked up at Gon and Cyelle with a grin and said "4-5-6. No dirty tricks."

Beating out Cyelle results closely, the other player grabbed the money and make his way out of the HOST, whistling with a bag full of silver. Gon and Cyelle had still got some profit, but not as much as the man that had won the final round. Cyelle stretched her arms above her and said: "Well, guess we both ran out of luck as far as gambling concerned. 'Tis was good fun though."

"I was always better at poker. But I'm glad we did well, we got about 10-20 silver each. Least we won't starve right?" Gon replied as he rubbed his shoulders and got up.
"We should probably head back. Thanks for asking me to come along, it's been good to spend time with you, we haven't done it in awhile."
After saying this, he smiled. Her friendship meant alot to Gon, but he likely wouldn't admit it to her.

Cyelle got up herself, a small smile on her lips. "Indeed. It was great fun. And come on, starving isn't an issue to any of our little group after Jack's payment. Which reminds me, I should check if I have to do some shopping. I'll meet up with you at the Warrens in a small bit."

"It was a joke, Cyelle. You know, that thing where you say something that isn't serious and can be funny? You're a Bard and you don't know that?" Gon said with a smirk.
"And alright, I'll head back now. Thanks for the game."
And with that, the half-orc headed back to the inn on his own.

Cyelle grinned. "So was mine. Wait up, I'll walk with you some of the way back."
Cyelle walked with Gon to the street, walking with him half of the way before splitting up, waving him a cheerful goodbye.


Grey wandered into the tavern still playing with the coin he had been given by the drow.

Looking up he managed to spot Cyelle at the bar, looking as beautiful as ever. But there was the incident with the wall of fire and the whole knocking him out in two slaps.

Walking over he sat down next to her. "Nice day we are having isn't it?" He said, trying to act casual.

There was something she was hiding and he was going to figure it out.

Cyelle was enjoying a wine when Grey approached her. Giving him a suspicious glance (Grey? Casual? Whaaat?), she answered:
"Yes, indeed. Done some shopping and rummaging around."
"I see you've been shopping as well?" She asked, referring to the coin he was playing with.

Grey looked down at the coin sliding it into an inside pocket of his coat. "Yes, just some casual shopping you know. Nothing unusual."

"So, you were shopping as well. Go anywhere special, a potion store, a cooking store...a magic store?" He said obviously putting too much emphasis on the last choice.

Cyelle raised one of her eyebrows. "Well, yes. Just spending some of our hard earned money. Buying a new weapon, some potions.... Looking through some magic stuff. You know, the normal things magic users do." She looked at him for a moment, and evidently decided to continue. "I've been looking for somebody with the expertise to identify the strange flagon we found in the cultists sewer home. No success yet though."

Grey frowned she was good, oh she was good.

"Oh, I thought you would have easily had the skills to identify that object." He said trying to bait her. Not knowing that he was completely wrong about her.

"You know, what with that wall of fire spell you can cast." he said hinting at his train of thought.

Something sparkled in Cyelle eyes when she understood what he was getting at. This could be fun.
"Well, you know. When you have the power to conjure walls of flame, you kind of lose the feeling for finer, weaker magic. If I tried to identify that object, I would probably shatter it."

Grey eyes widened, (I knew it I knew she was stronger than she let on) he thought to himself.

"Ah, hmm yes well that's completely reasonable. If you have the item here, I'll identify it right away." He looked slightly nervous.

"Might I add you look lovely today." This line, while not unusual in itself, sounded much different today. Like instead of flirting almost as if he was sucking up to her.

Cyelle smiled her most gorgeous smile. "Thank you, Grey. Of course, the item is here." She took the flagon out of her pack and handed it to him. "No need to be nervous, Grey. We might have gotten off at the wrong foot, but I'm sure we can be good friends from now on." Cyelle's smile became more sincere. "You might be weird sometimes, but you're a trustworthy man."

"Ahh yes, wonderful", he said taking hold of the flagon. "Yes of course, I'm very trustworthy. Anything you need." he said before whispering something very quietly and very quickly. "Just don't blast me to smithereens.", before covering it with a cough. "Aheam, then.." he waved his hand over the flagon. "Kosrinisiiv", he said, casting identify in the draconic language.

Cyelle laughed softly. "Of course I wont, you silly sorcerer. I'm not going to hurt you with magic, be at ease." Cyelle smiled a small smile. "Or with slaps, for that matter. I am sorry about that. Old habits from travelling alone are hard to subdue."

Grey narrowed his eyes at her, she was pretty...But that didn't mean he would just believe her right off the bat. That and the whole being slapped unconscious thing was a bit hard to ignore. "Yeaah." he said sounding a little unconvinced.

