View Full Version : Speculation Rogues: The Ultimate Non-Magical Medic

2015-12-21, 10:47 AM
So, I've been looking over the Rogue class, and they are pretty awesome as a Medic. For 1, they can get an auto-10 on their skill checks, which means they can auto-succeed on any Medicine Check needed to stabilize party members on the battlefield. Also, they can use the Healer's Kit as a Bonus Action if they are a Thief since Thieves can use objects as bonus actions.

Not to mention, even if they don't have the auto-10 power (either low-level or multiclassing), having Expertise in Medicine is also perfect, since you can typically have a +5 on first level (assuming a 12-13 Wisdom since everyone should have at least a +1 Wisdom mod for Will Saves and Perception/Insight)

2015-12-21, 10:58 AM
Works for me.

Plus it allows you to put the Sneak Attack feature in "I know where your arteries live" sort of terms.

2015-12-21, 11:08 AM
Never looked at a rogue like that before, cool idea!

2015-12-21, 02:59 PM
The DM might even let forcing a potion down someone's throat count as 'using an object'. Which, of course, creates new and exciting possibilities with Fast Hands.

2015-12-21, 03:05 PM
I ran a Vhuman Rogue (Thief)/ Sorcerer (Dragon) in this way. Super fun and I picked up the leader feat, healer feat, and martial adept Rally for the fun of it.

Ran around with invisibility healing people*.


Enemies were not people to my character... Sub people got the boom/shank.