"If anything, I'll refrain from it because Gon is an old friend. Would that make you feel better, Grey?" Cyelle teased.

Grey made a face like he was still determining if she was lying or not. "Well, the flask is just a simple Preserving flask...Useless for us" He said quickly changing the subject. He handed the item back to the bard. "Well, then..." He stood up off his stool "I should be leaving you to your business." (Better leave before she blasts me to bits) He thought to himself, not out loud this time.

Cyelle smiled amusedly. "Aw, but we were just having a good chat? Why not drink something with me? First Elven Blossomwine on me." No way she was going to let him go so easily, she was having too much fun with this.

Grey paused as he left. (Should i leave, no wait she might find that insulting and blast me.) "Why yes a glass would be lovely." he said trying to be polite as possible. He sat back down at the bar looking slightly nervous.

Cyelle suppressed her laughter and ordered another Elven Blossom Wine. "So, Grey. Any successful seductions today?" She said in a casual tone, taking a drink from her wine to stop herself from falling off her chair from chuckling.

Grey shot a look over at Cyelle (IT'S A TRAP) "What, no I haven't been flirting with anyone today. Certainly not..." He took a quick sip from his wine. (last time she caught me flirting she slapped me.) "Oh, I hear you tried to get Gon a girl. How did that go?" Greys said quickly trying to divert attention away from his lie.

"No flirting huh? Well that's new." Cyelle said. He seemed to be telling the truth. Then again, it WAS Grey. A big grin appeared on her face with the mention of getting Gon a girl. "Well, there was this pretty half-orc woman, you see. And I caught him starring at her big, perfect, round ..... tusks. So I used some magic to try and convince him silently to blend his subtlety and your womanizing. He didn't do it though. What a waste of pretty tusks that was."

"What a waste." Grey mumbled. He was not really into orcs or half orcs. So as such he would always try and hook Gon up. But Gon was to subin and only ever went at his own pace. He absently started to fondle the silver coin the drow woman had given him, not noticing he was doing it. "Yes..well, umm how did you learn such powerful magic?" He asked curious but scared she would take offense to his asking.

"Well, I've travelled for over a decade, all over the continent. You pick up a lot of stuff from everywhere. Fire magic from Savanah, Illusions from the Elven lands, so on. If you want to learn, I heavily suggest a good amount of travel in your life." Cyelle said sagely. She glanced at the coin Grey was fondling. "So, that's with that coin? Something special you got today?"

Grey frowned "Hmm, this I'm not sure yet...but it came with some great advice..."
He then raised an eyebrow "A decade...how old were you when you left?" He was curious, he had barely started his adventure and had been stuck in his home town until about two months ago.
He seemed to have for now forgotten his fear, he was very interested in all things to do with traveling and exploring.

Cyelle shrugged. "I was 13 when I left the caravan. Got to learn under a master bard, travelling around to everywhere, that sorta thing." She looked Grey in the eyes, now curious about that coin. "So what kind of advice did you get together with your gift?"

"Advice...i guess you could call it lifestyle advice." He shrugged like it didn't matter. Eager to get back to the conversation of traveling he tried to direct the bard back on track. "Traveling around must have been great fun, did you get to meet any kings or queens? Oh, oh have you been to the great capitol?" He asked, getting excited, still forgetting how much she intimidated him.

"Travelling is a wonderful thing indeed. I wouldn't live any other life." Cyelle raised an eyebrow. "Kings and queens? Nah, I'm good, but not yet THAT good, I'm afraid. I did meet a general once. Coincidentally in the Linorian capital." Cyelle smiled deviously. "I could tell you much much more, if you tell me more about that lifestyle advice you got. Who was the lucky advisor?"

Grey tsked: "Well, I was told the advice from that drow woman at Jack's. It's not very interesting, just like how I should live my life different." He said, not exactly lying.

"I've only ever seen my home town...well at least until I started my adventure with Gon...What's the capitol like?...Are there lots of shops, lots of pretty girls?" He said, letting a bit of his normal personality slip through.

Cyelle grinned. "I hope you have a chance with her, Grey, I really do. And don't forcefully change your life, 'Tis not worth it."
Cyelle thought for a minute, sifting through her memories. "Well, the capitol is big, far bigger than this city. A maze of stone and dirt. In the trading district you can find all sorts of good from all over the continent and even from beyond the vast oceans, if you search well enough. And pretty girls?"
Cyelle chuckled. "Well yeah. Lot's of girls and women there trying to get their fortune using their looks there. In a multitude of ways. I'm no expert on that subject, but it would be right in your ally I expect."

